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lovely new veh-icles

The Gardaí have a new fleet of cars - and they've taken to Facebook to show them off

151 reg plates. Fancy!

THE GARDAÍ HAVE just got themselves a fleet of new cars – and they seem to be awfully pleased about it.

In a manner perhaps more associated with adolescent males, the force have been boasting about their newly-acquired fleet on social media.

Posted this afternoon on their Facebook page, the pictures show the pristine-looking vehicles on display in the spring sunshine at the Phoenix Park.

garda cars - 1 an garda siochana an garda siochana

The new 2015-reg cars are expected to be put to use in communities around the country over the coming few weeks.

The vehicles – Hyundai i30 estates – are part of a €10 million investment in equipment announced on Budget Day last year.

The Gardaí are set to receive a mix of marked cars, unmarked cars and vans, which will in total add up to 370 new vehicles.

garda cars - 2 an garda siochana an garda siochana

Speaking at the start of the year, the Taoiseach said that the acquisition was a fitting accompaniment to the new Gardaí being recruited into the service.

garda cars - 3 an garda siochana an garda siochana

Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald said that the vehicles would help by “supporting Gardaí to tackle crime trends, both urban and rural, which are often carried out by highly-mobile gangs”.

garda cars - 4 an garda siochana an garda siochana

Read: Here’s why you haven’t seen crime statistics for a while

Also: ‘Ramping up’: 250 new gardaí will be recruited this year

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