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Senator Mary Seery Kearney and her daughter Scarlett as the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill is passed Bryan Brophy
News Fix

Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday

Here’s your round-up of today’s news.

NEED TO CATCH up? The Journal brings you a round-up of today’s news.


Natasha O'Brien at Limerick District Court 9 Natasha O'Brien at a protest outside Limerick District Court Brendan Gleeson Brendan Gleeson


#NO CHARGES The driver of a car that crashed into a school killing two eight-year-old girls will face no criminal charges after it was found she had suffered an epileptic seizure behind the wheel.

#GAVIN PLUMB A security guard accused of masterminding a plot to kidnap, rape and murder TV presenter Holly Willoughby said the things he would do to her would put him on “death row”, a court has heard.

#WIKILEAKS The wife and legal team of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, have said his conviction of espionage, that he took to secure his freedom, sets a “precedent that can be used against the rest of the media”.


5  GAZE Film Festival_90708079 (1)

Pictured are Murky Onyango, Greg Thorpe, Elisa Beli Borrelli, Pradeep Mahadeshwar, Veda Lady , Órlaith LeJeune, Venus Patel and Osaro Azams.

They are all part of this years LGBTQIA 32nd edition of GAZE International Film Festival, which was launched at Digital Hub, Dublin today.

June is pride month and this weekend parades and festivities will take place across Ireland.

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