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Change generation

All time
Saying goodbye to 2016: What big changes will you make next year?
Where does all your money go? A guide to getting a grip on it
'But I'm only in my 30s': Why you should make a will
The Smart Home - keeping house through an app
Should you renovate your house, or move to a different one? We ask the experts
Buying your first home: Tips to keep you sane through the process
Anxious and full of self-doubt? It might be the quarterlife crisis
Relax, ignore the mess and accept help - Top tips for new parents
Popping the question: The right time to ask for a pay rise
QUIZ: Are You Ready To Move In With Your Other Half?
Do the 44% of Irish people who are single in their 30s suffer stigma?
Turning 30? Our guide to owning it
Break-ups, career moves and kids - the science of making a BIG change
Changing careers 101 - Figure out where you want to go
Sea swimming and hula-hooping - a social life outside the pub
QUIZ: Are You Ready To Settle (Down)?
Essential home kit you should invest in when you're a grown-up
'Don't share so much on social media' - advice for your 20s from those who have been there
Know your ARFs from your PRSAs? Our guide to when to start a pension
Saving money in your 20s and 30s? It CAN be done - and here's how
What are the biggest expenses for Irish households?
Friendship and colleagues: Can work friends become real friends?
The Debate Room: To wed, or not to wed, that is the question
Jennifer Ryan
BFFs? Probably not - why we shed friends in our late 20s
Punctuality, responsibility, find something that you love: What did you learn on your first job?
Students: Be productive and make the most of your breaks from college
Decision time: How to decide on the career that's (hopefully) right for you
Bored and broke? Here are some free things to do this weekend
The psychology of house sharing: how to get on with the people you're living with
What one tip would you give students to make the most of college?
Budgeting is boring? A guide to why - and how - you need to master the purse strings
How to do your Big Shop on a budget
5 recipes to master on your first time away from home
QUIZ: What Kind Of Flatmates Do You Need?
Letters to a Fresher: College graduates tell us what they wish they'd known in first year
Flying the nest: What to pack and how to settle in
The Change Generation: Milestones, big decisions and the time of your life