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VATICAN FINANCE CHIEF Cardinal George Pell has said it was a “disastrous coincidence” that five paedophile priests preyed on children in the Australian town where he was based, as survivors accused him of lying.
Pell gave evidence for a fourth and final day to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Sydney via videolink from Rome and came under intense questioning from lawyers representing victims of abuse by the clergy.
He has consistently denied any wrongdoing during his time in the town of Ballarat and the city of Melbourne in the state of Victoria, where he grew up and worked, in the 1970s and 80s when paedophile priests abused dozens of children.
Pell, who revealed Pope Francis was being given a summary of each day’s evidence, has claimed at least two archbishops and other people in authority all deceived him by not revealing what was happening during a period of what he called “crimes and cover-ups”.
Asked if he felt the attention on him amounted to a witchhunt, he replied: “I have never expressed such a view, but I must confess the idea has occurred to me.”
He called the congregation of at least five paedophile priests in Ballarat at the same time in the 1970s a “disastrous coincidence”, while admitting a boy complained to him in 1974 about Christian Brother Edward Dowlan.
Pell said the boy “mentioned it casually in conversation” that Dowlan was “misbehaving” with boys and he ran the rumours past a school chaplain, but did nothing more.
“With the experience of 40 years later, certainly I would agree that I should have done more,” he said when told Dowlan, who is in jail, went on to abuse many children.
Another notorious priest based in Ballarat was Gerald Ridsdale, who Pell once shared church accommodation with.
Pell again denied trying to buy the silence of Ridsdale’s nephew David, who was abused by his uncle.
“That certainly did not happen because I would certainly remember it,” said Pell, who accompanied Ridsdale to court as part of his “Christian duty”, when he was convicted of more than 100 charges of sexual abuse against children.
Pell, who denies knowing about Ridsdale’s abuse, also again dismissed allegations “as demonstrably false” that he was once heard saying to a fellow priest: “Haha, I think Gerry’s been rooting boys again.”
‘Lied to’
On Tuesday, the head of the Vatican Treasury told the commission the crimes of Ridsdale were “not of much interest” to him at the time, a statement he backpedalled from today.
“I remember messing up this sequence completely. I regret the choice of words. I was very confused, I responded poorly,” he said.
A group of abuse survivors who travelled to Rome to witness the testimony said they did not believe Pell.
“We feel we have been deceived and lied to,” the group said, reading a statement outside the hotel where Pell was giving evidence and where they hope to hold a meeting with him.
“The royal commission at some stage in the future will give a recommendation on the evidence given by George. We feel George has not been honest nor truthful. George will have to live with this chosen course.”
Pell rebuked allegations he was lying during his testimony.
“I’d say that is completely untrue and unjustified by any evidence,” he told the commission, adding that some of the stories from survivors were harrowing.
“One of the other things I regret as a Catholic priest is the damage that these crimes do to the faith of the survivors, of the victims and their friends and family and generally throughout society. I lament that,” he said.
Australia ordered the Royal Commission in 2012 after a decade of growing pressure to investigate allegations of widespread paedophilia.
It has spoken to almost 5,000 survivors and heard claims of abuse involving churches, orphanages, community and youth groups and schools.
they have destroyed the church no doubt, not so much with the offences as the cover ups. If it had been handled with courage decades ago it would be a very different story now, as the paedos would have nowhere to hide, i would bet that groups of these people joined up by the looks of things. When you think about it there was no better place to hide and have access to children in that era.
Lets not forget that we are importing a religious rape and paedo culture into the west wholesale. And of course you will find Catholic charitys profiting from importing this into the west. To hell with the all.
East and West. this kind of crap is still occurring wholesale in Latin America and the Philippines. when you hear that a priest is assigned “to the missions”, you can be guaranteed that the backwaters that they are sent to do not have the checks and balances that we are only getting up to scratch with now, and you damn well can be certain that the people in these places do not know they are bowing to a child abuser.
“God” is a paedophile. He calls paedophiles to his church of child abuse and even impregnated a teenage girl himself. He’s the Adam Johnson of deities.
With 42% of pregnancies suffering miscarriages as a result of spontaneous abortion, he is the biggest and most successful abortionist in human history. Why would an all loving God design a sentinel being to have such a flaw in their biology ?
Damo we have flaws and we suffer because of that wagon, Eve. If she’d left that bleedin’ apple on the tree in the first place, we’d all be living in paradise now. The all loving God chose not to forgive her and to punish her billions of descendants forever instead. So a sky fairy told me anyway, so it must be true.
Well Mary was thought to be somewhere between 12 and 16 years old when she was impregnated so… If he’s gonna claim the child he has to claim the crime too.
It depends on what you view as God, nobody has ever described God…..i think god may be our collective concioness and humanity. Its certainly not what the traditional view of god is, an angry old jew hater or homo hater in the sky. This view is in fact the views of the people who claim to represent god.
If you are a Christian and you believe, as 99.9% of scientists today, that evolution is a fact, then Genesis is a myth, therfore there was no original sin, therefore, Adam and Eve is just what it is, a fanciful anecdote.
I personally think in 2016 we are way past needing to worship entities concocted by mankind. It always baffles me how all these religions have gods that seem to want the same thing as the people running them. And all these gods seem to have such human traits and similar weaknesses too.
The bible is a collection of stories, parables, truth and mistruth.
It’s a bit like buying a newspaper. It will contain truth, untruths and bias.
The bible must be seen in the context of its time.
Worth taking the time to watch the Tim Minchin video as linked above by Alien8. Mjnchin’s video helped to raise funds to ensure that some Australian victims and their supporters were present in the room where Cardinal Pell was giving evidence as he declined to return to Aus.
@Damo….In that case we would expect to see an equal number of Christian women going around displaying the severed head of a 4 yr. old child as the Muslim lady shouting Alahu Akbarin Moscow did last week.
Muslims morality comes from Mohammed.Christian morality comes from the bible etc. Who would you prefer to live with!
@Patrick. Right now, in this time, if I had only thise two choices and no way to choose neither, I would choose Christianity. The rise in Islamic fundamentalism is a huge concern. But let’s not forget, Christianity had its radicalisation in times past, all organised religions are capable of atrocities in my view. I’m glad you’ve dropped the “damo is a secret muslim” shïte. Islam is a religion of hate. But Patrick, do some research on your God. —- I know its Wikipedia, it’s the first of thousands of sites that state the facts. Christians, Jews and Muslims, worship the same big fella.
@The Bull…………How about an Iranian Mullah like the infamous Khomeini?
—”During the 1980s, the rape of women political prisoners was prevalent, so prevalent as to make Ayatollah Montazeri, who was Khomeini’s deputy at the time, write to Khomeini in a letter dated October 7, 1986: “Did you know that young women are raped in some of the prisons of the Islamic Republic?”
In response, Ayatollah Khomeini wrote, “Yes! Such rapes are essential to prevent those anti Islam females from entering heaven. If they are executed as virgins, they will enter heaven. So, rapes are extremely important and done to prevent such elements from entering heaven.—”
@Patrick. The claim is made by un bias Web sites I’ve posted links to. Again, Muslims, for which I am not one you idiot, are required to acepte jesus as their messiah. Mohammad provided a “back-story” , which links Islam to jesus, Abrahams son Ishmael and other Christian prophets. You just have to read the actual info in those links. I personally think it’s all rediculus. I know that these facts seriously conflict now with your beliefs, but as I keep stating, and you keep ignoring, there not my ideas. Let’s move along now and talk about that admission by George Pell that he facilitated a case of child sexual abuse. Any thoughts on the subject of this article ?
@Damo……Losing your cool now, Damo, calling me an idiot. Just a projection of yourself of course.
And claiming you know something of my beliefs is panicky to say the least. You know next to nothing of my beliefs. Stick to facts and facts in context..An example below plus link but it may not be the food you are hooked on!
“We don’t see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else,” said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. “I can tell you without hesitation that we have seen cases in many religious settings, from traveling evangelists to mainstream ministers to rabbis and others.—”
@Tom (dni). Just can’t see where the same source helps yours. Must be somewhere between 20% and 42% so. Large number that isn’t it ? Shocking. Something like 31%. Have you any links so we can confirm that between us ? First paragraph paddy. —– content://
The Mayo clinic. Hahahaha. Did you even read past 20% ? —- “Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is probably much higher because many miscarriages occur so early in pregnancy that a woman doesn’t even know she’s pregnant”. You’re gas.
Yes I did read it, the numbers are significant, but I’m trying to understand you. Have you read the link you provided HopeXchange , read the about us part!
@Dermot Lane …….are you a psychiatrist Dermot? If not please stick with the known facts about the case as below with those entrusted to gather them.
—”And today we learn that this was indeed the beheader’s motive: “In a video apparently made during interrogation by Russian police, Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, 38, said she committed the murder as ‘revenge [against] those spilling blood,’ and had planned to move to Syria. Asked who she was talking about, she said: ‘Putin bombs from planes.’ ‘Why do you bomb us Muslims? Why does no one say anything? They also want to live … look, little, little children,’ she added. Asked to confirm that was why she killed the child she said: ‘Yes. As revenge.’”
“She never spoke of Allah before.” But she had recently become religious and started wearing the hijab.
Gulchekhra Bobokulova4
“Nanny beheaded four-year-old ‘in revenge for Russian bombing of Syria,’” by Roland Oliphant, Telegraph, March 3, 2016:
The nanny who beheaded a four-year-old child has said she committed murder in revenge against Vladimir Putin for bombing Muslims in Syria, according to a video posted online.
In a video apparently made during interrogation by Russian police, Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, 38, said she committed the murder as “revenge [against] those spilling blood,” and had planned to move to Syria.
Asked who she was talking about, she said: “Putin bombs from planes.”
“Why do you bomb us Muslims? Why does no one say anything? They also want to live … look, little, little children,” she added.
Asked to confirm that was why she killed the child she said: “Yes. As revenge.”
Ms Bobokulova, a citizen of Uzbekistan, was found clutching the head of a child and pacing the streets near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station in northwestern Moscow on Monday morning.
Witnesses said she shouted “Allahu akbar,” and claimed to be a terrorist and to have a bomb. Police found no explosives when they arrested her.
She said at a court hearing on Wednesday that “Allah commanded” her to kill Nastya M, a four-year-old girl whose parents hired her as a nanny 18 months ago.
Investigators have said they believe Ms Bobokulova was groomed to commit the murder by extremist associates. Police sources told Interfax on Wednesday that they are hunting two suspected “instigators” who are still at large.
In the video released late on Wednesday night, Ms Bobokulova said she wanted to go to Syria but had been unable to raise enough money for the journey.
She was a mental case that was groomed by mental cases. You, in all your research, neglected to mention she was a diagnosed schizophrenic, Dermot doesn’t need qualifications to understand that that is a mental disorder. And before you have a pop at me, instead of addressing my actual point, ISIS and all related radical Muslims should be eradicated from the face of this planet, forthwith. Then we can concentrate on eradicating all organised religions, where radicalism is born.
@TheBull……………..But Islam willfully promotes Evil far,far more than any other Rel. Org. does by neglect. Example being France where Muslim 10% results in over 70% of prison inmates.Same figs. all across Europe. What’s your excuse for these figs.?
Not counting welfare fraud and other lesser crimes
Maybe try giving your own opinions. Works better for me. By the way, what’s the common denominator for radicalism ? Rethorical question, I already know.
“Night fellow anonymous nothingness poster”. So you’re saying, you are an anonymous nothingness poster, “fellow”. “Nothingness”that’s the premise from which you believe, creation came from. I’m still of the opinion you are not sure of where you stand in regards to the existence of a God. I can tell you’re smart, but you will never win that battle in you’re one head by using lies to convince yourself….
Im sure its also a coincidence that he then got promoted to cardinal…..i mean who does nothing after hearing that from a child…any normal person would atleast ask follow up questions to find exactly what was going on (assuming he wasnt involved himself)…i say start taxing them like everyone else and it will finally put the last nails in the coffin for he catholic church
Even now after everything that has happened and been revealed, still to this day the churches first instinct is to protect itself. Church first people second.
And when they give a “good” confession, say a couple of Hail Mary’s and an act of contrition, these rapists get to go straight to good catholic heaven.
Heaven has only room for 144,000 souls. Thats in the Bible. Going to get crowded very quick. Firce competition for places. Where will the rest of the faithful go ?
@Daisy. If the church represents God in heaven, then it would be built with tax free money out of Italian marble, Gold and a free pair of Gucci slippers on arrival. The RCC like the bit of bling !
Let’s face it – this guy brushed it all under the carpet because he knew that, if he spoke up when he was a priest or a bishop, his career would be ruined.
Who ever heard of a whistleblower Cardinal?
Or whistleblower bishop or Archbishop? These guys protected paedophiles because it was the best way to keep their own sparkling carreers on track.
Imagine this scenario: a new cult arrives on our shores . They are, on the face of it, nice people, they preach tolerance and love. They offer to run our schools to open new ones where needed, to cherish and nurture our children. But stories emerge on deeper investigation. It seems they discriminate against women who can never hold high office in their organization.more sinister, rumours circulate and are soon confirmed, about widespread child abuse in the schools they run in her countries. They explain this away as a few bad eggs they have now got rid of and say the sex abuse stories are being blown out of proportion , they have it all sorted out now,that their cult is being victimized. Their finances are secret yet they want tax breaks as they consider themselves a charity. What would happen? Would we let them run our schools? Or would we ban them from setting up their disfunctional organization here? And if they somehow did set up schools would you send your children to them?
And then imagine that cult, introducing a doctrine, which teaches genocide, homophobia, mysogyny, slavery, bigotry, discrimination and hate and proclaimed that that it all came from a supernatural, and enforced these beliefs on the indigenous population. No Dermot, it’s too far fetched.
I’ve heard a similar story before Dermot. That indigenous population now believe that that supernatural gave birth to himself, and then killed himself so that he we could return to himself, and all they have to do now to stop being burnt in agony for all eternity, is worship him for life, while atoning for sins they were born into, and all because a woman made from teeth, ate an orange from a magical tree on the instructions of a talking lizard.
Both similar to the above hypothetical story John. Whats the difference anyway, Same Abrahamic God worshipped by both. Abrahams son Ishmael, is an Islamic prophet. Jesus is the Islamic messiah. Mohammad provided a ‘back-story’ to link the two religions by claiming the same prophets and adding others.
@Damo……Incorrigible Damo! Still pushing the same shuite! There was no recorded mention of Islam/Muslim before the first hallucination of Mohammed in 610 ad. Only Mohammed’s word that Jesus,etc., were Muslim prophets who predicted the coming of the last and final prophet Mohammed himself and Mohammed’s allegation that the Jews and Christians falsified the Books/Bible to conceal his claim. Show some independent documentary mention of Islam/Muslim before 610 or you are just a Mohammedan amadan believer yourself Damo.
The man is third in charge behind the Pope. I love his “Christian duty” for a rapist but forgets about that when it come to the protection of the poor children. Evil turd can rot in hell.
@John. Did you know that many christians think that a human being is created at the time of conception but this belief is not supported by the bible. The fact that a living sperm penetrates a living ovum resulting in the formation of a living fetus does not mean that the fetus is a living human being. According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath. — After God formed man in Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”. Although the man was fully formed by God in all respects, he was not a living being until after taking his first breath. — In Job 33:4, it states: “The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”
At least the unborn are still protected from rapist priests. I wonder how many girls were locked in the laundries, forced to have their rapist priest’s baby? I’d say the nuns made a tidy profit on them.
At what point does it become a feeling being? As in when does it react to noise, or pain? There is a point before birth where a fetus ‘feels’. I dont really care about the 8 amedment or what daisy does to be honest. Or even the christian point of view. Just to point out aborton is prohibited under islam as well. There has to be a point after 4 or 5 months where it becomes wrong to perform abortions. I have no real interest in it, but i laugh at the way that these liberals will rush to defend islam, its either stupidity or ignorance.
@John. Agree with your last sentence 100%. Have a read of this, it might answer some of your questions. content://
It is truly revolting what these evil predators did. An institution whose members faciliated and concealed the evil of these men is beneath contempt and deserves unqualified and unconditional condemnation.
That said, the institution of the Roman Catholic Church continues to survive in Ireland, especially so amongst the middle classes. There are occasional words of condemnation but the apologists for the Church will come on here defending the indefensible, seeking to lay off blame on to others.
The institution of the Roman Catholic Church is an evil, corrupt and dangerous organisation. I never dirty my feet by entering their temples of ego.
Disgusting organisation. I’ll never understand how anyone could abuse a child. However organisational abuse is contemptuous. When any state sidesteps such behaviours serious questions must be asked.
Damage limitation is the same as denial, that there is an element within the Catholic Church no different to the KKK or Islamist Isis. They need to be rooted out and dealt with severely in acriminal court.
This is definitely a witch hunt. Imagine holding the church accountable for its lies, its cover ups and its protection child abusers!! The cheek of the Australian authorities just who do they think they are
I grew up in Australia not far from Ballarat where Pell was from. Ballarat was known to have the highest rate of suicide in Australia. As a kid I always wondered why this was so. Now we know it’s linked to these horrible abuses. All those deaths and the suffering of survivors is on this mans head and the catholic church.
Religion is the biggest con in the world.
People need to inject some common sense into their lives.
Live a good life but don’t expect Jesus, Vishnu or any other “God” to intervene at any time.
Some people, in a position of trust will abuse it – that’s the way of things unfortunately.
I firmly believe they should have their lives taken from them.
This is beyond belief , what kind of human beings are they ! I was a church goer all my life yet now at 55yrs of age I find myself sick to the stomach with the lot of them….Shame on them ….
@Deirdre. Never mind the virus of organised religion. You still have every right to have a personal relationship with God, if you still believe of course.
They demand even the poorest countries in the world appoint a seperate fulltime ambassador to there walled in city of gold to bow down to them, instead of just one ambassador to Rome to look after the Italians and the Vatican bank. They like to think theyre that the pope is some form of supreme Emperor of the universe so accountability to international community and extradition isa definite no no for them
It’s almost as though news of international import would be…important internationally. I mean why would the Irish media think that the Irish public might be interested in news about a clerical abuse and coverup scandal? It’s not like it’s a topic that would have some resonance with us for some reason.
Oran, how do you feel for the victims? The ones that had to deal with the denials, the accusations against them. They were only children, and we’re raped by supposedly godly men. When they sought help, they were shushed, brushed aside and their attackers allowed free reign. What do you say about them?
oran. it’s not a trial, pell refuses to come back to Australia on health ground in case he implicates himself, a genuine risk considering his arrogance towards child rape victims.
Because Pell refused to travel, he had to give evidence whilst esconced in Rome.
Because Pell delayed it so long, the media have been writing stories about how he’s refused to cooperate thereby ramping up the curiosity.
Because he “misspoke” yesterday people are shocked at his apparent callousness.
Because this is an international story there is going to be a lot of commentary about it.
How convenient that now allows you to dismiss and derail by claiming a “trial by Hollywood”.
All the while deliberately ignoring everything else that has been revealed. All because this has become newsworthy (primarily because of Pell’s behaviour).
What would it take for you to actually LOOK at the evidence on display? A secret trial where only you are privvy to the transcripts?
Sorry Oran, you don’t get to dismiss this as “trial by Hollywood” just because it’s a newsxworthy event and “your” witness is so shockingly bad giving his evidence.
Oran…’re an embarrassment to humanity. Just do us all a favour and get rid of your internet connection and climb back into the cave where you belong.
@Oran. Did I just hear correctly on RTE news that Pell has admitted to knowing about one child sexual abuse case, and doing nothing ? Guilty as charged, pedophile facilitator, as guilty as the perpetrator. Any thoughts now ?
If he’s guilty then I certainly hope he faces a criminal conviction.
As I clarified above the full weight of the law should descend on him.
No moral defence for covering up child abuse.
If he’s guilty. What part of an admission do you not understand ? What about the witch hunt and Hollywood trial comments. Any thoughts now ? This is an open forum, maybe you should apologise to the vindicated victims ?
It’s no coincidence that the proliferation of articles on Cardinal Pell have coincided with the publicity surrounding the Hollywood film loosely based on the events.
I never disputed their claims.
Again with the excuses. So what if it’s a coincidence or not. Would he not have admitted to personally facilitating sexual abuse of kids if that film wasn’t released ? Loosely based on events ? The only connection is that children were raped. Will you ever stop with your twisted apologist rethoric.
I’d take my reasoning and logic above yours, in every way Oran. He may as well have raped that child himself, as he facilitated it. Its your blind bias and flawed philosophy that’s the problem here. You should apologise.
They all knew what was happening . Even if they didn’t indulge in it they knew . The state and society let a lot of women and children down by turning a blind eye to this disgusting evil cult . And let’s be honest if the church had their way the laundries and children’s homes would still be open nice little money making scheme they had there along with a perfect place to abuse their victims . It’s not just the church that need to hang their heads in shame it’s the government and society who allowed this to happen. It’s no coincidence they are not sorry about what they done sorry they got caught . I bet you none of their victims ever got a apology from there abusers they are still being protected to this day .
The kafir-hating Islamo -fascist paid internet shills are haven’ a field day on this topic.Destruction of any pillar of western civilization is euphoria for the reps of Sharia savagery and slavery and makes their victory all the more likely. Remember Joni Mitchell-’you don’t know you’ve got ’til it’s gone”.
They’ve been at it a long time. Don’t be fooled!
Good night.Reply to-morrow if required.
@Patrick from a tactical point of view this is coming at a bad time, as the church may be the only people able to defend against the imminent threat. I think it will work out though. Most priest i meet are very weak people, you can smell the weakness. However there are a few men among them still. Had a few fights. The church has been infiltrated for decades by lefties and marxists and perverts, ultra conservative catholics who hate pope francis will tell you this. At this stage its hard to tell what happened, but its so weak now its a crumpling pillar or a stump. Perhaps it will be rebuilt again. But only after a great purge.
@John. Patrick will accuse anyone who has a difference of opinion as being a radical Islamist and a Muslim. His bigotry towards other theists is there in black and white. He doesn’t even understand or admit that as a Christian, he worships the same Abrahamic God. Night Patrick.
@Damo not really, just a thinking man. The problem is the vacum left by the catholic church maybe filled in by islam, who is worse? I think we know the answer. Anyway at this stage the catholic church has to collapse, but i dont want to see old churches being turned into mosques, like whats happening in the uk. One has to look at the long game Damo the atheists and new agers will not save us from islam, a strong united front is the only thing that will do that.
I’m against all organised religions and follow none. I’m sorry, but he ascerted that I was Muslim on another article, because I had a difference of opinion. Thats not much of a thinking man in my opinion. Thats a man who had no arguement. All religions are man made viruses imo John. Not just Islam, although the rise in Islamic radicalism is currently the most concerning.
Damo, im not what you would call a catholic, for me they are too weak. I.m not an atheist either, maybe im on the fence. However there are things we dont fully understand.
We will have to stop fighting and beimg distracted, we know well what went on in the church, but most card carrying catholics followed the 10 commanaments, which if you like to remove the God ones are a good code of comduct. patrick is a good authority on islam. Now some christians would dispute that they pray to the same God, so its a hard one to call.
we are overlapping in our im not making light of whats going on here, but im far more concerned with the rise of islam and the importation of committed muslims who have a ‘victim complex’ and see nothing wrong with molesting kafirs as they have proven countless times. I saved a drunk blonde from a muslim once.
Anyway, so much damage done to the catholic church now, i cant see a recovery in the next twenty years, and without doubt perverts hid amongst them, i recal an old school principle who on reflection protected us from a strange priest who used to come into the school and behave..oddly. Thats back in the late seventys early eightys. The principle was a sore little kerry man, but he allways shadowed this guy if he was walking around the playground, i only figured it out decades later when something came up regarding that priests organisatiin, He would shake hands and not let go your hand, i remember jerking my hand loose from his grip once, but never though too much about it.
@John. You are describing yourself as fundamentally an agnostic. I would be atheist but more aligned to the Pantheist system. Because there are things we don’t understand, yet, that doesn’t require a ‘God of the gaps’. The commandments are a serious stumbling block for theists. Just read them and see which weight God places on them. They’re archaic. Moses received the commandments on a wilderness adventure up and mountain, 1 of which is thou shalt not kill, then immediately comes down and orders the genocide of 3000 humans.
@John Kelly……..Well said John.. The glee of the Islamo-facists is obvious on this site as they go for the jugular joining the genuinely disaffected in destroying one of the pillars of our Western Civilization -for the Islamo-fascists know that into the vacuum will triumphantly step Islam and Sharia Law
Try to reform Islam when its got its foot in the door,etc.,and it’s heads off!
Correct about one thing Patrick, Islam is a religion of hate. A sick virus on the planet. Fück Allah, and fück your God. Same entity though, have a read of the links above and again, I’m sorry you’re upset, but there nothing to do with me.
@Damo……don’t spout lies Damo. I never asserted anything of the sort. What I said was that because you continually reaffirm and thus give legitimacy to Mohammed’s claim that he was a prophet in the line of Moses ,Jesus,etc. that you are a believer in Mohammed’s BS and his claim to be a prophet in the line of Moses,Jesus,etc.,- when there is no documentary proof of any existence of Islam prior to 610 AD at all.
Facts don’t appeal to it seems.
@John Kelly. If your re reading this stream, you will now see what I was talking about in relation to the “thinking man” Patrick. I have a serious suspicion he is a troll, as his representative ground hog day rethoric is similar in many ways to a poster called Con. Anyway, Patrick has vindicated my post.
@Patrick. Last time now and then after that, your just trolling. I’m an atheist who is more aligned to pantheism. I’m catagoricaly stating that now. What particular brand of God do you follow ? Genuine question.
@Patrick. Just to help you understand, as I know you don’t like Google. Pantheism is the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god. Hope that finally clarifies my beliefs for you.
Call it as I see it Paddy, more of a description of you really , up to you to be ignorant of whatever supernatural you want holding your hand. Try sticking to the subject on the article too instead of being a child raping apologist by pointing fingers at other sick cults actions. Are you Oran, Paddy scully, Marian. Tom Burke or topcat by the way. Also, sorry the facts on the 3 Abrahamic religions has seriously effected your faith. Again, nothing to do with me. Whats your thoughts on the facilitator Pell ? Bet you won’t reply……
@Patrick….that’s what i fear…and right now the catholic church does not interfere in my life, where as islam will try and insert itself into the vacum and teach a sugar coated version of itself to…take down the guard of future generations of people, im thinking of religion in schools etc. An atheist basically accused mecand you a few weeks back about being bigots, i looked him up turns out he is connected with an atheist organisation who are meeting muslims with regard to getting the church out of schools. Im looking at the big picture.
@thanks for that bbc link, it explains a lot, including the views of the church on the morning after pill, i will take a good look at that later, thanks again.
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19 hrs ago
Your Cookies. Your Choice.
Cookies help provide our news service while also enabling the advertising needed to fund this work.
We categorise cookies as Necessary, Performance (used to analyse the site performance) and Targeting (used to target advertising which helps us keep this service free).
We and our 161 partners store and access personal data, like browsing data or unique identifiers, on your device. Selecting Accept All enables tracking technologies to support the purposes shown under we and our partners process data to provide. If trackers are disabled, some content and ads you see may not be as relevant to you. You can resurface this menu to change your choices or withdraw consent at any time by clicking the Cookie Preferences link on the bottom of the webpage .Your choices will have effect within our Website. For more details, refer to our Privacy Policy.
We and our vendors process data for the following purposes:
Use precise geolocation data. Actively scan device characteristics for identification. Store and/or access information on a device. Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development.
Cookies Preference Centre
We process your data to deliver content or advertisements and measure the delivery of such content or advertisements to extract insights about our website. We share this information with our partners on the basis of consent. You may exercise your right to consent, based on a specific purpose below or at a partner level in the link under each purpose. Some vendors may process your data based on their legitimate interests, which does not require your consent. You cannot object to tracking technologies placed to ensure security, prevent fraud, fix errors, or deliver and present advertising and content, and precise geolocation data and active scanning of device characteristics for identification may be used to support this purpose. This exception does not apply to targeted advertising. These choices will be signaled to our vendors participating in the Transparency and Consent Framework.
Manage Consent Preferences
Necessary Cookies
Always Active
These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work.
Targeting Cookies
These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising.
Functional Cookies
These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies then these services may not function properly.
Performance Cookies
These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you do not allow these cookies we will not be able to monitor our performance.
Store and/or access information on a device 110 partners can use this purpose
Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here.
Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development 143 partners can use this purpose
Use limited data to select advertising 113 partners can use this purpose
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).
Create profiles for personalised advertising 83 partners can use this purpose
Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.
Use profiles to select personalised advertising 83 partners can use this purpose
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects.
Create profiles to personalise content 39 partners can use this purpose
Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests.
Use profiles to select personalised content 35 partners can use this purpose
Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests.
Measure advertising performance 134 partners can use this purpose
Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns.
Measure content performance 61 partners can use this purpose
Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you.
Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources 74 partners can use this purpose
Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).
Develop and improve services 83 partners can use this purpose
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers.
Use limited data to select content 37 partners can use this purpose
Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).
Use precise geolocation data 46 partners can use this special feature
With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Actively scan device characteristics for identification 27 partners can use this special feature
With your acceptance, certain characteristics specific to your device might be requested and used to distinguish it from other devices (such as the installed fonts or plugins, the resolution of your screen) in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Ensure security, prevent and detect fraud, and fix errors 92 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.
Deliver and present advertising and content 99 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.
Match and combine data from other data sources 72 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Link different devices 53 partners can use this feature
Always Active
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically 88 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
Save and communicate privacy choices 69 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
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