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Sister leads tributes to 'brave' Captain Dara Fitzpatrick who lost life in Coast Guard crash
She was a well-known senior pilot with the Coast Guard.
4.30pm, 14 Mar 2017
Irish Coast Guard
Irish Coast Guard
Updated 6.45pm
WELL-KNOWN PILOT Dara Fitzpatrick has been named as the first casualty of this morning’s rescue helicopter crash.
Gerard O’Flynn, a spokesperson for the Coast Guard, confirmed her death to reporters at Blacksod in Mayo this afternoon.
She was recovered from the water in a critical condition at first light today, hours after Rescue 116 disappeared. She was later pronounced dead.
O’Flynn said it is a “difficult time” for her company CHC Helicopter and the Coast Guard.
“Dara is the most senior pilot with CHC – with the company close to 20 years,” he told reporters.
“Outside of her work as a pilot, she did an enormous amount of work in water safety and was always available to do school visits and highlight basic water safety.
“For all of us involved in the Coast Guard, and particularly her family, it does come as a big shock and we want to extend our sincere sympathies to her sympathy to all her family and indeed to her flying colleagues at CHC.”
Captain Fitzpatrick’s sister, psychologist and Today FM agony aunt Niamh Fitzpatrick, said the family are devastated by the loss of her “brave sister”, asking on Twitter for prayers for the other crew members of Rescue 116.
A search operation for the three men is ongoing. The Coast Guard helicopters on scene off the Mayo coast are being assisted in their search by the Air Corps Casa, RNLI boats, the Naval Services’s LE Róisín, garda divers and local fishing vessels.
My brave sister Capt Dara Fitzpatrick lost her life in #Rescue116 crash. We are devastated. Please pray for recovery of 3 remaining crew.
Fitzpatrick began flying in 1990 and started working in search and rescue in March 1993, moving from Shannon to Waterford after almost 10 years.
In 2013, she was part of the Coast Guard’s first ever all-female mission alongside her co-pilot Carmel Kirby.
“I first went up in a helicopter when I was about 18 and was immediately sold on it – I thought it was the business. And that, pretty much, was it,” she told the Munster Express in 2009.
In a video made for students by the Irish Bishops’ Conference in 2008, she discussed her love for the job, as well as the difficulties it brings.
Fitzpatrick was also filmed for a RTÉ documentary series on Rescue 117 which saw her crew followed for six months. At the time, the filmmakers described her as “one of only a handful of female civilian rescue pilots in the world”.
She is survived by her family and three-year-old son.
President Michael D Higgins described today is a dark one in the history of Garda Cósta na hÉireann.
“On behalf of the people of Ireland, may I pay tribute to Captain Dara Fitzpatrick who died today,” he said in a statement.
“We are grateful for the courage, resolution and exemplary commitment to the aims of the Coast Guard that Captain Fitzpatrick and her colleagues have consistently displayed.
My thoughts are with her family at this difficult moment and also with the families of the missing crew.
“It is appropriate that we acknowledge and pay tribute to the efforts of her colleagues at the Coast Guard who have been working at a time, which must be for them, a time of great grief and uncertainty.”
With reporting from Paul Hosford in Blacksod, Mayo and Michelle Hennessy
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Sinn Fein is not and never was in the refuse business, but we will neither condone or condemn the people involved in the illegal dumping business because there is an ongoing conflict. Gerry was never a member of the refuse truck crew and knows nothing about illegal dumping of refuse or bodies.
Ah no Paul it’s not SFs fault. The fault lies with FF, FG, Liebor, DUP, the British, the Independent, all other totally biased media (not including An Poblachta of course),Maria Cahill and Austin Stack. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few.
There was a Sinn Fein activist seeing shopping in Tesco’s, shortly after there was a trolley abandoned in the car park quick ring the journal, RTE is busy investigating a suspicious package under a shinners Christmas tree….
@Charlie Wrex: This whole conspiracy theory that “Oh an election is coming and Sinn Fein are going to win so the media etc.. etc..” is absolute rubbish. Sinn Fein are polling 17%, they polled 25% at one stage before the last election and got 14% in the GE. Sinn Fein are stagnated in the polls and are going nowhere
@Peadar Ó Gréacháin: You do realise what an incredible accusation that is to make? You being an active member and that. What evidence have you produce to the Gardai?
@ Kevin, the same evidence you have produced here that Sinn Fein dumped materials with there name all over it, surely your commander-in-chief rubber lips can come up with something better than this….
@Peadar Ó Gréacháin: I never said Sinn Fein dumped materials. I said the material obviously belonging to Sinn Fein came from Brian Stanleys campaign, the fact his campaign cleaned it up suggests they themselves don;t feel the leaflets were forged. Pretty obvious this act of dumping spanned from the campaign team. Your claim has no basis to it whatsoever & its actually slanderous against FF, libel in fact if you were to produce a name
@Kevin Higgins: I am not here representing my party, I am concerned about dumping which has cost my constituency millions over the years. Call me an environmentalist
Don’t be silly Peadar, Sf dumped their own printed material and the ever dependable Journal is there to bring us the scoop. You have to respect the intellectual prowess of the writers at the journal, they really know a good story when they see it. Now folks, check the register…
@jane: So during a week when we have revelations about the central bank and government knowing full well about what led to the bank collapse, and they did nothing. Then last night’s program about the gifting of more resources to all comers, oil, gas, and fish,and nothing is seen or heard about these scandals in any MSM. But lots of anti SF and GA gutter journalism.
These revelations should be headline news, not the fake news we’re being fed.
Johnathan sugarman?
Atlantic giveaway? Billllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllions oh sure dumping is more important fooking in mature journalism waste of time.
If its so terrible, surely you’d be better advised to haunt some other free news site Bobby – alternatively, you could do your own research and publish your own “mature journalism” on a blog. Maybe even ask a publication (of your choice) if theyll publish your balanced, exhaustively researched, investigative opus… Seems better than spamming nearly every article here today, no?
@Kevin Higgins:what proof do you need, there is plenty of shit being thrown at sf in the hope it will stick it is as obvious as day will follow night that it is a set up, can you seriously believe any party would leave a trail as obvious as this, wake up and smell the shit being thrown by fg/ff/lab and some indos….
Lol. Agghh you got me! Strangely enough, I’ve looked up other sites/sources regarding the banking shite and the oil and fishing fiasco. Just because its not published here isnt the end of the world. I think its because shinnerbots are so used to being spoonfed in an echo chamber, that when their information teat is withdrawn they get panicky. They need to calm reassurance of similar minded oafs belching the same lines to settle into the mogadon comfort of groupthink. :)
Dave are you not capable of digesting more than one news story at a time? If this was about any other party or politician SF supporters would be all over it like flies on shite. Ye are such a bunch of barefaced hypocrites. It’s staggering.
@jane: There’s important news and there’s sensationalist gutter journalism that serves a political purpose, that’s it’s sole function.
The important news is that, that has effected the lives of every family in the country, in the most negative manner possible. What the real news tells us, is who is responsible for this. Responsible for the decimated lives, the strangling debt imposed, the homelessness, the suicides, the crumbling health service, the unaffordable drugs, the crippling taxes, the worthless wages, the reduction of services, the total cutting out of some. The country’s resources that benefits other nations and people’s.Resources that never belonged to any party or politician. But sold off none the less.
And those responsible, live lives that ordinary people can only imagine, never dream about.
That should be headline news, should demand investigation. What do we get instead? People and situations used as political footballs.
And you try to point the finger of hypocrisy.
The funny thing if it wasn’t so serious is that you couldn’t actually make this up if the media actually wanted to. The members of the Sinn Fein party are not the brightest bunch of lads. Can’t even do dump without being caught.
If they know it wasn’t a Sinn Fein member who dumped them wouldn’t that suggest that they know who did dump them. Either that or they have just gone straight to denial mode as usual!
@Brendan Luke Ferron: The environment minister’s leaflets are pictures above. not 1 but a full box of leaflets, someone in his campaign knows who did this.
@Kevin Higgins: As I say you can’t control what former members do, there is a very good chance that is who is responsible for this. As a Cllr I would have had loads of election materials stored in my own house from time to time.
@Kevin Higgins: It looks about 100 – 150 – trifold leaflets to me by the way. Many people involved in canvassing an area would have that left over after a drop.
Former members – LOL! It’s Schrodinger’s Provo again, isn’t it? It can’t be determined whether any individual is a member of Sinn Fein or an unconnected Good Republican, until one of these things becomes embarrassing and the waveform collapses.
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Brendan a crime has been committed here. Dumping is illegal just to let you know. Sinn Fein have branches which manage canvassing campaigns where everyone gives their name, number and email for organisational purposes. To suggest Sinn Fein doesn’t know or have a clear idea as to who did this is laughable.
I don’t care whether 2 people or 20 canvassed with the environmental spokesperson during his GE campaign, its going to be obvious who got handed hundreds of leafets & never handed any of them out. normal canvassers gets handed bundles of leafets, usually only organisers get the boxes!
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Let me ask you this Brendan. When a companies leaflets get found dumped the company gets fined & the employee is generally sacked/brought to court. Why should Sinn Fein be treated any differently?
@Kevin Higgins: In fairness having been the Director of elections for several candidates for Sinn Fein I think I know a wee bit more how we do things than your self. As for the rest of the nonsense, listen if this was any other party it wouldn’t even warrant a story. As for 1000′s of leaflets, its about 100 to 150 of a trifold leaflet I think was used in 2014 judging by the design, and a few from a candidate who last ran in 2011. I doubt its a recent event at all, I would say it happened quite sometime back but the person who took the picture sent it on now.
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Brendan you can divert Sinn Fein’s responsibility here all you like. Fact is the local Branch & Brian’s campaign know exactly who got that box of leaflets. So either Sinn Fein know who did this or they know where to direct the Gardai.
Nobody said 1000′s of leaflets, nobody questioned your knowledge of how branches operate & nobody is asking you about when this happened.
@Kevin Higgins: Okay, its getting a bit boring at this stage – listen I am off to my Christmas Party – then I am off to a function for H.O.P.E. Suicide Support group in The Dragon Tallaght Village at about 10pm – monster raffle. It promises to be a great night – tickets only €5.00. If you want to continue the debate drop up for a pint – the first one is one me! Sine e.
@Brendan Luke Ferron: I don’t drink Brendan nor do I condone the dumping of my politcal parties leaflets. I can happily say if the Social Democrats ever got in the same situation as Sinn Fein we would get to the bottom of it rather than trying to distort and distract like you are. Unlike many politicians I am off to work tonight, slan.
Sure you’re two great lads altogether… and what ever happened to the old adage – “its amazing what can be conquered when you don’t care who gets the credit”
No Nialls you’re right, it was a SF member who dumped them actually, it’s their new strategy to win over the hearts and minds of the nation. Or perhaps they dumped them out of pure recklessness or stupidity not realising the standard of investigative reporting that the Journal produces.
@Mr Phil Officer: But you can’t clean up the SF mess without proper equipment & you pretty much need to separate the rubbish if you only want to clean the sinn fein rubbish
Calm down Nick, all I see is a pile of thrash, nobody knows who dumped it, with the filth politics going on this week I would have an open mind as to what may have happened, I hope whoever did dump it is fined.
I don’t know who dumped it and nor would I expect it was SF. That is not the point. The point is they went up there and picked out the SF branded rubbish and left the test there. This is a pathetic excuse of a party that would do that
@Fiona Fitzgerald…….do you actually think that comment was funny Fiona?….You do realize you have more than one brain cell don’t you, and it’s OK to use the others.
@Tommy Doran: Oh sorry…you must be on here only because of your concern for the environment – good man……. To answer your question, I was once a member of Sinn Féin, but not active due to retirement….however, I think I’ll re-join them again and try to save this country from going down the tube..
I am not pushing any party. I wouldn’t trust SF, AAA have idiotic fiscal policies, FG & FF don’t have the leadership nor skills to do any thing too worthwhile although FG appear to be getting the economy back on track but I feel that is more circumstance than planning. Unfortunately I don’t think the Irish political system offers any worthy parties or candidates
Your right too Patrick, the Stack brothers deserve answers, I think their case should be the first one examined by an internationally recognised truth commission.
@Liam Dempsey: Exactly, the company I work for would be fined if their marketing literature was found dumped. Equally whoever dumped them would be breaking the law.
@Conor Heffernan: Coco pops are sold to retails outlets then purchased by consumers. ownership of leaflets lies with the consumers and as such the consumer is dumping here not Kellogs. Unless Sinn Fein sell leaflets your diverting comment is pointless
You’re missing the point. Just cuz someone’s logo is on the material doesn’t mean that they dumped them. Anyone that had access could have dumped these. That includes the material printers, party members or waste collectors.
@Conor Heffernan: & You missed the point ive made a dozen times on this article. If a councillor (Brian Stanley) prints thousands of leaflets he gives them to his canvassing team. So a member of this team either dumped the box or gave it to someone who did.
To suggest Sinn Fein don’t or wont know who did this is laughable. I am not saying Fine Sinn Fein or anything like that but I want justice so dumping can be prevented in the future
I see one or two boxes of printed Sinn Fein material. How could that find itself in the hands of someone who would dump it? You don’t print a box of 500 leaflets and hand them all to a random joe soap
@Kevin Higgins: Always possible the material was in the possession of a person who until recently was a member of the party in that area but left and so dumped this material at the location – just speculation of course :)
@Brendan Luke Ferron: because Sinn Fein members with knowledge of illegal activities would never report it to the authorities. Just speculation of course.
@Joe Harbison: Nick when have you ever been handed a box of 1000 leaflets ? You get 1 leaflet each, surreal to think someone could have ran around collecting hundreds of leaflets until they have enough to stage this?
What obviously happened is that a current or ex-member did this, they would have gotten the 1000 leaflets from a TD or Cllr so Sinn fein should know who ended up with the leaflets. Assuming they have a transparent organisation!
@Kevin Higgins: I think from the comment that Sinn Fein Councillor Ferron is intimating that he has a good idea who did it but seeing that he’s an elected representative he’s following his party leaders example and choosing not share his suspicions with the authorities
BTW the Journal has not included in the story when this material was dumped and cleaned up – my understanding is that its not recent. Michael Colreavy last stood for election in 2011 yet material belonging to him is listed.
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Brendan a little less time spent muddying the waters & a bit more time caring for the environment & transparency would be very much appreciated!
@Brendan Luke Ferron: I think the fact they cleaned this up when it became national news makes sense for any political party.
Now Brendan back to the issue of getting justice. Brian Stanley ran in 2011 with a canvassing team. You’d want to be a trusted member to get a big box of his leaflets which brian paid for. Now are you seriously suggesting Brian or the local branch can’t find out who did this and report them to the gardai!?
@Kevin Higgins: I’m confused by this – did someone else run this before the Journal? This is the first time I saw this story – and this story quite clearly says the material had been cleaned up so I really do not get your point “they cleaned this up when it became national news”. No offence but I think you are taking rubbish lol!
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Oh plenty of offence taken Brendan, unlike Sinn Fein I care about my environment. I would be spending my time getting to the bottom of this rather than trying to distort and distract from who did this.
Kevin, party leaflets etc do not get handed out to members by Councillors or TD’s, which goes to show how much you know about this stuff yet you’re acting like you’ve cracked the case!
No member of a political party would illegally dump their own partys lierature with all the logos and names on it. More likely a former member with a grudge.
@Dan Henry: So how do “One or two sad individuals” get their hands on 1000 of the same official leaflet from the SF environmental spokespersons campaign?
@Nick Allen: No charlie its obvious. Brian Stanley’s canvassing team would have gotten all these leaflets. A single member or ex member likely did this. So Brian could easily identify who did this. He wont though because Sinn Fein don’t do transparency
Sinn Fein dump loads of Sinn Fein rubbish in a place where they’d be found? A likely story. Someone in FF or FG is worried about the upcoming election. It’s pathetic stuff really
Hopefully the person or persond responsible will be caught. If it was a member of sf they should be expelled. The party doesnt want or need people who destroy the environment.
@LITTLEONE: I think they probably know the answer to that. As I said above I don’t think this happened any time recently. It says leaflets were found belonging to Michael Colreavy and he hasn’t run for an election since 2011.
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Brendan Brian Stanley would have had a canvassing team. to suggest nobody in Sinn fein remembers what the team was and who is no longer a member is absolutely laughable. Nobody is that incompetent
@Kevin Higgins: Yeah but those are not canvassing leaflets for Brian Stanley, they are a leaflet used in the 2014 locals from what I can see. Have a look at the picture – a solitary “A fair recovery is possible leaflet has been placed on to of the tri-folds to obscure who the actual material is for (rather suspicious wouldn’t you agree? The section at the bottom is just a small bit from Brian, probably relating to the water Charges.
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Are you trying to suggest someone printed these leaflets identifcal to the ones Brian used & dumped them all in a big conspiracy against Sinn Fein?
@Brendan Luke Ferron: Meaning someone printed identical leaflets, amazing considering you only commented 20 mins ago suggesting it was an ex-member. Comical carry on from the party of closed doors.
Election on the horizon and i can say that all the ff/fg/lab gimps on here desreve what you get.your parties are nothing but traitors and go on about sf cover ups.whilst that gimp mehole martin and bellenda kenny cover up the blatant murder of a child mary boyle..god forbid it ever happens to any of your are vermin
When Sinn Fein were at the site removing the leaflets, I assume they had the good sense to remove any other items that could identify the dumper.
Protect the party comes number 1.
Did Sinn Fein leave all the other non-incriminating rubbish there once they sent in their clean-up team?
Anybody worried about the rest of the rubbish that was dumped their Sinn Fein has picked theirs up which was tipped and not by Sinn Fein . I would have thought people would be worried about the rest of the rubbish and about who owns it.
The former member responsible for this crime has undergone internal discipline. No need to involve the DPP or an Garda. End of story, now go back to sleep Ireland.
It’s really comical reading comments from the multi account holders and the hacks & trolls. Just goes to show that the saying “little amuses the idiots” is true. Personally I could care less about this person says this and that person says that . At the end of the day the truth will surface and the guilty will be named. Anyway,enough excitement for me readibg all your pathetic jibing, I’m off out for a pint in the real world with real people. Have a great evening saddo’s
Yeah we are on the cusp of another taxpayers election,sorry lot up there,haven’t a bull notion on govern the country,would rather be arguing over trivialities..Just get that dump cleaned up and stop blaming and moaning.
I find it very interesting that what appears to be a relatively new illegal dump site has materials from a retired TD that lives over a 100 miles from there and contains literature spanning a number of years and campaigns. In fact does no-one find it strange that none of the 3 TDs named represent the area concerned. This is a set up plain and simple.
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