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A MAYOR ON the French island of Corsica today became the third nationwide to announce a ban on burkinis, following weekend clashes allegedly sparked by a row over the full-body Islamic swimsuit.
The announcement by the mayor of the village of Sisco follows similar prohibitions in the Riviera towns of Cannes and Villeneuve-Loubet, which have also controversially banned the garment from their beaches in recent weeks.
Sisco’s Socialist mayor Ange-Pierre Vivoni said he aimed to “protect the population” after clashes Saturday in a cove outside his village in the north of the Mediterranean island that left five people injured.
Around 100 police were deployed to break up the fight between locals and families of North African origin that reportedly began over tourists taking pictures of women swimming in burkinis.
Three cars were set alight after the rivals, some of whom were armed with hatchets, hurled stones and bottles. Five people were hospitalised.
Vivoni told AFP in a telephone interview his decision to ban the burkini was “not against the Muslim religion but to avoid the spread of fundamentalism.”
I am absolutely not racist. I want to protect the population, notably my area’s Muslim population because I think that they are the main victims of these extremist provocations.
The move comes at a highly sensitive time for relations with France’s Muslim community following a series of jihadist attacks, mostly by young French acolytes of the Islamic State group.
Prosecutors in nearby Bastia said an inquiry had been opened to determine the cause of the weekend violence.
Vivoni said tensions over religion had been building in northern Corsica for a while.
There were tense scenes yesterday as around 500 nationalists gathered in the northeastern town of Bastia, seeking to enter the Lupino district which is home to a large North African community.
He is their bogey man, Sea. Along with Atlantic Philanthropies once they can point to them and say “look, this isn’t what real Irish people want, these outsiders are influencing them” they can happily convince themselves that their backward bead-rattling views are what we all actually believe is right.
Hahahah!! But Rome trying to influence our political decisions is perfectly ok. Oh and also right-wing Americans financing the ‘No’ camp in the SSM ref. We’re just going to sweep all that under the carpet? How Catholic.
How about no foreign bodies interfering in Irish democracy and constitutional affairs? Wasn’t Soros supported Clinton and her campaign just whinging about potential Russian interference in American democracy? I see Soros doesn’t practice what he and his candidate preach.
“Foreign money flowing in to Ireland to interference with issues surrounding our constitution? Are you OK with this?”
So let me get this straight, Sam…
Amnesty International, Atlantic Philanthropies etc. all open about the funding they receive, all audited, all spent in accordance with the law = A MASSIVE PROBLEM
Ten a penny bead rattling pro-life (borderline hate) groups being funded by right wing christian extremist groups from the southern US = GRAND
Phil did you miss my comment above saying how about no foreign interference in our constitutional affairs? Where did I say I am OK with evangelical Americans interfering? I didn’t because I don’t agree with that just as I don’t agree with George Soros or Chuck Feeney meddling with our democratic process.
Can I just say if this is a completely pro choice abortion then fair play to them making that choice to travel. I’m more concerned about the women facing fatal-foetal abnormalities and making sure they get the physical and psychological support they need.
Sam, our constitution is adapted from the British and has a Vatican twist. Should we just scrap the whole thing so? Also, since when are people not allowed to fund causes they believe in abroad? Guess we shouldn’t have sent all that money and those priests to Africa
I seem to remember an awful lot of money flowing in this direction when it came to the San referendum? But was that all ok because it was flowing into the coffers of the “right” institutions? But now that the money is flowing the other way all the rosary rattlers are out in force shouting FOUL? Well what was sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander or the other way around in this case so just suck it up with your sour grapes.
How dare you?! You have no right to judge a woman and her choices! What planet do you come from that you think it’s ok for a “man”, I use this term loosely, to judge a woman on her choices?? You have no idea of her circumstances! Wishing suffering on someone is even worse again!
How do I arrange to go for pints with my friends without my phone? Carrier pigeon? Anyway, do ypu have anything to say about the issues in the article or are you just here to fail at insulting people?
Why would Kenny reply? He will never have an unwanted/non-viable pregnancy, he will never have to find thousands of euros for a medical procedure, he will never have to make that horrible journey for the procedure that should be legal here. Why would Kenny reply?
Max, you didn’t tell me to get off the Internet, you told me to get away from my phone. Still nothing to say on the actual topic? Just petty attempts at insults again
No woman wants to have an abortion but at times they are making the best choice for them. Not all ‘Pro Life’ are religious nuts, Pro Choice aren’t Baby Killers. People this a very emotive topic , stop the childish name calling as it distracts from the issue. I have no doubt that this is the hardest journey this woman, will ever make, she will be taking no joy in these tweets, she is highlighting that woman do not have access to safe abortions in Ireland. Sad day but brave women
people are being fooled into thinking that voting to repeal the 8th is compassionate. Hearts behind their slogan and all sorts of “It’s my body and I should have a choice” jargon. I love women, they surpass men in so many ways. This is different though. This is not an individual decision, this argument will dictate the state of humanity in Ireland going into the future. Pro-abortionists never discuss the actual heart beat of the “group of cells” they wish to kill. And the argument that abortion is carried out everywhere else and we are behind the times doesn’t wash either. Just because it is allowed elsewhere doesn’t make it right.
Right… heartbeats. Let’s talk about them. Why you think there’s some intrinsic value to a heartbeat that goes beyond its function of pumping oxygen around a body. I’m happy to discuss this with you as a “pro-abortionist” but be warned now, “a heart eat is special” does not an argument make.
Can I kill you? Is your life worthless since it currently serves no purpose? Contraception is widely available to deal with this at the start, up to 48 hrs from conception, use it and stop annoying the rest of us
It would be great if people stayed on topic and not rant about their selfish anti abortion rubbish. These women are making a very valid point in an innovative way. They are not just highlighting that is not exclusively cattle and software we export but our problems when it comes to it. On so many levels they are also highlighting the gormless excuse for a leader we have running the country, we knew how bad he was but he has raised the bar on incompence since he weaseled his way back for a second term. The so and so has his head way down even during a crisis marring our participation in The Olympics, you can bet had we avoided such scandal and won just one gold medal he would have been all over the news but no he is in hiding. No doubt on the say so of his advisors, sipping tea chosen by his advisors, and stirred as many times as his advisors recommend. These brave women are brilliant in letting Enda know that he soon will have no place to hide. Those of you who fly the anti abortion flag really should be ashamed of what you want to put our sisters through. Women will not be dragged off the street to have their babies yanked out against their will, people just want a choice not to have to travel so you will not save one single life with your propaganda.
Titus, reconsider what? You already want to euthanise sentient life because you assume you are superior to it. You aren’t, you are just in a more powerful position. Contraception is widely available for everything short of rape(though the 48 hr pill is there for that). I fully agree that abortion should be available for mothers health, cases of rape and unviable embryos.
A great call “It would be great if people stayed on topic….” but then fell apart with “…..and not rant about their selfish anti abortion rubbish” end of debate.
But of course – the gormless leader as you call him Jho – it is not his decision. Whatever you think of him. A referendum to resolve the unintended consequences of the 8th – would this be a simple passable first step? I don’t believe the tweeters have said if this is a case of fatal or not?
No, this is stupid and tedious as hell. There are literally at least 5 good reasons of the top of my head I can think of (excluding the fact that sentient beings are aborted in the VAST majority of cases, they are not, so you’re either trying to bluff me or you’re dumb) why saying “take a contraceptive pill” is just ill informed and myopic and I’m not engaging with that because a Google search, a simple Google search, would satisfactorily answer your question. And as a matter of fact, if you care so much about life, why is the foetus from a rape OK to abort, but not anything else? Are they physiologically different?
If you can’t see the difference between rape or normal pregnancy then you are more lost than I thought. I guess you are referring to effectiveness then check the effectiveness of multiple forms at the same time.
Oh shut up. You haven’t even answered anything. I’m talking about LOTS more than effectiveness actually. Again, if you’d bother research the point you’d see what those are. You’re on about heartbeats. If you’re arguing that in any kind of sense the heart of a rapists baby and that of a wanted baby are different then you’re deficient. They’re the same. I’m not the one talking about heartbeats, so it matters not to me but since you are and suggesting it’s some how relevant it’s YOUR job to articulate how, if a heartbeat is inherently important, then why is the same heartbeat different in two different foetuses.
Oh sorry, it was the other idiot. Point still stands though. Why is the life of a rapists foetus worth less than that of a non rapists foetus? Life is either sacred and abortion is wrong or it isn’t… simple as.
My argument isn’t with life being sacred. My argument is that there are an endless supply of contraceptive choices available, if a man and woman can’t manage to use them then that’s their fault. Though can’t ask a rapist if he minds putting a condom on 1st
Titus The difference between rape and a normal pregnancy is a violent crime has been committed. In this case the woman has been wronged and should not have to bear a pregnancy to a child that has the same genetics as a rapist. But convenience abortion should not be allowed. People need to start taking personal responsibility for their actions. This lady travelling to England just publicized the destruction of her baby’s life and acted like she was the victim because she had to get on a cheap flight. The UN and James Corden will claim we’re denying her her human rights when in reality our humanity relies on our willingness to protect increasingly vulnerable human life. The 8th will fall in Ireland soon, so you’ll get your way in the end.
All abortions are “convenience abortions” whether the woman or girl has been raped by a family member, partner or stranger, has a FFA diagnosis or she’s just not ready or able to be pregnant.
I’m sorry but factually, even if used correctly contraception is not 100% effective. And not everyone has food enough sex education to know how to use it properly or access the particularly effective options. And I do not for one second advocate women taking extra birth control. “Women of any age should avoid combination hormonal birth control if they have a history of uncontrolled high blood pressure, chest pain, diabetes, severe headaches, heart or liver disease, blood clots or stroke. Cardiovascular risks increase with age, weight, family history of heart disease, and number of cigarettes smoked per day (>15)” which encapsulates an awful lot of women. And stop acting as if abortions are the new birth control. The assertion that they aren’t typically a last resort is so beyond stupid.
Gone Feishin,
you do realise that most accidental pregnancies are not realised until at least a few weeks in when it’s too late to take emergency contraception? For a number of reasons, from their contraception (pill or other) failing, maybe because they had other health issues which reduced it’s effectiveness, or whatever,.. Do you think that if a woman does not want, and cannot afford to support a child, she should be forced to carry and give birth to it and hand it over to the state or a stranger? And what if she cannot afford the health care during the pregnancy, nor afford to take a few months out of her career or studies, or she does not want to put her health and life at risk? and these are just the common standard reasons for needing a termination, there are much more serious reasons, such as cultural, religious or family/partner reasons that she would be treated very bad or be in danger if she carried through with the pregnancy. What if she has some genetic defect which she does not want to make a child ever suffer through?
But no she should sacrifice all of these things and her life for 9 months to carry and give away a child she did not want.. and how will that affect her mental and physical well-being, and that of the child who is left to the dysfunctional system.
I am not saying that adoption isn’t right for some people. But nobody can tell somebody to just continue with the pregnancy and give the child up for adoption, knowing what we know about that system and all the implications of that act.
Seriously your comment is so disgusting, I have friends that have had no other choice then to travel as there baby has been so deformed and would not live.
Explain this to me … Why should a woman have to go through nine months with an unwanted pregnancy & go through all of the risks that a pregnancy entails ? Risks, like death..
Pro-lifers stop giving a shit after birth. Then they’ll happily chastise the single mother on social welfare. Well worth pointing out that there is a direct link between abortion being legal and a fall in crime rates 18 years later
I never said contraception was 100% effective, but if you get pregnant that’s the hand you’ve been dealt. Deal with it. If they do go ahead and have the child, after loving the child for a few years, the thought you wanted to abort him/her should disgust you.
Jinxy I am laughing out loud at you telling a woman to ‘deal with it’ with her unwanted pregnancy ..If she wants to terminate her pregnancy ,then the earlier that she does it the better ..It has 100% nothing to do with you ..Funny guy..
Pro abortionists never consider the fact that they may not exist if the 8th didn’t exist in this country. I’m not disgusted at my own comment and nothing a pro abortionist could say would make me change my mind. Respect human life. It’s our most valuable resource
It is not Abortion that causes the gap between Pro-Life and Pro-Choice, the gap is caused by the Lack of actual Compassion as given to each other by both groups. So a pregnant woman cannot bring herself to give birth to a baby for a multitude of reasons and decides of her own free will to have an abortion, but where will she get the after care ? Not in her own Home Country, she becomes an alien. She has to leave Mother Ireland and go to another country for assistance. Isn’t that Mother Ireland abandoning one of her children and when you look at the statistics how many did Mother Ireland throw to the Wolves, ? ?
Thousands ! It’s time we looked after our own honestly, fairly and without any prejudice. Pro-Help thy neighbour would make a nice change to ALL.
It’s worse than that, no comment from our leader AND no comment from our opposition leader. Neither of them want to go near anything which could upset their core grey vote. Leaders who are afraid to lead, only in Ireland.
Endangered Kenny and Michael Martin are not leaders, they simply surf the wave of public opinion. They are interested in authority which is totally different to leadership but very often confused with it. These two women are leaders.
I’m sorry but am I missing the part where my emotional heart strings are meant to be pulled here? These women are in fine health and so is there foetus? And no comment from the father? This actually worries me more than anything!
One side: two women blogging about their day travelling to the UK to get an abortion. The other side: a live blog that is literally the countdown of that child’s life. Chilling
nah james, alot of woman are abandoned usually after a crisis pregnancy, abortion only affects a small number of poor women. no man should tell a poor woman she has to stay pregnant, it’s called bodily autonomy.
Rosie, I agree with you. I support a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy for whatever reason but live-tweeting the details of the abortion? This is not acceptable to me as I feel that it should be a private matter for the woman involved only, not out in public for us to read.
Dave › World › Abortion
Remember what the headline on that article says.” My baby in a box” , after the lady went to England and aborted her unborn baby
Oh so miscarrying is fine, Suzie, those women deserve support, but you object to women opting not to have to go through the process of giving birth to babied with fatal foetal abnormalities?
Suzie, should the gardai be alerted for miscarriages? Also, never even dare to assume you know my personal circumstances. Understanding how pregnancy works and understanding the devastating loss that is a miscarriage are not mutually exclusive.
Con, if you want me to read an article you should probably provide a link to it rather than a link to a newspapers homepage with no mention of the headline you’re talking about on it. Just shows how people are on this issue. They supported you without even reading it
Phil, you are assuming a lot there .. I never objected to the woman having an abortion.. I object to her live tweeting about it . It’s not highlighting a thing .she’s just tweeting about her day travelling to England for an abortion .
“Phil, you are assuming a lot there .. I never objected to the woman having an abortion.. I object to her live tweeting about it . It’s not highlighting a thing .she’s just tweeting about her day travelling to England for an abortion .”
That’s the point, she wasn’t live tweeting her abortion, as you claim she was and object to. SHE WAS LIVE TWEETING ABOUT HAVING TO TRAVEL TO LONDON TO HAVE HER ABORTION.
If she could have had a safe and legal abortion in Ireland she wouldn’t have had to travel.
This whole tweeting thing is pathetic! If they have healthy babies in them then they should do this privately as it says nothing to me that requires me to “feel bad” for them. Not the society I want where we somehow celebrate abortions.
well james, an anon woman wrote for the journal, look it up, she said everyone in ireland let her down by making her and her partner go to england for a abortion for her baby that was already going to meet a bad end, you can guess what the pro “life” comments were. This all need to be in the public…… Its a condemnation not a celebration.
I’m not letting anyone down if it’s their choice. Who we are actually letting down is the cases of fatal-foetal who wanted their child and face horrible prospects. Maybe these women can enjoy the freedom of some shopping while they have the freedom of their abortion.
Suzie, you assumed I’d be useless to a woman that had miscarried (a term I hate as it implies blame on the woman) based on my understanding that a foetus and a baby are different. You don’t call a caterpillar a butterfly, you could however call it a possible future butterfly
I agree he’s a cabbage, but there are more important things than some trollop who decides to timeline her whole experience of travelling to UK like she’s on holidays!
John you are right she shouldn’t have to tweet this but in Ireland a woman’s body is not private. It is obligated by law to carry a foetus to natural conclusion. Imagine a law like that on your body? This should be a private medical procedure in her own country and nobody else’s business but it’s not. For shame.
For those on here saying these women are oversharing.. This is abortion Irish style and they are doing a great job highlighting what 12 Irish women have to go through every day… If abortion was free, safe and legal here these 2 women wouldn’t be live tweeting their experience. Wise up… I have a 12 year old daughter and hope that the 8th is repealed soon so she never has to go through a similar experience…
I don’t think she is oversharing … we know nothing of her circumstances.
It could be her 4th such trip in the last year, it could be a deliberate conception specifically for this protest, it could be she is a victim of criminal violent abuse, she might be getting revenge on a boyfriend who abandoned her, maybe it is a same sex partnership and they’ve changed their mind after artificial insemination, it could be the baby is fatally compromised , it could be that having a baby just doesn’t suit her career right now and she’d prefer to start a family some other time or she doesn’t feel like being a mother. There are an infinity of possible reasons.
One thing makes sense though: she should not share her circumstances as that would just divert attention from the issue she is highlighting. And it is an issue that should be highlighted. The State should not enforce it’s assumed ‘morality’ on individuals. This is first and foremost a health issue to be decided by the individual.
You really have high hopes for your daughter don’t you? Expecting her to be irresponsible and have unprotected sex and then get pregnant and instead of encouraging her to be responsible and keep the baby you want her to take the cowards way out and kill her baby. You are one lousy parent. I feel sorry for your daughter.
Why do we feel sorry for women who have no choice when clearly, as these women are demonstrating, have no barriers to abortion at all. I want abortion for fatal foetal but these women can head off to England for all I care.
what if her daughter, god forbid was sexually assaulted? What if her form of contraception failed? what if like many young Irish women who do not want children are constantly denied sterilization in case ‘they change they’re mind’ being told by a doctor that they do not know what they want and what to do with they’re bodies and something happened with her contraception that lead to pregnancy?
Not every conception is created by irresponsibility and unprotected sex….are you aware of that?
And the 8th needs to be amended to allow for fatal foetal instances. For the rest – a bit of personal responsibility please. You know when you at risk – yea ?
Lavbeer – contraceptives can fail if a woman has a dose of diarrhea for 24 hours -imagine that ,eh ?Tsk ! Tsk! Don’t like abortion,don’t have one. Simples.
It takes a special kind of twisted to broadcast something like that to the world. An abortion is not something to be proud of and certainly not something to publicise on social media.
She should be concentrating on what she’s about to do instead of live tweeting .. she’s not highlighting anything at all ..she’s just tweeting about her trip over to have an abortion ..
@Sam Hunt. So you support Irish women having no autonomy over their body and being dictated to by men in power, yet you are so concerned over the plight of Muslim women. I’m curious why you think that Muslim women are more deserving of equality and bodily agency than Irish women. Banning abortion goes against the grain of Western values – in fact it could be said to be anti Western.
Even Islam doesn’t see abortion up to 4 months as an offence
One man who can’t and won’t ever be in the same position as this lady, doesn’t know her circumstances and has no idea what life this unborn being may be subjected to and is in no position to offer assistance passes a passive aggressive remark online… Change the record!
So because I’m a man I can’t have empathy for someone’s life, this life that within 48 will be over. Please cop on Red.
It seems the best many pro choice supporters can disregard my distain and disgust at abortion is because of gender, you need to look into the mirror when you ask me to change the record.
At least I’m not hiding behind some anonymous gender neutral account.
I use an anonymous account for the journal because there are too many oddballs that track people down online-FYI. I’m a 28yr old mother who would not choose to have an abortion unless in extreme circumstances like abuse etc. But I have empathy for mothers who are made to continue 9months through a pregnancy of a foetus they are told will not live and a number of different situations. People are condemned for having children in terrible situations and also condemned for choosing not to bring a child into bad circumstances. If I was 3 months pregnant, and the doctors told me my child had no chance of survival, I wouldn’t carry on for the 9 months and deliver a still birth, that would be horrific and I would like to have to travel to England because my country makes me feel like a murderer. Not all abortions are a case of carelessness so maybe you should have more empathy for the mothers too.
your digest and distain that stems from a certain church just is just that, yours. Stop forcing it on you don’t know women. No empathy for a rape victim them?
woman are getting abortions anyways, just the set up is hypocritical, “I’m going to canada on holidays, they kill babies, I know that but that’s nothing to do with me because WE don’t do that where I live…logic” “non irish BABIES lives don’t matter unless they live in a poor country we can force our churn morality on….”
won’t you think of what it might mean for a child to be unwanted? The mother is forced by law to carry on with a pregnancy she doesn’t want and then to bring up a child she never wanted? Is that the basis for a good relationship?
And if the child is given up for adoption s/he may well always wonder about the biological family, quiz the mother’s motivations, maybe even try to find the biological mother and risk disrupting whatever new life or families she has managed to create.
The hypocrisy of pro lifers who put up gory doctored posters all over the place, complaining about these women over sharing, when they are talking about their actual experience.
do you not think the ‘reach’ is significantly different Dell? A live tweet that has global reach instantly as opposed to discommoding a few pedestrians with a few posters on O’Connell street?
Saoirse, there are also countless doctored YouTube videos and cora sherlock has a very active twitter account amongst many other pro lifers. Also a few posters on o connell Street? Do you have any idea what these loons say and do when you say no to signing the petition shoved in your face? also what’s the problem with the rest of the world knowing the reality that these women are living? And thousands of other Irish women for that matter?
“Maybe I missed the tweet where she went around the back of the clinic and stuck her iPhone in the bins for a shocking shot.”
She mentioned posters not bins. Re read her message.
“She mentioned posters not bins. Re read her message.”
And where do you think these gore obsessed “pro-lifers” get the gory images for their posters?
Dell did mention that in the comment you replied to:
“The hypocrisy of pro lifers who put up gory doctored posters all over the place, complaining about these women over sharing, when they are talking about their actual experience.”
Joey, perhaps the pregnancy is unviable? Perhaps there are other issues that you are not aware of. Maybe the individual is not a Roman Catholic and does not share your belief in when life starts.
But all of that aside the individual should live exactly by someone else’s religious dogma
Guess they had to find dollars somewhere given that Atlantic Philanthropies are shutting down its manipulation of Ireland’s democratic process.
But George Soros?
Seems like Colm ‘O’Gorman’s Amnesty would climb into bed with the devil for a few bucks.
Appalling behaviour.
Absolutely appalling.
Why am I not surprised?
How about no foreign bodies interfering in Irish democracy and constitutional affairs? Wasn’t Soros supported Clinton and her campaign just whinging about potential Russian interference in American democracy? I see Soros doesn’t practice what he preaches.
@Joey totally agree. This is way off the scale of the macabre. This will have the opposite effect that was intended. It will austracise them rather than endear them to the general public.
Now both Breda and David have denied Iona receive US donations in their weekly propaganda pieces on the times and Independent and on Prime time, Vinecent brown and other to broadcasts
So Sam, you have a problem with Soros “interfering” with Irish democracy, are you now going to condem, self appointed, religious zealots funded bye US donations. A group that refuses to declare public account or abide bye political standards, yet appoints itself as a political think tank!
okay so your a churched, all the better, these girls mayn’t be catholic, people at the journal mayn’t be catholic, so this non church agenda will prevail like it always does, keep that religious filth from sane people, thank you.
What is “a churched”?
Your post is like it was written by a 13 year old.
When you refer to the Catholic Church you use ‘Church’ not ‘church’.
It’s always fascinating to see how many people promote equal rights but not if you’re Catholic.
Get your mam to explain that to you.
what rights are you missing as a catholic man Dan?
Churched as in brainwashed, my native country is not animist anymore thanks to religious people, will you take to me about these people’s right to not be sold lies? THESE LIES KILL.
want a capital g for god too? you’ll be waiting fool :)
Teena. Who is talking about a church and “religious filth from sane people” In the last ten days I have seen Catholics like Usain Bolt, Katie Ledecky and Simone Biles all believing Catholics winning a bag full of gold medals and are you calling those people insane. You will be going back to school in a few weeks time so enjoy the rest of you holidays
the things your church cult thing things about gay people, I’m guess you agree and voted no to SSM right? you agree with the evangelicals making homosexuality illegal in places like nigeria and ghana, let’s say ireland as a nation has trade with those countries, you don’t disagree with that right? Your lot are dangerous and I am so happy the churches are finding it hard to keep the live, check out how many ideologies they have had to discard to keep up with modern society, remember purgatory? gone, souls? and the ulti gem, “aids is bad but not as bad as condoms’ said the man in the dress with thought child rape was a crime god can forgive you for and had to “step down” when british legal law was going to show him who is actually in charge in this world and have him arrested for being an accomplice in the rape murder and torture of children and adults, people not god.
Con, are you saying God won them their medals? And that if I believed in God I would have won medals? Nothing to do with the hours of hard work and dedication to their craft, it was the prayers before bed that did it.
@teen (good choice of name) – we note you are the one who becomes abusive which is always indicative of a loser in a debate.
As you can’t debate like an adult (as you aren’t one) or write properly it’s hard to continue with you.
If you formulate an objective argument please reply otherwise please go back to your mind numbing computer games.
Dan, being abusive while stating that being abusive is always indicative of a loser in a debate may not be the right path to go down. Also abusing someone for whom English may not be their first language is a pathetic tactic.
Teena. I voted for ssm in the referendum and I canvassed for ssm
Now Teena could you explain this passage in English please. I know you are only twelve years of age but you should be better than that.
“aids is bad but not as bad as condoms’ said the man in the dress with thought child rape was a crime god can forgive you for and had to “step down” when british legal law was going to show him who is actually in charge in this world and have him arrested for being an accomplice in the rape murder and torture of children and adults,
Teena. I think I have hit the nail on the head saying that you are Irish and all you can do is call me names. I have found you out bluffing that you are from a foreign country.
Ah Con, yer a gas man! And there was me thinking these athletes won because they ran faster than the others, not because of some pleas they mumbled to an invisible something or other. LOL
Hahaha, Dan thinks I have tattoos on my knuckles. Max, at least I’m giving my opinion on the article rather than making assumptions about a complete stranger
Also Damien, not being from Ireland doesn’t mean a person can’t comment on an Irish news story. The American election is a good example, very few American commenters on those stories
Fintanoflaois .I’ve met one or two I wouldn’t mind having in mine. But they are all young and pretty women pastors in the Nordic region. I’d love to ride them so hard that they’d be speaking in tongues.
Any more thought on your ideas abusing these those ladies. I also notice you are a racist commenting about my African friends which I have. Your knowledge of The Olympics Games is the same as your respect for women. which is zeroKatey Ledecky. is a swimmer and Simone Biles is a Gymnast. And Fintan of the rape capital of Europe (Sweden) . I just mentioned that these athletes were Catholics, They are my heroes, your heroes are Dawkins, Stalin and Lenin>
Fintanof Sweden. I am telling the truth. and you can try and be funny if you like but the words I quote are yours. and I will keep publishing then about you and your attitude to women
Con, that you thought Teene was born in Ireland in the first place is worrying. She has never hidden that fact. Your attitude towards people in general alis appalling.
“I quote are yours. and I will keep publishing then about you and your attitude to women —”
Other posters can easily figure out what my attitude to women is, Con, you poor latchiko! I respect them as equals and support their absolute right to control their own bodies and reproductive processes. That is something you deny them
When I mentioned that I had met some very attractive young women pastors and that I wouldn’t mind giving them a rub of the relic, you automatically accuse me of advocating – rape! You really are obsessed with that, aren’t you? But I’d advise against it, as it is a very serious crime.
You have heard of consensual sex, haven’t you? Believe it or not, quite many women indulge in it and even enjoy it.
You ought to try it, rather than traipsing all over the country with that fair-haired women (your mother or aunt?) from one flowers- and kitch-strewn religious shrine to another, as those pictures on your Facebook page show. And what is racist about enquiring about how you are getting on with that African “princess”, with whom you are so obviously infatuated? I put “princess” in quotes because I am always sceptical about the titles of royalty that some people from distant lands use when they arrive in Europe.
FintanofLaois. What would any young respectable woman have to do with a old creep like you. I note you are admirer of Sweden the rape capital of Europe so maybe you agree with that type of thing. You are advocating rape, for none of these ladies would bother with you and your twisted mind> I am not infatuated with my African “Princess” , she is the Mother of my God son and a very good friend but then nothing I will say will influence your dirty mind. Yes I am going to 12 noon Mass in St Mary’s Yougha and I will light a candle for you, you need it badly
FintanofLaois. What would any young respectable woman have to do with a old creep like you. I note you are admirer of Sweden the rape capital of Europe so maybe you agree with that type of thing. You are advocating rape, for none of these ladies would bother with you and your twisted mind> I am not infatuated with my African “Princess” , she is the Mother of my God son and a very good friend but then nothing I will say will influence your dirty mind. Yes I am going to 12 noon Mass in St Mary’s Youghal and I will light a candle for you, you need it badly
Sam – yes the do and they have on many occasions in cases of FFA, on those occasions posters on here lambast them for using the woman and her emotional story for forwarding their political agenda. Now go and hide behind a flower pot and hopefully Enda will find you when he wakes up later.
Maybe the person getting the abortion doesn’t think it’s your business why they’ve chosen to get an abortion. That woman doesn’t owe you an explanation.
Gareth clearly the person getting this abortion thinks her abortion is the entire world’s business that’s why she is broadcasting it globally on social Media.
One thing that majorly pisses me off on the pro choice side, is that they think all pro lifers are somehow religious, with conservative ideals. There’s so much more to it than that!
“Gareth clearly the person getting this abortion thinks her abortion is the entire world’s business that’s why she is broadcasting it globally on social Media.”
No, she clearly thinks the fact that being unable to get an abortion in Ireland and being forced to travel to the UK is the entire world’s business that’s why she is broadcasting it globally on social Media.
Sean, what if the unborn child is already dead before the abortion? Do you consider that double murder so? So two life sentences is it? I really hope the reply function is working today
Edward, who are you? How do we know you’re real? What are your circumstances? See how that works? I don’t even think it matters of its a fake, the reality is that what is described will really happen ten times today
Yes there is, the reason is the same as any other abortion and the only reason required.
The women after careful consideration decided of her own accord without interference or restriction from church, state or anyone else that the best option for her at this time in her life was to terminate this pregnancy…
Good point John as those questions are what are vitally important to our discussion here in Ireland. As usual though pro abortion side seem to think they should be allowed set the parameters of the discussion.
Where did you read that Drew? “The reason is the same as any other abortion”. A very educated and well researched response from you I see. Let’s be clear on one thing the reasons are not always the same.
If they aren’t careful they could get someone in trouble here. UK law doesn’t allow “abortion on demand”. The other is required to meet with two independent medical doctors who certify that an abortion is necessary to prevent harm/injury coming to her. Of course, everyone knows this is routinely ignored but it’s still the law
This day an age travelling to england is a last resort…if the woman was sexually active and never planned for a baby there are various methods of contraception that would have prevented this trip.
And if she was arrested, what punishment would you see fit? If it is murder as you claim the only punishment should be life imprisonment. Would you agree with that sentence?
It’s funny how men have such strong opinions on this, yet they can easily conceive a child, decide its not for them and do a runner avoiding any kind of responsibility while women re forced to take full ownership, even in horrific circumstances like sexual abuse and unviable pregnancy. Your opinion means zilch!
In the same way I regard your comment petal. In your comment of course you conveniently forget to mention all the unmarried father who are denied access to their children for no good reason.
Red, I’m sorry but you can’t just dismiss men’s opinions on this issue just because there are some men who don’t support their children. There are plenty of men who are refused fair access to their children and are not treated equally as a parent.
Well you were making sweeping generalisation of men because of what a few irresponsible men do. Though I do the same as I think of a good mate of mine in such a position. Anyway it kind of off the point of the article
Mick is way off point here! I’m not justifying it “because all men abandon their kids”, that’s not what I said so don’t try twist it to suit your agenda. Men can, if they choose, conceive a child and do a runner with no long term effects. A woman can’t do the same, nor is she allowed the “privilege” to discontinue a pregnancy regardless of the circumstances, in this country and funnily enough, people then complain about having to “support single mothers who chose to have kids they can’t support”. Some people get great satisfaction in knocking others down and placing blame.
Well rather than killing an innocent baby maybe the women should make better choices when choose or sexual partner. Or even choose better forms of contraception.
So are you suggesting a woman is at fault for rape or that she somehow chooses whether it’s is a viable pregnancy? What a stupid comment, especially in a country that is rampant with sexual abuse!
There’s such a thing as over-sharing. If you’re left with noother options and have to get an abortion, fair enough, but at least Have so me humility and self-respect the do it quietly and not turn yourself into a circus.
This government could make a lot of money from abortion as well as providing jobs! Unfair to make somebody have a child if they don’t want it, I understand the claims of ‘use protection’ but there are many diverse situations and we do not knoll the full story.
I’ve understand and empathy with the her little baby that she killed so as to make a point and create two minutes for fame for herself. If anything is disgusting that is.
Bull it’s simple they got pregnant irresponsibly and now they think it’s ok to have an abortion. They should have thought about it before that passionate night
Majority of those “irresponsible” women that got an abortion are already mothers …So,why do you lot believe that ye know what is best for these women and their families.Do tell..
Judge dredd has spoken, the punishment for getting an unwanted pregnancy (through carelessness or otherwise) shall be forced gestation for a period of approximately 9 months. There have been around 250k abortions carried out on Irish women over the last few decades. It’s a safe bet that all you people calling them murderers etc… have a “murderer” in your life. A family member, friend, work colleague, someone you care about.
There is a new page on twitter if you feel like donating a few €€€€€€€€€€€..I’ll go and have a look for you & I’ll put up the link for you..No need to thank me..You’re most welcome!
Colm O’Gorman’s Amnesty probably.
Meanwhile in some third world hell hole run by some tin pot dictator a person of conscience sits in a windowless cell wondering:
‘Why haven’t Amnesty contacted me’
Joey isn’t very smart. Most people like him aren’t. Most people like him don’t realise that O’Gorman is Executive Director of Amnesty International *IN IRELAND*, not worldwide.
Most people like him don’t like O’Gormam because he says things they don’t like and so have decided that because, they believe, he is head of Amnesty International the organisation is not only about what O’Gorman says and thus have written off the whole organisation and the massive work they do, but that these small minded swivel eyed idiots don’t know about.
It’s terrible that a lady has to tweet her abortion experience to get people talking about repealing the eight. The media and citizens of Ireland should stand together and keep the pressure on enda until he says he hold a referendum. It should be in your face every day of the week because that is the reality women leave Ireland every day for whatever reason to get an abortion.
I hope they enjoy their weekend away . I wonder did the the journal pay for this trip to London with a shopping spree and a show thrown in for those two who of course are not named. I hope a nice hotel was picked for them. “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time” Abraham Lincoln
There’s a lot of truth in that Abraham Lincoln quote, but the way religion is fading away shows that a lot of the people have stopped being fooled. As another American, Samuel Clemens, said: “Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.”
What’s wrong with you today, by the way? Not a single mention ofastheists like Stalin, Kim Il Sung or Pol Pot.
There’s a lot of truth in that Abraham Lincoln quote, but the way religion is fading away shows that a lot of the people have stopped being fooled. As another American, Samuel Clemens, said: “Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.”
What’s wrong with you today, by the way? Not a single mention ofastheists like Stalin, Kim Il Sung or Pol Pot.
Fiontanof the rapecapitalof Europe(Sweden) Funny think about Twain , his funeral was conducted by his friend a Presbyterian On his work on Joan of Arc Catholic Saint he wrote “I like Joan of Arc best of all my books; and it is the best; I know it perfectly well. And besides, it furnished me seven times the pleasure afforded me by any of the others; twelve years of preparation, and two years of writing. The others needed no preparation and got none.”
Jaysus, are we still in the 1950s? We should have sorted this problem out long ago: If a woman thinks abortion is wrong, just don’t have one. Simples. Likewise, every other woman has the same right to decide.
It is no business of anyone else, least of all a religious cult that would long ago have declared abortion a sacrament of priests or altar boys could get pregnant.
Yes, it is my business and the business of everyone else in society if you beat ANYONE. But ill-treating another person is not the same as terminating a pregnancy. If you don’t know that, you really need to cop yourself on.
But what has committing violence against other persons have to do with a woman wishing to exercise her right to bodily autonomy?
I doubt whether you have a wife, but if you have and she has a problem pregnancy, would you force her to do what you think is right rather than allowing her to make a decision about her own body?
these people have zero empathy Fintan, took so much to got the protection of life bill, 2013 when it was too freakin late. Too scared of Rome and imaginary hell.
women that get drunk have sex then kill babies should not be celebrated but this is what kardsahian society looks like celebrity culture has destroyed ireland soo much for the easter rising
One of their aims, Suzie dear, is to shame Ireland into scrapping savage legislation that denies women an essential human right: the right to bodily autonomy. A right that their sisters virtually everywhere else in Europe have long enjoyed.
Their tweet stunt (a brilliant idea) has already attracted quite a lot of comment in other European countries, and that is not something that our leaders will enjoy when they are trying to burnish the image of Ireland as a odern, with-it, progressive society that is an ideal place to invest in, send your top executives to live in, yadda, yadda, yadda –
They might as well be trying to polish a turd as long as our women are treated as incubation units and a discredited, corrupt, kiddy-fiddling cult still calls too many of the shots and our craven politicians fear them.
Thanks to those admirable ladies, more and more spotlight is being focused on Ireland, so the dark age must soon end.
I killed my baby for my vision Ireland and gave the little boy/girl all the respect of a public execution live on twitter…..ISIS would be proud of these women.
First world problems. A woman ‘forced’ to make a day trip to London livetweeting the sheer inconvenience of it all. Sadly I wouldnt be surprised if she got herself pregnant on purpose to showcase her ‘suffering’ to the gullible.
Oh! It’s the weekend again. Time for a little social engineering, nudge nudge towards the acceptance of killing a living human. No excuses necessary, just blah! It’s interesting to see the big international money is queuing up to support the killing machine.
My friend got an abortion in this country, why is the irish state murdering healthy babies? :( are you counting paddy, all the dead corpes of innocent live babies.. will this put all all in hell for not stopping this baby genocide?
Max, Devlin and all of your ilk commenting here. You are presenting the EXACT same levels of conservatism, ignorance and blind prejudice on the woman’s rights as the Taliban or ISIS. Your days of power and control are over so go say a few prayers in your morally corrupt churches and then molest someone.
Unfortunately the world is a far more complex place than your little minds can handle.
pray in the church lol i havnt step foot in a church in ages as i dont believe in organised religion and dont believe in the dogma of organised religion i study all religions and take the spiritual aspects from them all and you accuse of me being some christian conservative lol i am the complete opposite you idiot just because i dont believe in abortion expect in some cases i beleive in sex education maybe dosnt make me some right wing idiot i have stuck up for muslims on here when they were being assaulted and abuse by idiots that dont have a clue so cashel do your research cause havnt got a clue about me a lot of my views in fact most would be consider left wing
Yes churches are morally corrupt and trust me im the first to criticise the catholic church
Devlin, good to hear you’re not a knuckle dragger.
So tell me what are the circumstances behind these girls abortion in the Uk?
What are the circumstances you believe are OK for an abortion?
Do you think it’s acceptable that women should travel to the Uk for an abortion?
Given the circumstances of an abortion meet your approval, should the state be obliged to have the proper medical services in Ireland?
She’s undergoing an experience which, as anyone who works in the field or has undergone it themselves will tell you, IS NOT a light-hearted experience. You know absolutely nothing about this woman or her circumstances. Yet all you can think about is how it offends you personally. Who exactly is being ‘selfish’ here?
I wonder what these girls have to say about the growth in popularity, in the UK, of pre Natal testing being used as a means to decide whether or not carry a pregnancy full term. We are in danger of sleep walking into eugenics.
exposing. Ireland has no issue doing business deals with country’s that “kill babies” I’m guessing the only fear they have is losing votes from frank’s club goers. You know, they man with the cool hats and dresses.
How are they “glorifying” what they had to go through today?
They’re highlighting that they had to leave the country to have an abortion. They’re highlighting that they had to get up at the crack of dawn, fly to a different country, go through a traumatic procedure and spend time recovering in some unhomely hotel bedroom. Something hundreds of women have to do alone.
As a man who was adopted 33 years ago, who’s biological mother CHOSE to give me a chance in life- 33 years ago in rural India & carry me for the 9months basically hidden away & give me up for adoption to a family that could take care of me, what that girl is doing is wrong – and to blog about it for “awareness” is just a different level.
I don’t know her background story, but unless it’s an extreme case of rape or absolutely NO quality of life for the child.
Go and have the baby. Suffer the 9 months because you got pregnant ( & yes the father is equally responsible if he knows ) & give the child & some family who’d happily adopt a chance for a happy life.
Fair comment but to say ‘Suffer the 9 months because you got pregnant…’ sounds merciless, because as you say none of us know the circumstances that lead to her decision.
Graham, I too was adopted and am in contact with my birth mother, are you? She may not have had a choice in a) pregnancy or b) adoption. My mother had to move away from her family during her pregnancy and only told her mother recently that any of it happened. The shame heaped onto women by society was and is ridiculous.
If only shed have taken the other option. To love her unborn child. No matter what the circumstance is it’s better than heading off to have it torn out of her body by someone who gets paid alot of money to do so.
“Hit the road”, “home by noon”‘ “bated breaths” – doesn’t sound like someone supposedly in distress or in need of medical procedures as they like to call it.
Sounds to me like sloppy journalism in an attempt to promote this terrible action.
This from the kind of person who is only too happy to force women to give birth against their wished, often in circumstances in which they have been forced to carry a baby to full term knowing it has no chance of survival outside the womb.
Phil is your pro muslim, pro choice regressive, the absolute pinnacle of popular thinking leftists, don’t bother arguing with something incapable of researching anything outside of its favourite echo chamber
It is possible to be pro-abortion, without what the UK currently allows, this is a very complicated issue and the infuriating bumper sticker style argument “her body, her choice” over simplifies and detracts from the underlying causes of so many abortions, primarily lack of education and poor access to quality contraception. I’m all for first term abortions, and second term for foetal problems, but after that you better have a Damn good excuse, and the father, who after all will have an expectation to care for the child if it lives, should have a say in the termination.
There you go. Asks me to provide an argument which I do, completely ignores it as usual and points to a different post where I make a joke of the article, which has absolutely no facts attached, just some possibly fake twitter account. Won’t catch me twice.
Hey everybody look at me , I’m going to England to terminate a life, and tweeting the countdown thats has to be the lowest, hope a bit of bad karma is heading your way.
So she’ll blame the government for not being able to keep her legs closed, oh and murder her unborn child at the same time and tweet about it. Classy girl.
You’ll never need an abortion, Gary, so it’s easy for you to talk.
I doubt whether you have ever had sex with a woman, but what if the one you had it with had become pregnant and then discovered that the foetul had a fatal abnormality? What would you have demanded of her? And what makes you think you have any right to make such demands?
“..home by noon.” The poor darlings. How inconvenient for them. Maybe ‘Drive-Thru’ abortions would be more acceptable to them, or perhaps a callout service? Terrible they might miss lunch while their offspring are being put to death.
Why would anyone support this girl? She and her partner or what ever it was, got pregnant. So an innocent life should be killed, as she was irresponsible?
If she was subject to sexual assault or anything like that, i am sure it would of been in the headline. To go on Twitter and glorify it, is crazy. Her decision which is fine, at the end of the day, its a life being taken. Would you support her if she live tweeted the murder of a newborn baby? It pretty much the same thing.
What were the circumstances of her pregnancy, Derek?
You said:
Why would anyone support this girl? She and her partner or what ever it was, got pregnant. So an innocent life should be killed, as she was irresponsible?
No ifs not buts that what you said, so you seem to know. Tell us.
She had sex with someone and got pregnant, Its quite obvious. There are the circumstances. If there was anything else involved im sure we would know. Someone willing to live tweet an abortion, is hardly a private person. As i said before if she was raped or anything like that it would have been in the article. There is contraception out there if you don’t want to get pregnant, i know it fails from time to time, but if she can tweet, she knows the risk and there is a chance she can pregnant. So i presume you support her? Why? Freedom of choice? It is an innocent life at the end of the day. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t make it any different to a baby.
“She had sex with someone and got pregnant, Its quite obvious. There are the circumstances. ”
Was it consentual, Derek? Who was this someone?
“If there was anything else involved im sure we would know. ”
But YOU DO KNOW, remember? You said:
“She and her partner or what ever it was, got pregnant. So an innocent life should be killed, as she was irresponsible?”
So, what happened? Was it consensual sex? Was the chap involved a long term partner/husband? A fling? What were the circumstances of the pregnancy? Was there contraception involved? Did it fail?
What of the health of the baby or the mother? Was he in the proper condition to give birth without any significant risk to herself? Was the baby is good health?
Also, if there was any issues with the baby itself, she would be upset with having to go through with, rather than complaining about the inconvienence of jetting across to England on social media. You only have to look at her blasè attitude on Twitter about it all, to understand that.
“Why would anyone support this girl? She and her partner or what ever it was, got pregnant. So an innocent life should be killed, as she was irresponsible?”
So tell us the exact details of this pregnancy. Tell us exactly how she was irresponsible, as you have claimed she was.
Go on. Do it.
Or man up and accept you know f__k all about the circumstances of this abortion and have branded a woman whom you know nothing about as “irresponsible” simply because you’re a hate-filed reactionary “pro-lifer” mouthing off.
Phil Blanc is an A-hole looking for a reaction, trying to provoke, quite aggressive really, probably the type to make his girlfriend go for an abortion…..
As she waits in that room “weighted by bated breaths”- her little unborn child waits for its life to be ended. The only life he/she ever had. Not even given a chance to be born. That was his/her life story. Nobody can argue that an unborn child isn’t a human being. It’s scientific fact. Not up for opinion. An unwanted or crisis pregnancy is awful for the woman in particular and my heart goes out to her but at the end of the day it comes down to another human life too and that’s why there should never be any reason or circumstance where it’s okay to kill an unborn child. The thoughts of killing a newborn would make everyone here sick at the thought. So why such a large margin between that and killing an unborn child just a few months earlier. It’s doesn’t just miraculously become a human when it’s born. Or at 20 weeks onwards etc. … it’s human from the beginning. Unique to any other human who ever existed. With its DNA determined, talents, personality. All it needs is nourishment and time. Life is precious. And this story is so sad because there’s absolutely no regard for the innocent life at the centre of it all. That’s her child. Always will be . But she’ll never get to know him/her.
When I used to call myself Oggie the 4th, ( Human Being Activist) I would be laughing out loud at your nonsense ..You came on this site before,telling porkies ..Anyway,I’ve read all of that nonsense that you just wrote on all the anti choice sites that I’ve ever visited ..I have a child up with me at the moment ..waiting for him to drop off to sleep ..Those two embryos are now uniquely gone
Abortion weighs you down. It’s like a heavy stone on your back and it changes your life . You will never forget it and you will never get over it. You will always regret it. Whatever your circumstances do not choose abortion. Life is nature and positivity always comes from a negative scary situation. Choose life and don’t carry this burden with you your whole life. Choose adoption even ..choose anything but abortion. I’m not a religious nut. I’m just a woman who has been in this situation.
Don’t worry about any other woman as the majority(95%) don’t regret having had one.And those that do said it was the right decision for them at that time in their lives ..Hope this helps..And adoption is an alternative to parenting..Nice words, though..
I wonder if this is just not another made up story by the journal to push their agenda and bias upon the masses of sheep? But if it is and these women feel they need to tweet their journey to have their foetus killed, it doesn’t say much for their morals in my opinion. And why would Enda Kenny need reply to their tweets? What are they trying to provoke? And I didn’t even know James Cordon until I read this article, but big deal if a tabloid ‘celeb’ supports them, what significance does that have?
What are the point of these articles? I think what they hope to achieve is the brainwashing of of the readers into thinking that irresponsible behaviours carry no consequences in the short term, but what of the long term impacts to women, and men? Oh wait, aborting a baby could have nothing whatsoever to do with the father of that baby now could? If you do not want to have an abortion, do not have an unwanted pregnancy, if you do have an unwanted pregnancy, have some back bone and do the right thing, not the selfish thing. Comments like, ‘My body, my choice’ what a screwed up thought process….. I also often wondered why men are never brought up in these discussions or these ‘stories’, perhaps it’s that those men never even know about the pregnancy in the first place and the women snuck out the back door to make their ‘lonely’ journey to kill their unborn kid. Or maybe, and I suspect this is more likely case, that these women are getting pregnant as a result of drunken one night stands and in many cases, multiple times, the problem for them is not that it’s not allowed here by law, but because of the expense and inconvenience involved in travelling to have the procedure. Instead of holding themselves accountable for their actions, they seem proud and righteous of what they do. Let them have their sad lives, thankfully I have or will have nothing got to do with these kind of people.
Did this Woman get pregnant on purpose so she could highlight this? They sound quite happy with themselves heading off to England to end a life. Never heard of condoms?
Wow a murder being documented. Didn’t know we were a looked snuff films. This is disgusting. Twowoman. If it is so difficult then don’t use it as a political stunt. Disgraceful.
To think, if abortion was available here, the only real change would be not needing to travel abroad for one. It’s really that simple so why doesn’t anyone do something about it?
‘Those who live by the scalpel…’.
Calling infanticide a ‘medical procedure’ is analogous to calling lethal injection ‘medicine’.
We may not be able to control what happens in the UK and other states, but we can prevent the wholesale slaughter of unborn babies on our doorstep. – I’m sorry if my being in favour of preserving a life offends anybody.
But you’re not preventing anything. There are four thousand plus Irish abortions a year, with twelve happening today. Ireland hypocritically outsources its abortion services to the UK and mainland Europe.
If you were serious about preventing Irish women and girls having abortions, you’d be campaigning to repeal the right to travel and information and for any woman or girl to take a pregnancy test before she leaves the country and again on her returnto make sure an Irish abortion hasn’t happened.
The Pro Choice people in Ireland are like the American NRA, a strong lobbying minority, but with a of power. They don’t respect democracy, only when it suits them, because whether they like it or not, whether people choose to democratically make “child killing” legal, it should be respected no matter how outrageous it seems to one person, as long as the majority wins. They don’t even let the people decide in a referendum because they know what the results would be. If you’re so sure most people think like you, then why stop moaning and let the people vote.
I heard people from Ireland need to travel to far away countries to adopt children, why not to take unwanted children other Irish women don’t want then? Wouldn’t that be easier and cheaper and make more sense? I’m sitting on the fence with abortion – it’s quite complicated subject, but I feel bit disturbed by them tweeting the whole situation like it was great holiday… I know they do it to raise a point and awareness but still I find it sad.
Enda Kenny is not going to jump into a media trap and be ripped apart no matter what comment he makes. This thorny issue seems to be uniquely Irish and is not going to be resolved with a simple tweet.
So condoms, the pill, the injection, a diaphragm and the emergency pill didn’t work and led to a pregnancy. Oh wait she didn’t use any but expects us to change the law for her. Fantastic! Will we change the law from 24weeks pregnant to 24 minutes before birth when her type forgets again?
In larger countries, where the service is available, women have to travel equal or greater distances.
Does every neighbourhood across the US, Canada or Australia have a handy local clinic? What is the average round trip time for a woman in rural France who needs the service?
It puts this short boat trip or flight into perspective.
Our little island expects everything in every village.
I’m sure I’ll be berated by many but am I the only one who doesn’t think the world needs to know every detail about going for an abortion in uk. It’s desperate that a woman has to travel if she decides not to continue with a pregnancy but if it was me I wouldn’t be putting it on Twitter or face book. It’s a very personal and emotional thing and putting it out there in this way trivialises it.
It is like one of those unfolding mass murder stories on TV, Anyone not sick because of that, a child in the womb aborted by being cut up alive in the womb. Can people not put themselves in that childs place and imagine being cut up alive?
Not sure this will help the ultimate aim of having the required referendum to allow each citizen of the Republic choose based on the own beliefs. I can’t see it converting people to the repeal side. The only way to change it is through our elected representatives who are currently on holidays and can’t do anything. A campaign such as Mick Wallaces bill, even though flawed constitutionally, is needed to achieve a public vote. Free speech allowed but live tweeting a abortion is not in my opinion going acceralate the process. The lengthy citizens assembly process is first thing to address to improve implementation of a vote.
A lot of emotionally charged opinions being expressed here. Surely, evidence if any was needed, of how much it is personal choice and should be regarded as such.
Ireland already has some medical deserts - and it’s been getting worse
Maria Delaney
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These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work.
Targeting Cookies
These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising.
Functional Cookies
These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies then these services may not function properly.
Performance Cookies
These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies we will not be able to monitor our performance.
Store and/or access information on a device 109 partners can use this purpose
Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here.
Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development 141 partners can use this purpose
Use limited data to select advertising 111 partners can use this purpose
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).
Create profiles for personalised advertising 83 partners can use this purpose
Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.
Use profiles to select personalised advertising 83 partners can use this purpose
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects.
Create profiles to personalise content 38 partners can use this purpose
Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests.
Use profiles to select personalised content 34 partners can use this purpose
Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests.
Measure advertising performance 132 partners can use this purpose
Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns.
Measure content performance 60 partners can use this purpose
Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you.
Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources 74 partners can use this purpose
Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).
Develop and improve services 83 partners can use this purpose
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers.
Use limited data to select content 38 partners can use this purpose
Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).
Use precise geolocation data 46 partners can use this special feature
With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Actively scan device characteristics for identification 27 partners can use this special feature
With your acceptance, certain characteristics specific to your device might be requested and used to distinguish it from other devices (such as the installed fonts or plugins, the resolution of your screen) in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors 90 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.
Deliver and present advertising and content 97 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.
Match and combine data from other data sources 72 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Link different devices 53 partners can use this feature
Always Active
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically 86 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
Save and communicate privacy choices 68 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
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