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15 Usher's Island, Dublin 8 Leah Farrell
culturally inappropriate

Arts Council intervenes in apartment development row over Joyce's 'The Dead' location

The Arts Council argues that argues that the building is at risk of culturally inappropriate development.

THE ARTS COUNCIL has intervened in the planning row concerning the conversion of a property into 10 apartments at Usher’s Island in Dublin 8, where James Joyce’s The Dead was set.

This follows Strategic Development Director at the Arts Council, Deirdre Behan writing to Dublin City Council to request that the Council satisfy itself that “the proposed development safeguards and preserves the special interest and special cultural value of the property”.

Ms Behan’s letter is in response to the contentious plans Brimwood UC which is a firm owned by former Monaghan senior GAA football manager, Séamus ‘Banty’ McEnaney and last year Brimwood UC received more than €30 million for housing International Protection (IP) applicants and Ukrainians in Government contracts.

In the three page letter, Ms Behan states that the Arts Council reminds the City Council “of the significant cultural value of this property to literacy in Ireland in addition to its built heritage value contributing positively to the historic character of the Dublin City south quays”.

Ms Behan further states that the Council must also satisfy itself that the proposal is consistent with the provisions of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028.

In a separate submission, accompanied by a petition signed by 1,675 people, Zoe O’Beimhen has told the council that “we the undersigned object to the granting of permission for 10 apartments at 15 Usher’s Island”.

The letter urges the Minister for Housing, Daragh O’Brien to issue a Ministerial Order to allow the compulsory acquisition of the building.

Ms O’Beimhen argues that the building is at risk of culturally inappropriate development.

She says: “The National Government must act now to save the house of The Dead. The building must be restored to good condition and national ownership as soon as possible.”

Ms O’Beimhen further contends “this is a one off building that can never be replaced once it is gone”.

Closely associated with the James Joyce Tower in Sandycove for a number of years, architect, Charles Hulgraine has told the council in response to the plans “we despair for the future of this Joycean landmark except in name only”.

Mr Hulgraine argues that “the density proposed and modified layout will result in the permanent destruction of a building worthy of cultural pilgrimage on a main artery into Dublin City”.

Mr Hulgraine states that “the ironic public investment in the James Joyce bridge out front is now doomed to contraction”.

Mr Hulgraine states that the Council is under no obligation to approve this “mundane” development “and would do better to hold out for a more qualitative cultural development”.

In a planning report lodged with Dublin City Council by planning consultant, Kevin Hughes on behalf of Brimwood points out that the use of the building as residential is more suited than a tourist hostel for which the previous permission was granted.

He contends that it is not feasible to return the building to one singular house, however the provision of 10 apartments is considered appropriate.

Mr Hughes states that the applicant and design team “are aware of the significance of the building and have gone to great lengths to protect and improve the historic fabric of the building”.

He states that “throughout the property, historic features will be repaired, helping to restore and maintain the historic character of the property”.

He says: “We submit that the proposed development will greatly improve the current condition of the building and protect the features of merit where appropriate.”

A decision is due on the application next month.

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