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Find out how Budget 2016 will affect you with TheJournal.ie's calculator

How much more (or less) will you be taking home?

ANNOUNCEMENTS HAVE BEEN made all afternoon by Minister for Finance Michael Noonan regarding the Government’s Budget for 2016.

The news has included cuts to USC, increases on excise for tobacco – and lots more.

Using our calculator below, you can work out exactly how these cuts and changes in spending will affect what you’re taking home next year.

Check it out below.

    Install the app to use these features.
    Mute Yun Wyn
    Favourite Yun Wyn
    Jun 8th 2020, 7:09 PM

    7. Drink during the week

    Install the app to use these features.
    Mute flamrock
    Favourite flamrock
    Jun 9th 2020, 2:20 AM

    Reason one .more left wing education.

    Install the app to use these features.
    Mute Martello Mulligan
    Favourite Martello Mulligan
    Jun 9th 2020, 3:47 AM

    I could of did more hard learning stuff but I do be too bizzy correcting morons who think education is a communist conspiracy.

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