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A man in his 30s was arrested in relation to the fatal assault in Finglas overnight Alamy Stock Photo
Fatal Assault

Arrest made after man in his 50s dies in Finglas assault

At 12.30, gardaí received reports of a man with serious injuries on Hampton Wood Way on the St. Margaret’s Road in Finglas.

AN ARREST HAS been made after a man in his 50s died in an overnight assault in Finglas.

At around 12.30am this morning, gardaí received reports of a man with serious injuries on Hampton Wood Way on the St. Margaret’s Road in Finglas.

The man was taken to the Mater Hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

The offices of the State Pathologist have been informed and a post-mortem examination will take place later today in Dublin City Mortuary.

A man in his 30s has since been arrested as part of the investigation and he remains detained by gardaí.

The scene on the Hampton Wood Way is currently preserved for technical examination and an investigation is ongoing.

A garda spokesperson issued an appeal for anyone who may have information in relation to the incident to come forward.

They can do this by contacting Finglas Garda Station on 01 6667500, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.

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