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Taoiseach Simon Harris speaking to US President Joe Biden on the phone this evening. @SimonHarrisTD
irish-us relations

Harris and Biden discuss need for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza in first phone call

The two leaders also discussed the war in Ukraine, power-sharing in Northern Ireland and the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement.

TAOISEACH SIMON HARRIS spoke to US President Joe Biden about the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the war in Ukraine over the phone this evening, officials have said.

In the first official phone call between the two leaders, Biden began by congratulating Harris on becoming Taoiseach.

Both men spoke about power-sharing in Northern Ireland, the institutions of the Good Friday Agreement and the ongoing work of the US Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs, Joe Kennedy.

A note on the call said they also spoke about the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and the need for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all of the hostages and for the free flow of aid.

Harris briefed Biden on the Ukraine Peace Summit, which was held in Switzerland over the weekend, and his conversation there with US Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden told the Taoiseach the US would continue to support Ukraine and the world must stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.

The Taoiseach and the US President discussed the deep and growing economic ties between Ireland and the United States.

Harris also thanked Biden for his enduring friendship to Ireland, and wished him and the American people well. 

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