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DEFORESTATION IN BRAZIL’S Amazon rainforest rose by almost 22% in one year, the highest level in 15 years, according to new figures that cast doubt on promises by President Jair Bolsonaro’s government to reverse the trend with “forceful” action.
The 13,235 square kilometres of forest lost from August 2020 to July 2021 period was the largest swath since 14,286 square kilometres were cleared in 2005 and 2006, according to an estimate by Brazil’s national space research institute INPE.
It is the third time in a row that annual Amazon deforestation has increased under Bolsonaro, whom the opposition blames for the spike due to his encouraging of farming and mining activity.
Environment Minister Joaquim Leite admitted the figures represent “a challenge” and vowed to be “more forceful against environmental crimes”.
He also insisted the data “does not exactly reflect the situation in the last few months”.
However, last week INPE said it had registered the worst October on record for deforestation, with an area more than half the size of the city of Rio de Janeiro cleared.
The government says it has intensified its attempts to combat illegal deforestation by deploying more troops on the ground.
“To those who still insist on these environmental crimes, [we warn] that the Brazilian state will enter the Amazon with full force,” said the Minister of Justice and Public Security Anderson Torres.
Brazil was among the signatories to an international pledge made at the COP26 summit in Glasgow to end deforestation by 2030.
Bolsonaro went even further by pledging to eliminate illegal deforestation in the giant South American country – home to 60% of the Amazon – by 2028, pulling forward a previous target by two years.
The far-right president came to power in January 2019 with a strong anti-environmentalist message and has been accused by NGOs, indigenous groups and the political opposition of weakening environmental safeguards.
Between August 2018 and July 2019, 10,129 square kilometres of the Amazon were cleared, a spike of 34% over the same period in the previous year, according to INPE.
In the following period, from 2019 to 2020, 10,851 square kilometres were lost, an increase of 7%, despite the deployment of costly military operations to the jungle to confront illegal loggers, miners and ranchers during the most intense periods of Amazon deforestation and fires.
Marcio Astrini, head of the Climate Observatory that brings together environmental groups operating in Brazil, said the latest figures were “the result of a persistent, planned and continuous effort to destroy environmental protection policies” under the Bolsonaro administration.
The Observatory accused the government of hiding the data until after COP26, noting that the document released by INPE – which is affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations – was dated 27 October 2021.
“The government already had deforestation data in its hands when the Scotland climate conference was taking place and deliberately omitted it,” the NGO said in a statement.
The government denied any cover-up. “The information I have is that this was disclosed today,” Minister Leite replied.
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No they are pointing out what was already evident, there are Muslims whose humanity and logic have survived their indoctrination , not because of it, will be interested to read the follow up article to find out how much is donated and how many families are taken in, ye know, facts and figures not just prayers
@ Josephine
You would not be saying that if your front room and kitchen had 3 foot of water in it and you had to spend Christmas at your relatives after losing everything below 3 foot on the ground floor of your home. Hope it never happens to you but if it does I wont be shedding tears for you.
The Ottaman gave aid to Ireland during famine times they also saved the jews many times but of course thats never mentioned. Without the muslims you would still be writing MCXCC roman numerals which doesn’t lend itself well to addition and subtraction.
And who wouldn’t that annoy Pepper? If someone took charity and squandered it in a deliberately offensive way it would piss anyone off, from Atheist to Zionist
We could,and that would be correct in every way,sadly there’s a tiny vocal minority who like to tar all Muslims with the same brush and bring their religion into every news topic.
Yeah Tommy, you’re being totally bought by these people who are doing good things in a cynical attempt to demonstrate that they are good people who do good things!
Look at you guys, Tommy, for a change makes a valid contribution, and you still slag him for it, even if he was trying to be cynic, he has a point, there are good people all over the world, regardless of their political or religious beliefs, or their sexuality and gender identity. Tommy, thank you for the comment.
Although we are almost entirely diametrically opposed in our viewpoints,I like Tommy,he has an acerbic wit and his opinions are not rigid,but boy does he get under my skin sometimes,a part of feeling alive I suppose.
Well many Muslim countries have the death penalty for conversion away from Islam Christian population in the middle east is under terrible perscuation and is being driven out in many countries Muslims are treated well in western countries and their faith is respected
And because some Muslim countries discriminate against Non-Muslims, you think it’s okay to discriminate against Muslims in return? Did anyone ever tell you, two wrongs DO NOT make a right?
# They discriminate against everyone else when it comes to official Muslim Charity called ZAKAT.This Muslim charity levied at 2.5% of income per annum amounts to about $20 Bill. annually. Disbursement of this ZAKAT is forbidden to non-Muslims and there are 8 categories of recipients.
—”’There is consensus of all those whose positions we know from the people of knowledge that a non-Muslim (dhimmi) cannot be given any zakat.’—’ wikislam
One, category 7,is for Global Jihad /Reliance of the Traveller/Sharia Law Handbook below
h8.17 The seventh category is those fighting for Allah, meaning people engaged in Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army roster (O: but who are volunteers for jihad without remuneration). They are given enough to suffice them for the operation, even if affluent; of weapons, mounts, clothing, and expenses (O: for the duration of the journey, round trip, and the time they spend there, even if prolonged. Though nothing has been mentioned here of the expense involved in supporting such people’s families during this period, it seems clear that they should also be given it)—”.
The Zakat actually varies between sects and countries. Disbursment from the zakat is not actually forbidden to non-Muslims, but it is recommended (with varying degrees of priority) that Muslims are looked after first. Not too much unlike how many Christian charities work. Since the closest thing Catholics in Ireland have to the zakat is the collection baskets in church, it’d be a lot of fun to find out how much of that goes to non-Catholic causes. (By which I mean doesn’t go into the diocese bank credit union account)
@Watcher on the wall. Don’t strain yourself. Below is more proof/an official guide for ZAKAT disbursement; and that’s not at all like how Non-Muslim charities work Why do you mention Catholic?
Those who deserve ZAKAT,-
—”’As for those who are in debt, wayfarers, and fighters in the cause of Allah who receive Zakah, if their state changes or if they did not use the money to meet the necessity for which they deserved it, Zakah should be taken back from them.
— And—”Those Who Do Not Deserve Zakah/ZAKAT
—–”Non-Muslims except for those whose hearts are to be reconciled-(meaning recent converts having doubts about their conversion,etc.)—-”
‘The imams delivered today’s sermon about the importance of helping the needy in society…’
Fair play to anyone, regardless of faith, who raises money for flood victims. But the article sounds like it was written for a class of five-year-olds, it’s that patronising.
that iman seems like a nice guy, is he sunni or shia? or ahmadi im not sure. bazz who will be on the late late later, did a tv show with him.
i like the ideas of Ahmadi islam, jihad is a peaceful inner struggle in the ahmadi tradition. they dont promote violence, Ahmadi Islam is the only muslim tradition which is united under one world leader much like Catholicism. and the fonder even looks serene and peaceful, there is a promise of hope. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Muslim sect in the world that is united at the hand of one leader, His Holiness Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (peace be upon him).
They are the only community who have not been involved in terrorism, as far as i know.
Also, saw the trailer or the “Baz show”. Granted it will go considerably better than the O’Doherty affair but why do RTE insist on covering topics like this through the point of view of an Irish “celebrity” with tenuous link to the subject matter?
good comment! i almost said something similar to that in a mosque once, the faces were priceless, i dont think i would have got out if i had have finished the sentence. lol
if people dont mess with others and are good i dont mind what they believe in, its the evil little imans and hate preachers i have a problem with. and i dont think we are facing up to these people. why do saudia arabia and other countrys want to build mosques and then send their preachers, their preachers….over? we need to have a honest conversation about islam, i was disappointed with bazz tonight, the usual light weight nonsense from tubridy. no facing up to the violence in islam just denial. what do i expect from minor celebrity types i suppose
Bazz did not quote that verse completely or correctly its very open ended here it is.
Yusuf Ali: On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (i wonder who defines mischief)
@John Kelly…. The Muslims who don’t mind murdering peopleand cutting off hands and feet would decide for that is the penalty for ‘causing mischief in the land’,-
—”Quran (5:33) – The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement
@John Kelly…. The part you quoted is from Koran 5:32 ”’“On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person — unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land — it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.—-”” Imams and the like never conclude with Koran 5:33 of same verse above post and this is a deliberate attempt to obscure the real meaning of the verse. Also an insult to our intelligence.
Well done. A very good comment.Brings to light a real scam
If so, how do you feel about indoor plumbing, for example? Or are you happy to make the two-mile hike for a crap?
Are you content with the notion that anyone raped in an urban environment is an adulterer, because surely if they called for help, someone would have answered?
Do you obey Deuteronomy 12 and “Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains, on the hills and under every spreading tree, where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places.”?
Sir john harrington invented the flushing toilet, and thomas crapper invented the ballcock. the history of water supply’s predates islam, indoor plumbing was invented by the romans. probably in use before that.
No normal christian follow the old testament, its a non argument, its just a silly comparison as christians in general dont follow the old testament at this point in time. islam is a 1400 year old religion, christianity is around 2000 years old,there were civilisations who invented and researched long before Islam or Christianity.
And yet, if you go to a bookshop and buy a Christian Bible, these Old Testament books are included. What would a non-Christian, looking in make of that? Do all Christians believe in all of the Bible or not? If not, why should we assert that all Muslims believe in all of the Koran? (The book of Deuteronomy btw, explicitly forbids toileting within 2 miles (or whatever the equivalent measure in desert goat-wanderings is) of where people sleep.
Or is your argument that we are different, because some of our guys did some different stuff?
You can’t question any thing about Islam without causing offence and be branded with some offensive hijacked word which is not applicable. As long as that stance continues Islam has no place in this country end of discussion. If the Catholic Church and members followed that way of thinking , pedo’s would have still be abusing kids.
Shaykh Al-Qadri also described recent reports of an Irish woman not accepting medical assistance from Muslim doctors and Donald Trump’s remarks about banning Muslims from entering the US as “examples of the rise of Islamophobia”.
He said the best response from the larger Muslim community is to reach out to their neighbours with love and care.
its a good gesture. lets just take it at face value, i don’t like the ideology of islam, they are just people, and if they are not extreme im fine with them.
Yes Bob
And there is really only one ‘new’ thing to say:
That they have decided to (possibly) raise a few bob and felt the need to issue a press release for the positive PR spin really makes me ask the question;
Would they not be contributing every week to the society they chose to join ?
@Allseeinggl…..They helped all the people of Baltimore take up a life of slavery in Islamic lands,-
—”The Stolen Village: Baltimore and the Barbary Pirates
by Des Ekin
3.94 of 5 stars 3.94 · rating details · 178 ratings · 31 reviews
In June 1631 pirates from Algiers and armed troops of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, led by the notorious pirate captain Morat Rais, stormed ashore at the little harbour village of Baltimore in West Cork. They captured almost all the villagers and bore them away to a life of slavery in North Africa. The prisoners were destined for a variety of fates — some would live out the …more
That’s great but hardly cause for celebration. No one ever said all Muslims are selfish jihadi. Do we extole the virtues of the Sunday mass collections in the Journal too?!
I wonder, was it Islamophobic when the Sheik warned about radical young Muslims in Ireland or can only non Muslims be accused of that?!
Race or religion do not make people good or bad, it is down to life experiences and who they surround themselves with?
The majority of the human race are ok but it is news stories that seem to promote the negative that reinforces peoples biases and stupidity, that paints everything and everyone in a false bad light.
Good people can be from anywhere and be from any race, religion or age?
Looks like the ‘mullahs are not so bad after all’ PR campaign is now in full swing. The atrocity in Paris was only an aberration on the part of a few individuals. This will fool some fence sitters until the next murderous campaign
it just said they were asked to donate hardly anything to get excited about.for all we know they could think the floods are punishment for our fornicating ways and gave nothing
For all we know you could be thinking about murdering cats in your brain right now. But I still think we should give you the benefit of the imaginary doubt.
Fair play… Can’t tar everyone with the same brush, can’t imagine what it’s like to be a Muslim, a little like being Irish in England in 70′s 80′s and even 90′s.
I think what Chris means is the idea of living in a society where people “connected” to you dominate the general perception about what you are really about.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been trough this hospital or error the years and this is the first time I’ve heard of an incident where ashole behavior made national news. I think the Imam would be better served focusing on the fact that 99 percent of Irish people aren’t ignorant racists. Highlighting one of incidents is not exactly helping is it.
Racist ? How can it be racist Joe ? Muslims are not a race , try and find a Muslim man who will allow a male Doctor to treat his property / wife , the Imam with the little hat seems to be a decent sort but the same can’t be said about some of that shower in Clonskeagh , Ali Selim who seems to RTE go to Muslim would not condemn Osama Bin Laden or Hitler for that matter , he has great ideas on how to control Muslim girls education , is an advocate of Sharia law and yet those clowns never seem to have enough of him , he also threatened to sue anyone who published cartoons of ‘ himself ‘ this guy is a great addition to the country
Not making excuses for Selim, but it’s worth noting that we have plenty of our own with broadly similar mindsets rattling around under the Iona Institute banner… It’s not a characteristic of any one religion, it’s a characteristic of blind, unthinking, fundamentalism.
Quran (4:74) - ”Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.” …. This is used to justify suicide bombers .
Quran (8:12) - ”I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them…… Another quote from the Koran , religion of peace ?? More like the babblings of a mad man
Pfft, that’s nothing, your quoting a Disney film there compared to the Christian stuff, here’s a mild example from your bible, just a bit of rape of minors being condoned: “Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. “Why have you let all the women live?” he demanded. “These are the very ones who followed Balaam’s advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD’s people. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.”
Jesus dicky…calm down, you are going to give yourself a heart attack, and you might not make it to midnight mass on christmas eve then, which would be tragic….try and live in the moment..relax
People putting forward arguments that the religion of the donors is irrelevant are being willfully ignorant. The reality is that across Europe, Islam has struggled to integrate. Sometimes that is down to Islamism/Islamic Fundamentalism sometimes its due to racism/bigotry on the part of the host nation. To pursue this Leftist narrative of saying ‘this has nothing to do with religion’ (whether its a good or bad event) is to pursue a dogmatism that alienates everyone apart from the indoctrinated vanguard of a-holes.
Shaykh Qadri has shown time and again a willingness to lead Muslims away from Islamism and towards integration. He is a man, who in my opinion, deserves the respect and support of Irish people who have genuine concerns about Islam (fyi refusing treatment from a hijab wearing doctor IS NOT a genuine concern, its bigoted).
That is why it is important to identify the religion of the donors. Because it was a gesture of solidarity by a section of the Muslim community to their fellow citizens. Also, to give charity at Christmas, is an important gesture that warrants respect.
making donations in one hand for flood victims and donations in other hand for sunni fighters in the middle east… in disguise of some charity organisation of some sort …..!!!!!!
Sunni islam at war with every religion in the world. … With ….shai in middle east. … christian people in Africa ….. christian people in the holy land and Jewish people. ….. Buddhists in Thailand. ..
Hindus in India. ..Sikhism in pujab…..christians in Philippines ….
Bahi in middle east ..
Coptic christian in egypt. … you look at nearly every country in the world, and its in conflict with except middle south American. … were there is few moslims….?????
Yes ,there is legislation that if u have knowledge and you do not report any child abuse , you will be prosecuted , that’s a big step in the right direction , Muslims hide behind the Koran , i would class the Koran alongside mein kampt , babblings of madmen
I do condemn all child rapists. But not all the church is guilty Dick. There is a proportionate level of child molesyers across all professions, even political level. God bless you.
Irish are the most welcoming and generous people when it comes to welcoming foreigners and going abroad to help the most needy of all. We value this utmost and whenever is time to do goods in Ireland, we should all do that to our fellow citizens as well. Islam puts an obligation on all Muslims to ensure their neighbours are happy with them regardless of which faith they follow or not, one of prophet Muhammad hadith is; Allah can not be pleased with a Muslim unless he/she is good to their neighbours and do not do anything to displease them. Some might still find negatives in this message but I cant blame them as negative people have a problem to every solution.
We will see if Muslims will show the same respect when Muslims outnumber Christians which is inevitable , I’d say we will be ok once we pay a special tax
Summary Answer:
Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to “smooth over differences.”
There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam – in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
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