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A PSNI Inspector said the male motorcyclist died at the scene. Alamy Stock Photo
Co Fermanagh

Motorcyclist dies following collision in Roslea, close to Fermanagh-Monaghan border

The PSNI received a report of the single-vehicle collision in the Dernawilt Road area of Roslea shortly before 10.30pm last night.

A MOTORCYCLIST HAS died following a road traffic collision in Roslea, Co Fermanagh, last night.

The PSNI received a report of a single-vehicle collision involving a motorcycle in the Dernawilt Road area of Roslea shortly before 10.30pm last night.

Roslea is a small village in Co Fermanagh, which is close to the border with Co Monaghan.

PSNI Inspector Cherith Adair said officers attended the scene with members of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, but the male motorcyclist died at the scene.

Adair said an investigation to establish the circumstances of the collision is underway.

The PSNI’s Collision Investigation Unit is appealing to anyone who may have any information or dash-cam footage which could assist in the investigation to make contact with them.

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