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Poll: Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Do you even know?

WHEN THE ALARM goes off in the morning, do you jump out of bed? Or do you snooze it one too many times before racing around to get ready?

Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird can greatly affect your day and productivity.

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But one is not necessarily better than the other – although it can definitely seem that early birds have the advantage at times, as struggling to get out of bed in the morning does not make for a great start to the day.

Giphy Giphy

Circadian wha’?

The reason people are night owls or early birds has to do with their circadian rhythm – or their internal biological clock. Some people’s natural cycle is longer, leading them to be night owls, whereas people with a shorter cycle tend to be early birds.

Often it can change during your lifetime too – children tend to get up early, teens tend to want to never get up. Ever.

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So we want to know – are you an early bird or a night owl?

Poll Results:

Night owl (4320)
Early bird (3501)
Neither (1419)

Do you see any benefit to being an early bird or a night owl (depending on what you are)? Let us know in the comments below.

No matter whether you bounce or crawl out of bed, making your head over to Transport for Ireland and plan your journey in advance. No matter where you’re going around Ireland, you can plan your route at Transport for Ireland - your journey starts here.  

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