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Image of PSNI cordon on Newry's Monaghan Street this morning. Justin McNulty
Monaghan Street

Security alert ends in Newry after controlled explosion on 'crude yet viable' pipe bomb

The PSNI said the device has been removed and taken away for further forensic examination.


A SECURITY ALERT on a busy street in Newry, Co Down has ended after a controlled explosion was carried out on a ‘crude yet viable’ pipe bomb found there this morning. 

Monaghan Street had been closed as a result of the discovery and cordons remained in place throughout the day, with the public being asked to avoid the area. 

Police officers attended the scene at around 8.20am alongside Ammunition Technical Officers (ATO), who carried out a controlled explosion.

The object, which police have declared as a “viable suspected pipe bomb”, has been removed and taken away for further forensic examination.

PSNI Inspector Gibson said: “This security alert on one of Newry’s busiest streets has caused major disruption to local businesses and resulted in some people being evacuated from their homes today as we conducted this public safety operation.

“We would like to thank them for their understanding and patience as we conducted our investigations.”

417485448_886853119923014_1971488530330781231_n Image of further security arriving to Monaghan Street in Newry Justin McNulty Justin McNulty

Speaking after the device was discovered this morning, Local SDLP MLA Justin McNulty said the street had been “evacuated because of an apparent viable pipe bomb”.

“We thought these days were long gone,” he added.

He later said that a “bomb squad has arrived” to the scene and a small controlled explosion had been carried out.

Mike Murray, who owns Murray’s Barbers on the street, told The Journal that he got “dropped off this morning at the shop next to where it was left”.

“It was just hanging out of the wall as people were on their way to work,” said Murray.

448759325_984714079725371_641988596143452386_n Image of the suspicious device on Monaghan Street in Newry

“We waited for police whilst trying to stop cars and people approaching it.”

Murray said his wife left him to work with their four children in the car.

“It’s pretty bad form, there’s a lot of people around and the traffic was crazy this morning, it was a pretty scary experience.”

However, Murray commended PSNI officers for allowing him to finish off a haircut this morning before being evacuated.

“You have to commend them for that,” said Murray.

IMG_5618 (1) Mike Murray, owner of Murray's Barbers, at the police cordon on Monaghan Street on Newry Diarmuid Pepper / The Journal Diarmuid Pepper / The Journal / The Journal

Meanwhile, Sinn Féin and Newry City councillor Aidan Mathers said the device “was left by criminals to deliberately cause chaos and to scare and intimidate”.

“We do not want this on our streets,” said Mathers.

“Those engaged in these criminal acts, motivated by either greed or to intimidate, need to cease their anti-community activities”.

Inspector Gibson said PSNI enquiries are continuing and urged anyone with any information to contact them on 101, quoting reference number 294 of 20/06/24.

A report can also be submitted online using the non-emergency reporting form via

Information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, which is anonymous.

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