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AUTHORITIES HAVE EXHUMED the remains of 30 people executed at the end of World War II who were found in a mass grave near the capital of Croatia.
The victims were believed to be cadets of a military academy run by pro-Nazi Croatia’s regime during the war.
“The grave was quite shallow, some bones were found only 35 centimetres below the ground,” the national bureau charged with searching for communist-era victims said in a statement.
The remains were found in a grave in the forest region of Gracani, north of the capital Zagreb, while the victims were probably executed in May 1945, it added.
“Irrefutable evidence of execution” were also found in the grave, notably a large amount of bullets and cartridges, the statement said. Several skulls had traces of bullet holes, while some of the victims had their hands tied up with metal wire, it added.
In July, 36 victims of the communist regime were found in another grave found in the same area.
During the war, hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Romas and Jews were killed by Croatia’s pro-Nazi regime, which was eventually defeated by Yugoslav partisans led by communist leader Josip Broz Tito.
According to the bureau, an institution established last year by Croatia’s parliament, some 600 graves with around 90,000 victims of the communist regime are scattered around the country – a figure that has been dismissed as “manipulation” by a group representing former anti-fascist fighters.
Braces for my daughter in ROI will cost €4500. The same work up North is half the price. The most ironic part is that the ortodontist in ROI is actually from Northern Ireland! Can someone please explain to me how there can be such a vast difference in price?
Not all children get free braces on the NHS. The rules for free braces are quiet strict. Your teeth have to sticking out of your mouth or if you have trouble talking or eating.
Sorry Bobby I know for a fact that’s not true. That’s the official line but the same NHS that offers boob jobs, rarely declines an application for braces for a child. Here, however, your teeth would need to be horizontal to get free orthodontic care
I know people who’s children got refused treatment on the NHS. From the NHS website.
NHS orthodontic treatment is free for people under the age of 18 with a clear clinical need for treatment. However, due to high demand there can be a long waiting list for NHS orthodontic treatment.
If you or your child does not qualify for free NHS treatment, or you don’t want to wait for treatment to start, you may choose to have private treatment. Private treatment is widely available but can be expensive, with an average fee of between £2,000 and £6,000.
I got my sons braces in north £2400 all in, everything X-ray, all visits, shields any extras needed etc..
Priced in Donegal €4500 + to Start I was told..
Busloads going up to Newry every day for dental work, then on the way home they get half price medicines.
Rip off “banana republic” is still squeezing the people to see how much we can take!
Not really, there are “bus loads” of people going up to exploit a hole in the HNS and get health care that;s subsidised by the British tax payer. Funny thing is, I’ve seen a few people on here saying the same things as your good self who I’ve seen elsewhere on the Journal complaining about Nigerians on the dole. Apparently what’s wrong for them is right for us. Who knew?
Actually anyone going to the north are paying ‘private prices’ these prices are not subsidised by the uk tax payers. They are just still cheaper than standard prices in ROI. I am from the north and recently spoke to someone from ROI who travelled to Newry for her root canal. The private fees (everything from xrays, visits treatment, sedation and follow up care) along with two nights stay in the canal court (a 4* hotel) cost her at least €700 less than getting bog standard basic treatment in ROI.
This was in Newry. The prices here are slightly higher due to the higher demand due to people coming here from ROI. If you travel further north it’s even cheaper.
In case you haven’t realised half the people up North have Irish passports and consider themselves to be living in Ireland.. It’s all part of the Good Friday Agreement
The exact dentist. Its a small village, my wife is from there. We all go there, twice a year, for check ups and work. You can fly to Katowice or Krakow. Nearest big town is Gliwice.
I go to Poland too. I used to live there and I lived down the street from this one in Wroclaw: I got three fillings for 160zl (€40) and a cleaning and checkup thrown in as well. The place is so professional and looks so modern inside. My boyfriend’s front tooth cracked one day. He had to get two metal implants in his two front teeth because both were really weak, as wells getting a root canal. Then he got two crowns put on top of the metal implants. He was up and down the street to the place a lot, easily spent ten hours there over the course of the week of treatment and it came to 2200zl (€550).
Well worth a trip over. The trip would pay for itself and Wroclaw is an amazing city!! It’s in the suburbs to the west of the city, close to the new stadium. Taxi in from the airport should cost 60zl (€15) max – direct flights from Dublin, Cork and Shannon. Or a bus out from town if you decide to make a holiday out of it and stay in Wroclaw will cost 3zl (75c). Cannot recommend the place enough – both the city and the dentist.
Thanks for all the info here I got attacked in feb and they knocked out my two front teeth 5k to replace them both after spending 1k on work already, certainly looking into other options tks!
Even paying for flights, accommodation, spending money (not that you need much, it’s Poland!) and your dental treatment, you can easily come home with more money than you’d have had if you got the treatment in Ireland, all the while getting a holiday included in the deal. Win-win situation.
And you will note, that I said the holiday pays for itself. I put no one under the illusion that flights and accommodation were free. To take it up as such can only be described as childish.
Price difference really is shocking, I went to a dentist in Dublin last year and even an xray cost €40. I was too tall for the machine and had to squat while the machine revolved around me hammering my shoulders. After that I went to Newry and got to stay in the dentists chair while he placed the xray machine beside my head. Got two, £5 each. Even with the price of petrol I saved hundreds over two trips
There two completely different x-rays your describing to look at different things ! You make it sound like sub standard equipment was used in Dublin when in fact all OPG machines revolve around the person. If your very tall , the machine hitting your shoulders would happen in any country ! When you get an x-Ray sitting in the chair it’s of a specific tooth. The revolving one is of your entire set of teeth. There NOT the same thing.
I understand that Lydia, but surely the Dentist in Dublin would no theres no way an accurate image can be captured. I was instructed to remain perfectly still which was impossible to do. Anyway the xrays I got in newry appeared on the monitors beside the chair, meaning I had a print out and my teeth and treatment plan were clearly mapped out for me.
I left feeling alot more informed and with alot more money in my pocket
As a dentist working in Dublin, I’d like to chime in with my experience.
I’m always a bit anxious when I see prices advertised below what it would cost me to pay for the materials.
For example, dental implants in Dublin typically cost the patient around €2,000 from start to finish (about 4-6 month’s treatment), about 65% of which (in my practice) are material and laboratory fees. The rest goes to practice running costs, staffing and to to pay the dentist.
If I wanted to offer dental implants at €800, I could only do it by sourcing my materials on the cheap, i.e knockoff implants and components from China.
I know some excellent dentists working in Northern Ireland who perform first class dentistry; but their fees inevitably are not a whole lot different to ours.
20% cheaper I can understand, but at half price, something gives.
I agree. I stayed in Dublin for my braces and couldn’t recommend it more.
I priced braces up north and the difference was roughly 600 euro. I’d spend that in trips up and back over the 2 years. The main benefit is my ortho won Best Practice in Ireland the last 2 years and it’s within walking distance from my house.
The price difference cancelled out and calling in for an emergency was handy. Paying whatever extra for convenience and piece of mind.
With all due respect following your statement logically the greater majority of dentists in the UK as well as other European countries are using inferior product. If this was the case I think we would have heard. Definitely there would have been another NHS sandal.
I’m in my sixties so you can guess how many family members, contemporaries etc have had dental work, pretty well all and no problems.
Your comment doesn’t fit.W all know that factors like rents, insurance, staff wages etc are higher here than in NI but they still don’t explain the huge differences.
I got a ridiculous quote of +2k for dental work I needed, I moved to Belfast and so get it on nhs and I think I’ve paid about £200 for it in total. Even without nhs it’s much cheaper, why not come here it’s only a 2 hr drive from Dublin.
It’s a disgrace what dentist’s charge, is it any wonder people go elsewhere along with everything else in this country were getting ripped off left right and center
So a part time time worker who is paid €8,000 per annum in the Republic works for nothing in Northern Ireland. Your economics is typical of a Shinner – just make up a number, just like your distorted view of history.
Pickart, maths or economics not your strong point. Come to think of it you don’t have any strong points. The average wage is 8k less in the north. It’s considered a poor area by republic standards.
Again, it costs less because the British tax payers pay for the NHS and the Irish (who get a bee in their bonnet about Nigerians and Roma on the dole) go to the UK and basically steal dental work.
Implants in N.I. cost me €3450.Quotations for the same work in the R of I were €7220 and €76665. No need to guess where I had the work….which was speedy, almost pleasant, and successfully done. I have yet to go back to get some more done on the bottom set, and am saving up for same, but back i will be going!
UK and Germany.
Better selection of Mercury free/Holistic dentists.
Irish dental care system is generally quite primitive and greed driven unfortunately.
Why on earth do people persist in comparing the United Kingdom with Ireland. The former is one of the leading economies in the world, a former superpower with one of the biggest, most important financial districts in the world and a system of universal healthcare in place for decades, well established and subsidized by the British taxpayer. Not to mention at least 14-15 times the population of Ireland.
We would be much better suited to comparing Ireland with Denmark or one of the other smaller nations in Europe.
I understand that but apart from geographical proximity and some cultural similarity that’s where the comparisons end. I’d love to see a cost breakdown between Ireland and one of the smaller European nations done by a proper economist. I’m not a dentist so I can’t speak as to their operating costs here in the South, it just feels very easy to reflexively jump on the bandwagon of hyperbole and on the spot fabricated stats.
I got my wisdom teeth pulled out in Belfast. Saved me 200 euro. A wise move ( no pun intended ). You think Ireland is expensive for dental. K paid $280 for 1 filling in Australia.
i’ve never gone to Newry, was tempted one time but then… found dentists in republic, one polish run, other hungarian which worked out about the same as Newry etc if not a bit less. Still higher than what they’d charge in Hungary and Poland. My guess is they bring in their own materials, whether they’re cheap materials or not, i’ve yet to discover but what I will say is the manner in which the work was carried out and the quality is 50/50 for me. The crown was good, so far, from the hungarian, the filling on a front tooth i got done was poor craftsmanship. I had one done years ago in Ireland and its still there, very smooth surface, perfectly aligned to the enamel on the tooth. I also don’t get a good feeling with dentists that have too ‘tight’ T&Cs. You need to ask questions, or be sorry later. I had to get 2 fittings for the crown as 1st one was absolutely mangled, did not look like a real tooth in shape or match to the other side, front tooth mind. They called me 1 hour before calling down for the 2nd fitting to say it hadnt arrived by courier (obviously from Hungary), 1 hour??? i had travelled 1 hour 20 mins from Dublin and taken a half day from work. They should have called me when the damn thing arrived and arrange the visit then if they were running a tight/unreliable courier method. They also knew id look for a discount, they mentioned it first before i did when i had finished the fitting. They didnt give me one and made sure to have 2 guys working there at the counter in case i put up a fight. They knew they made a booby but werent prepared to back down. Ive never gone back and won’t.
The other one was an actual Implant and bridge work, done by 2 different polish dentists in same place. Surgeons usually carry out implants etc and Prosthodontists do bridge work, restoring etc. I wanted the implant done first (top front tooth and noticeable) but they insisted i have the bridgework done first (bottom lower jaw, which i wasn’t in mad rush with). Man i’ve learned from this crap. They told me verbally what it would cost for the bridgework, I asked several times for a hard copy quote but never got one. €650, they charged me €750 in the end :/ not only that but the measures taken did not allow for the ‘bite’ that was coming from the most important front eye tooth implant. The bridge protruded out too much. This was not to be discovered until i got the implant done. The implant surgeon was very good but again the communication on what he had to do was not made clear to me, one they had the implant in place they realised the bite down was not clearing the bridge on lower jaw so…. they chiseled into the bridge and not just that had to push the implant forwards by about .5mm. So now i’m left with a perfect front tooth implant but thats not aligned with the front tooth beside it all because the Prosthodontist just went for it all out on their work forgetting about the top teeth, and also now a damaged bridge, chiselled in parts to allow the bite safe clearance.
I might go back to the polish dentists for a check on the implant but their manager was made aware of it and I asked them to fix the bridge. The implant guy never even told me what they were about to do.
I just hate dentists for this lack of communication and just drilling away at your expense. This is your front teeth and youre paying big money to get them fixed. They wouldnt mess it up if you were a celebrity, oh no, they’d be hoping to get publiciity out of it so make damn sure its perfect.
Every step they take, stop them and ask them what theyre about to do, especially with non-english speakers, make sure someone there assisting is explaining.
I’m currently in Budapest getting my second round of treatment. All included I am saving over 7k on my teeth. So far the service has been excellent, and the clinic I’m in is amazing. Really modern, everyone speaks English. I did a lot of research before deciding on Kreativ Dental in Budapest, which is where I am now. I saw a few dentists in Dublin and I was told it would cost about 14k and would take 6 months. I can’t yet comment on the finished product but from what I’ve seen so far I’m fairly confident of the outcome. While it bothers me that I had to make the trip in the first place, there was no way I could afford to stay home and pay that. Not to mention the time off work.
I got mine done in Turkey, I met the dentist here for a consultation (him and his wife travels here twice a year). I went over for 2 weeks and got three sets of bridges (10 porcelain on backs, 2 implants and 6 zirconium). I paid all in €5500 including my flights and accommodation. I got all fillings, xrays and a root canal thrown in for free. Over here it was costing me €1000 for a standard 2 tooth bridge and its about €2000 for a implant alone, I heard it was more expensive for certain implants.
My daughter was quoted 7000 for braces in Ireland, I live in England brought her over and registered with my dentist she was accessed and approved for free braces on NHS only cost is 50 pounds to extract four teeth and flights back and forth which will work out a lot cheaper than paying to have it done in Ireland.
i’ve never gone to Newry, was tempted one time but then… found dentists in republic, one polish run, other hungarian which worked out about the same as Newry etc if not a bit less. Still higher than what they’d charge in Hungary and Poland. My guess is they bring in their own materials, whether they’re cheap materials or not, i’ve yet to discover but what I will say is the manner in which the work was carried out and the quality is 50/50 for me. The crown was good, so far, from the hungarian, the filling on a front tooth i got done was poor craftsmanship. I had one done years ago in Ireland and its still there, very smooth surface, perfectly aligned to the enamel on the tooth. I also don’t get a good feeling with dentists that have too ‘tight’ T&Cs. You need to ask questions, or be sorry later. I had to get 2 fittings for the crown as 1st one was absolutely mangled, did not look like a real tooth in shape or match to the other side, front tooth mind. They called me 1 hour before calling down for the 2nd fitting to say it hadnt arrived by courier (obviously from Hungary), 1 hour??? i had to from Dublin and taken a half day from work. They should have called me when the damn thing arrived and arrange the visit then if they were running a tight/unreliable courier method. They also knew id look for a discount, they mentioned it first before i did when i had finished the fitting. They didnt give me one and made sure to have a guy working there at the counter in case i put up a fight. They knew they made a booby but werent prepared to back down. Ive never gone back and won’t.
The other one was an actual Implant and bridge work, done by 2 different polish dentists in same place. Surgeons usually carry out implants etc and Prosthodontists do bridge work, restoring etc. I wanted the implant done first (top front tooth and noticeable) but they insisted i have the bridgework done first (bottom lower jaw, which i wasn’t in mad rush with). Man i’ve learned from this crap. They told me verbally what it would cost for the bridgework, I asked several times for a hard copy quote but never got one. €650, they charged me €750 in the end :/ not only that but the measures taken did not allow for the ‘bite’ that was coming from the most important front eye tooth implant. The bridge protruded out too much. This was not to be discovered until i got the implant done. The implant surgeon was very good but again the communication on what he had to do was not made clear to me, one they had the implant in place they realised the bite down was not clearing the bridge on lower jaw so…. they chiseled into the bridge and not just that had to push the implant forwards by about .5mm. So now i’m left with a perfect front tooth implant but thats not aligned with the front tooth beside it all because the Prosthodontist just went for it all out on their work forgetting about the top teeth, and also now a damaged bridge, chiselled in parts to allow the bite safe clearance.
I might go back to the polish dentists for a check on the implant but their manager was made aware of it and I asked them to fix the bridge. The implant guy never even told me what they were about to do.
I just hate dentists for this lack of communication and just drilling away at your expense. This is your front teeth and youre paying big money to get them fixed. They wouldnt mess it up if you were a celebrity, oh no, they’d be hoping to get publiciity out of it so make damn sure its perfect.
Every step they take, stop them and ask them what theyre about to do, especially with non-english speakers, make sure someone there assisting is explaining. Theres a 50/50 risk, pay through the nose here but get quality and perfect work or pay less and risk a cock up.
I was shocked at the quotes for prices of braces for my daughter I got from 3 dentists for €5,000! I had a look online as I thought it might be better value to go up North, but I found a place called Smile Store near Tramore Road so I took her there. Her teeth were sticking out from using a ‘dodi’ for too long when she was small and she was a demon for sucking her thumb even at 11 years of age as it was a comfort habit thing. They were very good value for my daughter’s braces, €3,200; they have monthly payment plan from €120 and were very kind to her. I was having a look at their prices for adult stuff and decided to get two dental implants for myself where I had teeth pulled a few years ago after abscesses done for 685 each and then they did crowns on top for 595 euro. I got tax relief of 20%. I’ve been frightened of dentists since I was a child when I got general anaesthetic to get teeth pulled due to abscesses but my daughter was laughing at me! When I asked about the whole implant thing they showed me how they work and how its done and even offered me sedation if I wanted it ( I didn’t need it in the end) so I felt way more comfortable having it done there than travelling somewhere else for it. I had the surgery last October and can’t wipe the smile off my face now; it’s very noticeable in family photos as I used smile with closed lips because I was self conscious about the gaps in my lower teeth. I was a bit sore for a few days but they saw me on a Wednesday evening after work at short notice and put my mind at rest straight away. I have to say I was very impressed with them.
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