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Here's What Happened Today: Thursday

Here’s what made the headlines today.

NEED TO CATCH up? The Journal brings you a round-up of today’s news.


Pride pic Lord Mayor of Dublin James Geoghegan gets ready for the city's 50th Pride. Leon Farrell / Photocall Ireland Leon Farrell / Photocall Ireland / Photocall Ireland


Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky and European Council President Charles Michel today Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky and European Council President Charles Michel today Alamy Alamy

#BOLIVIA: A senior Bolivian general was arrested after armoured vehicles rammed the doors of the government palace in what the president called a coup attempt.

#HASHTAG: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in Brussels today, where he urged EU leaders to deliver on their pledges to provide military support. 

#USA: The US Supreme Court rejected Purdue Pharma’s $6 billion opioids settlement that would have shielded the Sackler family that controlled the drugmaker from future litigation.

#SHOWDOWN: Ahead of the US presidential debate tonight between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, The Journal provided a preview of what to expect.



MARTY WHELAN IS a man of many talents and he showed off his drumming skills while performing with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra as they did a version of Phil Collins’ classic ‘In the Air Tonight’. 

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