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File image of cigarettes on sale. Alamy Stock Photo

Law banning sale of tobacco products to under 21s won't take effect until 2028

The proposed legislation will not impact the minimum legal age of sale of vapes.


THE LEGAL AGE for the sale of tobacco products is to increase to 21, however the law won’t commence until 2028 so as to ensure that those that turned 18 before the Bill comes into effect will not be affected.

While it is intended that the law will be passed as quickly as possible, a government spokesperson confirmed today that a “three-year wash through period” has been introduced upon legal advice to government. 

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly brought forward the legislation to curb smoking prevalence, which the Department of Health has said remains at 18% for several years. 

Donnelly said that tobacco smoking continues to kill 4,500 Irish people every year. 

“[Smoking] remains the biggest single cause of disability and death combined in our country,” he said.

He said that increasing the age to 21 will also protect people under the age of 18, as they are less likely to be in social groups with 21-year-olds. 

Ireland aims to become the first country in the EU to introduce this measure. A lead-in time will be implemented so that those already entitled to buy tobacco products will not be affected. 

The proposed legislation will not impact the minimum legal age of sale of vapes or other nicotine inhaling products, the department said. 

With reporting by Christina Finn

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