MICHAEL CONLAN WAS robbed of an Olympic medal by farcical judging this afternoon, apparently losing his bantamweight quarter-final to Russian Vladimir Nikitin by unanimous decision.
Despite dominating the bout from start to finish, the World, European and Commonwealth champion was deemed to have lost the bout 29-28, 29-28, 29-28 on all three judges’ scorecards.
“They’re fucking cheats. I will never box again (under the) AIBA,” Conlan said afterwards.
“They’re known for being cheats. Amateur boxing stinks to the core. I thought I boxed the ears off him in the first round and they scored against me. It’s a shambles. I don’t care what I am saying. I’m probably blabbering on. Today showed just how corrupt this organisation is.”
Bloodied and battered -- but still adjudged to be the winner. Inpho
The Belfast boxer out-boxed, out-moved and out-fought his Russian opponent, landing a flurry of quick combinations and heavy blows which left Nikitin requiring treatment at regular intervals.
But, incredibly, the judges decided Nikitin had won the fight, leaving the crowd inside the Riocentro stunned and Conlan incensed at the stench of corruption and injustice.
Conlan’s controversial defeat now means Ireland’s boxers will return home without a medal for the first time since the 2004 Games in Athens.
The 24-year-old, who had previously declared his intentions to turn professional after Rio, vented his anger and frustration as he left the ring, flinging his accreditation, and then giving that highly impassioned interview to RTÉ.
Conlan is set to turn professional now that his Olympic dream is over. Inpho
From the first bell, Conlan was on the front foot but he lost the opening round after his opponent had swung furiously, and at times aimlessly, throughout.
Conlan and the Irish coaches were informed of the decision by the by-standing Paddy Barnes and he was noticeably more aggressive in the second, cutting Nikitin over his left eye and the side of the head.
He was justifiably rewarded with victory in the second round and despite landing further blows in the final round, the decision, somewhat predictably, went against the Irishman.
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What does it say to people coming through the pipeline that even if you do the training and get to elite status….it might not matter, because a de facto mafia state might use its spy agency to drug your opponents in an organised cheating scam or someone might purchase your judges to render totally irrational decisions?
Look at the surprise on the Russians face when he won even he was shocked
Great for once to see a sports person speaking their mind. All these PR trained sport persons towing the PC line sickens me. Tell it like it is and the world will be a better place.
That was very refreshing from Conlon and it’s the only way things will change when people speak out. He has nothing to lose as he was turning pro anyway but everyone needs to vocalise the injustice
And the panel , well particularly Michael Carruth say nothing can be done , they must just grin and bear it , so where does that leave all our tax dollars going into funding and organisation involved with , and unwilling or unable to leave a blatantly corrupt one. Maybe the decision might be taken out of their hands , because it seems just ridiculous to be finding that kind of heartache and fraud .
must be fuming over mcgregor destroying aldo. whats with all the strange judging? pathetic, they’ve no problem sending thousands over here for work though inc students yet don’t give back i.e. you aint allowed work and study there at same time, oh no. ban them all.
Jason, I would love to be as naive as you. Not only have people been speaking out but people have been getting caught red handed for years and f all is being done. Why will it change at the bottom when the top is absolutely rotten to the core. The whole thing is a farce. Mo Farrah winning the other night…complete joke. Celebrated by BBC like he was a king after only been investigated by Panorama. Half the 100m line up all drug cheats at some stage. Miraculous athletes appearing from nowhere and destroying their opponents. Wake up everyone. The Olympic dream is dead.
An even more controversial decision was on Monday when Russian, Evgeny Tishchenko, was given the verdict over Kazakhstan’s Vassiliy Levit.
The IOC and FIFA.
peas in a pod.
Russian swinging at air in some rounds and still wins gold medal ? is there anything we can do as a nation to award this man who lost ? surely someone can be held to account ?
I never watch boxing Darragh but my roommates were glued to this so I sat down to take a look.
Round one he was getting punches in but by round 3 he was clearly burned out just defending blocking hits, and that ref seemed to be doing whatever she could to give him these little recharge periods disrupting Conlons flow.
Look at the footage at end of round 3, Russian knew he was finished , Conlon seemed to feel for him watch him give him the head tap with his gloves. Then watch as its called, the Russian looks like someone who just wants the band aid ripped off quick it’s a “awww just get this over with this is horrible”, then look at the shock on his face and see that sudden surge from knowledge of certain defeat to “WHAT?? I won? SERIOUSLY? Yes! Yes yes!!”.
If those judges weren’t bribed they must have been watching some other fight.
Sound Ryan, cheers for the explanation. Was it surprising that he didn’t win though when they were level after 2 rounds at 19 a piece? The Russian had the cleaner hits in the third round for sure which would have swayed it his way (which it ultimately did).
Darragh, Conlon’s footwork and movement were far superior in the third, not to mention his was the cleaner work and he looked very much the fresher fighter. No way they should have been level going into that round either. You should watch it again
Ah ok I get it. You were watching the same match as the judges, I’d like to see the footage of this mystical match where the Russian was tearing the head off him in round 3, the one I watched showed him burned out and shielding his face from hits without really hitting back much.
But I guess this is like politics around here, reality and facts don’t matter, what matters is how butt hurt a poster is when his point is countered making him cling to it even more irrationally. Different day same tunes
Darragh. Conlon should have won all three rounds. In the first the russian threw loads of punches but landed few. Conlan landed loads of clean punches. For a punch to score it has to land cleanly so the russian can punch conlans guard all day long and not score. The thing that makes it so obvious is the russian was swinging at fresh air.
Darragh, the issue is Conlan clearly won the first round in an exhibition of classy boxing and movement. But the judge’s gave it to the Russian. Now the perception is that you have to showing to be more aggressive to score better so Conlan changed tack and went in close for a scrap and he still won it but you’re bound to get caught with a couple of shots if you’re just standing in close taking and giving punches. Do the judge’s just want brawlers with no legs and zero defence? Leg movement is the core part of boxing
Darragh, the Olympics are using professional scoring this year and defence is one of the four categories under which the fight is scored(the others being effective aggression, ring generalship and clean punches landed). Aside from his superior defence his ring generalship was on another level – he bossed the fight up close and at a distance. He may have been caught a few times in the third but he still out landed Nikitin in that round. There’s zero justification for that decision.
You don’t know what you’re talking about Darragh. CONLAN boxed the ears off of him in the first round. If that round was scored correctly he could lose the third round and still get the win he deserved.
Well you seem to know more than Michael Carruth, an Olympic Gold medallist, Mick Dowling , an Olympic Silver medallist and a lifelong boxing commentator, and Bernard Dunne, a World Campion Professional Boxer. God Bless your wonderful insights.
What they should do is let them keep going until someone can’t continue, who do you think would have been still standing between these two, the Russian was barely able to swing by the end of that
Even if the Russians are buying medals, they’re still way behind the games leaders, North Korea who top the medal board with Kim Jun Un personally winning 24 golds.
Any broadcaster that insists upon shoving a mic down an athlete’s throat immediately after they watch 4 years of hard work being washed down the swanny thanks to a ludicrous decision by a gang of crooks, deserves every bitter word spat by the competitor. I would forgive Conlon in a heartbeat for any emotive language used seconds after he was robbed of a bout that he clearly won. RTE need to look at these tabloid like tactics also, throwing a mic at somebody immediately after their event, especially in these circumstances.
I said it last week , it’s gone like the Eurovision Song Contest , a joke , complete horse shixte ….. Well said Young Conlan afterward , cheats , from top to bottom .
The Eurovision isn’t ridged. It’s based on telephone votes. Perhaps Azerbaijan winning in 2011 with a mediocre song was a bit strange but I believe the other winners were 100% legitimate.
With the greatest of respect to Katie, I think people were being a little emotive & maybe overreacting yesterday, I think the fight was closer than people care to admit. But I don’t what the judges were looking at today. Scandalous call, Conlon had it won.
To quote the BBC commentators on the judges decision making: “It’s all down to the last round but it shouldn’t be”… “This just leaves me scratching my head”…
The whole thing is a joke from boxing to badminton. Its a mockery of an event ran by one of the worlds most co1rrupt organizations. Its now not only full of cheats competing but full of judges too. Ffs, the judges are probably on drugs too.
I changed to BBC too just to take the bias out of it but they were equally miffed and had a interview with Richie wood all who said amateur boxing just list him to the pros cause why would anyone say
Conlan himself was very disappointed the way he boxed against his Azerbaijan opponent I’d say he was surprised to find that all 3 judges were on his side?.
Correct Murty ! But no real mention of that Oirish judge ! You should not have mentioned that !!!
God help Comlon if he thinks ProfessionAl boxing is nor corrupt
I hope like Jones he goes on to the Pro game and has great success and makes a fortune, he’s a fabulous boxer and he deserves better than this judging bulls**t.
This is ridiculous how the hell did he lose the first round in 24 hours the two worst decisions I have ever seen involving 2 Russians who shouldn’t even be here.pro boxing here they come.
Disgusting. The Russians were humiliated by being caught doping and this is their bid to get back some honour, pay the judges off and get their guys into medals. Last night was disguising as well, the Russian was mortified being awarded the fight.
I wouldn’t even send a team again after that shite. First Katie and now Conlon. Judges bank balances would want to be checked after that decision. He was dead right in what he said in the interview.
Michael Conlon could have went professional 4 years ago and be world champion by now, with a little bit of change in the bank, but instead he decided to give another 4 years of his life to represent his country, only to be denied by cheating of the highest calibre!!! Top man
It has to be the sport with the most serious judging controversies at the olympics, when will they get it right. Remember the Mayweather robbery like it was yesterday and this is not far behind, disgusting decision.
I’m not a boxing expert but the fight last night between the Russian and Ukrainian was unbelievable. I was feeling sorry for the Russian coz he was getting the s**t knocked out of him. The Ukrainian was brilliant. Then the referee declares the Russian the winner.
If Russia can’t send there cheating drug athletes to win medals….they just buy medals!! This fight was bought!! Heavy weight gold medal fight last nigh!!t….bought by Russia!
To compensate for many of their athletes being banned for drug use Russia has decided to buy up all the medals that the remaining Russians are competing for.
Who’s objecting to that? Sent home, Tumbleweed. Not competing. And not randomly handed a win. No one’s arguing for cheaters here. Russians can’t, seriously, be proud watching that fight.
Judges must be taking some of the drugs the rest of those ‘cheating ba***rds’ are on if they couldn’t see Conlan deserved to win that fight. Disgraceful.
A fu”"kn disgrace … By corrup judging !!! Michael conlon doesn’t need a corrup gold medal to be a
champion .. The olympics should throw out boxing if result like this and last nights against the Kazakh are going on .
Who is paying off the hi
There seems to be something shady going on here. I watched the Russian heavy weight match last night and even he knew he shouldn’t have been the winner and here we have a great fight by a super boxer get robbed of a medal. Disgraceful
That’s what happens when you introduce professional boxing into the amateur game i.e. WSB etc. There’s a lot of corruption in the amateur. The big 7 Russian corruption in the judging. It’s a utter disgrace to see this level of corruption and incompetent judging. What Michael said in his interview was correct. They constantly change the rules of amateur boxing to suit the eastern European and Cubans who were doing bad during the computer scoring system and changed to a more professional judging of fights. Also you can not now appeal the decisions like before.
Hush now troll… Sport actually means something to some people but im sure you’re a classic troll… A complete and utter waster that can only satisfy themselves from trying to wind people up behind the security of a keyboard. Enjoy that….
Ah there’s a good lad. you take issue with my use of the adjective “trying” but you implicitly agree with the statement that you’re a waster. At least you’re sled aware.
Some are suggesting this is the AIBA punishing Ireland for the O’Reilly incident. It’s rubbish. The Russian also got a dodgy decision against the Thai boxer in the previous round and then you have last night which descended into Farce when the Kazakh lost to the Russian. We need some good journalists to look at this. look at the AIBA and connections to Russia, look at the judges, who are they? Do they have anything tying them to Russian cash?
What stinks is years from now something will come out about this, evidence of Russian bribes and corruption within AIBA but it will far too late for the likes of Conlon.
The Russians just buy what they want. The Winter Olympics in Socchi which was corrupt to the core and riddled with drug abuse and hidden by the Russian FSB on Putin’s orders. Then buying the World Cup. Who on earth would want to go to Russian for the WC after seeing those lunatics in Marseilles causing mayhem? They were caught rapid doping en masse but the IOC were pathetic and allowed them to come to Rio when the entire country should have been banned. And now to reclaim some “honour” they’ve paid off the judges.
If true, there has to be some way of tracing this Robert – maybe there’s a ‘paper’ trail ? Either way, something needs to be done to look into this scandal, not only of Conlon but of the heavyweight result too.
The Russian was absolutely embarrassed in the last round too by a Thai boxing brilliantly on the back foot. Nikitin hardly landed a thing. Nikitin won by pushing him back, Conlan looked to do that, but clearly the judges are bent
money talks bet thoses judges have been got 2, that was terrible to see he lost and he fought his heart out,what more could he have done, am gutted for him
Sadly another Olympics goes by with corrupt judges being paid off, but of course nothing will be done about it. Decisions like this used to get me seething but now I am just resigned to it happening. I am absolutely gutted for Conlan especially after seeing his interview on RTE.
So sad for Conlan. 4 years of his life sacrificed in pursuit of excellence and then to be judged like that?
Make no mistake, he was unlucky to be caught in another ‘Cold War by Proxy’ event. No doubt the judges were ‘influenced’ in order to portray the Sons of Mother Russia as strong men, ready to meet and beat her enemies.
“People are afraid to speak out because if they are judges they will be sidelined and won’t get to go to the Olympics or other championships. If they are officials, they fear their country’s boxers will be targeted.”
Said by an Irish judge before he went on the record with allegations of corruption in the judging system
Why are we wasting money on this shit. Why are we there in the dope games. There must be a stupid American with a dodgy chin who is earmarked for gold when you see s joke like this. I looked at this fight and I have judged bocing in many countries. To watch this farce is a insult.
Where are all these boxing gigs held? Azerbaijan, China, Qatar, Khazakstan. Where are these judges from? Taipei, Mongolia, Korea. Conlon is right but we have known for years this was the case.
Maybe he should look at his own organisation before going on about international scene. If the suits get rid of billy walsh, have athletes miss training camps, one athlete taints whole squad and may have brought doubt to judges Minds. If its a close fight are you going to side with the failed drug test team?
Don’t understand the scoring in boxing anymore – bouts decided on scores of 10 -9 each round. What happened to points system for each punch landed? It used to be that each judge had to press a button during the round when they wanted to award a point for a hit but it was only if the 3 of them pressed at the same time that point was awarded, so little time to go for cheat voting by judges. Tough on Conlan – he deserved to win. I don’t think Katie boxed her best yesterday so a fair decision there.
From what I can work out the system is quite clear. You pre-determine the winning boxer from the largest envelope received and award them all rounds except for one token middle round which you give to the cheapskate.
they change the scoring back to the 10 – 9 system i kind of preferred the points for hit system but even that their was loads of bad decisions the only way is to have some sort of technology that automatically registers a hit and can measure velocity of hit so power punches score more than jab flicks
I think Ireland are sending out the message that we are poor Loosers ! Which is very true ! No allegations of cheating while we were winning last time . I thought Conlon was beaten but not by much , but not aggressive enough .
Maybe the organisers are now trying to appease the Russians following the Russian drug scandal. The Irish drug boxer gave them sufficient incentive. The Irish boxers cards were already marked once the Irish twit was found to have used a forbidden substance. There is no other reasonable explanation that I can think of. Very important to rehabilitate the Russians by being extra vindictive towards Ireland. An official protest should be lodged by Ireland followed up by a refusal to participate in further bouts when there is no mechanism of appeal.
The silver medallist was disqualified in the 10k swim which allowed a home swimmer take a bronze. Russian heavyweight was shocked when he was declared the winner yesterday. Perhaps we should call the olympics spin the wheel going forward or lucky dip.
If you are going to watch any sports these days don’t expect fairness, all sports are corrupt to high heaven because money comes first, whether it be the actual events or the corruption at the people suppose to be administering the sport ala the councils fleecing all the tickets…This is the world we live in and it carries across all aspects of society. Suck it up.
Yeroooooooooooooo get the hell in what a great result thank you judges for robbing him blind. Not a single medal for Oirland in the boxing Hahahahahahahahahaha love it. What a great Olympics this has been for Northern Ireland.
I feel sorry for you Robert. Maybe if you were British like us in Ulster you could be enjoying a fantastic medal rush instead of having to watch 3rd rate failures on your TV every day.
That would have been funny. I caught up with the interview later on and have to say Conlon was spot on in his analysis. I have watched this young man give up four years of his life in pursuit f a dream only to have it so cruelly snatched away …. Not by his performance but by some bizarre decision by the judges who opted to give this fight to the Russian. I wish this young man every success in the professional ranks and am so proud of the sacrifice he made …. See you in the pro ranks Mick. As for Mr “scutterjacks” o Reilly better men than I have been called a pox bottle
Do people think that Ireland are been punished in the boxing because of the irish boxer who got caught with a banned substance just before the Olympics?
To me, that doesn’t explain away the other dodgy decisions like the Russian last night and indeed Conlon’s opponent today whose previous fight was also very dodgy.
At the announcement of the winner it looked like the ref even thought Conlon won. She raised his hand slightly just as winner was called. Then quickly had to change to raise Russians hand.
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Absolutely disgraceful result.
Money talks!!
What does it say to people coming through the pipeline that even if you do the training and get to elite status….it might not matter, because a de facto mafia state might use its spy agency to drug your opponents in an organised cheating scam or someone might purchase your judges to render totally irrational decisions?
Look at the surprise on the Russians face when he won even he was shocked
Jesus that’s as blatant as it gets. Any way of watching this back? RTE player?
Of all the fights this was pure robbery. They talk about athletes cheating in this case it’s the judges. Something has to be done.
The heavy weight gold medal ‘winner’ last night was visibly embarrassed. This is just ridiculous.
Maybe tomorrow
On the rate player
Great for once to see a sports person speaking their mind. All these PR trained sport persons towing the PC line sickens me. Tell it like it is and the world will be a better place.
That was very refreshing from Conlon and it’s the only way things will change when people speak out. He has nothing to lose as he was turning pro anyway but everyone needs to vocalise the injustice
I should have backed the Russian boxer the way things went the past few days
The problem is it might not be money. A physical threat to the judges or families would be more effective and harder to trace.
Wonder how much the Russians paid for that one..
And the panel , well particularly Michael Carruth say nothing can be done , they must just grin and bear it , so where does that leave all our tax dollars going into funding and organisation involved with , and unwilling or unable to leave a blatantly corrupt one. Maybe the decision might be taken out of their hands , because it seems just ridiculous to be finding that kind of heartache and fraud .
Funding.. Soz
must be fuming over mcgregor destroying aldo. whats with all the strange judging? pathetic, they’ve no problem sending thousands over here for work though inc students yet don’t give back i.e. you aint allowed work and study there at same time, oh no. ban them all.
Spot on
Yes hit em wear it hurts …in the wallet
Jason, I would love to be as naive as you. Not only have people been speaking out but people have been getting caught red handed for years and f all is being done. Why will it change at the bottom when the top is absolutely rotten to the core. The whole thing is a farce. Mo Farrah winning the other night…complete joke. Celebrated by BBC like he was a king after only been investigated by Panorama. Half the 100m line up all drug cheats at some stage. Miraculous athletes appearing from nowhere and destroying their opponents. Wake up everyone. The Olympic dream is dead.
@ Tim will you show me a fiver talking some time.
Dodgy Ecuador judge I believe, guess he will be putting an extension on his house in the near future.
Corrupt system.
An even more controversial decision was on Monday when Russian, Evgeny Tishchenko, was given the verdict over Kazakhstan’s Vassiliy Levit.
The IOC and FIFA.
peas in a pod.
Russian swinging at air in some rounds and still wins gold medal ? is there anything we can do as a nation to award this man who lost ? surely someone can be held to account ?
PPower actually paid out on the Irish Boxer. Fair Play.
The Olympics is bent as a hair-pin. Rotten to the core – inc. Hockey.
Ó Connmhaigh No one was more surprised and subdued than the champ. Awful decision.
this is correct
hope it falls on him
Disgraceful Judges especially the first round
Great fight from Michael, well done kid, enjoyed that masterclass
One of the worst decisions I’ve ever seen.
There’s no logic behind these decisions. The Russian was holding on for dear life in round 3, how did he win that?
how can you say that? conlon out boxed him and out classed him. farcical
You’re right, you’re no boxing expert
Yeah you’re right. You’re no expert! Clown!
Russian defo landed a few very clean shots in Rnd 3!
Stop posting please
I never watch boxing Darragh but my roommates were glued to this so I sat down to take a look.
Round one he was getting punches in but by round 3 he was clearly burned out just defending blocking hits, and that ref seemed to be doing whatever she could to give him these little recharge periods disrupting Conlons flow.
Look at the footage at end of round 3, Russian knew he was finished , Conlon seemed to feel for him watch him give him the head tap with his gloves. Then watch as its called, the Russian looks like someone who just wants the band aid ripped off quick it’s a “awww just get this over with this is horrible”, then look at the shock on his face and see that sudden surge from knowledge of certain defeat to “WHAT?? I won? SERIOUSLY? Yes! Yes yes!!”.
If those judges weren’t bribed they must have been watching some other fight.
Sound Ryan, cheers for the explanation. Was it surprising that he didn’t win though when they were level after 2 rounds at 19 a piece? The Russian had the cleaner hits in the third round for sure which would have swayed it his way (which it ultimately did).
Clearly your no boxing expert!
Unlike every other commenter on The42 it seems.
Darragh, Conlon’s footwork and movement were far superior in the third, not to mention his was the cleaner work and he looked very much the fresher fighter. No way they should have been level going into that round either. You should watch it again
The first round wasn’t even close. The second round was an absolute hammering and the third was a bit closer but still Michael’s
….what?…seriously what?
Ah ok I get it. You were watching the same match as the judges, I’d like to see the footage of this mystical match where the Russian was tearing the head off him in round 3, the one I watched showed him burned out and shielding his face from hits without really hitting back much.
But I guess this is like politics around here, reality and facts don’t matter, what matters is how butt hurt a poster is when his point is countered making him cling to it even more irrationally. Different day same tunes
Darragh. Conlon should have won all three rounds. In the first the russian threw loads of punches but landed few. Conlan landed loads of clean punches. For a punch to score it has to land cleanly so the russian can punch conlans guard all day long and not score. The thing that makes it so obvious is the russian was swinging at fresh air.
Darragh, the issue is Conlan clearly won the first round in an exhibition of classy boxing and movement. But the judge’s gave it to the Russian. Now the perception is that you have to showing to be more aggressive to score better so Conlan changed tack and went in close for a scrap and he still won it but you’re bound to get caught with a couple of shots if you’re just standing in close taking and giving punches. Do the judge’s just want brawlers with no legs and zero defence? Leg movement is the core part of boxing
I agree Daragh ! I think people are Sheep as Harrington said
Darragh, the Olympics are using professional scoring this year and defence is one of the four categories under which the fight is scored(the others being effective aggression, ring generalship and clean punches landed). Aside from his superior defence his ring generalship was on another level – he bossed the fight up close and at a distance. He may have been caught a few times in the third but he still out landed Nikitin in that round. There’s zero justification for that decision.
I was watching the BBC coverage and they were just as shocked. Both commentators had Conlan as clear winner in all 3 rounds.
You don’t know what you’re talking about Darragh. CONLAN boxed the ears off of him in the first round. If that round was scored correctly he could lose the third round and still get the win he deserved.
Well you seem to know more than Michael Carruth, an Olympic Gold medallist, Mick Dowling , an Olympic Silver medallist and a lifelong boxing commentator, and Bernard Dunne, a World Campion Professional Boxer. God Bless your wonderful insights.
footwork and movement or being cleaner ir fresher will get you points
Are you fecking kidding me!!!!
That was incredible, nearly as bad as last night
What they should do is let them keep going until someone can’t continue, who do you think would have been still standing between these two, the Russian was barely able to swing by the end of that
Gutted for him. He put in an outstanding performance.
Wtf, no, wtaf
Even if the Russians are buying medals, they’re still way behind the games leaders, North Korea who top the medal board with Kim Jun Un personally winning 24 golds.
Conlons choice of words were appalling in the RTE interview after.
Any broadcaster that insists upon shoving a mic down an athlete’s throat immediately after they watch 4 years of hard work being washed down the swanny thanks to a ludicrous decision by a gang of crooks, deserves every bitter word spat by the competitor. I would forgive Conlon in a heartbeat for any emotive language used seconds after he was robbed of a bout that he clearly won. RTE need to look at these tabloid like tactics also, throwing a mic at somebody immediately after their event, especially in these circumstances.
@The spokesman: I thought that his words were very well chosen. What is appalling is the bent judges!
Go f__k yourself! Idiot
Too The Spokesman: GO FUUCK YOURSELF.
I said it last week , it’s gone like the Eurovision Song Contest , a joke , complete horse shixte ….. Well said Young Conlan afterward , cheats , from top to bottom .
The Eurovision isn’t ridged. It’s based on telephone votes. Perhaps Azerbaijan winning in 2011 with a mediocre song was a bit strange but I believe the other winners were 100% legitimate.
What a joke stop sending boxers to fight.what a robbery
With the greatest of respect to Katie, I think people were being a little emotive & maybe overreacting yesterday, I think the fight was closer than people care to admit. But I don’t what the judges were looking at today. Scandalous call, Conlon had it won.
To quote the BBC commentators on the judges decision making: “It’s all down to the last round but it shouldn’t be”… “This just leaves me scratching my head”…
The whole thing is a joke from boxing to badminton. Its a mockery of an event ran by one of the worlds most co1rrupt organizations. Its now not only full of cheats competing but full of judges too. Ffs, the judges are probably on drugs too.
They must have been on something
I changed to BBC too just to take the bias out of it but they were equally miffed and had a interview with Richie wood all who said amateur boxing just list him to the pros cause why would anyone say
Yea ….on the take
English please Barry.
Yeah Shud have proof read
What bias would. There was no complaints from the panel when most of the other Irish boxers were knocked out.
Michael conlon just interviewed deserves a gold for his comments..amatuer boxing stinks.corrupt pigs
Sadly I expected this
Been happening all games
I agree it stinks….but I’m not surprised. Money is in professional boxing and the amateur game wants to head that way.
Incredible result last night in heavyweight final also, another Russian involved also WTF
Definitely. I watched that last night. Even the Russian boxer looked mortified that he was given the win.
Should be interesting to see how other Russian boxers are judged from here on in, this is either a coincidence or something fishy is going on?.
Having said that I thought Conlan was fortunate to be given a unanimous decision on his 2nd round against his last opponent?.
Yes, and interestingly enough there was an Irish judge involved in that decision.
Conlan himself was very disappointed the way he boxed against his Azerbaijan opponent I’d say he was surprised to find that all 3 judges were on his side?.
Correct Murty ! But no real mention of that Oirish judge ! You should not have mentioned that !!!
God help Comlon if he thinks ProfessionAl boxing is nor corrupt
What’s the point when things like that happens? They can stuff their poxy medal. Sports administration is in the toilet
My respect for amateur boxing has gone out the window, the Russian landed with a few nice uppercuts but Conlon outboxed him completely!!
A disgrace!! What fight were the judges watching. Gutted for Conlon – much better boxer! Head and shoulders over the Russian
I’d say those judges are easy to bribe by the looks of things, the Russian was nearly knocked off his feet a few times, and was pi**ing blood.
So was Conlon in the first
Boris you should visit Specsavers.
That’s is up there with Roy Jones Junior in ’88! I’m sick for Conlon.
I hope like Jones he goes on to the Pro game and has great success and makes a fortune, he’s a fabulous boxer and he deserves better than this judging bulls**t.
Beyond belief. Best of luck Michael in your pro career.
And plenty of time to see who gets best selfies !!!
Rotten to the core. Absolutely disgraceful how that fight was scored.
What a farce, fix, you name it. I had that 30-26 Ireland. Insanity.
Yeah, I would have given 10-8 for the second round
Absolutely farcical judging. Are these judges boxing people at all??! He was comfortable throughout. Ridiculous.
Disgraceful decision. Especially giving the first round to your man. It’s an embarrassment to boxing.
Fùcking russians this is ridiculous conlon won
As a boxing fan, I’m disgusted that people like that can offciate at any level. A stain on the sport.
Where is the respect for the world champ? Who would take up the sport with this going o?
This exposes how corrupt this Olympics is and how corrupt amateur boxing is
Makes pro boxing look legit
Makes pro wrestling look legit…
This is ridiculous how the hell did he lose the first round in 24 hours the two worst decisions I have ever seen involving 2 Russians who shouldn’t even be here.pro boxing here they come.
Brown envelope at work once again… What a disgraceful decision …
Absolute disgrace..feel for the lad
Disgusting. The Russians were humiliated by being caught doping and this is their bid to get back some honour, pay the judges off and get their guys into medals. Last night was disguising as well, the Russian was mortified being awarded the fight.
Yeah we all saw that one as well
American woman under Billy Walsh lost through questionable decisions as well, again to a Russian.
First Gerry, now Michael!
Another huge Conlan miscarriage of justice.
The olympics committee seriously needs to step in here, this is so clear that even a blind man could see it.
“Cheating b@stards”. Could have said it better myself. That was a disgrace from the judges.
I wouldn’t even send a team again after that shite. First Katie and now Conlon. Judges bank balances would want to be checked after that decision. He was dead right in what he said in the interview.
Gobsmacked, judges on brown envelopes!
Michael Conlon could have went professional 4 years ago and be world champion by now, with a little bit of change in the bank, but instead he decided to give another 4 years of his life to represent his country, only to be denied by cheating of the highest calibre!!! Top man
It has to be the sport with the most serious judging controversies at the olympics, when will they get it right. Remember the Mayweather robbery like it was yesterday and this is not far behind, disgusting decision.
Russian Plan A drugs, Plan B Bribery
Drugs ? I thought we were the drug cheats ? Our drug guy was sent home remember ?? Wise up b fore you text re Drug cheats !
Unbelievable this is gone beyond a joke
I’m not a boxing expert but the fight last night between the Russian and Ukrainian was unbelievable. I was feeling sorry for the Russian coz he was getting the s**t knocked out of him. The Ukrainian was brilliant. Then the referee declares the Russian the winner.
Oh so now they have removed the right to appeal…hmmmmmmmmmmm……
these olympics are a joke..
Disgrace Is putting it mildly
If Russia can’t send there cheating drug athletes to win medals….they just buy medals!! This fight was bought!! Heavy weight gold medal fight last nigh!!t….bought by Russia!
To compensate for many of their athletes being banned for drug use Russia has decided to buy up all the medals that the remaining Russians are competing for.
The Russian most likely told to swing hands like he is drowning and he will win unanimously. Complete joke.
Russian skanks buying everything.m
Hi mossy ! Ireland drug cheat sent home . Don’t forget that please !
In fairness whole squads of our athletes have not been debarred from going to the games due to their nations past record of drug abuse
Who’s objecting to that? Sent home, Tumbleweed. Not competing. And not randomly handed a win. No one’s arguing for cheaters here. Russians can’t, seriously, be proud watching that fight.
Kenny Egan called it before the Olympics. Said the judges were bought and made pre made decisions.
Kenny Egan ? You having a Laff?
Judges must be taking some of the drugs the rest of those ‘cheating ba***rds’ are on if they couldn’t see Conlan deserved to win that fight. Disgraceful.
Are the judges accountable for there scoring?
Is there any chance that the boxing is fixed? Haven’t agreed with a decision yet.
Jaw still on the floor. Disgusting
I presume you are referencing our OWN DRUG CHEAT ?
Well at least half the Russians were debarred from going to the games at all due to their countries ‘splendid record’
Why would you interview someone in the height of it live on TV. He’s right though. Polish gave the Russian walkthrough.
A fu”"kn disgrace … By corrup judging !!! Michael conlon doesn’t need a corrup gold medal to be a
champion .. The olympics should throw out boxing if result like this and last nights against the Kazakh are going on .
Who is paying off the hi
Absolutely shocking stuff,, is there a vendetta against our boxers? theres no fairness whatsoever,, gutted for Michael didn’t deserve that
Shocking decision. Feel so sorry for him. An investigation should be demanded.
There seems to be something shady going on here. I watched the Russian heavy weight match last night and even he knew he shouldn’t have been the winner and here we have a great fight by a super boxer get robbed of a medal. Disgraceful
Corruption? At the Olympics?
Surely not!
We should start a petition to have him added as the 5th boxer in the semi final
Absolute joke of a boxing match! complete robbery of our boxer.. I wonder how big that bag of Russian cash was!
BOYCOTT OLYMPIC BOXING. Rotten to the core!
Corrupt officials Ire being cheated
That’s what happens when you introduce professional boxing into the amateur game i.e. WSB etc. There’s a lot of corruption in the amateur. The big 7 Russian corruption in the judging. It’s a utter disgrace to see this level of corruption and incompetent judging. What Michael said in his interview was correct. They constantly change the rules of amateur boxing to suit the eastern European and Cubans who were doing bad during the computer scoring system and changed to a more professional judging of fights. Also you can not now appeal the decisions like before.
Boxing really should be cut from the Olympic program until it can clean up its act
The boxers may be amateur but it looks like the judges have gone professional!
all those judge’s had to be paid off, simple as that if drug cheats are band, so should cash hungry paid off judge’s.
From doping athletes to dopey judges what next for the Russians
Irish also onto doping ! See Paul Kimmage list ! 12 Irish dopers on kast
Id hate to be standing near that Russian when he has a piss probably melt the tiles.
We’re just not good enough. Stop complaining about the judges.
Did you even watch the fight Ulick you absolute clown? Conlan won every round.
You obviously didn’t watch the fight you clown
The other boxers weren’t good enough but today Michael WAS good enough. My heart goes out to him.
Clown is mild, Complete dick head
Hush now troll… Sport actually means something to some people but im sure you’re a classic troll… A complete and utter waster that can only satisfy themselves from trying to wind people up behind the security of a keyboard. Enjoy that….
What do you mean “trying” to wind people up. Looks like I’m good……better than our boxers.
Ah there’s a good lad. you take issue with my use of the adjective “trying” but you implicitly agree with the statement that you’re a waster. At least you’re sled aware.
Robbery is the only word for it.
The worst Olympic games in living memory.
Mindboggling incompetence from the judges. How did they not notice that the Russian was barely able to make it to his corner at the end of the fight?
according to guy on bbc last night even one of the russian commentators said decision was a joke
4 yrs putting his life on hold for a corrupt set of judges to just take it away ….disgraceful
It’s as bad in this country Ray Moylette was robbed of two national titles in past two years.
Is Joanne cantwell bad or what
I think she’s been the best by a long way. She asks all the tough questions and generally doesnt allow them different the question
She’s not but Bernard Dunne is incredibly rude in some of the answers he’s given to her, fair play to her for keeping her composure.
Some are suggesting this is the AIBA punishing Ireland for the O’Reilly incident. It’s rubbish. The Russian also got a dodgy decision against the Thai boxer in the previous round and then you have last night which descended into Farce when the Kazakh lost to the Russian. We need some good journalists to look at this. look at the AIBA and connections to Russia, look at the judges, who are they? Do they have anything tying them to Russian cash?
What stinks is years from now something will come out about this, evidence of Russian bribes and corruption within AIBA but it will far too late for the likes of Conlon.
Irish boxer failed drugs test at the start, all downhill since then, they have it in for us and I feel this is all connected.
Correct decision imo
Your opinion is wrong then…how much cash is Putin giving you to troll us
Well Michael Carruath, Bernard Dunne and Mick Dowling must all know less about boxing that you do.
The Russians just buy what they want. The Winter Olympics in Socchi which was corrupt to the core and riddled with drug abuse and hidden by the Russian FSB on Putin’s orders. Then buying the World Cup. Who on earth would want to go to Russian for the WC after seeing those lunatics in Marseilles causing mayhem? They were caught rapid doping en masse but the IOC were pathetic and allowed them to come to Rio when the entire country should have been banned. And now to reclaim some “honour” they’ve paid off the judges.
If true, there has to be some way of tracing this Robert – maybe there’s a ‘paper’ trail ? Either way, something needs to be done to look into this scandal, not only of Conlon but of the heavyweight result too.
The Russian was absolutely embarrassed in the last round too by a Thai boxing brilliantly on the back foot. Nikitin hardly landed a thing. Nikitin won by pushing him back, Conlan looked to do that, but clearly the judges are bent
money talks bet thoses judges have been got 2, that was terrible to see he lost and he fought his heart out,what more could he have done, am gutted for him
It’s worse then Irish politics….
The ref looked after him as well, sent him 4a clean up a couple of times while he was totally wiped. Conlan done everything bar KO him. Joke shop
Sadly another Olympics goes by with corrupt judges being paid off, but of course nothing will be done about it. Decisions like this used to get me seething but now I am just resigned to it happening. I am absolutely gutted for Conlan especially after seeing his interview on RTE.
F***k n disgrace
Patiently awaiting “Wouldn’t happen if Billy Walsh was here” comment
The reason they gave Conlon the 3rd round was merely to make it look balanced
When the fix is in, it’s in.
So sad for Conlan. 4 years of his life sacrificed in pursuit of excellence and then to be judged like that?
Make no mistake, he was unlucky to be caught in another ‘Cold War by Proxy’ event. No doubt the judges were ‘influenced’ in order to portray the Sons of Mother Russia as strong men, ready to meet and beat her enemies.
Russia can buy whatever it wants.
Fcuking disgrace russia has bought them out even the irish judge conlan is right corrupt to the core money will get you everywhere
Boycott Russia…..
Ok. I’ll never eat caviar again.
This is oreillys fault.. Irish boxers are targets because of him
There could be something in that but if there is then it’s still crooked to hammer a country in a biased way like that.
“People are afraid to speak out because if they are judges they will be sidelined and won’t get to go to the Olympics or other championships. If they are officials, they fear their country’s boxers will be targeted.”
Said by an Irish judge before he went on the record with allegations of corruption in the judging system
The article was published 2 weeks ago.
we were robbed the world loves the irish like f they do.
It’s simply corrupt, as flagged by The Guardian before the games. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/aug/01/rio-2016-olympics-boxing-corruption-allegations
Why are we wasting money on this shit. Why are we there in the dope games. There must be a stupid American with a dodgy chin who is earmarked for gold when you see s joke like this. I looked at this fight and I have judged bocing in many countries. To watch this farce is a insult.
How to clean up the Russian systematic cheating.
Give the the f*****g medals anyway
Boxing judge corruption was predicted before the tournament even started! Feel for Conlon. Joke!
Exact Same thing happened to mayweather in Atlanta and look how that turned out for him Conlon will go on to do bigger and better things
What a robbery fecking farce
It is now evident that there is an attempt to punish Irish boxing for the mistake of one individual.
need to bring in a new scoring system
The old scoring system was perfectly good and they replaced it with this one, which is completely prone to corruption.
Where are all these boxing gigs held? Azerbaijan, China, Qatar, Khazakstan. Where are these judges from? Taipei, Mongolia, Korea. Conlon is right but we have known for years this was the case.
Ah here, reel in that headline FFS. Impartial much!?
Was thinking the same thing.
Maybe he should look at his own organisation before going on about international scene. If the suits get rid of billy walsh, have athletes miss training camps, one athlete taints whole squad and may have brought doubt to judges Minds. If its a close fight are you going to side with the failed drug test team?
Don’t understand the scoring in boxing anymore – bouts decided on scores of 10 -9 each round. What happened to points system for each punch landed? It used to be that each judge had to press a button during the round when they wanted to award a point for a hit but it was only if the 3 of them pressed at the same time that point was awarded, so little time to go for cheat voting by judges. Tough on Conlan – he deserved to win. I don’t think Katie boxed her best yesterday so a fair decision there.
From what I can work out the system is quite clear. You pre-determine the winning boxer from the largest envelope received and award them all rounds except for one token middle round which you give to the cheapskate.
they change the scoring back to the 10 – 9 system i kind of preferred the points for hit system but even that their was loads of bad decisions the only way is to have some sort of technology that automatically registers a hit and can measure velocity of hit so power punches score more than jab flicks
I think Ireland are sending out the message that we are poor Loosers ! Which is very true ! No allegations of cheating while we were winning last time . I thought Conlon was beaten but not by much , but not aggressive enough .
We’re great tighteners though.
We are paying for our positive drug test IOC circling the wagons
Maybe the organisers are now trying to appease the Russians following the Russian drug scandal. The Irish drug boxer gave them sufficient incentive. The Irish boxers cards were already marked once the Irish twit was found to have used a forbidden substance. There is no other reasonable explanation that I can think of. Very important to rehabilitate the Russians by being extra vindictive towards Ireland. An official protest should be lodged by Ireland followed up by a refusal to participate in further bouts when there is no mechanism of appeal.
That decisions more fecked than an inmates ass
Bad smell coming out of the Brazilian Ring.
The silver medallist was disqualified in the 10k swim which allowed a home swimmer take a bronze. Russian heavyweight was shocked when he was declared the winner yesterday. Perhaps we should call the olympics spin the wheel going forward or lucky dip.
If you are going to watch any sports these days don’t expect fairness, all sports are corrupt to high heaven because money comes first, whether it be the actual events or the corruption at the people suppose to be administering the sport ala the councils fleecing all the tickets…This is the world we live in and it carries across all aspects of society. Suck it up.
Brilliant result well done that Russian. Come on Ireland don’t be the begrudgers you always are.
What country of #great losers’ are you from?
Yeroooooooooooooo get the hell in what a great result thank you judges for robbing him blind. Not a single medal for Oirland in the boxing Hahahahahahahahahaha love it. What a great Olympics this has been for Northern Ireland.
“Wilson”, please………a pretty childish effort at trolling.
Northern Ireland? Not even a real country ☺
I feel sorry for you Robert. Maybe if you were British like us in Ulster you could be enjoying a fantastic medal rush instead of having to watch 3rd rate failures on your TV every day.
What about ye Wilson, big mon, keyboard warrior
It is ironic you should say that as the head of the British Swimming team is also on record condemning the judging at these games.
Adrienne ! Adrienne !!!!!!
Didn’t hear the interview what did Conlon say ?
Richard he called you a pox bottle
That would have been funny. I caught up with the interview later on and have to say Conlon was spot on in his analysis. I have watched this young man give up four years of his life in pursuit f a dream only to have it so cruelly snatched away …. Not by his performance but by some bizarre decision by the judges who opted to give this fight to the Russian. I wish this young man every success in the professional ranks and am so proud of the sacrifice he made …. See you in the pro ranks Mick. As for Mr “scutterjacks” o Reilly better men than I have been called a pox bottle
Do people think that Ireland are been punished in the boxing because of the irish boxer who got caught with a banned substance just before the Olympics?
To me, that doesn’t explain away the other dodgy decisions like the Russian last night and indeed Conlon’s opponent today whose previous fight was also very dodgy.
Well why you reward the Russians who are a nation of sporting drug cheats if you were that concerned about ‘standards’
Wilson mcauley your a gimp.
The judges should be tested for doping ???
At the announcement of the winner it looked like the ref even thought Conlon won. She raised his hand slightly just as winner was called. Then quickly had to change to raise Russians hand.
All we have to do now is put our money on the worst boxer and we’ll win, thanks to corrupt judges!
bought and paid for. We’ve seen it before, Even caught them transferring the money multiple times and they still get away with it.
Error ghhh