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Handout image of Jay Slater.
Search and rescue operation

Search for UK teen Jay Slater in Tenerife enters sixth day

The 19-year-old’s mother and friends are partaking in the search operation in Tenerife.

THE SEARCH FOR missing UK teen Jay Slater has entered its sixth day, as the case has dominated British newspapers and media over the last week. 

The 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer from Lancashire went to Tenerife to attend a music festival with friends. 

His friends and family have told media that he left the festival last Sunday night and got into a car with two men, who drove to the national park in north-west Tenerife. 

They went to a holiday cottage on the outskirts of the village of Masca, which is almost 40 km away from the resort where he was saying with friends, in the tourist area of Playa de la Americas. 

He has not been located or heard from since he called his friend Lucy Mae at 9 am on the Monday morning, and reportedly told her that he was lost and without water. 

The last known sighting of Jay was by the sister of the owner of the cottage he travelled to. 

The Spanish woman said the teen asked her about bus times and she saw him walking up a hill, in the opposite direction from his hotel. 

On Friday, Spanish police intensified their search for the missing teen who was last located in the Rural De Teno nature park area. They deployed dogs and drones. 

Lancashire police have said they have offered to partake in the search, but have been assured that the teams carrying out the operation have the resources they need. 

On Friday, members of the Guardia Civil told The Guardian that they had not given up hope of finding the 19-year-old alive. 

They also expressed that it is difficult to search for someone in such a steep area. 

In its last released statement, the Spanish police said: “There is a search on going and the police operation is focused on the area of Masca (Tenerife). We cannot confirm any more information.”

Jay’s mother Debbie flew to Tenerife on Tuesday. 

She has expressed concerns that her son may have been “taken against his will”, but her suspicions have not been reiterated by any authorities participating in the search. 

There has been a large amount of speculation on social media about what could have happened to Jay, but Spanish police have been clear that they are focusing their search on the areas surrounding the spot where he was last located. 

His Stepfather told The Sun newspaper that Jay is “streetwise”, but that he may have lost his way in the dark. 

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