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As it happened: Almost 200 seats filled on local councils as counts get under way around country

All the data so far points to a Green surge in the Euro elections, meanwhile, with the party potentially claiming three seats.

LAST UPDATE | 26 May 2019

WE’RE INTO THE business end of the local election count. 

The local, Euro, referendum and (in some areas) plebiscite ballots have all been separated and the first results have been trickling in from centres around the country. 

The main news of the weekend so far is the Green ‘surge’. The votes in the Euro elections won’t be counted until tomorrow but the exit polls are pointing to a definite Green seat in Dublin for Ciarán Cuffe with two of his party colleagues potentially joining him in Ireland South and Midlands Northwest. 

We’re in for a long count by they way, we’ve a guide to exactly how long here, and we also have reporters at major count centres. Follow them here: @christinafinn8@kathleen_mcn@AndrewNRoberts and @DaraghBroph

Meanwhile you can catch up with our liveblog from the first part of the day here

Hi guys, Seán Murray here and I’ll be with you throughout the afternoon and evening.

And I come to you with breaking news. The first of the 949 councillors has been elected. It is independent Thomas Welby in the Connemara North local area.

Welby is the first, but we’re expecting more official announcements soon with counts under way in earnest in many areas across the country.

Just coming to the election news, now?

Here’s a little refresher to get you up to speed:

Dublin Lord Mayor Nial Ring is confident of retaining his seat. 

He’s told‘s Andrew Roberts he’ll be quite happy to work with Green Party councillors with the party set to have an increased presence on Dublin City Council.

These graphics look a bit empty now, but they’ll look a lot fuller once more seats are filled.

Here’s confirmation of the independent Thomas Welby’s election to Galway County Council.

GalwayCoCo V1png

The narrative is certainly building of the Green resurgence after the battering they got in the 2011 general election.

Virgin Media News’ Gav Reilly has highlighted this tweet from the time from the Greens talking of “rebuilding”. 

Kathleen McNamee is our reporter in Castlebar, and she’s saying that the first announcement out there is expected in the next hour.

Oh. What’s all this then?

Shannonside FM reporting that the returning officer in Leitrim is to meet with all candidates to discuss ‘spoiled votes’ at 3.45.

We’ll keep you updated on that.

Welby is still the only councillor elected.

He’s speaking to David McCullagh on RTÉ.

He said “hard work” is behind his achievement of topping the poll in his constituency for the third time.

Welby didn’t put any posters up, and speaks about some green initiatives that the council has worked on. 

“I canvass on the doors, and I go plastic free, and it’s gone down very well,” he says. 

There’s something very compelling about this tally man watching live results at the count centre at the RDS in Dublin.

European Parliament election Niall Carson / PA Images Niall Carson / PA Images / PA Images

Our political correspondent Christina Finn is live at the RDS, with all the latest updates.

Watch it here

Government TDs such as Richard Bruton and Finian McGrath have told Christina that the strong vote for the Greens is a message that those in power really need to get to grips with tackling climate change.

Micheál Martin is trying to find the positives in an interview on RTÉ News.

He’s saying that the party is actually doing well in Dublin, and may pick up seats in the likes of Donaghmede and Dundrum.

He’s confident Fianna Fáil will win a seat in Dublin and Ireland South for the euro elections.

In Midlands-North West he says “we’re going to have to evaluate that” as it appears the party has no chance of getting a seat. 

Outgoing MEP Marian Harkin has her say on how she thinks the voting in Midlands-North West will go.

She thinks Ming Flanagan will get in with a battle between Sinn Féin and the Green Party the final seat.

So as a reminder, here’s what the RTÉ exit poll said about this constituency.

download (7) RTÉ-TG4 RTÉ-TG4

Green Party MEP candidate Saoirse McHugh is in contention for a seat in Midlands North West that looked unlikely at the start of the month.

She’s told Newstalk that she’s not making any predictions.

“I am just trying to keep a lid on my emotions,” she says. “I am just trying to enjoy this…”

Fine Gael TD Alan Farrell has been talking to our team down at the RDS.

His assessment?

“Not too bad” in his own Dublin North constituency, and he’s hopeful for the performance in the Euro elections.

But for the overall national picture he says “ask me on Tuesday”. 

More on Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin’s interview with RTÉ here.

He was asked about his party keeping Fine Gael in power

He says the country finds itself in a “difficult situation” with Brexit. Martin says many people are angry and fed up with the government but said he was continuing to facilitate the government because of Brexit.


We’ve got another councillor.

Michael D O’Shea has been elected to Kerry County Council.

Cue getting lifted up to celebrate. Will we get any Alan Kelly levels of emotion today?

Michael D O’Shea is Fianna Fáil, incidentally.

Kathleen McNamee has more from Castlebar. 

They’re almost finished opening all the boxes there, now.

There’s confirmation of the first councillor elected to Kerry County Council.

Kerry CoCo V1

Here’s a comprehensive list of tallies from Cork City Council for the southern ward seats. 

Not looking good for Sinn Féin, but good for Fianna Fáil and the Greens.

cork city council le

RTÉ’s exit poll covered an awful lot.

Here’s some figures on whether people in Ireland are delighted it’s become more liberal. Most people are, and by some distance.

Uniformity RTÉ RTÉ

And then here’s what the exit poll found on the issue of neutrality.

Neutrality RTÉ RTÉ

A significant majority of voters – 65% – polled in the RTE/TG4 exit poll said they would vote in favour of a united Ireland if a referendum was held tomorrow – and Sinn Féin is pushing the government to do something about it.

Michelle O’Neill, the party’s deputy president, has said the Taoiseach should start making plans for reunification.

“Demographics are changing and so too is the political landscape across Ireland,” she said this afternoon. “The political momentum is moving in that direction.”

More exit poll info, and here’s a party breakdown of people who are worried people are coming to Ireland illegally and freeloading off the state, by what party they support.

illegally RTÉ RTÉ

Fine Gael minister Josepha Madigan spearheaded the campaign to vote yes in the divorce referendum.

She’s told RTÉ News: “I think there’s an understanding that everyone’s marriage doesn’t work out, we don’t live in a utopian world”, adding that 4 years was far too long to wait before getting a divorce.

She said that this vote was part of a move to “a more compassionate, fairer society”.

Speaking about the changes that would be made off the back of a Yes vote, Madigan said she “doesn’t envisage any difficulty” in changing the laws, adding that changing the laws in relation to the Eighth Referendum was more “toxic”.

Just as a reminder, the exit poll has said that the referendum will pass comfortably. 

Social Democrat Ellie Kisyombe looks unlikely to get a seat in Dublin north inner city.

She tells RTÉ News that the controversy around her campaign was “distracting”, and that she’s unsure if she’ll stay with the party afterwards.

“I was disappointed about how the leadership treated me, but I was so confident and eager to keep going,” she says.

Soc Dem leader Róisín Shortall says the controversy is now “water under the bridge”. She says the issue was resolved “to everyone’s satisfaction”. 

ellie RTÉ RTÉ

Connemara North are really on the ball. Expecting another result there shortly.

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has been speaking to reporters at the RDS.

She says “today is the Green’s day”. 

“It would be churlish not to acknowledge them and wish them well,” she says.

McDonald says it now looks like the party won’t hold its seats on the local councils.

The Healy-Raes have obviously been reading this live blog, and have provided the sought-after Alan Kelly-esque reaction.

Jackie Healy-Rae – son of TD Michael – has been elected in Castleisland.

Counting is under way in some areas but other count centres lie idle.

At this Offaly count centre, ballot papers have yet to arrive.

Confirmation of the election of the next generation of Healy-Rae in Kerry.

KerryCoCo V2

More from Mary Lou and she’s trying to put the best foot forward for Sinn Féin.

“You have to be ready and fit for purpose when things are challenging,” she says. “Notwithstanding our disappointment, Sinn Fein remains a very strong organisation right across the island.”

We have another councillor!

Sinn Féin’s Gerry Murray has got in the Swinford area of Mayo.

I’m gonna call this look on him here “relief” with an added “I can now go watch Mayo in the football this evening”.

More on the overall pessimistic tone from Sinn Féin, here’s an update from KCLR Radio.

David Kennedy, about 80 votes behind Independent candidate Breda Gardner, reckons it’s “been a bad day for us” with Sinn Féin – the party potentially losing the three seats they had on the council.

“Politics is politics, you get caught in days like this, and get on with it. I’ve worked hard, but I doubt I’ll be back.”

Confirmation of the first person elected in Mayo County Council – Sinn Fein’s Gerry Murray.


There’s some “doubtful” results in the divorce referendum being examined by the local returning officer, Northern Sound News is reporting.

Alongside Gerry Murray in Mayo, Fianna Fáil’s Michael Smyth was an agonising three votes off the quota.

He has a little while longer to wait before he’s confirmed as a councillor.

Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald is talking to Claire Byrne on RTÉ now.

She’s repeating what she told reporters earlier that the party wanted to retain its seats but is disappointed they haven’t.

Sinn Féin will “get back to business”, she says. 

“It’s easy to lead when things are good and you’re on a surge,” she says. “It’s more challenging when it’s leaner… Politics has to be all-weather.”

Peader Tóibín was also just speaking to RTÉ, and is saying it’s a good day for his Aontú party.

He says his party is just 20 weeks old, and he reckons Aontú will win between 4-5% in the areas where they had candidates.

Toibin (1) RTÉ RTÉ

Ciarán Cuffe is speaking to RTÉ News. He’s on course to being elected comfortably in the Euro elections in Dublin.

“I think this has been an extraordinary weekend for the Green Party,” he says. “I’m so pleased so many young people, young women, elected across the country.

“I never thought we’d have a day like this. I’m overjoyed at the news.”

“I think it will bring a real change of emphasis on the long-term issues challenging Ireland,” he adds. “I think it will change what other parties are saying. For a long time, I’ve said… if other parties can take on the issues we’re talking about that’s as good [as getting elected themselves].”

Ah bless.

Green Party chairperson Roderic O’Gorman is in the RTÉ studio, and he and Cuffe are congratulating each other. 

A very good day for the Greens all round.

Cuffe adds he really thinks the message of climate change is getting through to people. 


A zinger from Cuffe when he’s asked what advice he’d give on a potential coalition in future with other parties, given the history of the Greens. 

Bryan Dobson asks: “Other parties might be eying you up [for future coalitions], so what would be your advice to colleagues if the Green Party were to be wooed again?”

Cuffe replies: “Well, don’t go into government when a recession is about to kick in.”

Green party RTÉ RTÉ

There’s something very compelling about this video from the Sunday Business Post’s Hugh O’Connell, where people look on as spoiled ballots are gone through at the RDS.

It’s going to be a long night.

We’ve published a piece that we’ll update every time another councillor is elected.

There’s been a few already, of course, and you can find it here

Reports of a very high turnout in Mayo, from our reporter Kathleen McNamee.

Turnout is not so high in Finglas, according to Newstalk’s Sean Defoe.

Fianna Fáil are likely to retain the position of most seats on local councils overall.

Here’s a breakdown from the RTÉ exit poll in terms of the state of the parties.

Local elections

What factors were important in deciding who you voted for?

The RTÉ exit poll has info on that too.

Direct contact with campaigners appears highly, as does TV coverage and online news.

Source election

Another councillor has been elected.

Kerry and Galway are really putting everyone else to shame with this efficient counting.

Fianna Fáil’s Breandán Fitzgerald has been elected in Dingle.

And the first Green Party member has been elected.

Hazel Chu has been elected in Pembroke.

Here her reaction when it was announced.

On that theme, here’s the scene in Citywest.

Back to Hazel Chu, and she won by a huge margin with her 4,000+ first preference votes almost double the quota.

On the plebiscites for a directly-elected mayor, Dr Jennifer Kavanagh has told RTÉ that it appears Cork, Limerick and Waterford will all reject the proposals.

Hazel Chu’s husband Patrick Costello also looks likely to take a seat on the council.

Results have been slow coming in so far.

Some areas have barely begun to count, while Galway and Kerry have stood out for their speed so far.

The tension is beginning to tell in Mayo.

The Taoiseach was also asked about Fine Gael TD Maria Bailey, with the Irish Independent reporting earlier that she has dropped her claim against a hotel.

He said it’s primarily a private matter for her.

What will the success of Green Party mean in terms of policy introduced?

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan has been speaking to our political correspondent Christina Finn.

More insight from Mayo here, with the Green surge not particularly having an effect here as of yet.

Confirmation of Chu’s election to Dublin City Council. Only a few dozen to go here.

Dublin CityCo V1

Starting to take shape in Kerry now. A little bit.

KerryCoCo V5

Christina Finn has this update for us:

Speaking to one Sinn Fein member they said today’s result was disappointing, but said the party’s voters didn’t turn out, in their opinion.

They said there is no way they lost the SF vote to the Greens.’s Daragh Brophy is at the Citywest count centre and has more on the Taoiseach’s comments to reporters:

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said that mid-term elections were always difficult for governing parties.

“There are big differences between opinion polls and elections we’ve seen that on many occasions,” Varadkar said.

“We’ve won the European elections, increased our vote in all the constituencies and I think we will probably increase our numbers of councillors as well – the first governing party in 20 years to do that.”

He said the result of the Green Party sends “a very strong message for all of us in politics, that the public want us to accelerate the actions we’re taking on climate”.

On the local elections Fine Gael may not be making the kind of gains the party had hoped for a few months ago, Varadkar said – adding that the final seats in many areas would come down to transfers.

(He mentioned those lines about vote increases in all constituencies in the Euros and about being the first governing party in 20 years to increase councillor numbers a couple of times – so look out for those Fine Gael talking points for the rest of the weekend).

We have a result from Cavan/Monaghan from the divorce vote. Get ready to see a lot of this in the next few hours.

A political dynasty is in trouble. 

The McEllistrims can usually count on the vote in Castleisland in Kerry but Tom McEllistrim won’t retain his seat for Fianna Fáil.

Looking good to have the official divorce announcement later this evening.

A clear result already.

Another Green candidate has been elected.

This time it’s Dublin South West Inner City’s Michael Pidgeon. 

More divorce results, this time from Louth.

Michael Pidgeon comfortably met the quota by over 400 votes.

The Green surge is hitting Dublin for sure now.

Our reporter handling Twitter has had this gif ready since the exit poll yesterday, I’m told.

divorce referendum

We have two more councillors – and both of them are in Mayo.

Michael Kilcoyne and Fianna Fáil’s Blackie Gavin have met the quota on the first count in Castlebar.

Another councillor elected in Mayo, and another Fianna Fáiler.

This time it’s Michael Smyth in Swinford.

A great day for their family, as Hazel Chu’s husband-to-be Patrick Costello has been elected in Kimmage-Rathmines. 

Here’s the Green’s Hazel Chu speaking about being elected councillor.

Worth a reminder at this stage that we’ve only been getting local election results from four counties – Dublin, Mayo, Galway and Kerry.

Some places aren’t even starting to count until tomorrow.

The counting of ballots is sacred and of utmost importance, we all know.

Unless, of course, the Connacht Senior Football Championship is on.

We’ve another councillor.

This time it’s in Celbridge in Kildare.

Fianna Fáil’s Michael Coleman is in on the first count.

He likely won’t take the seat because he’ll be elected to the European Parliament, but Green Party candidate Ciaran Cuffe has taken a fourth seat on Dublin City Council.

Coming in thick and fast now.

Galway City East has elected Independent Declan McDonnell.

Looking good for the Greens in Dublin so far.

They only got three seats in Dublin city in 2014.


Roscommon has voted Yes in the divorce referendum.

Here’s Cuffe being announced.

Sinn Féin’s Eoin Ó Broin has been speaking to Andrew Roberts on the chances of his partner Lynn Boylan in the European elections.

The exit poll indicates she may be in trouble, and Ó Broin says a lot will depend on transfers.

(As a reminder, counting for the Euros doesn’t start until 9am tomorrow morning).

So Ciaran Cuffe most likely won’t take his council seat, and says it’ll be up to the party to decide.

He compared the green movement now to the anti-war movement a few generations ago.

For those of you on Twitter, we’ve a handy thread for all the results as and when they come in along with a snapshot of how that council is doing.

It starts here, with the latest entries below.

More on Dublin’s north inner city.

Independent Christy Burke is 73 votes from the quota so he should make it through. 

The figures look good for Lord Mayor Nial Ring, Labour’s Joe Costello and Fine Gael’s Ray McAdam.

Then there’s a big battle between the likes of Anthony Flynn, Éilis Ryan and Janice Boylan for the final seats. 

We have three more councillors, this time in Cork.

Fianna Fáil’s Bernard Moynihan and Ian Doyle, and Fine Gael’s John Paul O’Shea have all made it on the first count in Kanturk.

Cork CoCo V1

And there’s more.

In Dublin’s Pembroke area, Labour’s Dermot Lacey and Fine Gael’s James Geoghegan have been elected.

Here’s the latest from Christina Finn at the RDS:

Predictions from some Fianna Failers is that DCC will be a FF-Green council with SocDems.

Also a lot of talk down here at the RDS about how Greens ran too few candidates and could have actually got more elected, such as in the Pembroke district.

Given Chu got double the quota, there could be something to that. 

Daragh Brophy is live for us in Citywest, where counting hasn’t been going on for very long.

It’s going to be a long weekend there.

Daragh is speaking to former Green TD Paul Gogarty.

“Paul, we’re live on the internet.”

Gogarty is delighted he’ll probably top the poll in his area.

paulie g

Here’s the picture in Dublin at the minute.


We’ve another three councillors in Cork, this time in Mallow.

Fianna Fail’s Pat Hayes and Gearoid Murphy have been elected, alongside Labour’s James Kennedy.

Here’s how Cork is looking after the latest results.

Cork CoCo V2

More candidates elected in Swinford, in Mayo, as they finish up that constituency.

Fianna Fáil’s John Caulfield and Fine Gael’s Neil Cruise have made it. 

Swinford is the first electoral area to have filled all its council seats.

Almost there in Corca Dhuibhne in Kerry but Seamus Cosai Fitzgerald can’t celebrate just yet as a full recheck of votes has been requested.

Results continue to come in at a rapid pace in the Divorce Referendum.

An overwhelming yes all over, it appears.

We have a twitter thread where you can follow each one, starting here

First count done in Dublin’s Donaghmede area. 

No one has met the quota but the Aontú candidate has been eliminated.

Fianna Fáil’s Tom Brabazon was just over 30 short of the quota.

Still waiting on the first results from the other Dublin local authorities – a full 11 hours after the boxes opened.

Another set of council seats filled, this time in Cork county’s Fermoy area.

Three Fianna Fáil candidates have exceeded the quota – Deirdre O’Brien, Frank O’Flynn and William O’Leary.

Fine Gael’s Noel McCarthy topped the poll and is also elected.

There’s been results from 12 constituencies so far in the divorce referendum.

It’s a yes vote across the board, with the highest yes vote of 86% in Wicklow and the lowest of 75% in Monaghan. 

Another Green has been voted in for Dublin city.

South east inner city candidate Claire Byrne has been re-elected by a large majority, easily exceeding the quota.

Three more candidates have been elected, after the first count in Castlecomer in Kilkenny.

Fianna Fáil’s Patrick Fitzpatrick and Michael McCarthy are in, and so is Mary-Hilda Kavanagh.

You know what that means… it’s hoisting on shoulders time.

More from our political correspondent Christina Finn now.

A Fine Gael minister says the Green vote is very interesting but what will be more interesting is how the vote translates into policy implementation such as carbon tax, and whether people will back that and give as much support to other green initiatives like traffic decongestion, and specifically highlighted the difficulty in pedestrianising College Green.

More candidates elected in Dublin and, you’ve guessed it, more Greens.

Donna Cooney is the latest member of the Green surge, while independent Damian O’Farrell is also in for the Clontarf area.

Ah here.

On the theme of waiting into next week for counting to be concluded, it might not be until Monday until the local election counts are finished in Offaly, for example.

The last seat has been filled in Conamara North.

And it’s Fianna Fáil’s Seamus Walsh.

So in that area, it’s two FF, one FG and an independent.

Nobody, meanwhile, has made the quota in the first count in Conamara South.

Labour’s Dermot Lacey is only delighted to be re-elected to Dublin City Council.

Here was the reaction earlier on when Donna Cooney and Damien O’Farrell were elected to Dublin City Council for Clontarf.

The Sunday Business Post’s Hugh O’Connell is reporting that a small protest has taken place against Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy at the RDS this evening.

More Kildare news – Labour’s Mark Wall has been elected in Athy on the first count.

Tom Brabazon didn’t have to wait long.

The Fianna Fáiler has been elected to Dublin City Council in Donaghmede on the second count.

Kanturk is complete.

The Cork area has elected Gerard Murphy of Fine Gael on the second count.

So in terms of local electoral areas – that’s just Kanturk in Cork and Swinford in Mayo across the entire country that’s filled its seats. It’s just under 12 hours now since the boxes opened.

Fianna Fáil’s Mary Fitzpatrick is in as she’s been elected in Cabra-Glasnevin.

Here’s the moment it was announced.

Fitzpatrick is joined by the Green Party’s Neasa Hourigan, as the party continues to hoover up first preferences in the capital.

We have another councillor in Gort-Kinvara, with Fine Gael’s PJ Murphy getting in on the second count.

He joins fellow Fine Gaeler Joe Byrne, with three members of Fianna Fáil looking good to take the remaining seats in the Galway electoral area.

The discrepancy in when some places start counting their votes – or even receive the boxes to count them – will likely be talked about after this weekend is over.

In Wicklow, counting has only just got under way.

While in Longford, the boxes have only just arrived at the count centre in Edgeworthstown.

The Taoiseach congratulated the Greens earlier, and has now reiterated that in a Twitter post.

“I want to congratulate the Greens on a very good election,” he said. “It’s a very clear message from the public that they want us to do more on climate action – and we’ve got that message. That’s going to require lots of changes on individual level, community level and Govt level.”

Here’s how it currently looks in Dublin city.


We’ve not had a result from Westmeath, and we’re not going to have any tonight either.

Interesting wording here from the council: “At this late stage of the evening and with no communication from the Local European Returning Officer, the Council Returning Officer has decided to adjourn the Westmeath County Council count until 9.00am tomorrow morning.”

Fianna Fáil’s Paul McAuliffe is re-elected in Dublin city.

And you’ll never guess what his supporters did when they heard the news.

Andrew Roberts has been speaking to Fine Gael TD Colm Brophy down at Citywest.

He says the Green vote should give the government a mandate to address people’s climate concerns.

Mayo is reeling after its loss to Roscommon in the football, but the show must go on.

Our reporter Kathleen McNamee has said the Castlebar count is taking longer than expected, with further counts now due in Ballina tomorrow.

More nuggets of info from Christina Finn at the RDS:

A Fine Gael TD has said the well publicised controversy around Maria Bailey acted as a real detriment to the party in these elections.

The TD said it should be policy to inform the party of those sort of things as they could be damaging to the party.

They went on to say that it damaged FG and it came up on the doorsteps. It could have taken a few hundred votes from each candidate in their opinion, stating that 1% or 2% really makes a difference to some of the FG candidates who are on the edge

Séamus Chosaí Fitzgerald was made to wait due to a recount, but he’s gotten the last seat in Corca Dhuibhne.

That’s three areas now that’s filled all their seats.

Meanwhile, in Sligo, no one has reached the quota after two counts in Drumcliff.

Josepha Madigan is delira and excira about the results of the divorce referendum, with the highest yes vote so far from her Dún Laoghaire constituency.

The counting is under way in earnest in Cork County Hall, with final adjudication for a number of counts due soon.

Things might be winding up now in some areas, though.

Returning officer at the RDS has said they are going to do one more count for each area and that should be done by 10.30pm when they’ll be calling it a day. Then back in here for 10am tomorrow.

A long few days ahead, for sure.

Sinn Féin’s Paul Donnelly has been elected on the first count in Ongar to Fingal County Council.

We also have another councillor in Athy with Labour’s Aoife Breslin elected on the second count.

More results coming in.

Suzanne Doyle elected in Kildare for Fianna Fáil.

Two more Fianna Fáil seats have been secured in Carlow from Fintan Phelan and Andrea Dalton.

It’s extremely tight in some Dublin areas.

In Ballyfermot/Drimnagh, a number of candidates are a few hundred votes off the quota, with five seats up for grabs.

ballyer 1

Labour’s Mary McCamley has topped the poll in Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart and has been elected to Fingal County Council on the first count.

Clare has its first councillor of the evening, and it’s Fianna Fáil’s Shane Talty from Ennistymon.

A story in three parts.

laois 1

laois 2

laois 3

It’s all happening in Cork all of a sudden. 

Gerard Murphy has got the last seat in Kanturk for Fine Gael.

In Carrigaline, meanwhile, Independent Marcia D’Alton, Fianna Fáil’s Seamus McGrath and Fine Gael’s Aidan Lombard are all elected.

We’ve a result from Leitrim County Council, with Fianna Fáil’s Sean McGowan getting in on the first count.

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Joe Cooney is the next councillor elected in the Clare electoral area of Killaloe for Fine Gael.

And Christy Burke has been elected in Dublin’s North Inner City.

The veteran independent councillor explained to recently what he means by his slogan “one of our own”. / YouTube

In Fingal, meanwhile, Fianna Fáil’s Darragh Butler has been elected on the first count to the Swords electoral area.

More councillors elected in Cork.

Independents Mary Linehan Foley and Noel Collins have passed the quota, as has Fine Gael’s Michael Hegarty.

Plenty of seats left to fill in the Midleton area, there.

Fianna Fáil’s Charlie O’Connor has taken a seat in Tallaght Central for South Dublin County Council with 2,018 first preference votes.

Sinn Féin’s Larry O’Toole has also made the grade in Dublin city, getting elected in the Artane area.

Some results from Carlow now.

Fianna Fáil’s John Pender and independent Charlie Murphy have made it on the first count in Tullow. 

The votes for the European elections won’t get counted until 9am tomorrow morning.

Overnight, the army will be delivering ballot boxes from all over the Midlands North West constituency to the count centre in Castlebar.

The first result from Sligo is in from the Drumcliff area.

Sinn Féin’s Thomas Healy has made the quota on the 4th count.

More results from Cork and Dublin.

Fine Gael’s Emer Currie and Green Party’s Roderic O’Gorman have been elected in Castleknock to the Fingal council.

In Cobh, Fianna Fáil’s Padraig O’Sullivan and Fine Gael’s Anthony Barry were elected on the first count.

A lot happening in Fingal.

Fianna Fáil’s Eoghan O’Brien, Green Party’s David Healy, Soc Dems’s Cian O’Callaghan and Labour’s Brian McDonagh were all elected in the Howth-Malahide area on the first count.

More results from Carlow, and Tommy Kinsella has been elected on the first count in Bagenalstown.

Fine Gael’s Kay Dawson has now been elected in Fermoy, making it two FG and three FF in the Cork area.

Two more candidates elected in Macroom in Cork.

Fine Gael’s Michael Creed – not to be confused with Fine Gael Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed – and Fianna Fáil’s Gobanit Moynihan getting in.

Sinn Féin’s Mark Ward has just passed the quota in Palmerstown Fonthill and been elected on the first count.

Leitrim decides again, this time in the Ballinamore area and it’s good news for Fianna Fáil.

Their candidates Paddy O’Rourke and Caillian Ellis have been elected after making the quota.

Cork County Council has been quite efficient in the last few hours.

We’ve one seat filled in Bantry and the Fine Gael/Fianna Fáil domination has ceased for now.

Independent Danny Collins exceeded the quota on the first count.

Fine Gael’s Ivan Keatley has got in on the third count in Athy.

Two seats have been filled in the Ballybay-Clones area of Monaghan, meanwhile, with Fianna Fáil’s Seamus Coyle and Sinn Féin’s Pat Treanor both exceeding the quota.

Over 100 councillors have been elected but there’s still a long, long way to go.

Anne Connolly has just been elected on the second count in Kildare for Fine Gael. 

Conamara South has filled all its seats now.

Fianna Fáil’s Noel Thomas and Dáithí Ó Cualáin have been elected as has Green Party’s Alastair McKinstry. Joining them is Tomás Ó Curraoin.

More Cavan results.

Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil share the spoils as Trevor Smith and Shane O’Reilly exceed the quota in Ballyjamesduff.

Yet more updates at this late stage tonight.

Carlow has elected two more councillors. 

Fergal Browne is in for Fine Gael and Ken Murnane has won a seat for Fianna Fáil.

Gerry Coyle has made it for Fine Gael in Belmullet in Mayo too. 

Here’s how Dublin city is looking right now. Bear in mind, there’s still a long way to go.


As we approach midnight, Emer Higgins has won a seat for Fine Gael in Clondalkin for South Dublin County Council.

Independent Mike Cubbard has been elected to Galway City Central.

Fine Gael’s Des Cahill has won a seat in Cork city meanwhile. And he was hoisted up by his supporters.

Críona Ní Dhalaigh has joined Rebecca Moynihan in the south west inner city ward in Dublin.

Daniel Dunne has won a seat for the Greens in Dundrum so will take a seat on Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. 

More Cavan results now.

And Sarah O’Reilly has won Aontú’s first seat in the local elections as she’s been elected in Bailieborough.

A familiar surname has been elected in Thurles.

And it’s Micheál Lowry.

Here is now (with added Michael Lowry in the background).

They’re calling it a night in Cork city.

More results from Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, this time from Blackrock.

Seafra O’Faolain is in for the Greens after topping the poll. Marie Baker for Fine Gael and Mary Hanafin for Fianna Fáil were also elected on the first count.

They’re calling it a day in Citywest.

But they’re not calling it a day yet in Roscommon.

Two councillors in Dundalk-Carlingford.

And they are Sinn Féin’s Antoin Watters and Fine Gael’s John McGahon.

We also have another two in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown.

Cormac Devlin (FF) and Ossian Smyth (Green Party) have made the cut in Dun Laoghaire.

More Louth results coming in late.

In Dundalk South, we have independent Maeve Yorke, Green Party’s Marianne Butler and Ruari O’Murchu all elected on the first count.

Some more results from Monaghan.

Colm Carthy and Noel Keelan are in for Sinn Féin.

I feel like there’s been more councillors announced in the past 45 minutes to an hour than the whole rest of the day that preceded it.

Kildare has some more councillors.

Independent Íde Cussen, Green Party’s Vanessa Liston and Labour’s Ciara Galvin have all won a seat in Celbridge.

Contrasting takes here. Cavan is calling it a night. Longford – without a vote counted yet – is sorting the ballot papers.

Independent Jimmy Guerin has been elected in Howth-Malahide area of Fingal County Council.

And the Pembroke ward in Dublin City Council is full, with Hazel Chu, Dermot Lacey and James Geoghegan joined by Fianna Fáil’s Claire O’Connor and Fine Gael’s Paddy McCartan.

Out west, and independent Marie Casserly has been elected to Sligo Drumcliff.

We’ve a few more Sligo councillors.

Fine Gael’s Thomas Walsh and Fianna Fáil Donal Gilroy have made the grade in Drumcliff.

Meanwhile, in Belmullet, Paul McNamara and Sean Carey have filled the remaining seats on Mayo County Council there for Fianna Fáil.

First result in Clonmel in.

Fine Gael’s Michael Murphy, Fianna Fáil’s Siobhán Ambrose and Pat English from the Workers and Unemployed Action Group have been elected with three more seats still up for grabs. 

We’re gonna have a full recount in Celbridge tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, we’ve some more councillors in Tipperary. 

Michael Fitzgerald has won a seat in Cashel for Fine Gael, and independent Andy Moloney has been successful in Cahir.

Labour’s Paul Bell has won a seat in the Drogheda Urban area of Louth. 

Independent Joe Hannigan has won a seat in Nenagh.

Many count centres have called it a night, but some still giving it a lash.

Cork City Council is livestreaming results at the minute.

Speak of Cork city, independent Mick Finn has been elected to Cork city south-central.

We haven’t heard a peep from Wexford all evening, but here they are now.

Independent Ger Carty comfortably elected on the first count in Rosslare.

A couple more in Tipperary. 

Michael Smith wins a seat in Roscrea for Fianna Fáil, while Labour’s Fiona Bonfield was successful in Newport.

More from Wexford.

Fianna Fáil’s Malcolm Byrne comfortably elected in the Gorey electoral area.

The last seat has been filled in Sligo-Drumcliff.

And it’s gone to Fine Gael’s Tom Fox.

There’s some results in Kilkenny.

Fianna Fáil’s Andrew McGuinness, Green Party’s Malcolm Noonan and Fianna Fail’s Joe Malone have all been elected. 

It ain’t over till it’s over in Galway county.

We have a first count in Athenry-Oranmore.

And it’s independent James Charity and Fianna Fáil’s Albert Dolan who’ve met the quota.

It may be almost 2am, but counts are still happening and people are still getting elected.

Fianna Fáil’s Eddie Fitzpatrick is in for Edenderry electoral area, as is independent John Foley. 

Renua’s John Leahy has won a seat in Birr, alongside Fianna Fáil’s Peter Ormond. 

Josepha Madigan is right. There will be snoring. Very soon.

josepha mad

More counts from Tipperary.

Fianna Fáil’s Imelda Goldsboro is in for the Carrick-on-Suir district.

There’s another three councillors in Cashel – with Fine Gael’s Mary Hanna Hourigan and Declan Burgess elected alongside Fianna Fáil’s Roger Kennedy. 

Bray! Bray is electing councillors now.

Independent Joe Behan and Fine Gael’s Melanie Corrigan have been elected to Bray West.

There’s over 180 seats filled throughout the country. 

Don’t forget, you can find them all here

And we’re not leaving you just yet.

They’re still counting in some places… and Galway still hasn’t delivered its divorce referendum result.

An independent has broken the FG-FF monopoly in Cork County’s Fermoy area.

Frank Roche has been elected to the sixth and final seat in the area on the eighth count.


A second count in Skibbereen-West Cork has given Fianna Fáil’s Joe Carroll the edge, and he takes a seat.

More results from Kilkenny.

This time from Callan Thomastown. 

It’s good news for Fianna Fáil’s Matt Doran and Peter ‘Chap’ Cleere who both take a seat.

Another new Cork councillor and it’s Sinead Sheppard who’s been elected to Cobh for Fine Gael.

Simon Harris is still awake, too.

He’s saying Edward Timmins has been re-elected to Wicklow County Council for Fine Gael in the Baltinglass area on the first count. 

And there’s more to come from Galway.

On the 8th count in Gort-Kinvara, Fianna Fáil’s Gerry Finnerty and Independent Geraldine Donohue have been elected in the final seats there.

An Independent councillor has also been elected in Baltinglass – in the form of Gerry O’Neill, who previously was a member of Sinn Féin.

Still no result from Galway in the divorce referendum. 

And they’re still counting in the locals in a few of the counties.

Another Fine Gael councillor in Wicklow, and it’s Shay Cullen for Wicklow town. Independent John Snell – also a former Sinn Féin councillor – has been elected.

That’s a wrap from us.

A few more bits and pieces being counted tonight but we’ll have all the details for you first thing in the morning.

Sunday will be a huge day – the biggest chunk of local election seats have to be filled and counting gets under way in the Euro elections.

Thanks so much for joining us, and be sure to check in with our coverage again tomorrow.

Óiche mhaith. 

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