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All time
'Concerning' rise in HIV and STI cases since last year
Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday
Parents, students and other stakeholders are being asked their views on Special Educational Needs
Trial of a four-day work week gets 100% success rating with Irish employees
Abortion services ‘will be commissioned in Northern Ireland’, UK minister tells MPs
Donegal County Council meeting adjourned to address Mica redress protest outside
RTÉ and union negotiate 6% pay increase phased in over two years
WHO to rename monkeypox to 'mpox' to reduce prejudice and stigma
Here's what happened today: Sunday
QUIZ: How much do you know about astronauts?
Celtic Interconnector with France will promote clean energy and lower prices, says Taoiseach
Majority of Irish people agree that pornography is harming society, Women's Aid report finds
Gardaí arrest six as part of major international investigation of fraud phonecalls
Residents of Dublin's Tathony House hold Dáil protest over potential mass eviction
PSNI say object left at Derry police station thought to be a hoax was 'explosive device'
Man arrested in connection with fatal hit and run in Tipperary
Condemnation after woman asks Arlene Foster for selfie before chanting 'Up the Ra'
PSNI say suspected bomb outside police station was hoax 'made to look like a car bomb'
Status Yellow rain warning remains in effect nationwide as Met Éireann warns of flooding
Quiz: Do you know these famous bans?
Taoiseach tours National Children's Hospital as construction reaches 80% completion
Tolls to increase on M50 and other motorways in line with inflation
Planning permission sought for apartment buildings on site of former Mother and Baby Home
€5 million allocated to digitise and publish 1926 Census data by 2026
Russia bans Taoiseach, Tánaiste and 50 other Irish representatives from entering the country
Poland puts military on heightened readiness over reports Russian missiles land on its territory
Four Cost of Living lump sum supports to be paid to over 800,000 people this week
Here's what happened today: Monday
Joe Lycett urges David Beckham to abandon Qatar football deal due to country's LGBTQ laws
Eight people were arrested as violence broke out between rival fans ahead of the FAI Cup final
WWII-era explosive device in Wexford defused by Defence Forces
Coveney to discuss Ukraine and climate with foreign ministers in Brussels
Restriction zones in place as Avian Influenza confirmed in Monaghan turkey flock
Here's what happened today: Sunday
Iran issues first death sentence for Mahsa Amini 'riots'
Gardai seek witnesses of Wexford hit and run on early Saturday morning
Quiz: How well do you know the lyrics of Bob Dylan?