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Celia Larkin: forced to close her beauty salon due to rising debts
Celia Larkin

Celia Larkin breaks down on Liveline

Bertie’s ex explains the closure of her business.

CELIA LARKIN, the former partner of Bertie Ahern broke down on Liveline today. Larkin, who owned the Blue Door beauty salon in Dublin’s Drumcondra was in tears as she explained the closure of her business.

She had been brought on to Liveline to explain that she would be honouring gift vouchers for now-closed salon. The vouchers can now be redeemed through another salon, Lemons in Clontarf.

Larkin explained to Philip Boucher-Hayes, who’s filling in on Liveline for Joe Duffy that she was forced to close the business on Saturday.

“I won’t be able to shoulder any more of the debt, it needs to go. Its a personal debt that I’m going to take on, otherwise I’d go into liquidation and you’d leave people behind you, leave them high and dry”

Larkin explained that she has been struggling since Christmas and the big freeze over winter. She said she had made adjustments and put some staff on a three day week. “It’s the best I could do, the very best I could do for them.” she said, explaining that her staff had been taken on by Lemons, who were honouring Larkin’s vouchers.

Larkin praised her customers saying: “They were just lovely. A diverse group of people from all walks of life, they educate you and you’ve all different view points. You get to know people when you’re in the service industry.

When asked if the burden of debt would drag her down she said “Don’t say that, God is good

“I might be emotional but I’m not looking for sympathy.”

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