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This year
Poll: Strong division among younger voters on immigration issues and candidates
Kevin Cunningham
JFK in 1960, Blair 1997, Obama 2008, Corbyn 2017: Youth vote is a starting gun for momentum
Kevin Cunningham
All time
Irish people largely support staying in EU - but many unsure how it works
Why The Telegraph's 2014 front page on Labour, UKIP and immigration was my worst nightmare
Kevin Cunningham
Less than a third of people in Ireland would take a trip to space - even if it was free
Poll: Satisfaction with public transport is concentrated almost entirely within Dublin
Column: Lessons from Dublin Bay South
Kevin Cunningham
What is an 'affordable home'? Most people put the price at between €200,000 and €299,000
69% of people believe past governments are to blame for the current housing crises
New poll shows most office workers want to work from home 2 to 3 days per week post-pandemic
These were the 15 'biggest things' to happen in 2017
Kevin Cunningham
The Top 20: What was the ‘biggest thing’ to happen in 2016?
Kevin Cunningham
The big Brexit question: 'Should we side with the UK or the EU?'
Kevin Cunningham