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You are visiting us because we have something you value. Independent, unbiased news that tells the truth. Advertising revenue goes some way to support our mission, but this year it has not been enough.

If you've seen value in our reporting, please contribute what you can, so we can continue to produce accurate and meaningful journalism. For everyone who needs it.


This month
December 2024
Do you agree with a 'no photo' policy at nightclubs?
Do you put up a real or fake Christmas tree?
Will you watch the Late Late Toy Show tonight?
Do you feel stressed by the Christmas build-up?
Do you play video games?
Do you think there should be a rotating Taoiseach?
Who is your favourite member of the Beatles?
Last month
November 2024
Should schools close for polling day?
Have you put up your Christmas decorations?
Will you watch the Wicked movie?
When did you last eat a biscuit?
Should the Presidential term of office be shortened to five years?
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
Would you support a four-day work week?
Should the government give every baby €1,000 at birth?
Will you watch I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here this year?
Do you use X?
Should third-level student fees be abolished?
Are you registered to vote?
Have you ever bought cryptocurrency?
Will you watch Gladiator II?
How would you rate the performance of this government?
Would you like to go to space?
Will you stay up to follow the US election?
Would you like to see cars limited from driving through Irish cities?
Is it too early to play Christmas music?
October 2024
Are you going trick-or-treating tonight?
Who do you think will win the US Presidential Election?
Will you carve a pumpkin for Halloween?
Poll: Should Ireland keep or scrap the biannual clock changes?
Have you ever been to the Cork Jazz Festival?
Have you read Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Should there be a time limit on goodbyes at the airport?
Should local authorities take back control of bin collections?
Should RTÉ move to the GPO?
Should we get rid of 'best before' dates?
How often do you use cash?
Have you put up Halloween decorations yet?
When was the last time you visited an art gallery or museum?
Should cars be allowed to have dashboard touchscreens?