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budget 2025

Free school books to be extended to Leaving Cert, as Harris says budget to target education costs

Taoiseach says the cost-of-living crisis hasn’t gone away.

EDUCATION AND BUSINESS costs are to be targeted in this year’s budget, Taoiseach Simon Harris has confirmed. 

Speaking to reporters in Dublin today, he said: “The cost-of-living crisis hasn’t gone away.”

Harris said he is very proud that the government has taken a number of steps to try and help with the cost of education such as free school books, the extension of the hot school meals scheme, the reduction in college fees and extended parental leave.

However, he said: “I want to do more in that space.”

Free school books scheme

His comments come as Tánaiste Micheál Martin told the Dáil today that he envisages the free school books scheme will be extended to Leaving Cert students in the upcoming budget. 

The Taoiseach said there are still too many children in Ireland who live in poverty.

“I do want that to be a priority for the budget,” he said. 

Harris added there was likely to be a range of business supports in the budget. 

“I have met many small businesses and I know that their cost base is really high and it’s putting them under pressure. People are working extremely hard and they’re the backbone of towns and villages and communities, they need assistance.

“So too does the farming community, I think we need to listen to them on issues around succession. So there will be a range of areas where we will seek to make priority and to make progress,” he added. 

“The cost of living is still a very real and pressing issue around the kitchen table, on the farm and on the shop floor as well,” said Harris. 

Last night at the Fine Gael parliamentary party meeting Harris said: “I have heard the many calls from anonymous sources about an early election and we need to push back hard on that.”

“I want you to know it is my absolute priority to deliver the Budget. When elected leader, when I campaigned across the country, I promised to deliver for people,” he told TDs and senators. 

“I have said I want to make Ireland the best small country to be a child. That will be my motivation as Taoiseach.

“That is why we must deliver a Budget that delivers for every single child and their family in this country. That will mean reducing the cost of childcare, school and college. It will mean giving families the cushion they need to help with the cost of raising their kids,” he told his party members. 

October budget 

Harris confirmed today that he expects the budget to be held in October. 

While it is only June, budget kites have already been flown, with Finance Minister Michael McGrath already confirming that there will be a substantial tax package announced in the upcoming budget. 

Tánaiste Micheál Martin has also said he wants a €10 increase to child benefit payments.

Asked today whether the change in leadership within the Green Party is a destabilising factor for this government, Harris said no.

“I don’t think it’s a moment of instability because the programme for government is a programme between three parties, and not personalities, not individuals… I believe that things will continue in terms of delivering for the people and I look forward to working with whoever the new leader of the Green Party is,” said Harris. 

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