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Today we’ll bring you all the announcements from Michael Noonan and Brendan Howlin, as well as crunching the numbers on what it means for everybody’s hip pockets.
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Is it an omen? It was a seriously icy start to Budget day 2016 this morning and temperatures aren’t expected to top 14 degrees as the day goes on. At least it’s unlikely to rain on the Noonan-Howlin parade…
It’s Peter Bodkin in the chair for the lead-up to today’s main game ahead of Michael Noonan taking centre stage at around 2pm.
We’ll be looking at what’s expected in this year’s Budget, bring you all the announcements as they come to hand and then pull apart the figures to work out what they mean to you.
13 Oct 2015
The customary drip-feed of Budget leaks has already given us the shape of what to expect in this year’s announcement. Here’s a quick recap of what we (think we) know so far:
The much-hated USC will be cut. Expect a reduction in the top 7% rate to at least 5.5% and 0.5% reductions in the 3.5% and 1% rates
A €5 increase in child benefit. That would bring it back up to €140, the same rate as it was when the government came to power in 2011
Further restoration of the Christmas Bonus. The Irish Times has reported this will be worth €168 for singles and €264 for couples
Cigarette excise increase. The price on a pack is expected to rise another 50c
Minimum wage hike. The base pay rate of €8.65 per hour is predicted to go up 50c in line with the Low Pay Commission’s recommendation
Income tax. Nothing firm on this, but it has been tipped the threshold for the top tax rate will be lifted from the current €33,800
So the tax on cigarettes is probably going up, as it does almost every Budget, and another excise increase on booze has been mooted. But what else would you stick a tax on?
Dublin radio station Spin 1038 has been inviting readers to come up with their own ideas and there are a few solid suggestions rolling in:
We couldn't find this Tweet
On budget day here are the #thingsidtax Flesh colour tights with a sheen, people who don't understand roundabouts, crappy hotel hairdryers
Our reporter Daragh Brophy is on the scene near Leinster House, where gardaí are already getting ready for some action on the streets later in the day.
We know the price of cigarettes is likely to jump a hefty 50c per pack after the Budget, but is the talk about tobacco taxes all smoke and mirrors?
Our Dan Mac Guilldelved into the facts behind the spin to find out how much difference tobacco taxes really make to smoking rates – and whether they actually bring in the promised cash for the government.
What would you do if you were Michael Noonan or Brendan Howlin and you found yourself with a spare €1.5 billion to play with? Besides lighting cigars with €100 bills, of course. That’s the question we asked our readers with Ignite Research’s People’s Budget.
Out of more than 5,000 respondents, the vast majority wanted the razor taken to income taxes and the cash to be splurged on the country’s creaking health system, as well as education. / Ignite Research / Ignite Research / Ignite Research
13 Oct 2015
There was a strong response when we asked what the one thing you wanted to see in today’s Budget. No prizes for guessing that USC and income taxes featured prominently, while others favoured better services over an extra fiver in their pocket.
They have me feeling like I’m getting a birthday card with a few quid in it today I DON’T WANT IT. Spend it on getting people off trollies, crime & homelessness. Withdraw legal aid for anyone who has used it twice. Reduce politicians salaries by 35% & let them pay the majority of their expenses just like the rest of us, we would then see who is in it to change the world.”
It’s being widely reported this morning that free GP care will be extended in the Budget to cover older children, although the upper age limit isn’t clear.
The Irish Times says the measure will cover all children under 12, while RTÉ claims free visits to the doctor will be limited to the under-11s.
Our political editor, Hugh O’Connell, reports that it’s strangely quiet around Leinster House as it approaches midday given “the day that’s in it”. The number of protesters on hand has swelled by 50% though in the past hour. Here’s the view from the front line:
The car park on the Kildare Street side is mostly empty, with TDs and Senators still travelling up from the country this morning. RTÉ has set up its outside broadcast facilities in the portico leading into LH2000, the newer part of the Oireachtas complex. Outside the gates, the barriers are up and the gardaí are stationed but there was a grand total of three protesters there when we passed it a short time ago.”
It looks like this year’s Budget is going to sit somewhere between an election-buying “splurge” and a “marginal giveaway”, based on a quick international whip around in advance of the announcement.
As the feelgood factor becomes more obvious and with an election due by the spring, there is arguably nothing the government needs to do as it prepares to go to the polls.”
Over at the Guardian, Henry McDonald writes that “prime minister” Enda Kenny’s government is “widely expected to introduce the first marginal giveaway budget since the crash”.
Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s Joe Brennan reports Noonan will “fire the starting gun in the nation’s election campaign as he unveils the biggest budget giveaway since the Celtic Tiger era ended”.
Premier Enda Kenny’s government has won kudos from German Chancellor Angela Merkel to President Barack Obama for leading the nation out of its worst recession on record, bringing the public finances under control and falling bond yields. With voters largely unimpressed, his coalition is set to further stoke the fastest-growing economy in the euro region even as Kenny promises prudence.”
Niall Carson / PA Archive
Niall Carson / PA Archive / PA Archive
Not much on the Twitter machine today from Ireland’s political leaders as the Budget storm clouds continue to gather. Even Sinn Féin’s social media-loving leader has been remarkably quiet since last night.
I hardly tweeted at all 2day. Just saying. Oiche mhaithxozzzzzxo
This in the comments from Frainc Ó Broin: “One extra bag of chips per year for me, a giveaway budget indeed!” But will it be Tayto or Hunky Dorys for you Frainc?
Leon Farrell /
Leon Farrell / /
Thanks to the pre-Budget leaks we already knew an increase in the minimum wage was on the way, but further confirmation coming in with a “signing ceremony/photocall” to be held after the speeches are all done.
Billion-euro increases to welfare, €1,000 payouts for children under 6 and a huge pledge to take minimum wage workers out of the tax net altogether. Sure, what could possibly go wrong?
More from Hugh O’Connell on the mood in Leinster House, where one cabinet minister claimed it was a “terrific” Budget:
They’ve got almost everything they asked for and they were visibly delighted that the government is at last in a position to deliver something back to taxpayers. There’s definitely an optimism among government members this year compared to the fraught budgets of previous years where backbenchers in particular have grappled with their conscience, some deciding to defy their party, others deciding to suck it up and vote with the government.”
Sam Boal /
Sam Boal / /
13 Oct 2015
A few more highlights of what we can expect in just over an hour, aside from the headline cuts to USC and increases to some welfare benefits:
Tax credits for the self-employed to narrow the premium they pay over PAYE workers
The even-lower corporate tax rate for the government’s knowledge-development box, aka patent box, to help lure companies to do research and development in Ireland
Free GP care for older children up to the age of either 11 or 12, depending on who you ask
A home-building package, including grants for developers who sell homes for below market value
In non-Budget news, former Anglo CEO David Drumm will face 33 charges including forgery and conspiracy to defraud if he’s successfully extradited from the US to Ireland. Here’s a copy of the arrest warrant, which describes him as a “fugitive from foreign country”.
Much of the commentary about today is how it will be a giveaway budget. And, it’s obviously harder to keep ‘good news’ under wraps while looking for votes.
All these leaks makes Budget Day a little less exciting for some, like Annie West above. It’s kind of like finding the Santa presents early, right? We don’t think there are any surprises left. Unless there is still a lump of coal hiding for us somewhere.
13 Oct 2015
The Irish Independent is reporting that the recruitment of 600 new gardaí will be announced later.
After a terrible weekend for the force, it was almost too soon for the GRA to focus on low garda numbers and rural station closures but that will most likely be a welcome piece of news for morale.
Another tidbit from Hugh O’Connell in Leinster House:
One mischievous Labour TD says the Budget is so good that his former colleague Colm Keaveney, now of Fianna Fáil, is planning to rejoin Labour. We doubt Keaveney would look at it that way.
Budget Day though is often easier than protest days, as general manager Paul Gallagher revealed:
Another day, there was a demonstration against the removal of horses from county council lands out on the northside. They all came in with their Piebald ponies and things and hooked them all up to the fence outside. Some of them got scared, and the fence disappeared.
He has even been pelted with eggs himself, he points out. “So it’s an interesting hotel. I was standing in front of a guy I didn’t realise was behind me. They weren’t aiming at me. You have to be careful who’s behind you in this world.”
And the latest from Leinster House, where the lads are looking THRILLED with themselves.
The Budget documentation has arrived in Leinster House ready to be distributed to TDs, Senators and, of course, us journalists. Outside our office is a Department of Finance official nervously guarding the documentation until he can distribute it as soon as Michael Noonan takes to his feet.
Before the business of the Budget gets underway, the Taoiseach is expressing his sympathies and extending his prayers to the Lynch and Connors families, particularly the two children orphaned in the catastrophic fire in Carrickmines on Saturday.
Enda Kenny also speaks of the heinous crime which saw Garda Tony Golden lose his life in the line of duty on Sunday evening in county Louth.
Tánaiste Joan Burton also calls the weekend “horrific and desperate”, adding that the events in Omeath and Carrickmines were even more tragic because of the backdrop of what should have been a celebratory weekend for Ireland, with reference to sporting events.
Following the Taoiseach’s words, Micheál Martin also mentions Garda Tony Golden’s GAA career with Stephenites in Ballina.
He commends him for his bravery and valour, noting that his last act was to help a vulnerable in the line of duty.
Gerry Adams also stands to pay his respects to the communities “numb with shock and disbelief” after the weekend’s events.
He names each of the victims of the Carrickmines fire and expressed condolences to the entire Traveller community.
“That solidarity has to be extended beyond rhetoric,” he adds, asking government to prioritise living accommodation for Travellers. He also mentions the homeless man who died in Dublin’s city centre on Sunday morning.
He also has strong words about the shooter, known dissident Adrian Mackin who also took his own life in the shooting incident.
Four years ago, so-called dissidents killed PSNI’s Ronan Kerr. His mother said we all need to stand up and be counted. We don’t want to go back to the dark days of fear and terror. She was right four years ago and she is right again today.
“These groups have nothing to offer society,” he added. “These people are the enemies of Republicanism and the peace process.”
However, there are some grumblings in the Chamber as the Sinn Féin president brings up the issue of alleged political policing among the PSNI and gardaí. He responds saying that these are questions for another day.
A minute’s silence is now underway in the Dáil as politicians rise to the feet to pay their respects to the 10 people who died in Carrickmines on Saturday and to Garda Tony Golden who was killed on Sunday.
13 Oct 2015
“May they rest in peace,” An Ceann Comhairle Seán Barrett concludes.
About 30 minutes later than scheduled, Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has been called…
And Finance Minister Michael Noonan is on his feet to begin the Budget speech, getting a bit literary with his references to the 1916 Rising as he talks up the economic recovery since the government took office.
Peter Bodkin back in the driver’s seat here from Sinéad O’Carroll to take you through the Budget paces.
13 Oct 2015
“Fastest-growing economy in Europe” – was that one on your Budget Bingo 2016 picks? Noonan got it out of the way early, setting out the Finance Department’s forecast of 4.3% economic growth in 2016.
“The economy has recovered all the output lost during the crisis,” the Finance Minister says, with an extra 43,000 jobs expected this year.
13 Oct 2015
Want to keep track of all the major Budget announcements in one place? Cianan Brennan is compiling the information you need almost as soon as it emerges from the ministers’ mouths.
Noonan says this Budget will include €750 million in “revenue relieving measures”, a cost partially offset by a single revenue-raising measure.
That would be the heralded 50c excise increase on a pack of 20 cigarettes, effective from midnight tonight. ”This is the only tax increase in this Budget,” Noonan adds.
Cigarette increase will be the only tax increase in #budget16, says Noonan. Your fizzy drinks are safe
And there’s the headline announcement, the expected cuts to USC.
The bottom rate of 1.5% will be reduced to 1%, the second rate from 3.5% to 3% and the next from 7% to 5.5%, while the bands at which they kick in will also be tweaked slightly.
Noonan said it was the first time since April 2009 the top marginal tax rate would be brought under 50% and it was expected some 700,000 income-earners would be outside the USC net altogether.
13 Oct 2015
The tweaks to the tax brackets will mean a single-income family on €35,000 will take home an extra €57 a month, while those working full-time on minimum wage will have an extra €708 per year.
The inheritance tax threshold will also be raised from €225,000 to €280,000.
So wins all around for families, minimum-wage workers… and people inheriting money.
13 Oct 2015
Noonan moves on to the tax perks for businesses, adding he has been consulting with the SME and startup sectors.
One will be a “new earned income tax credit” to the value of €550 for self-employed workers who didn’t have access to the PAYE tax credit and therefore paid significantly higher rates of tax.
“I see this measure as a first step and future steps will be made in future budgets as resources permit,” Noonan says, adding it would benefit small businesses, farmers and tradespeople.
Other business-friendly measures include a cut in the rate of Capital Gains Tax, down from 33% to 20% to a limit of €1 million on business assets that were sold.
The government is also extending three-year tax relief for startups for another three years until end of 2018, while the discount 9% VAT rate for the hospitality sector will also stay… for now.
Noonan notes the case for retaining the benefit in the booming Dublin hotel sector “is diminishing each year”.
Glad to see new rate of 20% CGT for businesses and the retention of 9% vat in tourism sector. #Budget16
Public Expenditure Minister Brendan Howlin on his feet now as Noonan departs to applause from his government stablemates – and jeers from the opposition benches.
"Would you ever stay quiet and cut out the comedian stuff," says the Ceann Comhairle to the Opposition TDs. #budget16
“The days of spending cuts are behind us,” Howlin says as he launches into the rhetoric, paying tribute to “the resilience of the Irish people”.
13 Oct 2015
Howlin launches into a spiel about the ”unnecessary and cruel” cut of €1 per hour to the minimum wage under the previous government.
That’s the lead-in for him to announce the introduction of the predicted 50c increase in the rate, as recommended by the Low Pay Commission. So from January 1, the minimum wage will stand at €9.15 per hour.
13 Oct 2015
So a bit of a recap as Howlin continues his spiel about the government’s spending plans. We had:
More spending plans from Howlin: 600 extra gardaí will be recruited next year, while €414 million will be allocated to social housing.
However the minister has raised a few eyebrows with his priorities, allocating €17 million to emergency accommodation for the homeless, compared to €50 million for “extensive range of events” to mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising.
That’s Peter signing off, for now. Sinéad O’Carroll taking over again as TDs on the Opposition benches get their chance to highlight what is wrong with today’s Budget.
McGrath continues… telling Brendan Howlin that his comments in relation to housing and accommodation were “nothing short of pathetic”.
In a speech highly critical of today’s “self-congratulatory” announcements, he says Ireland remains vulnerable because of the lack of stability in the global economy.
13 Oct 2015
As McGrath continues his criticism, let’s have a quick recap of the main points from today’s announcements:
There have been significant reductions in USC rates which will see workers – on average – earn an extra week’s wages per year.
A 50c increase in the price of a packet of cigarettes was the ONLY tax increase today. A 20-pack will now cost smokers a steep €10.50.
The minimum wage will increase by 50c to €9.15 per hour.
Child benefit increases by €5 from €135 to €140 per month.
Fathers will now get two weeks paternity leave.
Free childcare is to be made available for children from age 3 to 5 and a half.
A big one for self-employed workers: there is now an ‘Earned Income Tax Credit’ to the value of €550 for those who didn’t have access to the PAYE tax credit.
There are no changes to excise duty on alcohol.
The 9% VAT rate also remains unchanged.
NAMA will build 20,000 homes by 2020.
Money is being freed up to recruit and train 600 new gardaí.
That €5 charge on ATM cards will be scrapped – but replaced with a 12c ATM transaction charge. Debit card payments will carry no charges.
The Christmas Bonus will be increased. Jobseekers on €188 social welfare per week will receive an extra €141.
The old age pension has increased by €3 per week.
The home carer’s tax credit is to be increased by €190 to €1,000 bringing it back in line with pre-2011 levels.
Allocation for emergency accommodation of the homeless is to be increased by €17 million.
€50 million has been allocated to the 1916 commemorations.
Despite it being a so-called ‘giveaway’ budget, there is one group of people disappointed. Those under the age of 25 without jobs saw their social welfare cut during the recession. It currently stands at €100 per week and will not be changed in Budget 2016.
The National Youth Council of Ireland says its proposals would have ”supported young people on live register to move into education, training and work experience”.
We are very disappointed with the budget for the 40,000 young jobseekers-no movement at all to reverse savage cuts #budget16
Fianna Fáil’s Seán Fleming says that the government is mismanaging the State’s income because it always has extra money in the last two months of the year.
He also asks if today’s extra expenditure is a way to “buy the general election”?
Then, inevitably, he begins to crunch the homeless numbers. He says that it was quite the achievement that Fianna Fáil turned a housing surplus to a housing shortage.
Sinn Féin’s Pearse Doherty now takes to his feet – it’s his turn to rip into the announcements made today.
“Along comes the boom, then followed by the bust,” he says, telling the government that its plans are not sustainable.
The Taoiseach is still facing him, but nobody else from Cabinet.
13 Oct 2015
We should have included the 1916 heroes in our Budget Bingo. Doherty is not the first to ask if the men and women from the Easter Rising would be happy with what they see in Ireland today.
Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald takes the stand now – and sticks to the party line that Fine Gael has a friend in the Tories in the UK and Angela Merkel in Germany.
A joint press release – Department of Health giving equal credit to Fine Gael’s Leo Varadkar and Labour’s Kathleen Lynch for “securing substantial increase in health budget”.
We’re already getting some international coverage – but it’s not positive. A headline on the New York Times today:
In their story, Douglas Dalby and Mark Scott write:
The Irish government, long criticized by other European countries and the United States for its friendly tax treatment of multinational giants like Apple and Google, on Tuesday announced a move that seemed likely to further incense its critics.
Ruth Coppinger calls the speaking time situation “ridiculous” as she tries to finish a sentence but the Ceann Comhairle insists she sit down and not to be selfish.
So as they mutter to themselves, Paul Murphy takes the stand to call today’s Budget Fine Gael’s fifth regressive budget.
For the average worker, he said, their extra €5 will go to pay their water charges (if they pay them).
Clare Daly says today is an example of the disconnect between Leinster House and reality. She adds that it is an exercise in robbing from Peter to pay Paul.
“They thought you represented a different Ireland but you’ve turned out to be the same,” she told Labour and Fine Gael.
“I am astounded at the unreality at what we are presented with today. There are few people who remember 1977. Fianna Fáil bought themselves back into government… this is exactly what is happening again,” Shane Ross begins his five minutes.
This is the beginning of the next artificial boom, tailored to various interest groups.
Mick Wallace sounds totally put out about the plan for Nama – the bad bank – to turn developer and build 20,000 housing units.
He pleads with the government to build social housing, saying that the private sector cannot solve the problem. Especially considering that private developers cannot compete with Nama or US vulture funds.
Before we take our leave… here’s another quick recap of what went down today. You decide: foolish, giveaway budget or
There have been significant reductions in USC rates which will see workers – on average – earn an extra week’s wages per year.
A 50c increase in the price of a packet of cigarettes was the ONLY tax increase today. A 20-pack will now cost smokers a steep €10.50.
The minimum wage will increase by 50c to €9.15 per hour.
Child benefit increases by €5 from €135 to €140 per month.
Fathers will now get two weeks paternity leave.
Free childcare is to be made available for children from age 3 to 5 and a half.
A big one for self-employed workers: there is now an ‘Earned Income Tax Credit’ to the value of €550 for those who didn’t have access to the PAYE tax credit.
There are no changes to excise duty on alcohol.
The 9% VAT rate also remains unchanged.
NAMA will build 20,000 homes by 2020.
Money is being freed up to recruit and train 600 new gardaí.
That €5 charge on ATM cards will be scrapped – but replaced with a12c ATM transaction charge. Debit card payments will carry no charges.
The Christmas Bonus will be increased. Jobseekers on €188 social welfare per week will receive an extra €141.
The old age pension has increased by €3 per week.
The home carer’s tax credit is to be increased by €190 to €1,000 bringing it back in line with pre-2011 levels.
Allocation for emergency accommodation of the homeless is to be increased by €17 million.
€50 million has been allocated to the 1916 commemorations.
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Match and combine data from other data sources 72 partners can use this feature
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Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Link different devices 53 partners can use this feature
Always Active
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically 88 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
Save and communicate privacy choices 69 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
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