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Remember this? Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland

More houses now imposing a home smoking ban

New research has also shown that the national smoking ban has had a “rapid effect” on smoking-related heart disease.

MORE HOMES IN Ireland are imposing a strict no-smoking rule, according to new figures. And the enforcers include smokers and their families.

A new study found that since Ireland introduced the smoking ban in March 2004, the percentage of smokers who banned smoking in the home rose by about 25 per cent.

The European-wide research revealed that smoke-free legislation also prompted more home-bans in France, Germany and the Netherlands.

The new data has been welcomed by the Irish Heart Foundation, which also noted a significant decrease in heart-related hospital admissions as a direct result of the national smoking ban.

According to figures in a separate study, just one year after the ban was introduced there was a 12 per cent reduction in the number of people admitted to hospital suffering from acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Two years later, there was a further 13 per cent drop recorded.

The research published in the Clinical Cardiology journal suggested “a rapid effect” of banning smoking in public places.

On the eve of National No Smoking Day, Dr Angie Brown, medical director at the IHF, called Ireland’s smoking ban “a pioneering move” – a “groundbreaking change to protect the nation’s health”.

Over the years opinions have varied as to the success or not of the ban but the latest research clearly shows lives are being saved with less hospital admissions for acute coronary syndromes like heart attack and unstable angina.

Ireland has come a long way in the fight against smoking. The next step is to tackle tobacco consumption through tax increases, anti-smuggling enforcement and smoking cessation measures, added Dr Brown.

Smoking is the second leading risk factor for mortality across the world, accounting for about 5 million deaths per year. Almost 848,000 people die from cadiovascular disease related to smoking annually. About 25 per cent of Irish adults still smoke more than one cigarette per week.

More: Smoking related diseases in women reaching ‘epic proportions’>

Read: Conference calls for tobacco tax hikes across Europe>

Study: Impact of a National Smoking Ban on Hospital Admission for Acute Coronary Syndromes>

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    Mute Revolting Peasant
    Favourite Revolting Peasant
    Feb 21st 2012, 12:37 PM

    ive been trying to get off them for a year, i so wish id never started in the first place, imagine sitting in a pub now that was filled with smoke? couldnt do it

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    Mute Niamh Ní Fhoghlú
    Favourite Niamh Ní Fhoghlú
    Feb 21st 2012, 12:42 PM

    Let me guess all the people complaining here are smokers…

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    Mute Deirdre Forde
    Favourite Deirdre Forde
    Feb 21st 2012, 12:59 PM

    Now that I think of it, I can’t think of one person who smokes or who allows smoking in their home now. That’s a huge change from 10 years ago.

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    Mute sean finn
    Favourite sean finn
    Feb 21st 2012, 12:18 PM

    why cant a grown adult smoke a cigarette without these organisations wanting them to stop

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    Mute Dukezeal
    Favourite Dukezeal
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:10 PM

    ‘These organisations’ that have to treat the thousands of people on the wrong side of cancer, lung and heart disease caused by smoking?

    Think about the doctor that has to tell a family their loved has died as a result of smoking. Do you think thats a nice job? Maybe they shouldn’t bother with prevention advice so people can enjoy their addiction in ‘peace’.

    Smokers effects far more than just themselves. There is unavoidable impact to many people around them. If smokers want to say ‘its my choice leave me alone’ then what do they say to the people who have to clean up the mess.

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    Mute Alan.V
    Favourite Alan.V
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:47 PM

    A simple questions yet look at the amount of tumbs down you got for it. This to me proves the witch hunt that’s currently going on with smokers. Its worst then racism, or should I say it worst then racism.
    The new blacks, gays and what not are the smokers.

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    Mute Alan.V
    Favourite Alan.V
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:48 PM

    Sorry meant to say its like racism

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    Mute Mark Rodgers
    Favourite Mark Rodgers
    Feb 21st 2012, 12:18 PM

    Sinead this is obviously a composite piece where you sought a statement from the Irish Heart Foundation after publication of European market research and they added to this with their local so-called study on hospital admissions in the year after the workplace smoking ban.
    When you think about a thirteen percent reduction in admissions for acute coronary syndromes in one year you would start to get palpitations with excitements at such dramatic results. But you shouldn’t because its not true or accurate or real or anything at all other than a misquote or deliberate piece of misinformation.
    Firstly I don’t believe that the incidence of such conditions has declined by the levels claimed by the IHF and isn’t it curious that the Irish Cancer Society is claiming smoking related disease in women is now at epidemic proportions.
    They claim that it’s all because the Tobacco companies are marketing (sic) more attractive brands at women!
    Isn’t it curious though that in the first three years after the smoking ban was implemented in Ireland the number of cigarettes being smoked reached an all time high.
    The IHF can’t have it both ways and in true scientific terms these data make it possible to claim that smoking has no affect either way on acute coronary syndrome
    The same goes for the ICS in respect of their claim about marketing. Either cancer is a condition developed over a long period of exposure to smoking which most sensible people accept or this statement about tobacco marketing is infantile rubbish.
    We must be able to trust the statements of Bodies such as the IHF and the ICS so let’s have more medical supervision of their press releases please!

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    Mute Dukezeal
    Favourite Dukezeal
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:14 PM

    ”Either cancer is a condition developed over a long period of exposure to smoking which most sensible people accept”

    Correction, you *do not* have to be smoking for a long time to get cancer from it. The effects are cumulative so the longer you smoke the more likely it is to get cancer. But changes in cells all through the larynx, windpipe and lungs occur very quickly upon starting smoking.

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    Mute Jerry Slattery
    Favourite Jerry Slattery
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:28 PM

    Mark, people who set up twitter accounts just post on here are basically anon emus and have absolutely no credibility,l you guys are just internet graffiti artists without the spray can

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    Mute Damhsa Dmf
    Favourite Damhsa Dmf
    Feb 21st 2012, 5:00 PM

    My name’s Derek Coughlan, We are not all “internet graffiti artists”.
    This facebook account was solely made to keep in contact with people I used play WoW with, hence the name of my character as my tag. DMF is the abbreviation of the realm I played on. I never made an account for myself and never personally intended to hide behind an anonymous account. Just my twopence

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    Mute Alan Quirke
    Favourite Alan Quirke
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:48 PM

    We both smoke but dont smoke in the house because it makes everything smell awful. We just need to quit and it would be perfect.

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    Mute Evelyn Murphy
    Favourite Evelyn Murphy
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:03 PM

    Fair play! My boyfriend and I recently decided to do the same when we moved house last month. Just the smell of smoke off our clothes that we brought was enough to put us off smoking in the new house. we are automatically smoking less too now that were smoking outside :)

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    Mute Cyril Butler
    Favourite Cyril Butler
    Feb 21st 2012, 12:43 PM

    No one is stopping anyone from smoking but Im all for the best scientific evidence being distributed to the public. By telling people its probably best if they didnt smoke in their houses is not such a bad idea. When it affects others then the law must act. Smoking in pubs affects non smokers giving them a much greater health risk. On the same token Im for the legalisation of soft drugs for precisely the same reason but the State has a duty to put the best scientific evidence forward on this also. The adverse effects of prohibition far outweigh the benefits but we must never confuse education with being a nanny State.

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    Mute louise
    Favourite louise
    Feb 21st 2012, 12:10 PM

    Nanny state!!!

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    Mute Chris lynch
    Favourite Chris lynch
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:12 PM

    Banning Smoking in your home has nothing to do with a Nanny State.

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    Mute Alan.V
    Favourite Alan.V
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:26 PM

    Nanny state is right. Decrease in hart related smoking problems….. Yeh…… Prove it……. Never heard such shite in all my life.

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    Mute Michael Manson
    Favourite Michael Manson
    Feb 21st 2012, 5:56 PM

    Exactly Chris Lynch. Nothing to do with Nanny State.
    I am however very grateful for my two children who constantly reminded me of not smoking in the home or anywhere else.
    Have been off cigarettes now for 8 years.
    Thanks kids

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    Mute william winkell
    Favourite william winkell
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:59 PM

    Sorry Jerry but spray can or not check your comments before submitting. It’s about the message not the messenger.

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    Mute Alan.V
    Favourite Alan.V
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:34 PM

    I smoke in my home and around my kids. It happened around me and did me no harm. Passive smoking is a joke and most of the medical evidence is complete bull shit. But I’m not allowed say that….. If a non smoker tells you something it true but if a smoker tells you something then it’s lies and there just defending there dirty habit.

    If I’m in your house and you say no smoking around the kids then I’ll smoke out the back… If your in my house then take your kids out the back. Simple as that.. I’m sick of all the bull about smokers.

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    Mute P Wurple
    Favourite P Wurple
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:48 PM


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    Mute SusieQ
    Favourite SusieQ
    Feb 21st 2012, 3:57 PM

    Comparing it to racism and now this comment. Trolling much?

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    Mute Caroline Locke
    Favourite Caroline Locke
    Jul 5th 2012, 2:12 AM

    Amen to that.

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    Mute Mark Rodgers
    Favourite Mark Rodgers
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:37 PM

    Duke zeal the point I was making is that cancer is not a condition caused within weeks or months after exposure to en environmental risk. The ICS are claiming the epidemic levels of cancer being seen among women is due to marketing efforts of the Industry specifically targeting women!
    I thought all marketing of cigarettes had stopped.
    I thought that cancer was a condition developed over many years.
    I thought the increased incidence of women smoking was due to the mistaken idea that smoking helped to control weight.
    None of this ties in with the ICS statement.

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    Mute Dukezeal
    Favourite Dukezeal
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:47 PM

    Im sorry but i have to challenge your points.

    ”I thought all marketing of cigarettes had stopped.”
    Watch any night of television or movie and tell me there is no cigarette usage. Yes, the very fact of being on the screen glamorises the habit. And no, it is not necessary to include cigarettes to be realistic.

    ”I thought that cancer was a condition developed over many years.”
    This can be true, but is not necessarily so. My pervious comment above is valid on a human level. If you want a micro level answer, then: one day the cell is able to split normally, the next (due to a carcinogen), the process is disrupted. Cancer has started, if only in one cell. It will take a while to grow, but the damage has been done.

    ”I thought the increased incidence of women smoking was due to the mistaken idea that smoking helped to control weight.”
    As i’m sure you know, this is probably one of the reasons more women are smoking. But it is false to suggest it is the *only* reason. I see nothing wrong with tackling all avenues (marketting etc) of the problem, do you?

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    Mute jimbo
    Favourite jimbo
    Feb 21st 2012, 4:27 PM

    The smoke police are in town,will people be fined for smoking in there own homes now?

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    Mute Caroline Locke
    Favourite Caroline Locke
    Jul 5th 2012, 2:11 AM

    I would not be surprised if such a law came into effect.Nanny state brainwashing crooks.

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    Mute Mark Rodgers
    Favourite Mark Rodgers
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:05 PM

    Dukezeal you are so pedantic you must be a regulator and you would drive the passion out of any Zeal.
    At a guess you are an employee of the Office for Tabacco Control or the IHS or the ICS and if not they should employ you!

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    Mute Mark Rodgers
    Favourite Mark Rodgers
    Feb 21st 2012, 1:40 PM

    Jerry are you including or excluding me from your comment?

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    Mute Bob Johnson
    Favourite Bob Johnson
    Feb 22nd 2012, 11:06 PM

    Whatever happend to the idea of turning closed pubs into teen clubs so that kids have a smoke free place to go?

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    Mute dna30
    Favourite dna30
    Feb 21st 2012, 2:08 PM

    Hi @SineadOCarroll – it rose by 25% to what figure? Do you know?

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