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File photo Shutterstock/Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko

Designer says burkini bans in France have boosted sales of the swimwear

“Women are standing together on this. It doesn’t matter what race or religion.”

BURKINI BANS IN France have boosted sales and interest in the full-bodied Islamic swimsuit, particularly from non-Muslim women, the Australian credited with creating the design said today.

The burkini has sparked huge controversy in France, with bans in 15 towns in the country’s southeast amid high tensions following a string of deadly jihadist attacks.

Australian-Lebanese Aheda Zanetti, who claims the trademark on the names burkini and burqini, created her first swimwear for Muslim women more than a decade ago. She said the furore in France has attracted more publicity for her products.

“It’s just been so hectic. I can tell you that online on Sunday we received 60 orders — all of them non-Muslim,” the 48-year-old said, adding that she usually received 10 to 12 orders on Sundays.

Zanetti said she had also received numerous messages of support — and only one disparaging email — since the French bans.

They include messages from cancer survivors and other swimmers who use her light-weight, quick-drying two-piece garments as protection from the sun.

There are other Islamic swimsuits but Zanetti has said her designs are the first to be streamlined into two-piece swimwear with a head covering.

‘Women are standing together’ 

“A lot of the correspondence … was that they are survivors of skin cancer and they’ve always been looking for something like this, saying, ‘Thank god we’ve found someone like this producing such a swimsuit’.

The support I’m getting is somehow about empowering women … I feel like I’ve been a counsellor. It’s a cry of need that they want to have this enjoyment.

“Women are standing together on this. It doesn’t matter what race or religion.”

She said the one critical email questioned why Zanetti wanted to cover up women in France, noting “we prefer our women to be naked”.

Australia is grappling with a rise in anti-Muslim sentiment after a series of attacks by radicalised youth, but the burkini has not attracted strong criticism in a country where people regularly cover up at beaches to protect their skin under the harsh sun.

While there are divisions over the burkini in France, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday dismissed the idea of a ban in his country, saying Canadians should rise above the controversy as he called for the respect of individual rights and choices.

© AFP 2016

Read: Nice becomes latest French city to ban burkini

Read: Mayor of town on French island bans burkinis after beach brawl

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:16 AM

    Empowering women? Ok then.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:41 AM

    Says a man pretending t be a woman ???

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    Mute Beachmaster
    Favourite Beachmaster
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:58 AM

    @Boganity I suppose transgender people are also pretending?! Hard to believe it’s 2016 when attitudes like yours still exist.

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    Mute TehJurolan
    Favourite TehJurolan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:02 AM

    Oooh – battle of the mullets.

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    Mute Team Tariq
    Favourite Team Tariq
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:16 AM

    A victory for common sense! Don’t let the PC-rightards dictate to women what they can and cannot wear,through threat of far-right violence which we saw recently in Corsica. We’ve had enough of that in our past in this country with the Catholic Church telling women how to dress,see how long an Irish woman would get away with wearing a bikini in a church in Ireland.

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    Mute Beachmaster
    Favourite Beachmaster
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:21 AM Turns out violence in Corsica wasn’t caused by a burkini, it was Muslim thugs.

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    Mute Bluepoolroad
    Favourite Bluepoolroad
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:25 AM

    Fully agree. Before it was ‘you can’t wear a bikini, you can’t go topless’, not to mention ‘no right to family planning’. Men should just sod off and let women make their own choices. The establishment in France is doing everything they can to marginalise muslims. In France, it is often said that the right dont like Arabs and the left dont like muslims. Sarkozy is standing again for the presidency. Great! Back to the future. Poor France. We might as well bring back Bertie or Biffo just because Enda is useless. The thuggish mayor of Nice is in Sarkozy’s inner circle and Sarko is going to campaign like Trump to win first on the right and then he is home and hosed since the left are so useless.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:37 AM

    Beachmaster what an absolutely clumsy attempt to put words in my month…your on your own son

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    Mute jane
    Favourite jane
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:38 AM

    Why would a woman wear a bikini to church?

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:40 AM

    I dunno, why does a spider bite ?

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    Mute Sam Hunt
    Favourite Sam Hunt
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:41 AM

    Who knew oppression was so trendy in the fashion world of 2016?!

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    Mute Mick Jordan
    Favourite Mick Jordan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:42 AM

    Blue. Why should we in Europe change and adapt to Muslims. They wish to reside in the West then it is they that must adapt and change. And if they don’t like that idea they are free to leave.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:43 AM

    On side note Sam…how’s your brother Mike ?

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:00 PM

    @boganty lol paranoid much?

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    Mute Margie Murph
    Favourite Margie Murph
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:05 PM

    Clumsy. I thought it was very clever.

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    Mute Mike Cantwell
    Favourite Mike Cantwell
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:14 PM

    This coming from little Liam Egan who expects his daughter to cover her hair in case some man looks at it , you are a pathetic little excuse for a man Tariq / Liam

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    Mute Rochelle
    Favourite Rochelle
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:48 PM

    The freedom to wear what you want and not allow men to legislate for your clothing seems pretty empowering to me.

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    Mute Mike Cantwell
    Favourite Mike Cantwell
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:52 PM

    Don’t be thick Rochelle

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    Mute Rochelle
    Favourite Rochelle
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:58 PM

    Of course they have a choice, to be a part of a religion or not and to follow its customs and dictations or not. If you’re implying these women are viewed as property by their husbands and are commanded to dress as such then they have a legal right to prevent that and protect themselves in western countries.
    If you do believe it is a case a human rights violations then I’m not sure why’d you support tackling the result rather than the cause unless the goal is simply to marginalise and/or embarrass muslims.

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    Mute Margie Murph
    Favourite Margie Murph
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:02 PM

    Muslims marginalise themselves, rochelle. And it is this isolation that renders Muslim women vulnerable because their recourse is to their oppressive communities not to the law. Why do you think honour killings are commonplace, it is because Muslim women who Buck the trend tend to be “punished”. Self preservation is why they wear Islamic garb. So to echo what someone else said, don’t be thick rochelle.

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    Mute Al Ca
    Favourite Al Ca
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:14 PM

    Rochelle……if you are in a country with Sharia law and you choose to leave Islam, the penalty is death. Now, if you think that’s an acceptable choice then you are not thinking clearly.
    If I were to start a religion tomorrow in which women were second class and the penalty for leaving was death……. you yourself, would hopefully see it as a cult and not give it a chance to grow……..why give the cult of Islam a pass?

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    Mute Gus Dennis
    Favourite Gus Dennis
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:15 PM


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    Mute SteoG
    Favourite SteoG
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:17 PM

    It’s a security and safety issue which supercedes any other issue.

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    Mute jack napier
    Favourite jack napier
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:32 PM

    New fashion brands popping up all over the place , Isis fashion , allahu Akbar clothing , Taliban fashion

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    Mute jane
    Favourite jane
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:58 PM

    11,000 women were the victims of ‘honour’ crimes in the UK in 5 years. It wasn’t so easy for any of them to walk away and decide for themselves.

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    Mute Steven Cee
    Favourite Steven Cee
    Aug 23rd 2016, 2:49 PM

    Wearing a Burka makes it much cleaner and easier to shovel what’s left of a Muslim woman into a bin bag after the Muslim men have stoned her to death because at 8 years old she didn’t want to marry her 65 year old uncle ..see simple really.

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    Mute prouesse f
    Favourite prouesse f
    Aug 23rd 2016, 3:10 PM

    Another comment from Margie with no rational thinking at all: just a random succession of peremptory sentences.

    And on top of that, it is a self-contradiction… “Muslims marginalise themselves” says someone who keep going on and on about deporting Muslims…

    “their recourse is… not to the law” You are just mad: the ban is a ruling made by local authorities!

    You asking Rochelle not to be “thick”! I knew you were stupid but not that you were arrogant.

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 7:40 PM

    @rochelle ever hear of honour killings?

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 7:45 PM

    @Al Ca because for Rochelle the fear of appearing intolerant to other cultures is greater than her desire to see women treated equally. Its wanting to be liked and appear “good” that is trumpibg any real liberal progressive values she might have.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:31 PM

    I wonder what Oonagh thinks paranoid means, clearly different to everyone else

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:47 PM

    @Boganity you seem to think that nobody is who they seem? that seems pretty paranoid….you not trusting I am a woman as per my name would suggest would seem very untrusting and paranoid. Let me assure you I am a woman as my name would suggest.

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    Mute Dave Smith
    Favourite Dave Smith
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:22 AM

    its a pity Muslims wouldn’t cop on and realise that part of the reason they have to come to the west is because Islam was designed for the 7th C and is not appropriate for the modern world. We would kindly ask that you leave your outdated ideas in the old country

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:39 AM

    Really…all 2.4 billion of them ? there’s only 1.2 billion people in the west so how does that work ?

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    Mute Myk_Oval_Balls_nRyt
    Favourite Myk_Oval_Balls_nRyt
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:45 AM

    No, they’re hell bent on dragging us back to the dark ages, even further. The West has come far enough without Islam and now we need it & apparently we need to look after the town idiots too whose countries have been at war for centuries and will be in centuries to come. But hey, its the white mans fault right.

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    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:47 AM

    2.4 billion now? 1.7billion last time I checked.. They are out breading at an insane scale, we really need to put measures in place to ensure their ridiculous cultural norms don’t become normal in our society!
    Burkini ban is only the tip of the ice berg for what is needed

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    Mute Will Phillips
    Favourite Will Phillips
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:48 AM


    Saudi Arabia,

    All carry the death penalty for being homosexual. Women can be beaten for crimes or adultery, even if they were raped (which to them still counts). Women are considered second-class citizens.

    What do they all have common? They’re deeply Islamic nations which follow the rules of Qur’an, word for word and use it as a code to live by.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:50 AM

    Can we have that in English for those of us not fluent in “Rant”.

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    Mute Paul Mc
    Favourite Paul Mc
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:51 AM

    In fairness, for some women the wearing of a Burkini should be mandatory and for some men also.

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    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:00 AM

    Boganity, if you are struggling to understand that, you can always ask a kid at play school to translate it for you.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:05 AM

    Ah Emma you poor lad you only included Arab Muslims in your count, you forgot to included the World’s largest Muslim country, .3 billion, which is in Asia, and African Muslims.

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    Mute Margie Murph
    Favourite Margie Murph
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:07 AM

    Bog amity, your numbers are wrong on all levels.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:10 AM

    Yes Will all very interesting I’m sure but I was responding to Dave Smith’s assertion that a majority have a moral obligation to conform to a minorities wishes

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:14 AM

    Ah Margie, or should I continue to address you as Emma in order not to confuse the uninitiated in the reactionaries tactic of hunting in packs of one.

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    Mute John003
    Favourite John003
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:15 AM

    Boganity have you ever lived in a Muslim country even a nice one like Jordan

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:17 AM

    Burkinis are popular with non Muslim women in Australia who are in the high-risk category for skin cancer.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:28 AM

    Ah Emma love your work, it’s pure textbook. You right-wing-reactionaries love a name call or abusive put down, it’s your last refuge when exposed for being devoid of argument.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:29 AM

    John…yes the United Arab Emirates, it’s where I learned to speak Arabic

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    Mute John003
    Favourite John003
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:40 AM

    Boganity actually Islam has 1.5 billion adherents, making up over 22% of the world population

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:50 AM

    Yes correct John003, or close enough, when you count just Arab Muslims, but 2.4 billion when you count all of them. There’s only 1.2 billion people in the west, so which ever figure you use we’re a minority telling a majority what to do

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    Mute Margie Murph
    Favourite Margie Murph
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:08 PM

    Ah ha! Bogusanity is a Muslim. Why do you hide the fact?

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:09 PM

    @Boganity if you lived in Saudi and still support Islam you are either a convert or have some Saudi heritage which would explain your ludicrous opinions

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    Mute Margie Murph
    Favourite Margie Murph
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:15 PM

    And learned speak Arabic. A convert. They’re the worst type. People who choose this totalitarian, tyrannical Creed for numbskulls seriously need their heads examined.

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    Mute Dave Smith
    Favourite Dave Smith
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:21 PM

    @Boganity , personally I don’t care what they do in Crapistan. I indicated that if they come to the West they should leave their practices behind. They are leaving countries that don’t work well to countries that do , there should be a clue in there.

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    Mute Tammylee Murphy
    Favourite Tammylee Murphy
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:26 PM

    Ones with white skin that burns easy?

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    Mute Brigid Ní Raghallaigh
    Favourite Brigid Ní Raghallaigh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:28 PM

    @emmaq.. breading.. breading chicken for some tasty treats?

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    Mute John003
    Favourite John003
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:33 PM

    Boganity your numbers are from Islamic websites 2.4 billion
    Very difficult to get accurate figures
    Statistics of the world’s religions are only very rough approximations. Aside from Christianity, few religions, if any, attempt to keep statistical records
    Most websites would put the figure at 1.5 billion for Islam

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    Mute prouesse f
    Favourite prouesse f
    Aug 23rd 2016, 3:12 PM

    “Bogusanity is a Muslim.” from Margie.

    Another idiot playing religious police….

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    Mute Rebecca De Stanleigh
    Favourite Rebecca De Stanleigh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 3:35 PM

    Boganity is Liam AKA Tariq. He does not speak Arabic.

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    Mute prouesse f
    Favourite prouesse f
    Aug 23rd 2016, 3:45 PM

    does it make religious police acceptable?

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    Mute Team Tariq
    Favourite Team Tariq
    Aug 23rd 2016, 4:46 PM

    Rebecca is EmmaQ,aka Margie.

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    Mute Margie Murph
    Favourite Margie Murph
    Aug 23rd 2016, 5:12 PM

    Em no, Tarik. There is only one Margie and I am she. You see people who see through the whole Muslim = victim Taquia, are a lot more numerous than you think.

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    Mute Rebecca De Stanleigh
    Favourite Rebecca De Stanleigh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 5:42 PM

    Nope I am Rebecca. Do you see that profile picture? Yeah that’s me. I don’t hide behind avatars.

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    Mute prouesse f
    Favourite prouesse f
    Aug 23rd 2016, 6:54 PM

    The same religious police, that’s what you are.

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    Aug 23rd 2016, 7:29 PM

    Tariq has multiple accounts and is a trolling fruitcake who will continue stealing oxygen from us until he gets locked up in an Asylum.
    Boganity is just a waste of space, not wanted in australia the UAE or Ireland and still wonders why he is not liked.
    Prouesse is just a dope who is out of her depth in any discussion so just attacks.
    Marge is not Me I am not Eamonn and Rebecca is not Marge, hope that settles that!

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    Mute Brigid Ní Raghallaigh
    Favourite Brigid Ní Raghallaigh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 7:52 PM

    There is definitely some elaborate troll ‘breading’ program at work here..

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:33 PM

    Oonagh I’ve never been near Saudi in my life WTF did you get that from?

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:36 PM

    Mr Emma still devoid of an argument I see and being an abusive bully instead..says it all

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:38 PM

    What a rabble…my work here is done

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:50 PM

    @Boganity I meant UAE!

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    Mute prouesse f
    Favourite prouesse f
    Aug 24th 2016, 10:15 AM

    EmmaQrap… are you expecting me to give you gentle caresses? Poor thing! You didn’t receive enough love!

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:18 AM

    Women are standing together to support the idea that their bodies are sinful and should be hidden away in case they arouse men?

    They should have a slut walk in support of burkinis.

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    Mute John003
    Favourite John003
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:22 AM

    Why can’t we comment on the Ryan Tubridy story?

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:30 AM

    Because the subject matter had been tried, convicted, executed and buried before any investigation had even begun.

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    Mute Donal O'Brien
    Favourite Donal O'Brien
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:30 AM

    Ryan Tubridy’s body is sinful and needs to be covered up at all times. That’s why?

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:40 AM

    Ryan has flowing locks and is muscled like a maiden’s fantasy.

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    Mute Scutterjocks O'reilly
    Favourite Scutterjocks O'reilly
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:56 AM

    Sisters doing it for post boxes.Go on the girlos

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    Mute Will Phillips
    Favourite Will Phillips
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:51 AM

    “We live in a world where Christianity is demonized over cake and Islam is defended despite 50 dead at a gay club. Amazing”

    -Blaire White, –a transgender woman.

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    Mute Myk_Oval_Balls_nRyt
    Favourite Myk_Oval_Balls_nRyt
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:35 AM

    “It’s just been so hectic. I can tell you that online on Sunday we received 60 orders — all of them non-Muslim,” Wasnt aware there was E-commerce software that enabled sellers to see the religion of its customers, the more you know….
    Have to love the submissive mentality too. The thought of being oppressed is to much for some, they cannot get enough of it.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:52 AM

    Yeh I ordered one, can’t get the budgies into me smugglers anymore…needed to upsize.

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    Mute Fiona Fitzgerald
    Favourite Fiona Fitzgerald
    Aug 23rd 2016, 6:38 PM

    This article reads like free bandwagon advertising. If burkini manufacturers had any genuine concern for customers, they’d mention the UPF rating of their products. They don’t: boosting sales is the only point. If that means catering to a trend, or scaremongering about skin cancer, so what? Can the makers guarantee that their clothing is protective? No. Can they legally claim that light-skinned Australians don’t need to apply sunscreen if they wear a burkini? No. Pity about that smokescreen, but it doesn’t work if you think about it…

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    Mute Ella Gleeson
    Favourite Ella Gleeson
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:34 AM

    This won’t be popular but I really don’t see why anyone thinks that they have the right to tell a person what they can and cannot wear. If you want to wear an itty bitty teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini but you’re built like a brick shithouse, go ahead, more power to you. Want to cover up to avoid being objectified/keep out of UV rays/are unhappy with your scars/stretchmarks/muffin tops, go ahead if it makes you more comfortable.

    So long as women have the choice and don’t feel pressured into covering up or pressured into starving themselves to look “good” in skimpy swimwear, I don’t understand what gives anyone the right to pass comment.

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:38 AM

    Exactly Ella! Islam has no right to tell women they should cover their bodies.

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    Mute Boganity
    Favourite Boganity
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:50 AM

    Or they can’t have abortions ?

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    Mute Day-v Fatter-tea
    Favourite Day-v Fatter-tea
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:53 AM

    And France has no right to tell women they should expose their bodies.

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:55 AM

    I don’t understand Boganity? Are you saying that because Ireland has a shitty law on abortion that Islam should be allowed tell women what to do too?

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    Mute Anne Marie Devlin
    Favourite Anne Marie Devlin
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:06 AM

    @asian – but it’s ok to dictate that women have to strip off in publc?.
    As an extremely white skinned person, when I go to the beach, I have to cover up – I’ve sat on the stones on the beach in Nice in long sleeves and a big hat. There’s no way I would risk my life by lying there in a bikini. Irish children – and Australians- are routinely seen at beaches around the world in all in one swimming suits that cover them completely from the neck down and which will be topped off by a hat. Every May/June we are bombarded with skin cancer awareness campaigns that actively dressing burkini style on the beach.
    Japanese women often wear shoulder length gloves, long pants, socks and face masks when it’s hot for fear of becoming brown as their society dictates their skin should be as white as possible. Is that banned French resorts as well?
    I would guess that the only thing that differentiates a burkini from swimwear which protects from skin cancer is the wearer

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    Mute Titus Groan
    Favourite Titus Groan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:11 AM

    But Anne Marie, it’s not about the practicality of covering up, it’s about “modesty”. And it’s not even an individual covering up for their person preference of modesty, it’s an entire group of women being told that this is what they must do. I just feel like Islam gets an easy pass from feminism. If this were one say, American man telling his wife she “must” cover up the this would be a different story from feminists, of which I am. As I’ve said, I’m a feminist but it’s things like this that dilute the movement.

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:26 AM

    @anne Marie. No. It’s never ok to tell women what to wear. Not when the French government do it and not when Islam does it.

    As Titus says, I have a very difficult time getting my head around liberal support for Islamic ideals. Islam is far, far more conservative, by several orders of magnitude, than anything that you will face here or on the continent. Yet you blindly support it, citing practicality of the clothing.

    Answer me this Anne Marie: What are your thoughts on Islamic principles for how women should dress?

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    Mute Al Ca
    Favourite Al Ca
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:28 AM

    Bikini = sun/beach/swimming
    T shirt = sun/warm weather
    Shorts = sun/sports/beach
    Wet suit = extreme sports/protection
    Burkina = religion

    Spot the difference?

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    Mute Al Ca
    Favourite Al Ca
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:32 AM

    Aaggh! (That moment you see an error as you hit submit)

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    Mute Ciarán Masterson
    Favourite Ciarán Masterson
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:39 AM

    @Anne Marie

    Those French mayors are not saying that women who go to the beach and want to have fun there have to strip off; they’re only banning the burkini.

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:13 PM

    @EllaGleeson ironicaly you’re missing that very point Ella…

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    Mute Roisin Byrne
    Favourite Roisin Byrne
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:25 PM

    I’m not religious at all, but I think burkinis are great and I would much rather wear one than a bikini if I’m being honest. I have no moral reason for this, I just feel uncomfortable exposing myself. Banning burkinis is keeping modest women away from beaches, restricting them. Religious reasons aside, any woman should be allowed to wear any swimwear she wants.

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    Mute Ciarán Masterson
    Favourite Ciarán Masterson
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:43 PM


    You don’t have to wear a bikini on the beach. You can wear an ordinary swimsuit instead.

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    Mute Roisin Byrne
    Favourite Roisin Byrne
    Aug 23rd 2016, 5:19 PM

    Thanks Ciaran for allowing me such freedom. Regular swimsuits are still quite revealing if you’re not super body confident.

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    Mute Ciarán Masterson
    Favourite Ciarán Masterson
    Aug 23rd 2016, 5:38 PM


    No need to be sarcastic.

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    Mute Daisy Chainsaw
    Favourite Daisy Chainsaw
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:25 AM

    I don’t see the issue with them. You can order them online from Heatons and Nigella Lawson wears one. It’s great protection from skin cancer too. Will we be banning surfers wearing wetsuits too?

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    Mute Will Phillips
    Favourite Will Phillips
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:33 AM

    But wetsuits were invented with the intention of functional practicality. Burkas and Hijabs were made more so for religious doctrine.

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    Mute Mike Cantwell
    Favourite Mike Cantwell
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:36 AM

    Now Daisy if people are concerned about skin cancer then wear a wetsuit but we both know that wetsuits reveal the curves of the body and this is the real issue , Mohomed ,Ali and all the boys do not want their ‘ women ‘ exposing themselves to the stares of other men and rightly so , after all in Islam women are the property of men .

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    Mute Karen Marten
    Favourite Karen Marten
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:39 AM

    Ah come on daisy chain wet suits are to protect a persons body from the elements while surfing and diving. Burkinis are to repress wonen even more so the men wont get turned on well then they should be made wear blind folds at beach and pools or nake them women only beaches and pool areas like thet do for mosks

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:42 AM

    What if the pope said women should cover up Daisy? How would you feel about that?

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    Mute Daisy Chainsaw
    Favourite Daisy Chainsaw
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:04 AM

    I’d ask to borrow some of his fabulous dresses and I wouldn’t cover my head, as protocol dictates, either.

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    Mute Titus Groan
    Favourite Titus Groan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:06 AM

    Daisy, I usually love your comments but I think this is exactly why many men and women are frustrated with feminism at the minute (and I am proudly a feminist, mind). I hate the way feminists kick up a fuss about Western body shaming (which at times is definitely justified) and yet simultaneously defend Islam and its treatment of women. I’m sorry but I’ve said it a thousand times: yes, superficially wearing a burqa etc. is a “choice” but in reality, it’s more like stockholm syndrome. If you’re brought up your whole life hearing that girls who aren’t modest are “sluts” or “jezebels” if you’re of the Christian persuasion, you will feel like you want to wear a headscarf. Similarly, a lot of women in the West probably don’t cut their hair for the same kind of reasons. The connotations, the stares. Feminists, in my opinion, need to speak about the burqa as it was intended.

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    Mute Piikkipaatsama
    Favourite Piikkipaatsama
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:11 AM

    Ideologies and religions aside, wetsuits are expensive, and the idea of having to squeeze into one is not appealing. Burkinis that l find online look far more comfortable and flattering, and there are much more variety (different styles, colours, prices) to choose from.

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    Mute Daisy Chainsaw
    Favourite Daisy Chainsaw
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:13 AM

    Titus, I get what you’re saying. I believe islam is about 50 years behind catholicism. Give it a few more decades and that branch of Abrahamic fiction it will be dying the same desperate death.

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    Mute John003
    Favourite John003
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:20 AM

    Daisy that is the strange thing about Islam 30 years ago lots of Muslim countries like Egypt were becoming more secular and western

    Under the Shah in Iran if was very western with women in western clothes
    In the last 20 years all the Muslim countries have become much more strict
    This move in some cases led by women

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    Mute Titus Groan
    Favourite Titus Groan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:27 AM

    You’re right Daisy. I just feel like the revolution will be hard fought and won’t happen if the most subjugating parts of Islam are the ones the iconoclasts (feminists, in my experience) are pandering to. I think the treatment of Muslim women is possibly the single most pressing feminist issue today. I truly want these women to be free but the “freedom to wear a burqa/burkini” is fool’s gold, signifying nothing. I watched a documentary once which had a small piece on Saudi feminists. Never have a seen such balls in the absence of them. I think they can do it.

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:37 AM

    @Daisy Now if you could only gently ridicule islam and islamic garments in that same fashion we’d be on the same page! The pope does have fab dresses btw!

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    Mute Will Phillips
    Favourite Will Phillips
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:48 AM

    @Titus Groan –”I usually love your comments but I think this is exactly why many men and women are frustrated with feminism at the minute (and I am proudly a feminist, mind). I hate the way feminists kick up a fuss about Western body shaming (which at times is definitely justified) and yet simultaneously defend Islam and its treatment of women.”

    Amen to that!

    I’m all for equality and equal rights & opportunity and allowing people to live and let live how they please. So long as they’re not causing harm to themselves or others.

    However, I always find modern feminism really frustrating and contradicting. They would throw an angry protest at a protein supplement company for billboard ads on subways saying “Are you beach body ready?”.

    Blaming it on the “evil patriacry of the west”.

    Yet….they would still willing defend Islam and Islamic beliefs being incorporated to the west, when in an Islamic nation like Sudan or Pakistan it would be literally a patriarchal society where they would be oppressed and have no rights.

    I have a female friend, who really doesn’t like the Wonder-Woman costume and often throws a fuss about it. Yet when I showed her a video of the character Women-Woman herself giving out about people complaining about her costume, then she can’t answer.

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    Mute Titus Groan
    Favourite Titus Groan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:07 PM

    Your words “I’m all for equality and equal rights & opportunity and allowing people to live and let live how they please. So long as they’re not causing harm to themselves or others.” are pretty much my humanist philosophy on the world summarised. So, thank you for that!

    I definitely think there is a problem with people (men and women) fat shaming women in particular under the guise of “it’s just unhealthy, is all” when it clearly isn’t and then things like, the lovably overweight, Seth Rogan type paired up with katherine Heigl (or any other similar pairing you like, there are hundreds) or… Rose Byrne (she can wash my socks ANY day).

    But, at the same time, there is an element in the world of skinny shaming, one which I witnessed recently with a colleague actually. I’ve digressed but my point is, I don’t deny there is this thing with judging women’s bodies in a way we don’t to men but let’s put a pin in that; it is 100% absolutely nowhere near as bad as the treatment of women under many forms of Islam because…logic. body shaming in the West should be A focus but not THEE focus.

    I actually think Wonder Woman really is a feminist icon, outfit and all. I think there was an episode of Justice League where she talked about her costume too and I dislike when people criticise it when, for all intents and purposes, she likes it and CHOOSES it (isn’t that the whole point?) and I think there’s this misconception that women absolutely at no point are allowed to draw any power from their own sexualities, especially is that comes from a scantily clad costume. The more I hear the arguments about Wonder Woman’s costume the more I think it’s slut shaming. You can be smart and powerful and also be beautiful. I don’t care how this sounds, she’s actually one of my favourite comic characters (and I’m a huge comic nerd) along with Catwoman. Thought she was the best part of Batman Vs Superman.

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    Mute Larissa Caroline Nikolaus
    Favourite Larissa Caroline Nikolaus
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:13 PM

    @titus, I get where you are coming from, but, if a woman of her own free choice decides to wear a burkini, why should that be banned?

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    Mute Will Phillips
    Favourite Will Phillips
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:14 PM

    This is the Wonder-Woman video I mentioned;

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    Mute Malachi
    Favourite Malachi
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:25 PM

    Spot on Titus.

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    Mute Titus Groan
    Favourite Titus Groan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:31 PM


    Totally talked about that in comment above and the significance of the word “choice” in the context of dressing for modesty.

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    Mute Titus Groan
    Favourite Titus Groan
    Aug 23rd 2016, 12:32 PM


    Yes! Justice League! Hole in one. Manhunter for the win.

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    Mute Daisy Chainsaw
    Favourite Daisy Chainsaw
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:20 PM

    Ok, Nightmare. Islam is as much a pile of made up bollocks to control gullible idiots as any belief in a sky fairy.

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    Mute the asian nightmare
    Favourite the asian nightmare
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:42 PM

    Yes! Thank you Daisy.

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    Mute Thosj Carroll
    Favourite Thosj Carroll
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:44 AM

    Boost sale? Ah very funny! Saw this in Dubai some years ago & the view was jawdropping as if it’s like a man in suit swims in the sea. Also I was told that was the way to stop male stare at or arousing sexually.

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    Mute Dean Burroughs
    Favourite Dean Burroughs
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:12 PM

    Irish feminists can have their burkinis and Arab husbands. As long as I can have a South American Catholic girlfriend.

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    Mute howisthat
    Favourite howisthat
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:12 AM

    I’ll miss the cameltoes

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    Mute garb yakob
    Favourite garb yakob
    Aug 23rd 2016, 1:07 PM

    Just like it boosts terrorism chances

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    Mute Damocles
    Favourite Damocles
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:04 AM

    I don’t know what the Victorians would think of it.

    Banning one scandalously outrageous type of swimwear in favour of a more scandalously outrageous type of swimwear.

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    Mute Patrick J. O'Rourke
    Favourite Patrick J. O'Rourke
    Aug 23rd 2016, 2:09 PM

    It’s only a matter of time until a Gay guy is thrown off a cliff for wearing one. OK, we shouldn’t jest but it will get stranger yet as the physics of forces collide.

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    Mute t
    Favourite t
    Aug 23rd 2016, 7:27 PM

    Why don’t Muslim men cover themselves up in case female they don’t know starts having indecent thoughts about them and their beards.

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    Mute Paddy Dunne
    Favourite Paddy Dunne
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:56 AM

    Oh lads I don’t know about ye but she really turns me onnnnnnn,
    Pant pant whoa yeahhhh

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    Mute prouesse f
    Favourite prouesse f
    Aug 23rd 2016, 3:23 PM×282.jpg

    This is a picture showing the evolution of women swimwear through the years in France. At the beginning they did look pretty much like burkini.

    Maybe it’s just a matter of time before the burkini disappears. So there is no need for a ban that stigmatises the Muslims!

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    Mute Oonaghpoonagh
    Favourite Oonaghpoonagh
    Aug 23rd 2016, 11:20 PM

    @Prouesse F ye it looks like beachwear from 1879…..what does that tell you?

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    Mute prouesse f
    Favourite prouesse f
    Aug 23rd 2016, 3:15 PM

    So the Human Rights League and the Canadian prime minister think that stupid ban is nothing but a demonstration of weakness and an attack on individuals’ freedom.

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    Mute Margie Murph
    Favourite Margie Murph
    Aug 23rd 2016, 10:50 PM

    The Canadian prime minister would know a lot about the demonstration of weakness alright. A wet sock of a man.

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