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27th March 2025
Concerns over standard of hip surgeries on children being taken 'very seriously', says minister
This month
March 2025
Supreme Court: Life sentences for children convicted of murder only in 'exceptional circumstances'
Don't give slushies to under-8s, doctors and scientists warn
Last month
February 2025
'A road to nowhere': Parents' despair and anger at broken system for kids with additional needs
We asked our readers to share their experience of accessing services for kids with additional needs. Here’s what we heard back.
Family still waiting for son's assessment of needs despite legally compelling HSE last year
Last government accused of 'broken promises' over failure to improve child mental health services
Your stories: Tell us your experiences of accessing services for children with additional needs
Children’s hospital may not open until 2026 due to 'risks' of moving sick children during winter
The Department of Health says there are ‘clinical risks’ associated with moving children between November and March.
This year
Parenting: Why are we letting parents off the hook for failure to pay child maintenance?
Margaret Lynch
Last year
Parenting: Looking forward to Christmas? No, me neither
Margaret Lynch
Gardaí created nearly 600 intelligence records on infants and toddlers under age three since 2015
Late Late Toy Show: 'It's not really for kids anymore, is it?'
Niamh O'Reilly
Parenting: Social media is teaching kids how to live unattainable, high-end lives
Margaret Lynch
Parenting: Fire up the chopper, I think I'm a helicopter parent
Margaret Lynch
State care system 'failing' vulnerable children due to lack of care placements and national policy
The Child Law Project said it has observed "a national crisis unfolding" over the last three years.
It said an acute shortage of appropriate care placements" for children is having "a domino effect that risks collapsing the care system".
It also highlighted a "dismal response by the HSE to meet the mental health and disability needs of children in care or at risk of entering care".
Parenting: 'My daughter was bullied and we didn't feel supported by the school'
Margaret Lynch
Taoiseach: 'If religious orders don’t do the right thing and pay redress, we'll legislate to make sure they do'
All childminders must be registered by 2027 and will only be allowed to look after six children
'Kids are being harmed online': Campaign calls for legislation to regulate tech companies
Martin not a fan of Harris' 'half-baked' childcare plan and new Dept for Infrastructure idea
Parenting: Caught in an endless cycle of failed productivity? Me too
Margaret Lynch
Debunked: Hoax claim suggests leaflets are telling Irish children to make friends with strangers
Green Party leader says €560 'boost payment' for new parents would have 'meaningful impact'
'It's a mess': Concerns raised that children won't get treatment amid physio shortage in Dublin
Staff said it was “a body blow” to find out that certain vacant roles no longer existed after the HSE lifted a recruitment embargo in July.
The physio department in Temple Street hospital is currently only providing an emergency service
There are also a number of unfilled physio vacancies at Crumlin children's hospital and in community settings
Opinion: Reading is the best gift you can give a child
Caitriona Hughes
Toddlers should not have any screen time at all, parents in Sweden told
Norma Foley: There should be no access to mobile phones until the school day is over
Norma Foley
Extra college places announced in physiotherapy and speech and language therapy for Sept intake
No slushies for children under four, says FSAI
Top judges ‘in despair’ at lack of care places for vulnerable children
Back to School Allowance to be paid out to over 126,000 families this week
Parenting: Policing my teen's outfits — how did I get here?
Margaret Lynch
Emotional scenes outside Leinster House as landmark surrogacy and fertility legislation passes
Free school books to be extended to Leaving Cert, as Harris says budget to target education costs
The number of 13-year-olds who say they have drunk alcohol has fallen over the last decade
Up to 28,000 babies to be offered RSV vaccine this autumn
Parenting: 'I can still vividly remember the stress, tears and dread of my Leaving Cert'
Margaret Lynch
Parenting: 'Our sex ed class was delivered by a local church member — she was a disaster'
Margaret Lynch
Opinion: Child-free restaurants? That's just insulting, we were all kids once
Niamh O'Reilly
Parenting: Raising older kids can be lonely — and we haven't even reached the teenage years
Margaret Lynch