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BACK IN JANUARY, The Late Late had a panel discussion on the upcoming 1916 centenary celebrations – and Blindboy Boatclub of The Rubberbandits was the star of the show.
Last night, he was back on – this time by himself.
And he introduced the Late Late audience to “gas c**tism”
Now, long-time followers of The Rubberbandits will know very well what that term means, but Blindboy explained it for those that might not be so familiar:
We view ourselves 100% as artists. Our artistic movement is called gas c**tism. We use gas c**tist inquiry as a means of using comedy and entertainment as an artistic medium – so our grounding is very academic and very solid. Gas c**tism is a type of socially engaged art.
And he was well aware of the power of language on primetime TV:
I’m saying it, you’re not saying it. I’m a bit annoyed, because one of the reasons I called it that is because I want to have an art movement that I can’t say on the Late Late and now I’ve just done it.
The conversation then moved on to other matters – like the problems faced by young men in Ireland
In one of the highlights of his appearance, Blindboy said that Irish men need feminism:
I personally think that what these young men need is feminism – because when I’m down in Limerick speaking to lads that I know who are suffering from mental health issues, when I actually speak to them and get to the core of ‘what’s bothering you man?’ what they always say to me is ‘I have nothing to offer a woman’.
The fact of the matter is that is a patriarchal attitude that is no longer relevant to us in the 21st Century.
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For an apparently intelligent guy (who REALLY tries to hammer his intellect home using academic and thesis style language on a Brainless Tubridy) the point on feminism is absurd. Alot of men feel alienated even depressed because of nonsense sprouted by feminist movements and the us vs them mentality it creates in minds of impressionable women who almost see men as adversaries!. Men need love and support not a zealous movement that doesn’t care for them and spefically says so! If he said men need feminie connections, love and support he would have made alot more sense but he didn’t. Despite his intellectualised points this was an incredibly stupid one!.
@Colin Foley: Well said. I mean what does any man have to offer a woman when the feminist movement constantly go around saying that men have a “rape culture”? It’s getting to a stage that you nearly have to have 2 independent witnesses, a signed consent form and CCTV video/audio before you even look at a woman.
@Colin Foley: real feminism is about equality for all. The militant kind you are referring to is misandry, a whole different problem. Blindboat recognises the inner turmoil faced by many men. We have unrealistic aspirations of being the primary breadwinner, sweeping ladies off their feet. It’s outdated and only leads to disappointment, loneliness, depression, self loathing. Blindboat is saying men need a new ideal: to be the best person they can be, regardless of gender. To share equally in experiences and responsibilities. To let go of caveman-like alpha male role models.
@Colin Foley: Based on your comment, you misunderstand feminism and are looking at it through the prism of a very narrow and limited form of strident feminism. Mainstream feminism is sensible and would be beneficial to men who don’t aspire to the macho, tough guy approach.
I think that Blindboys ideas are stimulating, provocative and unrestrained by conformist orthodoxy.
It would be great if regular feminists called out the extreme misandric elements of it because it gives it a terrible pr image. I won’t even start the egalitarianism vs feminism issue.
Why do you need feminists to explain feminism to you? Surely if you have an opinion on something you would educate yourself on it? That’s the problem with people, they argue a position without a knowledge of what they are arguing about.
@Maurice Bourke: They do! Like all the time! Man come on, Feminism is a form of egalitarianism, its literally the ideology of women wanting the same rights as men, how much more egalitarian can you get?
“It would be great if regular feminists called out the extreme misandric elements of it because it gives it a terrible pr image.”
It seems you can’t differentiate between types of feminism because you believe that extreme feminism is contaminating feminism. A person educated on feminism would not equate the two.
Appending egalitarianism just shows the level of your argument, “I just want all people to be equal!”. It’s a red herring, with no substance.
@Maurice Bourke: Ha, I’d say the repeal the 8th ladies disagree with you about the rights bit! But other than that I think it’s more than equality in law, it’s about equality of opportunity. Like I work in the tech industry and you hardly ever see women coders and you get a lot of people who seem to think that maybe its because they don’t want to be coders.
But I remember back to my uni days, where I did a design/comp sci course where my class was split 50:50 guys/girls versus the computer sci only courses where it was probably closer to 90:10, the design lectures were great, the comp sci tutorials were like the locker room of a 5th year class. These guys talking about the ‘bitches they scored on the weekends’, honestly you just felt embarrassed for them but I felt infinitely worse for the girls stuck in those tutes having to listen to that shit. I think maybe 3 of the girls dropped out of my course and went design only. Now ten years later, I’m listening to the grown up versions of those guys talking about how women just don’t like coding. Go figure..
@ ro Brett As for abortion. You could argue the laws are different between here and England etc but between the sexes the equivalent would be ‘financial abortion’ which as far as I know no countries allow. So you are saying there are secret desire in place in computer science courses to stop women coding. The fact some did it means there is nothing physically stopping them.
@Maurice Bourke: I’m saying there are statistically way less female coders than male, and it’s weird, there’s no reason they can’t be – hell it used to be a woman’s job back in the earliest days of computers, the first computer program was written by a woman, Margaret Hamilton (look up the photo of her and the stack of code – its great!) wrote the code that controlled the moon landing. Why have the numbers of women doing computer science dropped through the floor?
I’m not saying theres a conspiracy afoot to keep women out of computer science, I’m saying the gender imbalance in my classes was creating a nasty environment for the girls in my class, I don’t know how widespread that is but I’ve heard it from a lot of other people too and it’s becoming more and more talked about. Just because you’re not being physically barred from the lecture doesn’t mean there can’t be psychological and societal barriers preventing you from doing something.
You could argue its up to every individual women to overcome those issues and be the one women who refuses to be put down but that’s not really fair that they have to do that, while the guys just show up and don’t have to deal with that crap.
@Ro Brett: TBH man, I’m also years out of date – for all I know the STEM courses could be overflowing with girls these days and the fact that companies are talking about it and there’s diversity reports being created, hiring quotas being implemented, scholarships for women, all that stuff is a pretty good sign people have noticed the imbalance and are trying to fix it! Which I guess is feminism in action. The man hating bullshit is a distraction from the real shit of trying to create a society where gender isn’t an issue in working out what you want to do with your life. Which is good, we want the best people doing what they love.
We are constantly bombarded with images of beautiful people, successful people without a care in the world on TV. then you look in the mirror and it can eat away at you. Feminists have been trying to break this. Introduce more normal looking women and men rather than size zero skeletons and muscled tanned Adonises. If there is someone reading this article that feels like they could do with support please look for it. If you feel that you have nothing to offer you’re wrong. Everyone has something special and we all feel nervous and anxious about meeting the opposite sex. So be kind to yourself and look after yourself.
Maurice you make a good point. The vocal minority of femininazis have pretty much ruined it for the majority of feminists who simply believe in equality of rights and opportunities for both genders.
A sub group of men came up with the label ‘feminatzis’ to make feminism a dirty word. I have never met a feminist or woman that wanted to reduce men’s rights the opposite in fact. I support equal rights for fathers. I just want the equality for my gender as men do. I think it would be weird if I didn’t.
I think most women would definitely call out that kind of extreme “feminism” (as someone pointed out, it’s actually misandry) if we came ever came across it. I’ve never met a woman with that view; is it possible the ol’ man-hating lesbian-separatist- feminist is a bit of a myth, exaggerated and perpetuated by people with an axe to grind?
If anything, bboy is an inspiration for intelligent ‘youth’ to speak up and not be afraid to explore and express their intelligence and academic aspirations. The social order he parodies doesn’t welcome this, so get him on tv and radio more often… Not that the ‘youth’ watch ryanrodent…
The plastic bag allows him to be Everyman rather than a personality. You concentrate more on his words than his appearance which the world is so obsessed with in this day and age. They are doing a great job of highlighting men’s mental health problems on International Men’s Day. Voice of their generation.
@Donnacha Bhoicaire: Masks have been used by artists for eons Donnacha, it’s just a part of his art/act and clearly people do take him seriously. Also he has stated that he doesn’t want the trappings of celebrity in his private life such as being recognised in public and not being able to go to the supermarket/shops without people asking for selfies etc. Seems reasonable enough to me. No?
What utter nonsense. The plastic bag is his personality and his expression outwards which actually more distracting. How can anybody take person with a bag on their head seriously. He’s a muppet!
I didn’t see the interview last night but will catch up with it later, I was s little saddened by any young man saying ” what have I to offer a woman”, surely it’s also a question of what a woman can offer a man, to me that’s more like treating each other equally, and supporting each other, when that support is required, definitely we need to change our attitudes in the home and in education to bring out the very best in our young people, and stop the nonsense of different expectations in male and female young people, we are all so different, and we all need to be loved.
Feminism is increasing the misery not decreasing it. Sexes are not the same. The sooner we get back to some simpler principles the better. I’m all for each person male or female doing what they desire. But all we see is misery. perhaps a change of track required
Feminism has become a female supremacy movement unfortunately. If you want equal rights and opportunities for the sexes you’re an egalitarian. Luckily we have this is the west. But that’s the reason feminism has become so extreme; it’s trying to be relevant in a world where it’s no longer needed, at least in the west.
@virtual in fact feminists have been trying to change advertising standards to reflect more real life people than these goddesses and god-like people which can effect self esteem of the young. Hating on the Internet will not help anyone and saying a group of people who want the same rights as you hate you is not helping.
@Deborah Behan: while Im staunchly pro-equality, modenr feminism has a superiority problem and seems to delight in undermining men and mens mental health
@Catherine Mc: The world now is upside down, the core and meaning of life is drowned out by what others think and believe instead of what the individual wants as too many are told where to find happiness and popularity, normally in the wrong place by retailers and by the media selling sugar coated lies for air space or to sell products?
All this noise drowns out what people want for themselves as they don’t know but they are told to look for it in all the wrong places to make others happy. Modern life is built on lies and no one questions themselves but try to fit in to be happy or to fit in, in order not to be lonely but both have a cost.
Many do not know what they want but they want to be happy and to be the same as everyone else, many find happiness from trying to control themselves or what happens in their own life or by trying to control others. For some being near happiness is just being able to know what to expect as the familiar is better than the unknown that comes with change and without change then self esteem can’t grow?
It is said that to know what you want then you have to know what you don’t want or like first and then to work on that in order to change it. Happiness for many people lies within their own past, like when they were children and they seem to want to look back rather than forwards and to take the risk as they can be concerned about what others might think of them then as many still look for others approval than their own? I think the key to knowing what you want is to try new things and to express your own emotions and thoughts as expressing them truthfully can bring insight to them like defragging a hard disc drive?
Too many use drink and drugs but they can cause depression but that is my view?
I’m a feminist whose two best friends in the world are guys (and no, they don’t necessarily identify as feminists but would live by feminist ideals). My dad is my hero and I have brilliant relationships with all the men in my life. The idea that all feminists and feminism are anti-men needs to stop. If my male friends ever had any problems or issues I know they’d be comfortable to talk to me and each other. That’s what we need, male or female we all need someone that we know is there for us, and I feel really sorry for young guys who are suffering and feel embarrassed about being vulnerable or ‘not man enough’.
Predictable because it’s true. Your afraid of women, a rather pathetic position. And you think your a real man, like that’s something that exists. My advice is lay off the Old Spice, buck up your ideas and you might have a chance.
Well if you want me to stop, it is kind of cruel calling out worn out cliches like yourself. I bet you are actually in black and white rather than colour, with crackly audio.
@Frederick Burden: when you write, “lay off the worn out cliches” are you writing that with an awareness that you yourself are a worn out cliche? An anachronism? I get that you are a troll but at least make an effort to rise above mediocrity in that one area at least.
I wouldn’t agree with him that a patriarchal attitude is all bad. In fact I think alot if kids in our penal system could have done with a stong patriarch figure. I understand what he is saying. However I think the attitude towards young boys in general needs to be looked at. I have yet to find a woman that hasn’t told an upset male to “man up” what ever that means!
@Vincent Wallace:’I wouldn’t agree with him that a patriarchal attitude is all bad’ Vincent you can still teach young boys gender specific lessons associated with ‘patriarchial attitudes’ alongside equality, I don’t think he s suggesting throwing the role of Father out with the bath water.
So called fame today is easily come by idiots like this oddball in Ireland because we are starved of talent. Equally disturbing is us paying Turdberty obscene money by way of a licence fee.
@Eddie Byrne: He’s obviously not an idiot!
Have a go at the tv license by all means but don’t dismiss someone’s viewpoint just because you disagree with it or don’t understand it!
As a mother to 2 small boys all I ever seem to hear about or see is articles on inspirational women or how can we make women feel more empowered or good female role models. I am admant my boys will not grow up feeling second best to women. Im sure thats not what feminism means to do but thats whats happening. Would like to see more of a push on examples on examples of some of the great men and fathers we have in our world who have done great things…im sure there are many of them just as there are women and mothers.
@Chris Martin: I ve a few for you Chris, Donald Trump and Nigel Farage……………………….to say there is a shortage of examples of Men being praised is absurd, Premier league footballers, Golfers, Musicians I could go on and on. If your boys grow up feeling second best to women it will be because of your relationship with women and what they ve learned from it that I’m afraid is how it works. Try teaching them to respect equality and difference and do it everyday, Id say they’ll be grand.
Missing my point completely there. As a female I have great relationships with women..they are some of the best in my life and I would be lost without them. I only read an article the other day titled: inspirational women..and thats great. Ive yet to see it being written about men.
@Chris Martin: ‘As a female I have great relationships with women’ Firstly my apologies I assumed you were male. To answer your second point click the links below
It’s pretty much implicit in every walk of life. Like, you’d have to be numb to your surroundings not to notice. There are articles about it, but why would you need them. The idea that men are great is everywhere.
@Kevin Cotter..does it matter wether I was male or female? Thanks for those links. I will have a look. What I meant was my social media feeds are filled with the whole females are great articles. I would actually have to go and physically google the links you just sent me..and I think it says something. @Titus Grogan..the idea that men are great is not everywhere. There are lots of men in power..thats not the same thing.
@Chris Martin: Chris, I think those articles exist because there are far less women in those positions than men, I don’t think men need the press because we’re mostly in charge anyways. Maybe some day it will swing the other way but right now there are only 23 female CEOS in the fortune 500, there are only 27 female TD’s in the dail, your boys are still growing up in a world where the stats are in very much in their favour.
Its a good point. There are far less male nurses than female but we dont hear/see anything about that. Truth is women do some jobs better than men and vice versa and thats fine as far as Im concerned.
If you are looking for proof that inspirational men get enough attention too, maybe just try looking on the bookshelves of any book shop, to the senior leadership team at any company, to the statues historically erected in any town or city, to the names of streets anywhere in the world, to the sporting events that occupy prime time broadcasts, to history books, to the music industry, to Hollywood, to the people of the world who hold the lions share of political and economic power. Your sons will be fine, they won’t struggle to find prominent and celebrated white males to be inspired by. Our daughters on the other hand…
@Chris Martin: Ah I don’t think that’s true, not for the majority of jobs, men probably make better sperm donators than women. Maybe societies are just accidentally funneling men one direction and women the other direction, and even still there are plenty of outliers in every industry proving that stuff wrong.
I mean the fact that there are male nurses at all is sign things change. Did you know in ww2 the stigma against male nurses in the british army was so strong they were paid a quarter of what the the female nurses earned because the army refused to classify them as nurses :P
And the audience laughs? Where is the humour here? Would he be invited on to American or British chat shows,I really don’t think so.Its local Limerick humour that’s all. He’s Had his time.move on “blindboy”, You’re flogging a dead horse!(outside).
@Gerry Fallon: Oh Gerry I’m mortified for you, at no stage was he trying to be funny quiet the opposite, at the risk of sounding patronising let me explain, ok, the crowd laughed nervously at his use of the ‘C’ word because they are not used to hearing it on the late late show. That’s all that happened Gerry, Hardly Blind boy’s fault. As for local humour, they have successful shows on ITV = UK and MTV = America, I assume both those networks are not employing them to cater for the Limerick Diaspora, what do you think Gerry ?
@Slab Murphy: it explains his eloquence, his clarity, and his nail-on-the-head subject matter. He’s very smart, and uses his surreal character to create a safe platform to discuss otherwise risky issues. Yet people like yourself try to find any excuse to tear him down. Why? He challenges so many ridiculous barriers to Ireland’s progression to 21st century ideals and ways of life. But you dismiss him offhand. Who else in Irish media right now generates such open mindful debates.
@Slab Murphy: your attention span is so short you couldn’t read a short paragraph?!!?
I’d get that checked out by a doctor, Slab. Unless you’ve had a couple of fierce whacks to the head recently, a short paragraph shouldn’t be THAT taxing!!
@Slab Murphy: only in your narrow world are they irrelevant. you don’t want to hear what he is saying so you are trying your best to be dismissive of him. You don’t have to agree with his points but please at least address them and not play the man instead of the ball.
If it is the equality version of than feminism I agree with him but todays women are being brainwashed with this notion men are useless,deadbeat dads Etc.Woman in particular need to remember that when they go to work on a Monday and they get a bus or a taxi or they drive their own car and the buildings in which they work in were all driven or built by men. Its disturbing to have a society which young boys are thought they are just a nuisance to the world.It is even more disturbing to have mothers who believe in this crap.
@Aidan Holland: I don’t care who built my car. I paid for it with money I earned myself. It’s your own fault if you believe you’re a nuisance. Don’t blame women for your own shortcomings.
@Dublin Living: I get what you mean, I think men who think ‘what can I offer a woman’, are stuck in a rut they can’t seem to get out of. The other side of that argument is that making women ‘the prize’ never works in the dating\mating game, therefore a complete attitude change is needed.
@John Bennett: If you are interested in intergender dynamics without the social conditioning, check out a book called the Rational Male by Rollo Tomasso. Judging by the bitterness of your comment, you could benefit from it.
We need (more) feminism like a hole in the head. Feminism, in trying to create gender equality is delivering financial inequality in spades. We can thank feminists for the high cost of housing, extra taxes, childcare and misery for both women and men.
Great to see the liberal media doubling down with one of the z list progressive liberal celebs. They need someone more a list as cuckboy boat house doesn’t have same impact like bono on voting population. Ireland needs it’s trump moment.
Using the word “cuck” makes you a parrot, squawking the same drivel as the masses. Grow a pair and get your own voice, rather that being the sound an empty can makes when you throw it at a wall. You’re not funny my friend, you’re painful. Pathetic.
guy with plastic bag on his head throws out a few intelligent quotes and everyone is like “WOW he sounds like he read a few books, he must be some kind of sorcerer…”
I don’t think anybody thinks he’s a kind of sorcerer. You’ve just extrapolated a really labored conclusion from your imagination so you could make that comment and presumably also appear clever.
He’s nabbed a load of concepts from a load of books and has a great vernacular. Sweet. All the more power to him. Whenever the ordinary man orates like that he gets branded a pseudo intellectual.
Journal men die because or mental health issues. How f”"king dare you drag your agenda in with a related issue. Next you will have an article about how feminists can aid colour blindness.
Feminism’s adherents are very protective of their ideology’s public image, and they are very willing to claim that it will cure all sorts of problems for society. Much like various religions.
That could be seen as a way that men think women are too demanding to have a relationship with? Is that what he is saying, that men feel women are spoilt brats now?
Possibly just semantics, but I think a slight variation might be more apt – “young men need…[help coming to terms with]…feminism”. Women and men are equal (du-duh) in *social value* as well as moral value. This implies that masculinity has no value in itself – fine – but, masculinity is, I think, for many the metric by which self-worth is judged. Which is basically what he said. To best enable individuals to embrace ‘feminism’ (equality), it is important to promote alternative, positive, metrics of self-worth to fill the gulf left by a detachment of masculinity from self-evaluation. Yes, the onus is on the individual to step-up and accept sexual egalitarianism, but to ignore the difficulties this entails is to actively hinder progress. And it shouldn’t be hard to find alternatives – how hard is to replace hetero-normative chivalry with ‘be nice’? To chastise males for their reliance on traditional forms of self-valuation is harmful for everyone, positive-reinforcement is a much better tool for getting people to act the way you want.
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Actively scan device characteristics for identification 24 partners can use this special feature
With your acceptance, certain characteristics specific to your device might be requested and used to distinguish it from other devices (such as the installed fonts or plugins, the resolution of your screen) in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors 79 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.
Deliver and present advertising and content 89 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.
Match and combine data from other data sources 65 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Link different devices 47 partners can use this feature
Always Active
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically 77 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
Save and communicate privacy choices 57 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
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