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All time
Opinion: Young gay athletes set tone for NBA coming out
Harper Lee sues agent's son-in-law over copyright of To Kill a Mockingbird
Why is the US investigating added caffeine in foods?
Lance Armstrong doping ring to be investigated in Spain
'Trailblazing' Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman dies of liver failure
Some of the earliest American settlers were cannibals
Family claims body of dead Boston Marathon bombing suspect
YouTube has won its battle with TV... according to YouTube
Daughter wants nothing to do with mother who disappeared for 11 years
Suicide rate among middle-aged Americans rose by 28 per cent in 10 years
Man pretends to be member of Pink Floyd to get free health care
EBay monitoring listings of Boston Marathon medals
Woman finds abandoned baby... and is arrested when it turns out it’s her child
Jury begins deliberating in US abortion doctor trial
Mother of Boston Marathon suspects insists: 'My sons are innocent'
Pics: Prague explosion – Up to 40 injured, some trapped under rubble
Tiger Woods and Patrick Ewing were at Michael Jordan's wedding at the weekend
Shop owner turns CCTV footage of botched burglary into ad
Pensioner wins $5,000 diamond… then swallows it
Facebook says privacy practices are sufficient, cites independent audit
Google to change how it displays search results in Europe
Boston bombers were planning New York attack
Newsreader fired for saying 'f***ing sh*t' gets red carpet job offer
Supplier to Penneys based in Bangladesh building that collapsed, claiming 87 lives
Samurai-sword wielding bishop saves neighbour from stalker
End game for Lance Armstrong as US Justice Department says he was 'unjustly enriched'
Greg LeMond: 'no vendetta' against former friend Lance Armstrong
Woman comes face to face with circus tiger in bathroom
At least five dead in shooting at apartment complex outside Seattle
Authorities unsure if they'll ever be able to question Boston suspect
Five snowboarders killed in Colorado avalanche
US doubles aid to Syrian rebels, who want more
Extra security in place as London Marathon begins
Quake jolts China’s Sichuan, killing over 150 and injuring more than 5,500
Scientists decode DNA of 'living fossil' fish believed extinct for 70 million years
Meet the Texan marathon runner who had two near misses this week
'We're ashamed': Bombings suspects' uncle urges nephew to turn himself in
Fan catches 2 home run balls at 1 game, says he's written book on how to do it
Lance Armstrong manager hails cycling's 'new era'
Pakistan's Musharraf flees court to avoid arrest