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Brian Purcell

All time
Hirings, firings and boardroom rows: The rise and fall of Ireland's version of The Apprentice
Enda Kenny facing motion of no confidence (and his AG could be in trouble too)
Don't believe the spin, the Fennelly report is a big problem for Enda Kenny
We still don't know if Martin Callinan resigned, retired or was sacked...
Why does no one want to run the Department of Justice?
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday
'The public will have a problem with Brian Purcell keeping his €200,000 salary'
Secrecy has become part of Justice Dept's DNA, damning report concludes
Could Justice be split in two? The people who wrote today's damning report reckon so...
After refusing to back him for 80 days, Frances Fitzgerald now needs a new secretary general
80 days in and we still don't know if Frances Fitzgerald has confidence in her top civil servant
"You've some neck" - Martin calls for Kenny to admit he 'fired' Callinan
White: The sooner we know what happened with Callinan's resignation, the better
Alex White thinks Enda Kenny fired the Garda Commissioner... maybe
Brian Purcell appears before the Justice Committee, but refuses to answer questions about Callinan
'I don't have the authority to sack anybody': Taoiseach asked what Purcell told Callinan
Top Justice official for Guerin grilling today, Commissioner also facing TDs' questions
Taoiseach won't say yet what he told Secretary General to tell Callinan
Mary Lou's 20-minute wonder underlines the need for top official to explain Gardagate - for his own sake
Justice Committee to Secretary General: We will ask you about Guerin Report
Frances Fitzgerald still can't say if she has confidence in her most senior civil servant
Findings of Guerin report to dominate this morning's Cabinet meeting
Justice Committee not calling anyone in on GardaGate ... yet
Official report: Justice Dept didn’t think Callinan’s taping revelations were that important
9 key questions facing Alan Shatter ahead of tonight's no confidence motion
The Taoiseach says he didn’t ask the former Garda Commissioner to resign
Taoiseach: Garda recordings could have an impact on findings of tribunals