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Central Criminal Court

Full probation reports on boys who murdered Ana Kriégel won't be given to each other's legal teams

Justice McDermott then said he does not want any more than five members of the media present in court when the boys are sentenced next October.

LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES FOR the two boys convicted of murdering 14-year-old schoolgirl Ana Kriégel will be given parts of one another’s probation reports, a judge at the Central Criminal Court has decided.

At a brief hearing today, Gerardine Small BL for the Director of Public prosecutions asked Justice Paul McDermott to allow the legal teams for the two boys to see those parts of the probation reports relating to Ana’s murder and sexual assault.

Patrick Gageby SC for Boy A said he had no objection as did Damien Colgan SC for Boy B. They also did not object to a garda inspector being given access to the same parts of the probation reports. In granting the application Justice McDermott said the documents were to be treated with the “strictest confidence”. 

He added:

Any breach of that is a contempt of court.

Justice McDermott then said he does not want any more than five members of the media present in court when the boys are sentenced next October.

He said this was necessary due to the nature of the hearing and to create the appropriate environment. He said that such a restriction is not unusual or extraordinary in the children and family courts.

He further suggested that there could be an overflow room linked to the court by a video link and he has taken steps to see if that can be done.

The boys, referred to in the media as Boy A and Boy B, are aged 14 and cannot be identified.

They were convicted by unanimous jury verdicts last month of murdering Ana at an abandoned house at Laraghcon, Clonee Road, Lucan on 14 May last year.

Boy A was also convicted of Ana’s aggravated sexual assault in a manner that involved serious violence to her. Justice McDermott has ordered psychiatric assessments of both boys ahead of sentencing which is due to take place in October.

Following the directions of a professor at the Central Mental Hospital in Dundrum, it was decided that each boy would be assigned an adult forensic psychiatrist and a child specialist psychiatrist.

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