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CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL has reiterated her party’s bid to ban the full face veil in Germany.
During a speech at the annual congress of her Christian Democratic Union, she attacked the rise of right-wing populists in the country, hitting out at opponents of her liberal refugee policy staking a claim to define German national identity.
However, she noted that it was legitimate to expect integration from newcomers, underlining her party’s bid to ban the full face veil.
“We all get to determine who ‘the people’ are – not just a few, no matter how loud they are,” Merkel said in a speech looking ahead to the 2017 general election.
Without mentioning the upstart Alternative for Germany (AfD) party by name, Merkel said Germany must remain “sceptical about easy answers”.
“The world is not black and white,” she said.
Rarely is it the easy answers that bring progress to our country.
But Merkel also played to the wing of her conservative party that has been deeply unsettled by last year’s record influx of asylum seekers, most of them Muslims fleeing war zones.
She underlined her support for a proposal in August by her interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere, to outlaw the full-face burqa Islamic veil in public places.
“The full veil must be banned wherever it is legally possible,” she said.
On German Unity Day in early October, Merkel faced noisy protests when she arrived at celebrations in Dresden birthplace of the anti-immigration Pegida movement.
The group has sought to co-opt the “We are the people” rallying cry used by East Germans in the peaceful revolution that brought down the Berlin Wall in 1989.
The German leader, in power since 2005, has been under pressure at home over her refugee policy that saw an influx of nearly 900,000 migrants last year.
Polls show nevertheless that her CDU is the clear frontrunner in the general election, expected in September 2017.
The AfD harnessed a wave of anger over the refugee arrivals to make strong gains in a string of regional elections this year. It is currently polling at around 12% nationally.
Its success has mirrored the march of anti-migrant parties in France, Austria and the Netherlands as well as Republican maverick Donald Trump in the United States.
‘German Neo-Nazi Uwe Boehnhardt Murders 9 Year Old Girl’ – an odd thing to put in quotes given that the article you linked to says no such thing.
The fact that you have to lie in defence of your Muslims speaks volumes.
This is what the article actually says:
The revelation about Boehnhardt’s DNA in connection with the Peggy Knobloch case throws up new questions. Police are checking to see whether there was accidental contamination of evidence, because her body and that of Boehnhardt were examined at the same lab.
Another theory is that Boehnhardt’s DNA could have got there if he had given a blanket, a vehicle or something else to the girl’s killer.
I don’t own any Muslims Naberius, I’m sure you’d love to enslave the world’s Muslim population and have them build a temple to honour Adolf, like the Great Pyramids.
You are a white supremacist troll. We detest liars in this country. Why don’t you and your friend Naberius troll in the US or St Petersburg or wherever you come from.
You are a Russian troll who defended a Nazi who was in a group that killed 10 people and who may have killed a 9 year old girl. Big mistake. We abide child rapists/killers in this country. Be gone!
@Turlough Conway: Well said Turlough. The Irish are fully on to the Russian trolls, Naberius, Keith Mitchell and Cen Sored, translating their comments from Russian to English on Google, hence all of the typos and poor grammar. I wonder how many roubles they get per hour in Petrograd? I’ve reported all three accounts.
And in other news the Ninja Banshees have taken on a lot of new names in order to block any discussion on the blessings brought to the West in this latest jihad
Luckily for her, they only shot her in the leg after firing a bunch of warning shots after she refused to stop at a checkpoint while reaching under her shirt as if to take out a weapon.
The same girl later told investigators that she went there to die.
According to the Palestinian police, one of the girl’s relatives was shot dead last year in the same place while trying to stab soldiers. Cute.
The Israelis have since given the thirteen year old medical treatment and ordered her release. How nice.
Now, reading news from September is great and all but how are you doing on your excuse for you lies, buddy?
Invasion of the troll armies: from Russian Trump supporters to Turkish state stooges
‘Governments all over the world are manipulating social media for their own ends. That’s where the digital footsoldiers come in – smearing opponents, spreading disinformation and posting fake texts for ‘pocket money’
@Naberius: Check my thumb count Naberius, if I was one of you Russian trolls I’d be all Green thumbs within minutes of posting, sadly I don’t have the bot technology you guys do.
I didn’t say you were a Russian troll, darling!
Smearing opponents and spreading disinformation is exactly what you do, heh. That’s why the description resembles you.
Now, how are we doing with your excuse for lying way back up the page there? I’ll ask you forever, I’ll never stop!
She’s still alive so I guess they did show great restraint, yeah.
There again, if that chick was worried about getting shot she shouldn’t have tried to murder two heavily armed men.
Even forgetting about the backward idealism it represents for a moment,it should be banned because it’s just plain bad manners to expect people to speak to you when you look like a letter box.Should be banned in every european country.
@Kieran C: But but closer to us this is the latest from the permanently offend victims “A senior representative of the Muslim Council of Britain has said that white British people have a responsibility to integrate more to prevent communities becoming ghettoised” so says Miqdaad Versi, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain.
@MackPilon:I heard that interview. The libtard who interviewed this so called “representative” didn’t challenge it either.Hardly surprising when the British media is run by the “liberal”freak show.”Muslim council of Britain” WTF is that?? Beware Ireland.
@Keith Mitchell: They weren’t Muslim males, they were a white German Christian couple, identified by the local media as Sebastian F. and Xenia I., and they murdered Chinese student Li Yangjie in Dessau, they repeatedly raped Li after they followed her to her apartment.
@Keith Mitchell: Proven predisposition? Thats like saying saying all irish are raving mad alcos who dress up as leprechauns and blow shit up. Generalisation is Generalisation.
“”Джо на самом деле ребенок приставать мусульманин “””
‘Keith Mitchell’ posted in Russian below by accident. Ignore and or Report the troll please.
@Turlough Conway: Much as I despise what Keith and co write and agree that they are fake accounts used to swamp the comments section with e-bile and thus give the impression that they are many, what he posted in Russian was gobbledegook. He’s certainly not Russian
@Turlough Conway: Sorry to burst your bubble there, I can’t stand Keith either, but I’ve had Russian in school for 5 years (big brother was watching us) and what Keith posted there doesn’t make any sense
@Larissa Caroline Nikolaus: That’s exactly what the Russians want you to think, that they couldn’t possibly be Russian, don’t fall for it, there are multiple Russian and Hasbara accounts in action here.
@Joey Westland: While I admire you for taking on Keith and Co, there’s no need for the tinfoil hat. I’m a very proficient Russian speaker and have spent many years there. He’s not Russian.
Bit late Angela, soon you’ll be asking for permission to have Oktoberfest and bratwutst in own country, but hey look at the bright side, those thousands of doctors, engineers and scientists are going to bring Germany to the top again, Jawohl!
@Tomasz Kuchnik: And none of the trolling and hand waving from the RoP and it’s useful idiots above and below will in any way alter the understanding of the Irish people of the danger to society that Islam presents to us
I think the problem the Germans have is they just see Muslims from the Middle East in the same light as Italians, or Turks, or Brazilians. In other words, exotic olive skinned “foreigners” who just need a bit of education about the German ways before quickly integrating.
They are utterly naive about the civilizational chasm that separates us from these people.
The burka and its other iterations are symbols of separateness and isolation. It cannot by definition be be worn by anyone who wishes to integrate into western society.
@Kevin Slater:
You could say the same about Goths and punks.
Unless there’s a universally accepted definition of western societal values, which there isn’t, then arbitrary rules such as this should not be applied in a politically motivated manner.
So, walking around with ridiculous haircuts, wearing a safety pin through your nose, giving people the two fingers and spitting in the faces of the public is socially acceptable behaviour but inoffensively going about your business while donning a burkha is not.
I see.
I don’t think he has a clue about the whats and whys of youth sub culture and how it’s not comparable to religion.
Maybe Frederick has never really been exposed to this western phenomena.
@Kevin “Unless there’s a universally accepted definition of western societal values, which there isn’t…” So how about an expectation that people we deal with show us their faces, especially in public interactions? None of the subcultures I know, and I know a few, would advocate covering your face. Unless you are up to no good, of course… If you disagree try to go to work on in balaclava tomorrow. We’ll see how that will work out. Or perhaps a requirement to show your face is some sort of “oppression” now..?
Lesson on ‘socially acceptable’ for Frederick:
Haircuts – fine
Safety pins through noses – fine
Giving two fingers to strangers – not fine
Spitting in faces – not fine.
@Frederick Burden There face is not covered, did you seriously compare a fashion culture ( who dont hide their face} with a culture who thinks it is ok for women to hide behind a mask in the name of religion ??:
Too many women and girls worldwide are forced to wear the burka and niqab. All Western countries should ban this grotesque ‘cloth prison’. Just look around and take notice of the amount of little girls aged between 8 and 10 who are already wearing hijabs. Do they have a choice?? The more covered the women and girls, the more radicalised the family.
“The fact is, the niqab and, I would argue, the hijab, are today not just medieval symbols of female servitude; they also serve as flags of Islamism, dictated by the Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab world and its equivalent in South Asia, the Jamat-e-Islami.”
@Mary Costello: Do they have a choice?? No more than they have regarding FGM “More than 2,500 women and girls living in Ireland are estimated to have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM), according to new research by AkiDwA, a national network of African women living in Ireland.”
@MackPilon: Spot on. It is frightening what is happening to women and girls and then we have the ‘but they should be able to choose brigade’ screaming loudly…….
@MackPilon: We see the same in Israel and all around the world, the MGM of young boys, it’s a disgrace and child abuse in the name of ‘cultural tradition’, do you defend the practice of baby males having their genitals mutilated? If not you should write a strongly worded letter to the Israeli Ambassador in Dublin, or sorry, I mean, your employer.
@Mary Costello:Well said Mary.Imagine there are loads of female libtards in Ireland who openly support this oppression of women.Quite a few post on here.How can they possibly justify that? Twisted fu*ks.
‘Hasidic Jews who beat and blinded gay black man are handed just 150 hours community service – and are trying to avoid doing it in ‘culturally diverse’ NYC area’
Ah Joey ! or should I address you as Liam Egan , Petr or another of your numerous covers , when you reverted did you get the snip ? like your late pal Kelly who went for his final drive and now finds there is nothing not even one virgin for all his efforts on behalf of he who must be obeyed , Trump has the right idea just ban Muslims they are more trouble than they are worth
@Cen Sored: Ha ha! ‘Autocorrect error’, nice one, oh, and don’t be such a sensitive Snowflake when people can’t understand your sentences, just go to your safe space petal.
Oh, Joey is not liberal. He’s the anithesis of liberal. Liberalism includes being able to speak your mind and allowing others to do the same. Joey is of a school of thought whereby his opinions are the only true and valid ones. That’s far more authoritarian and censored.
I’m hardly being precious and sensitive, Joey. You’re the one going around stomping your feet and accusing people of following Nazism because they might not agree with your views. Maybe you should do some growing up and stop throwing tantrums, name-calling, irrelevant nitpicking (are we not allowed typos these days) and sneering (please address me by name, and not your own choice of anglicised version) when someone disagrees with you. There’s no need for me to “man up”. I have my own opinions and I’m not afraid to stand by those and defend them.
Believe it or not, Joey, but I’m actually very relaxed. It comes from being comfortable and confident in who I am. I’m simply calling you out on your bullying ways. The fact you lower yourself to such ways shows that you are neither confident in your opinions nor relaxed.
The Muzzies are largely uncivilizable, until they drink alcohol, eat a hang sandwich, stop dressing like their in the middle of the desert, go the boozer , have a pet dog, appreciate art, and even put a bet on the horses from time to time, you can forget about them.
We should ban it here too. Women should be treated as equals in our society, regardless of ethnicity. We need a clampdown on genital mutilation, teenage rapes/marriages and face coverings. If people don’t like how we live here, there are plenty of places with open sewers on main Street.
Interesting Joey that while your lot are all for abortion and capital punishment you won’t accept gay marriage and when you consider that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is top of the pops when it comes to enjoying gay porn it would make one wonder wouldn’t it ?
Pro, she may make some half assed attempt to partially ban the burka. Con, Just last year over 1.1 millions Muslims came to Germany on the back of her invitation. Good luck !
@cryptoskitzo actually it’s the religion and males within Islam dictating to women that they should cover up, incase they tempt the men you know… and force the men to lose control god only knows what’ll happen…
She really has destroyed Germany, in 20 years white Germans will be a minority and I’m sad to say judging by a typical drive through some parts of Dublin we’re going the same way. My sister lives in the only Irish household on her road ( roughly 12 houses ) unfortunately she bought the house but is trying to sell it, having no luck though..for obvious reasons. They have turned her area into a complete dive…African ghetto
Angela. You were too eager to take these people into your Country and didn’t think that you were bringing in a lot of dodgy males who rape. Now you mist retract and not let any mote people that don’t have identity or who are 6ft and say they are 13 years of age .
You startedit NOW GET IT SORTED.
Well let her end the church tax too then and make it a totally voluntary contribution and not the current opt out system. No religion should take precedent over another, what’s good for the Islamic goose is good for the Protestant gander.
Angela is moving in the Right direction, as in Right Wing! Hitler would be laughing! If you equate foreign dress style with the threat of terrorism, you will end up being murdered by a terrorist whose appearance fullfills all your aesthetic requirements.
@Tomas O’Briarn it’s about integration. For me I support the ban purely because I find it offensive as a member of the female sex. I believe women who argue that they are free to choose whether they wear it or not are doing mental gymnastics. If everyone in your community and your family/parents are telling you it’s immodest etc you will believe what they have taught you to believe not to mention the pressure from the wider community to conform. Read about the Saudi women who just photographed herself in public without it. There are calls for her to be executed!
@Oonaghpoonagh: Integration ? What’s that ? “Some British Muslims live such segregated lives they believe the UK is a Muslim nation and 75 per cent of the population follow the Islamic faith, a government report will reveal this week.
The major review by Dame Louise Casey, the government’s community cohesion Tsar, will expose how some communities have created a parallel existence with their own separate housing estates, schools, and television channels.”
I see that the books Huckelberry Finn and To kill a Mocking Bird have both been banned from schools and libraries in Virginia because of the use of the n word.
Crazy world.
The Irish Times or The Journal, should send a reputable reporter incognito to Berlin to cover what’s really happening im puncto Migrants. We have here in Germany the so called Lügenpresse!!! All crimes commited by Migrants, whether major or minor, are kept for as long as possible from the general public. Just recently a yound medical student aged 19 was brutally raped and dumped in a river where she drowned. A few weeks prior to her murder, a 27 year woman who went jogging was also found raped and murdered. The crime scene was just ca 18 miles from where the body of the 19 year old girl was found. Two Chinese women were also raped by a man fron Syria. In the U-Bahn (underground) young men from North Africa and other parts of Africa, were caught mollesting young woman and calling them sluts!! Recently in Neukölln at the U8 (underground) station, 4 men followed a girl heading down the steps to her train; half way down one of the guys kicked her in the back and sent her flying down the rest of the stairs. The other three thugs just watched and laughed!!! That’s just a few stories to begin with. The Police are stretched to their limits here. This should all be made public all over Europe!! I fear for Germany with Frau Merkel at the helm.
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