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What's in a name? Quite a lot...according to Irish people anyway

We’re the happiest when it comes to our names apparently.

DO YOU LIKE your first name? If you answered yes than you are part of the 87% of Irish people who do, a figure that is highest among a group of European countries asked.

A study that surveyed 1,800 people across eight countries in Europe has found that Irish people are not only happiest with their name, but also place a huge importance on it.

The research was commissioned by Coca-Cola as part of their campaign to add indigenous names onto their cans and bottles.

It found that 83% of Irish people feel that their given name reflects their personality well and also that 37% feel happy when they see their name being used elsewhere.

“The survey reinforces what I have always seen, people place a huge importance on their name and it has a significant the impact on their lives,” says clinical psychologist David Coleman.

It’s fascinating to see how much emphasis Irish people place on their names and what they mean in our lives. From a psychological perspective we know that everyone reacts differently to their name – some people love theirs whilst others use a different version or even change theirs during their lives.

People in the UK are the most likely to change their name with nearly one in four preferring to shorten it, with women more likely to do so.

It’s also good advice not to forget an Irish person’s name as we are also the most likely (76%) to feel more positively towards people who remember it.

We’re also tops in terms of religious names with Irish people twice as likely than the European average to have a given name inspired by religion.

Family tradition is still a very prominent source for names in Ireland with 27% influenced by family tradition and  only 9% influenced by the names of a famous person.

Read: What to do if you forget someone’s name immediately after meeting them >

Read: Irish name fail: No fadas accepted round here >

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    Mute Hairy lemon
    Favourite Hairy lemon
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:19 PM

    One of a parents most important first job is to give their child a name. It is the longest lasting gift we give or receive. It is known of us long before we know it ourselves and known to others long after we pass.

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    Mute Shane Kearney
    Favourite Shane Kearney
    Jul 21st 2014, 5:02 PM

    Your folks didn’t have a lot of time for you so Hairy

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    Mute Hairy lemon
    Favourite Hairy lemon
    Jul 21st 2014, 11:17 PM

    My dad was hairy onion… my mum was hairy bits…. what you saying??? !

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    Mute Qwerty
    Favourite Qwerty
    Jul 21st 2014, 3:43 PM

    It must be easier for Coca-Cola selling bottles with names in the Middle-East. I’d say 80% of the bottles have Mohammed on them. Then just throw in a few Mahmoods, Ahmeds and Abdullahs and you’re sorted!

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    Mute Linda Daly
    Favourite Linda Daly
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:04 PM

    I’d imagine Irish women will change those statistics in the future, with the likes of Mercedes and Destiny being the norm now.

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    Mute Donal Costello
    Favourite Donal Costello
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:13 PM

    Dont forget Khaleesi and Skylar

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    Mute Wynner
    Favourite Wynner
    Jul 21st 2014, 6:37 PM

    Don’t forget Sapphire

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    Mute Orela Krawczyk
    Favourite Orela Krawczyk
    Jul 21st 2014, 9:21 PM

    I work in childcare for 10yrs. I’ve never met a Mercedes or Destiny or anything like that. What I have noticed is classic older style names.

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    Mute Linda Daly
    Favourite Linda Daly
    Jul 21st 2014, 9:56 PM

    People who call their children Destiny and Mercedes don’t avail of childcare, no need, they don’t work. That’s why you probably haven’t come across them.

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    Mute Orela Krawczyk
    Favourite Orela Krawczyk
    Jul 21st 2014, 11:09 PM

    Seriously could you be more idiotic please. I know your just trolling but come on.

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    Mute ChocSaltyBallz
    Favourite ChocSaltyBallz
    Jul 22nd 2014, 12:24 AM

    And the twins Dolce and Gabbana
    “All gods children”

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    Mute Linda Daly
    Favourite Linda Daly
    Jul 22nd 2014, 12:39 AM

    I’m completely serious! How is stating the obvious trolling?

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    Mute Orela Krawczyk
    Favourite Orela Krawczyk
    Jul 22nd 2014, 6:45 AM

    I’m sorry Linda. I just assumed such a silly, ignorant view was someone trying to get someone’s back up. Also since becoming a stay at home myself I’ve met plenty of unemployed parents who’s childrens’ name choices are the exact same as employed parents. I’m sorry if I’m take it too seriously but I find it exceedingly ignorant to assume because a parent is from a lower income/disadvantaged background their more likely to give their child a name like Mercedes etc.

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    Mute Linda Daly
    Favourite Linda Daly
    Jul 22nd 2014, 11:01 AM

    I have never said all parents who do not work call their children silly names like that. I’m talking about career doers who watch ridiculous programmes like TOWIE and Jeremy Kyle all day. I work in the fiels and I meet them everyday

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    Mute Anon Ymous
    Favourite Anon Ymous
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:20 PM

    Or Nevaeh (heaven spelt backward). Why would you do that?

    In Sweden they have a naming law where a government agency has to approve the name you give your child. I think it’s a great idea.

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    Mute Hairy lemon
    Favourite Hairy lemon
    Jul 21st 2014, 11:19 PM

    Except it would likely be decided by an out of touch public servant and wouldn’t have an appeals process….

    Sorry. … I’ll get my coat…

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    Mute ChocSaltyBallz
    Favourite ChocSaltyBallz
    Jul 22nd 2014, 12:26 AM

    Yes we have that here too and there is a banned name list

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    Mute Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Favourite Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Jul 21st 2014, 3:37 PM

    Mine means ruler of the world…it’s stayin’!…

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    Mute Donal Costello
    Favourite Donal Costello
    Jul 21st 2014, 3:45 PM

    As a fellow Donal I must admit I did not know that.


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    Mute Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Favourite Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Jul 21st 2014, 3:59 PM

    It’s worth rememberin’ Donal!…

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    Mute Dan Mullins
    Favourite Dan Mullins
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:17 PM

    hmmm, I’m surprised I didn’t know that

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    Mute lorna
    Favourite lorna
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:22 PM

    It means the bald one!

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    Mute Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Favourite Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:26 PM

    We’re talkin’ first names here!!…

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    Mute lorna
    Favourite lorna
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:41 PM

    Ok,bald ruler of the world! X

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    Mute Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Favourite Dónal Ó Maoláin
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:51 PM

    That’ll do!!…

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    Mute Dónal Mac Cormaic
    Favourite Dónal Mac Cormaic
    Jul 21st 2014, 6:07 PM


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    Mute Richard Cynical
    Favourite Richard Cynical
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:01 PM

    My friends call me dick, but I’m not sure why!

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    Mute J. Dunn
    Favourite J. Dunn
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:14 PM


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    Mute Patlyndo
    Favourite Patlyndo
    Jul 21st 2014, 7:42 PM

    I think you’re parents were very cynical, Dick…

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    Mute john kinsella
    Favourite john kinsella
    Jul 21st 2014, 8:32 PM

    Dick is the ruler of every guys world.

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    Mute Dara Kelleher
    Favourite Dara Kelleher
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:01 PM

    Dara is a girls name however I am a male… Drama every day as I life outside Ireland! Oh well..

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    Mute Julia Livingstone
    Favourite Julia Livingstone
    Jul 21st 2014, 10:51 PM

    Well Dara! How’s Singapore treating you? Mickio misses the business :)

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    Mute Julia Livingstone
    Favourite Julia Livingstone
    Jul 21st 2014, 10:54 PM

    Well Dara! Haven’t seen ya in seven years! Mickio misses the business from ya!

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    Mute Julia Livingstone
    Favourite Julia Livingstone
    Jul 21st 2014, 10:55 PM

    Era sure another comment for the craic.

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    Mute Alan Kennedy
    Favourite Alan Kennedy
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:45 PM

    Feel their name reflects their personality… wtf sort of bulls**t notion is that?

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    Mute Imogene O'Brien
    Favourite Imogene O'Brien
    Jul 21st 2014, 8:30 PM

    You don’t feel like an Alan then?

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    Mute Rob O'Brien
    Favourite Rob O'Brien
    Jul 21st 2014, 9:32 PM

    He looks like an Alan

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    Mute Christian Carley
    Favourite Christian Carley
    Jul 21st 2014, 5:48 PM

    I’m Christian, in name only…

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    Mute J. Dunn
    Favourite J. Dunn
    Jul 21st 2014, 3:38 PM

    My name is Mud,
    But call me Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie
    That’s long for Mud, so I’ve been told.

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    Mute J. Dunn
    Favourite J. Dunn
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:24 PM

    Should have gone with the South Park theme.

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    Mute Andrew Haire
    Favourite Andrew Haire
    Jul 21st 2014, 6:33 PM

    Mr and Mrs Cirtain, don’t call the little girl Annette !

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    Mute Clodagh Fox
    Favourite Clodagh Fox
    Jul 22nd 2014, 3:25 AM

    Only when I moved to America did I realise that no one had heard of my name or can pronounce it! When I was opening my first bank account in America the financial advisor was asking me were my name was from, I told her I was thinking of shortening it to clo or cloey just for convenience, she told me not to as she give her daughter a Nigerian name as that was her culture and people kept asking why didn’t she didn’t give her daughter an “American” easy to understand name and her response was well no one could say barrack Obamas name till he became famous! So keep your name and be proud of it!

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    Mute Mindfulirish
    Favourite Mindfulirish
    Jul 21st 2014, 4:59 PM

    Next Survay — Who are the biggest Liars in Europe?

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    Mute Dee Dillon
    Favourite Dee Dillon
    Jul 21st 2014, 5:24 PM

    Or the worst at spelling.

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    Mute Janet De Hora
    Favourite Janet De Hora
    Jul 22nd 2014, 4:12 AM

    Two boys in my daughters daycare called Ryott and Onyx. Met a little girl at the weekend called Rizzy. When i asked about her unusual name, I was told it was short for Charisma. Can only surmise that these parents hate their children.

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    Mute Jim
    Favourite Jim
    Jul 22nd 2014, 5:32 AM

    You can’t get “Jim” on coke bottles. But you can get “Agnieszka”. So basically I wouldn’t trust any study on indigenous names that coke did.

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    Mute Christian Carley
    Favourite Christian Carley
    Jul 21st 2014, 5:48 PM

    Alright Mud, Primus fan eh?

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    Mute Charlene Hogan
    Favourite Charlene Hogan
    Jul 22nd 2014, 3:31 PM

    I despise my name…..passionately

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