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Taoiseach Simon Harris.

Bomb threat made on Taoiseach's home this evening declared a hoax

It’s understood his wife and children were in the family home at the time the threat was made.

A BOMB THREAT has been made on the home of Taoiseach Simon Harris in Co Wicklow this evening.

It’s understood his wife and children were in the family home at the time the threat was made. 

Gardaí subsequently carried out a search of the property and the threat was determined to be a hoax. 

Investigations into the hoax call will now be carried out. 

There is no comment from the Taoiseach or his Department on the matter.

A garda spokesperson said they do not comment on security matters relating to Government Ministers or any elected representatives.

It comes as Gardaí continue to investigate an incident outside Harris’s home in May, when a group of anti-migrant protesters gathered outside carrying posters referring to male migrants and criticising “EU puppets”. 

Sources said the group stood behind a banner with the words “South Dublin Says No” emblazoned on it.

Harris later confirmed that it was his children’s bedtime when the gathering happened, and said that people’s family homes should be out of bounds from protest.

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