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Image of the two bears that caused the game to be abandoned St Finnian's Vancouver GAA
Bear in the square

Two 'lively looking bears' force abandonment of Ladies Gaelic Football match in Canada

St Finnian’s GAA club in Vancouver said the bears were hoping for a long ball into the square.


A LADIES GAELIC Football match in Canada had to be abandoned last week after two bears entered the pitch.

The game took place on 20 June at Burnaby Lake Sports Complex in Burnaby, which is a city located just to the east of Vancouver.

The Round Three match of the Vancouver Senior Ladies Championship was being played between Vancouver Éire Óg GAA and St Finnian’s Vancouver GAA.

St Finnian’s GAA said the game was a close contest but had to be abandoned after “two lively looking bears” arrived “who were looking for the long ball into the square”.

448914339_981526510643563_5255052404633712775_n (2) Bears pictured in the background as St Finnian’s senior ladies pose for a team photo. St Finnian's Vancouver GAA St Finnian's Vancouver GAA

Éire Óg had been leading with only a few minutes to go and both teams are awaiting a decision by the Canadian Gaelic Athletic Association on whether the Senior Ladies Championship game will have to be replayed.

In the meantime, St Finnian’s and Éire Óg faced each other at the same venue on Monday night, but this time in the Vancouver Intermediate Ladies Championship.

The St Finnian’s ladies intermediate side ran out 3-13 to 3-01 winners, with St Finnian’s noting that the “bears didn’t cause a scene” this time round.

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