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CATHOLIC BISHOPS meeting for a global synod in the Vatican today were shown an alarmist YouTube video on the spread of Islam in the West, participants at the closed-door meeting said.
Some of the bishops expressed “perplexity” and questioned some of the figures in the controversial video, which calls for greater evangelical efforts by Christians to prevent Islam from becoming the world’s leading religion.
The anonymous seven-minute video, entitled ‘Muslim demographics’ – which says France would become majority Muslim within the next four decades – was posted on the Internet four years ago and has received more than 13 million views.
The video has some factual discrepancies, however: it indicates the entire island of Ireland as being part of the United Kingdom, and describes the European Union as having 31 members. It also attributes statements to the German government which that country denies.
Pope Benedict XVI did not attend the meeting – part of a three-week synod to discuss ways to promote a “new evangelisation”. The video was proposed by Cardinal Peter Turkson, head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
One bishop present said the Catholic Church should avoid “the trap of behaving like fundamentalist Islam”, another said it was “inappropriate” while a third said the video ran the risk of provoking a “war of religions”.
Many prelates from Africa and the Middle East have spoken at the synod about the difficulties of preaching the Gospel in majority Muslim countries and said the situation with Muslims who want to convert was particularly sensitive.
Well actually the Donkey on Mars is all powerful, unfortunately there isn’t an old book written by nomads in ancient Egypt. You’ll just have to take my word for it.
@Mr. Hipster – “The Jews point with pride to the fact that over 500,000 Arabs, in the 12 years between 1932-1944, came into Palestine to take advantage of living conditions existing in no other Arab state…”
- Robert F. Kennedy
Did you forget where European Jews ancestors go back to? Do you realize archaeology proves Israel was settled first by the Hebrews, they have been in Israel for over 3,000 years. Do you know why the Hebrews immigrated to Central/Eastern Europe in the first place? Do you know RFK had his brains blown out by a Palestinian because of his support for Israel? Do you realize the current VP of the United States is one of the biggest supporters of Israel? Do you realize the Kennedy’s were the biggest supporters of Israel when it was unpopular in the United States?
@Mick – The Hebrews were the first to settle Israel proven by Archaeology regardless of what Zeus said. Palestinians are Arabs and another Islamic state is going to be a problem especially when Hamas controlled. The Palestinians were offered their own state they rejected these proposals and demanded full control of Israel.
Scary video… The difference of Muslims living in the western world is that they too can wake up, absorb the mountains of evidence, and come to the realisation that there is no God… At least not in the monotheistic sense.
First question at the scene of the crime. Who might have the motive for this act?
The act being racist hate-production to inflame enmity and fear, very often to mask one’s own racist aggression and crimes.
Anybody spring to mind?
Answers on the back of an illegal settlement to:
West Bank Property Development, C/O Bibi ‘n’ the Boys, One-Way Street, Theocratic Republic of Liarland.
I’m not sure that the children’s allowance budget could sustain a further increase – “Catholic Ireland” already maintains a 2.1 fertility rate – in fact more babies were born in Ireland in 2011 than in any year since 1894!
What is is that they’ll propose I wonder? Some financial incentives encouraging us to return to our roots as the land of ‘Saints and Scholars’ by having all our unemployed emigrants go spread the Gospel across Europe again- only this time via Ryanair?….I think we’ve done enough on that front already. (Birth rate stats:
Éamonn Mac Eochaidh the TFR was 2.05 in 2011 and 20-25% of births in ireland in the last 5 years have been to foreign mothers – Hardly catholic Ireland.
@M O Sé: The reference to “Catholic Ireland” was intended sarcastically – hence why it was included in quotation marks.
As for the birth rate – I’m not going to pedantically split hairs with you over 0.05… its hardly a significant shift.
But as for 20-25% of births being to “foreign” women (which is defined in the statistics as “non-Irish” as opposed to “non-Catholic”), what I will say is that the mother’s nationality concerns me very little – in fact I have several Irish friends born to non-Irish mothers.
What interests me far more is that the Government should support policies of integration which inculcate a healthy respect for those childrens’ Irish culture, as opposed to allowing them to grow up here feeling alien to it – which so many other countries have mistakenly permitted. Those children with Polish, Spanish, British, Nigerian-born women are every bit as Irish as the ones born to Irish-born women.
Incidentally, I bet you won’t be complaining when those children of “foreign” mothers are paying taxes to cover your social welfare entitlements when you’ve retired!
Go to tolerant Holland and walk streets where even 10 years ago gay couples or jews could walk safely. Not anymore. That is what happens when host countries do not assimilate new comers. Harsh facts folks.
Marc, it may not be illegal for gay couples to walk down the streets hand in hand but its the intimidation of people who perhaps now live in this area that make it dangerous!
just looked out the window and seen a gay couple, so not too sure your argument holds up… haven’t seen any jewish couples/individuals – do they wear rainbow t-shirts or something? either way, no discrimination immediately obvious. No one harassing the few young arabic guys either – seem to be getting on well with the local teens.
The dutch have may have taken an overly tolerant approached to integration, but they do have 40 years experience, and the anti-immigration party just got trounced in local elections.
Unfortunately Ronan has a point. I was holidaying in Holland with my boyfriend and was advised by my local host not to hold hands in public as we’d probably get abuse from groups of immigrants. This was naturally very disappointing, as I was hoping for a more tolerant experience in the famously progressive Holland. I say this as a supporter of multiculturalism and as someone who enjoys the international diversity of Dublin.
The Dutch are anti racist but they are also copping on and becoming strong opponents of multi-culti’s. They have no problem with any colour of individual but they are no longer the all welcoming people they were. Reality knocked on the door.
Geert Wilder’s party still has quite a lot of support. They lost seats in September’s elections, however are still one of the main opposition parties. Ironically they wanted to introduce legislation which would punish more severely those who attacked gay people in the name of religion.
If you look at the success of populist, anti-immigration and anti-multiculturalism parties in Scandinavian countries (True Finns, Swedish Democrats, Danish People’s Party) as well as the statements of Cameron and Merkel, then I do think we are entering a new phase in Europe of post-multiculturalism with a far greater focus on integration.
Integration and multiculturalism, neither matter a bollix if Europe keeps importing 100′s of thousands of non educated non Europeans each year. Which it does.
Europe is relatively easy to get in. Pay a girl from one of the accession states a couple of grand for marriage and a visa. Come to “study” English/Spanish/German or French(and never leave!). Or claim asylum and play the system until you exhaust it.
Meanwhile, a highly skilled non European has to jump through hoops to get a visa, pay large fees and renew it each year. Eventually he or she says fook it and heads off to Canada, Australia or the states.
A mad state of affairs where the ones we actually need, get the hard time, whilst the ones who don’t need, get pandered too.
As for an Islamic Europe and how it will affect us here in Ireland, here are the results from some polls conducted within the Islamic community of Ireland:
First ever poll of Irish Muslims, Dec 2006, shows that Shaheed Satardien was right. Like in Britain, there is a minority of Irish Muslims who are extremists:
The majority (59 percent) of Irish Muslims disagree that “people in Ireland should be free to say whatever they want, even if it offends other people’s religious beliefs”. Though 35 percent agree.
37 percent of Irish Muslims would like Ireland to be governed as an Islamic state. Though 50 percent said they would not.
The majority (57 percent) of young Irish Muslims (under 26) believe Ireland should become an Islamic State.
36 percent of Irish Muslims said they “respect” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
15 percent said they “respect” Osama Bin Laden.
11 percent said they “respect” Mullah Omar.
Survey of Irish people, Apr 2007
42 percent of Irish people agree that: “Islamic fundamentalism is a serious threat for our country”.
46 percent of Irish people agree that: “We must stop countries like Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, even if that means taking military action”.
Survey of Irish people, Irish Times, 16 Sept 2010, shows Irish people may be to the right of me on Islam:
49 percent of Irish say wearing the burka in public should be banned. 36 percent say it should not.
I probably think it should not be banned. But I do think wearing it (or the niqab) should be grounds for denying immigrants entry in the first place.
Irish Attitudes Toward Israel. Rory Miller, 1 October 2006, speculates on the future of Islam in Ireland: “The local Muslim community is small approaching twenty thousand. … The local Muslims are far less extreme than many in Britain, France, or Germany. When the Mohammed cartoons appeared in Denmark, a few hundred Muslims marched through the streets of Dublin. Their placards were relatively mild by Muslim standards, carrying texts such as: ‘You must respect the Prophet.’ I have no doubt that in a few years they will carry placards saying, like elsewhere, that people should be killed, or that Europe is dead.”
Religion is poison, no mater what flavour. The only way to combat religion is with facts and education. Religion and its stupid belief systems deserve nothing but ridicule.
I agree, but the devil you know…
There’s some interesting stats in that video. Muslims are on the rise in Europe and as we’re real democratic states, it is a possibility that our great grandchildren could be living under Sharia Law. We can only hope the Internet remains free and those Muslims can set their minds free… And hopefully secularism will grow as exponentially as Islam.
Islam is as fanatical and backwards as Christianity was in its heyday. All religions act as an inhibitor to a secular and tolerant society.
I know I will receive thumbs down for this comment but at present I have the right to express myself. You may think I’m talking out of my arse, and that’s fair enough, but if were in an Islamic country which practiced Sharia law rather than berating me verbally you could take me out in the street and stone me. Now there’s a thought…
I agree, Eoghan. The problem with the video is that it is a right-wing Christian propaganda film; when European Catholics/Protestants have become very liberal/non-religious or entirely left those faiths. But there is a difference between Radical-Christians and Radical-Muslims; as European/Western countries are liberal democracies but yet no Islamic/Middle Eastern country is (excluding only Turkey which is currently seeing Islamism trying to take over ), that of course is not by accident. Look at them outside in Dublin screaming how they are victims and believe in “freedom of speech” as long as it doesn’t offend them; also that the video maker is a “terrorist” but not the Muslims murdering/bombing embassies. This lunatic is also an expert on the Irish Constitution lol.
Yes, Kevin, it’s scary alright. I would certainly be more afraid of a large group of Muslims protesting because the Prophet has been in some shape or form “insulted” than I would be of a large group of Christians if Jesus’ superpowers were questioned.
It strikes me as wholly contradicting that it’s alright for Muslims to aggressively protest in such large number in countries that are predominately of another faith, whereas in Islamic countries should a large group of “infidels” gather to protest they would be burned or stoned to death, and the authorities would do nothing to help.
Totally agree, Eoghan. Comparing radical-Christians with radical-Muslims is simply moronic; Islam is the only religion still stuck in the Crusades and actively terrorizing the world.
You mean more and more ‘Christians’ are moving away from religion, but many are joining the more radical and conservative Islam .
Those who do so, and then don all the garb , I suspect they do so as some sort of fetish , it draws attention.,
No, you’ve no right to freedom FROM religion, anymore than I have a right to freedom from tedious bores banging on about the spagetti monster or teapots or pink elephants or whatever…
@SaintRuth, but its as likely theres a flying spaghetti monster as a big bearded man who’s everywhere yet nowhere! we live in a ‘secular’ society, its our right to have freedom from religion as much as it is to have our freedom of religion
This video is such nonsense, on the one hand the narrator complains that Islam is a problem, yet his solution is to “share the gospel message with the changing world”, its kind of like saying that in order to cure a person of tonsillitis, chemotherapy should be given to them.
Why people in a modern scientific society put up with any type of religion is beyond me. At the same time I find Islam a threat to Ireland. I am so angry at the open door policy of Irish Governments in the last 15 years to immigration. The argument that we immigrated to USA and UK in hard times is irrelevant. USA and Ireland are culturally the same, whilst Islam are hell bent on imposing their rubbish on us. We need to more assertive in our immigration policies.
In addition to being culturally similar, the United States is 100 times larger than Ireland in terms of landmass, when it is argued that we emigrated to other countries so it’s only fair people emigrate to Ireland, people conveniently ignore this fact, it’s like inviting everyone on a dinghy because we went on the Titanic
Yes, exactly. Our country is too small to support all these immigrants. We simply don’t have the resources. We are not America/Australia or even England. We went to these countries because we spoke English and saw that they were extensions of Ireland. We don’t have the moral obligation to admit the whole freaking world into our country.
If the church want to “fight off” an Islamic growth in the western world and keep Christianity as the predominant faith then they need to drop old fashioned prejudices against homosexuality, unmarried parents, sex, abortion WTC. Make the church something the modern person can relate with. Otherwise people will splinter away an eventually all you will have is one group of non religious (or just not part of an organised religion) an a load of people attached to Islam and other less known religions!
The Catholic church is not a social club, its fundamental beleifs wont be changed in some sort of popularity contest with Islam. Islam has the exact same beleifs when comes to the majority of the issues you have mentioned. It annoys me when people say the church should change, if you disagree with the Catholic church, dont be Catholic.
Tis true Antoin, the problem is not the tenets of the church but the behaviour of the clergy over many decades. People are dumping the message because of the failings of the messengers.
Dumping the fairytale, not the message! The message is clear to be as good and decent a person as you can be, fair enough, its rules and its stories are what needing dumping!
Wouldn’t it be gas if the Church’s answer was to be that priests and nuns are now allowed to go off and marry, and repopulate the world with Catholic babies themselves! Fr Jack was right all along, it was an ecumenical matter, drink girls and feck being the answer!
After havin another mass…..I had a chat with “her indoors” and after I brush me teeth(a la the Snapper) it’s been decided that we go at it ” hell for leather “and maybe we can redress the balance…Up God.!
Hopefully Ireland will avoid this as:
1) the muslims here are a very diverse group unlike in Belgium (or that area in the vid anyway)
2) they are in general educated…I work with quite a few.
The worst thing we can do is go for multiculturalism and tell people they can come to Ireland and live exactly like they live at home, all sitting in their own ghettos with their own rules like in that vid…
@ SaintRuth – unfortunately that’s the case in much of continental Europe; many cultures but not realistically multi-cultural as there’s very little mixing between cultures. I just hope that Ireland, at a much earlier stage in the process, can learn from our neighbour’s mistakes. Without integration there’ll be self-imposed segregation, and nothing good lies down that road..
And why do you think Ireland will avoid the mistakes other European nations have made? The same sort of people in charge of integrating the travellers in the 80s and 90s are now in charge of some of the 200 quangos set up to help immigrants integrate.
Travelers are Irish and didn’t choose to be Irish; you can’t put them in the same group as Radical-Muslims that chose to settle in Ireland from another country, don’t want to assimilate, favor Sharia Law, promote extremism/terror, or do not respect/follow Irish law.
The Journal needs to find a way to stop people with Twitter accounts less than 24 hours from posting, debates are increasing being hijacked by trolls .
Wow! one bunch of religious nutters spreading lies about another bunch of religious nutters in front of an audience of even more religious nutters! What’s new? This video is obviously propaganda for a bunch of right wing God bothering loons most likely tea party types, all guns and bible thumping morons whose aim is to make Amurica a Christian fundamentalist state whilst at the same time citing freedom and the founding fathers etc etc, completely ignoring the fact that the same founding fathers went out of their way to keep religion and state totally separate. As for the muslim population explosion, well i’m afraid to tell you all that that part is true! The biggest rise in births is amongst the muslim populations, they also have the largest families and all of these figures can be found in the various census data from all the countries mentioned. In the UK the muslims are the fastest growing population and also the least integrated. There is already a massive distrust of muslims in the UK and it’s getting worse. Religion is a cancer that has blighted humanity for millennia and in terms of Catholicism and Islam they are both mired in the middle ages but the biggest worry for me alongside the rise of Islamic fundamentalism is the rise of the right wing Christian fundamentalism especially in the US, over 40% of Americans believe everything in the bible is true! Scary! The prospect of Romney winning the presidential election should scare everybody too as he will have a whole entourage stuffed with these kind of right wing religious nutjobs and with his recent very public backing for Israel don’t be surprised if he does a Dubbya and we see Iran becoming the next Afghanistan on his watch. Religion has led to nothing but war and division and sadly it will continue to do so.
@Ed – I agree with your overall points. But Obama came out in the UN and told the world he will take military action against Iran if they don’t stop and Joe Biden is one of the most pro-Israel advocates in the senate and least corrupt people in the senate. Romney is not religious by any standard and is not even really a Republican; he’s a total phony. There’s a big difference between Irish/European Catholics and Muslims. Bush supported a two state solution in terms of Israel/Palestine, Obama does not. The Israel/Republican stereotype is very false. Both parties have pro-Israel segments. American Jews vote over 80% Democratic.
@ Kevin – we’re the root of all evil, don’t you know. My father’s family was Jewish AND German, so I suppose I’d better own up to starting the whole global economic crisis. Must have done it on a wet Sunday afternoon. These loons are idiots, Kevin. Thankfully they only skulk in the shadows..
@Nikolas – I understand totally, Nikolas; that YouTube video made my stomach sick. It’s the same thing Hitler spewed and the present-KKK of today still spew anti-Semitic/anti-Israel propaganda, it’s on their website. I grew up in Queens, New York which is very Jewish/Irish-Catholic and will never be able to understand such hatred. Both Irish-Catholics and Jews during the arrivals in America faced discrimination/hatred and right around/after JFK’s presidency they were no longer as disadvantaged and had risen to the middle class/upper class families. With the success of many Jews of course comes the increasing hatred since there was already so much to begin with.
@ While the above video (Jew hating guy) is as ridiculous as the one in the article… its very similar to your determination to post anti-muslim “propaganda” if you will on every Muslim related article on this website…
Is there no American websites where you can do this? or do you post similar crap on every site you visit?
Do you read Robert Spencer by any chance? Your narrow minded view and the tarring of every Muslim as a radical or terrorist is getting very old now… Get a life!
@Elvedin – My “propaganda”? You mean the facts? Stop trying to sell me that Islam means “peace”. You get mad whenever I talk about the threat of R-A-D-I-C-A-L Islam which is very real and Islam is currently the most violent religion on the planet. If I was portraying all Muslims as terrorists and bad I would not use the term “Radical Muslim” now would I? “I agree, Eoghan. The problem with the video is that it is a right-wing Christian propaganda film; when European Catholics/Protestants have become very liberal/non-religious or entirely left those faiths.” Does my comment sound in favor of the film? Can you not see that I dislike the film and I think it is bullshit since they are promoting their religion and are trying to incite violence by saying “we must take action now”. I don’t like any religion and I think they are all horrible but most Muslims in Islamic countries are radical; if they weren’t, they would have had Democracies by now in the ME. Most Muslims who come to the West are moderate-Muslims and peaceful but there is a large minority that is not and I have a problem with that. I’m not going to respond to the insults you gave me since you clearly feel that I am attacking all Muslims, I AM NOT. I have cousins who are Muslim and they are not radical-Muslims, do you think I want them to die or something? I mean seriously? Elevdin when Muslims like yourself and others that do not support such people condemn them instead of condemning me and the anti-Islam film (the film that caused the riots across the world); I’ll be more open to Islam. Constantly going on the defense for Islam only helps Radical-Islam; which is why many young Muslims in Europe are becoming increasingly violent/radical.
Spot on… Some idiot commented “You’re blaming Jews” … How can you be blaming Jews when Barbara Lerner Specter SAID Jews are responsible for the promotion of Multiculturalism ?..
Just fifty years ago, it was the 1960s , television and transistor radios were becoming accessible to the masses , we were entering into a new era of information and knowledge, there was great optimism for the future,I don’t think the same optimism is there for the future , with the mass immigration of persons harbouring a culture and religion set in the dark ages. I fear the future may not be as bright as for the next fifty years.
Ah FFS I turned the stupid thing off after 30 seconds of awful dramatic music and graphics. I’m assuming it’s one mans prediction of future events. Why should anyone believe or be concerned?
Who really gives a flying f##k,Really?Religon is a joke in any way shape and form like i mean look at them laundrys the nuns ran what happened?Abuse thats what and the same with priests and brothers.and then people fighting a holy war and stuff like that.Religon is like any commercial thing in this world people buy into it plain and simple. Higher archy in any religon are as good as gangsters.Let Gods “servants” Do the running around.
What’s at the heart of all of the situations mentioned in the video and all of your comments is religion. Get rid of all religions, get rid of the problems. All religion is false anyway…
Now, now, boys and girls, down with this sort of thing! Some tea and buns please there, Mrs Doyle, and make sure the sangwidges are halal and the butter kosher. Wouldn’t want the neighbours to have anything bad to say about us. Would we now?
The Narrator has a Jewish accent and tone .. I’ve heard numerous JTA Video Clips and the likes and considering the Jews are promoting Multiculturalism is it any wonder they are pumping out this propaganda ?
Don’t waste your breathe calling me an anti Semite ..
Amazing..: “Roman” doesn’t appear even once on this page?
And I’m not talking here of those romish, paepse, ongelovige, popish, heidenen, roomse, bommen-
-werpers, ketters, aanbidder’s, vergoder’s, paganisten, vrouwenhater’s & heksen &c.; and the various
other names of that kijkgat in deur organisation & those kinds of beings in-this-world: their Sheeple.
Rather, the very name of the place and the city adjacent to that: the given-name of those men and
what those men identify themselves as being in-this-world. Today. The seat, as it were, of their power.
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Deliver and present advertising and content 99 partners can use this special purpose
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Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.
Match and combine data from other data sources 72 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Link different devices 53 partners can use this feature
Always Active
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Identify devices based on information transmitted automatically 88 partners can use this feature
Always Active
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
Save and communicate privacy choices 69 partners can use this special purpose
Always Active
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
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