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garden greats

5 outdoor accessories to transform your garden for €100 or less - as chosen by designers

We ask the experts how to make a little go a long way.

IS YOUR GARDEN calling out for an overhaul but the thought of forking out for a facelift is putting you off?

Thankfully, there’s a heap of ways that you can make a huge difference without parting with the big bucks – and now’s the time to take action with what little summer we have left.

We’ve asked a range of designers to tell us about the garden furniture and accessories they love and what they think will add a new lease of life to to an outdoor space. Even better, they’re all around €100 and under, as well as easy to source.

You could be chilling in your new garden by this weekend.

1. Mullbacka LED outdoor table lamp from Ikea (€40) – Denise O’Connor of Optimise Design

“This light gives off a lovely warm glow and creates a lovely atmosphere for any outdoor seating or dining area. It also comes with a detachable cable so it can be used indoors too.”

2. Abria indoor/outdoor cushions from Anthropologie (€67 each) – Vicki McGahon of CREATE by kld

“These cushions can be used indoor/ outdoor to link both interior and exterior spaces together. With a Middle Eastern influence they are perfect for creating that tucked away hidden gem of a garden – perfect for summer evenings surrounded by candles and wild plants. They add colour and vibrancy to any garden – as well as comfort.”

3. Canyon Fringe Hammock from Anthropologie (€105*) – Vicki McGahon of CREATE by kld

“With our sunny Irish evenings where is more perfect to laze about than in a beautiful hammock? Tie it between two trees and you’ll feel like you are floating on air. This hammock comes in two rich dual tones with stunning tassels to blend in with any beautiful green surroundings.”

*We’re breaking our own rules slightly here, we know. But only by a fiver!

4. Waterproof woven sail shade from Aquasystem (€20 to €100) – Mark Lane of Mark Lane Designs

“Looking to add somewhere to sit in the shade and like the idea of being able to change its position whenever you like? Then add a shade sail. They can add a splash of colour, come in different shapes and sizes to fit any garden, roof garden or open balcony.

“In areas prone to lots of rain, opt for ultra-tight weaved fabric offering maximum UV protection and waterproof shade. Strong eyelets are essential to attach the sail and just remember to check on the weather. In strong winds it is advisable to take them down.

“Come the winter, they can be easily stored in a cupboard, loft or shed, safe and sound and ready for next year.”

5. Raw steel plant pot from Rawsaol (from €33) – Ingrid Smyth of Ingrid Smyth Garden Design

“I bought one of their fire pits a few years ago and as raw steel it has rusted beautifully and works well in a garden setting. Though at €320 it exceeds the €100 budget, they do have a new range of raw steel plant pots. I would recommend these as a beautiful addition to a contemporary garden setting. As a material, raw steel left to rust mixed with foliage shades of green is a beautiful combination.”

More designer picks: ’This rug is budget-friendly and gorgeous’: 6 Irish designers pick their favourite homewares on the high street>

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