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safety risks

Consumer watchdog warns of potential dangers of baby nests and baby sleeping bags

Baby nests and sleep bags pose a number of possible safety risks, the CCPC said.

THE COMPETITION AND Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has warned people of the potential safety risks of two products for babies.

The CCPC has issued guidance around the use of baby nests and baby sleep bags and the risks to look out for if using these products. 

More than 4,500 baby nests and sleeping bags were recalled in Ireland between 2021 and 2022, the CCPC said. 

The commission has put together consumer guidance to highlight potential safety risks linked to these products. 

CCPC_Child Safety_Baby Sleep Bag 2 Baby sleeping bag. CCPC CCPC

The CCPC said baby sleep bags pose a number of potentially serious risks including suffocation, strangulation and choking. 

These are wearable blankets designed to keep babies at a comfortable and safe temperature. They are secured at the shoulders to ensure the baby’s head is left uncovered. 

The commission has produced guidance on baby sleep bags for people to consider before buying these products.

CCPC_Child Safety_Baby nest_1 Baby nest. CCPC CCPC

Baby nests are not suitable for unsupervised use, the watchdog said. 

These are a cocoon-like mattress with a soft base and padded sides that wrap around the outer edge of the product.

They can also be called baby pods or sleeping pods and are intended for supervised use only.

These products also have a number of potentially serious risks such as suffocation, strangulation and choking.

The CCPC also has consumer guidance on baby nests for consideration

Gráinne Griffin, director of communications with the CCPC, said: “The purpose of our guidance is to empower consumers with the knowledge of how to be product safety aware before they buy and avoid these risks.”

Anyone concerned that they may have an unsafe baby nest or sleeping bag is advised to visit the CCPC’s product recalls page to check if their product has been recalled. The recall notices include further details on further actions.

From 2020-2021, the CCPC took part in a European action to set standardised testing and sampling methods of specific infant products, including baby nests and sleep bags, to help identify and remove dangerous products from the EU market.

As a result of this project, more than 4,500 products in Ireland were found to be dangerous to consumer safety and were recalled. 

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