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In this photo taken by cellphone and released by China's Xinhua News Agency, men at rubbles of buildings look for survivors after an earthquake in Ludian County of Zhaotong City. AP Photo/Xinhua/Hu Chao
MORE THAN 367 people died and almost 2,000 were injured when a strong earthquake hit southwest China’s mountainous Yunnan province, bringing homes crashing to the ground and sparking a massive relief operation.
The quake in Zhaotong prefecture, in the province’s northeast, toppled buildings and left rescue teams and residents to pull survivors from beneath the rubble, images on social media showed.
“At least 367 people have been killed and 1,881 people were injured,” the official news agency Xinhua reported early on Monday, citing rescuers and raising a previous toll given minutes earlier of 357.
The US Geological Survey (USGS) reported the quake at a magnitude of 6.1 and said it struck at a relatively shallow depth of 10 km at 4:30 pm.
“Too many buildings were damaged and we are collecting data on deaths and injuries,” it quoted a local official as saying.
“Highly vulnerable”
USGS had warned that “overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are highly vulnerable to earthquake shaking”.
Chinese state media put the magnitude at 6.5, citing the China Earthquake Networks Center.
State television reported that firefighters were rushing to the epicentre.
Southwest China lies where the Eurasian and Indian plates meet and is prone to earthquakes.
In 1974, a 6.8-quake in the same area killed more than 1,500 people.
In September 2012, 80 people were killed when twin earthquakes struck the mountainous border area of Yunnan and Guizhou.
In May 2008, an 8.0-magnitude quake rocked Sichuan, which neighbours Yunnan, killing tens of thousands of people and flattening swathes of the province.
Low oil costs are the main thing hurting the Russian economy and causing the rouble’s devaluation. The plunge in oil prices was triggered by OPEC’s November decision not to cut oil production despite low demand. This decision was pretty much forced through by Saudi Arabia against opposition. The consequent low oil prices are not only damaging to Russia (current enemy of ‘the west’), they are also harming Iran’s economy, the Saudis’ main bogeyman in the region.
The whole conspiracy angle just doesn’t make sense. The longer the Saudis’ left high prices the more oil US shale producers would pump. Saudi Arabia could pump less and keep prices higher in the short term, US shale would stay profitable in more places and they would pump even more and Saudi Arabia would need to cut even more to keep prices high.
The best cure for high prices are high prices. Prices never stay high forever and trying to keep them high is like trying to hold back the tide. Prices are going to fall to the marginal costs of non-OPEC producers.
Last time oil prices plunged this much was 2007. I think we have another financial crash in spring 2015 on the way caused by a huge number of issues really. All I know for sure is that the bond markets and derivatives are in a massive bubble right now.
Correct to a point Kevin – Iran had reservations about maintaining production as they knew that low prices would hurt their economy in the short term.
Ultimately they voted in favour of it along with the rest of the OPEC members though – they’re also playing the long game.
Niall H you are probably right. Quantitative Easing has resulted in a lot of money being spent on bonds . That is eventually going to make something happen, standard theory would suggest inflation but that hasn’t happened which suggests something else is bubbling.
The five main banks in America are involved in derivatives to a tune of roughly 10 times the figure of Americas much talked about government debt (18 trillion). If somebody doesn’t pay up it won’t take long for the domino effect to take hold.
Yeah the Swiss are some shower alright – happily hid the looted Nazi Gold … but I feel there may be a change of heart soon and what with Julian Assange’s list of famous off-shore accounts next year is going to be every interesting …
A lot of private jets landing in Switzerland over the next few weeks with negative interest rates !
The Russian people love him, he has one of the highest approval rates of any world leader. They are brainwashed by his ego and if they weren’t so foolhardy, they would oust him instead of adhering to his stubbornness. Russians believe that he has brought back pride back to the country, all he is doing is lining his and his oligarch friend’s pockets while the ordinary people struggle to buy food.
This article from 2010, Australian MP Ross Cameron.
“Everyone on Earth has an interest in Russia’s stability and prosperity. It seems likely that Putin will stand again for president in 2012, as the constitution permits. In view of his extraordinary record of achievement in office, its hard for me to see how anyone of good faith could regret his continued influence in Russia and the world.”
I’m usually happy to have a pop at the EU, but if entering into a bilateral trade agreement is the new standard of “aggression”, we’re in real trouble.
Russians like him because he brought rising living standards on the back of high oil prices and the state taking back assets.
There is no evidence Russians care about the whole power and glory thing since it’s happened at the same time as higher living standards. Maybe the do care but they might not.
I m nothing but amused by comments made by real “professionals” and “experts” on Russia here, its laughable that people with knowledge given by Western Media ( read Anglo- Saxons) are forking out stuff they have no clue about. Never the less, my national identity is being insulted in almost every comment and I bet it makes them being proud of saying that sh@t.
Despite of all your bitter comments, Russia remain one of the greatest countries, that have given the world the most amazing people in art, music, literature, science.
In Russian language theres saying – The dog is barking – the wind is blowing. The game is not over yet, I believe in greatness of Russian people!
Pavel, I completely agree that Russia has produced some of the finest people the world has ever seen in art, music, literature, science etc..
That doesn’t change the fact that the Russian people have been led down the garden path by their leadership though.
@ Avina Laaf – What do u know about Russian people? Do u know what is Russian mentality, culture, food, life are? Do u have access to pro-Kremlin media and vice versa?
How the de heck you guys that came out of the dark age not so long ago have the balls to lecture the biggest country in the world?
What you dont get here guys, Russian people DONT WANT anybody else, they just dont. Putin for many people is a role model, they dont play pretentious games called “democracy”, they dont want your advises on human rights, countries like US with atrocities committed all over the world are not example of how life shud be.
I know there are some voices in Russia that are unhappy with Putins regime, but hey its normal and those people are not vast majority.
The last thing Russian people need is to be lectured by some countries that are true war criminals, those who are acting in interests of global corporations and banks.
Leave da f@uck Russia and Russians alone and mind your own, that what u wud say here in Ireland.
Pavel you may not have been paying attention, but Russia is currently occupying part of another sovereign nation. If Russia withdraws its troops and leaves Ukraine ‘da fvck alone’ it may well be ‘left da fvck alone’ itself….
I think my dear comrade you were not paying attention, Crimea was and always will be RUSSIAN! You probably need to get some info on what Crimea is, the history and all.
What you and the rest of Anglo-Saxon world think about Crimea has whatsoever no effect on ordinary Russians.
Oh, hold on, you dont probably remember that Americans have occupied half of the world, installed military bases and using your ( Irish) airports for fuelling and transit for WAR CRIMES.
Dont lecture anyone if you have no knowledge in subject.
You see Avina there is a problem with your incorrect analysis. Crimea voted to become part of Russia. Crimea has a large ethnic Russian majority and Russia has respected her democratically expressed wishes. It’s also worth noting the extraordinary situation that lead to this, namely an armed illegal overthrow of the then democratically elected, if incompetent, Ukrainian president. Of course there is precedent for democratic secessions, indeed that is his our own state came into being, as did the USA. Most recently Kosovo seceded unilaterally from Serbia. The Russians are expected to play by the “rules”, yet the “rules” are changed at a whim. I suppose Pavel is expressing what is to me a quite reasonable frustration.
John, this has been debunked many times on here yet you continue to claim that it happened. I’m sure the international community would recognise a free and fair election where there is no electoral fraud, anti-annexation protesters are not beaten or murdered, a foreign military isn’t occupying them and watching their every move while citizens of said foreign country aren’t allowed to cross the border and vote numerous times.
Pavel, if you knew your history (instead of trying to lecture others about their lack of knowledge) you’d know that Crimea has a history dating back several thousand years and was only annexed by Russia in the late 1700′s. The only people who have a reasonable genuine claim to be the native population are the Tatars, who were treated horrendously under the Soviets – ethnic cleansing at its worst.
John, this is going over very old ground now, but very few countries outside of Russia itself recognise the legitimacy of the Crimean ‘referendum’. This is for many reasons (including absence of independent observers etc.), not least of which is that repeated opinion polls in recent years consistently showed a desire for independence or greater autonomy within Ukraine, but very little popular support for unification with Russia. I’m all for the Crimean people having self determination whatever that may bring, but that is most defnitely not what they got.
Pavel, Russia is one of the greatest countries in the world, and only a fool would deny the great contribution of many of its citizens. But if anyone wants to get an insight into the mentality of Putin, they should read Dugin’s Forth Political Theory. It is frightening stuff.
The US in particular made huge mistakes after the Cold War, and treated Russia despicably. However, that does not give Russia free reign to resolve its territorial anxieties with force of arms on others.
I look forward to a day when all of Europe does not have to fear Russia. And when Russia relies more on its innate civilisation for respect, and not the barrel of a Kalashnikov.
I think that here we can’t have healthy discussion on any subject about Russia. Anglo-Saxons wont give up their seat in world domination and their goofers will go an extra mile to defend perverted vision of the world.
Colin C, if you want to get inside the mentality of Obama read the works of his mentor Zbigniew Brzinski. Frightening stuff for a Russian. Oh excuse me I forgot Russians shouldn’t be thinking things through for themselves.
No Pavel, we can’t have a healthy discussion because you see any and all valid criticisms of how the Russian government is behaving as a direct attack on you and other Russian people.
And the USAs “core interest” is, according to the Wolfowitz doctrine, to prevent the growth of Russia to the extend where it could act as a “constraint on US power” as the USSR did. And this is, unsurprisingly, not acceptable to the Russians.
John, if Russia wants to extend its influence through mutually consented alliances and economic influence – all the best to it. But if the re-establishment of the Russian empire with her neighbours as vassal states is the means to extend that influence, it will be criticised and resisted. As it should be for all military empire builders in this day and age.
Well Colin we in Ireland are finding out what it means to be a “vassal state” once again. It’s quite ironic that people like yourself can’t see even that glaringly obvious inconvenient fact yet you all seem to be such wonderful “Russia experts”.
@Pavel Shipilov if you like Russia so much and if is so good, what are you doing in Ireland? You can always go back to Russia. We don’t take sides with bullies and if you view of a bully is different than Ireland’s or the West, then off you go back to Russia.
We all know Pavel. As per Putin’s view on this issue Crimea is Russian because knyaz Wladimir was baptized there. That’s history in Russian way. He forgot to mention that knyaz Wladimir was Kiev Knyaz and so all of his ancestors. This way I can say that Moscow is Ukrainian territory. Grand Prince of Kiev Yuri Dolgorukiy was founder of Moscow. If you dig further down you’ll find out that Yuri comes from Rurik Dynasty and Rurik was a viking so Russia and Ukraine should belong to Scandinavia and if we dig again you’ll find that Greeks may have they rights for Crimea as well as Turkey and if you go down the line you’ll find out that the Earth was ones haven for Dinosaurs.
@Pavel. BTW this is very interesting article. I am reading news from Russian and Ukrainian sources and first time come across this. My advise to you to recommend to your family and friends in Russia to buy more euros and dollars because after record fall rouble regained some ground and there is a new campaign in Russian media that “since this moment rouble will become stronger” but as you can see most of the richest Russians moving they money abroad so it will be as usual in Post USSR countries: poor people will lose again, rich become richer and Putin will be God because he can blame the West for his mistakes, poor economy and corruption.
@ Juan Venegas – You dont take side with bullies? Why dont you go to Shannon airport and start blocking US Army warplanes fuelling in transit? Another brainwashed….
@Juan. And that’s the funniest and most amazing thing about Russian propaganda. According to news they brainwash they own people around 95% of whom never been to any Western Country that Europe and North America, Australia etc. are about to collapse, all Europeans are gay, Europe is poor compare to Russia etc. Nonetheless until accident with MH17 one of Putin’s daughters lived in Holland another in Germany. Lavrov’s daughter lives in the USA. Medvedev’s son plans to go to study to US. 3 kids of vice-speaker of Russian Parlament Zheleznyak studying in Europe in private schools, according to independent media they education worth 11mln roubles but they father in his tax form declared only 3.5mln rubles income. Kids and grand-kids of “Head Patriot of Russia” CEO of Russian Railways and Putin’s friend Yakunin all live and have business in Europe.
John – Ireland is a willing participant in the European Union – a Union that initially rejected its application to join. Nobody pointed a gun at us to join. We begged to. And despite all the economic issues over the last 6 years, I doubt there would be any kind of popular desire to leave.
Now – how about you answer a question – are you in favour a new Putinist Russian Empire where neighbouring states are vassals under force of arms?
Give me the Americans at any time if I’d had to choose between the US and Russian calling the shots, I know the US isn’t Ghandi material but compared to Russia it is. Again, if you like Russia so much and if you think they are so superior then please answer my question, why are you in Ireland and why don’t you go back to Russia?
@Pavel. It is great to have Google Translate but as any Ukrainian I can speak Russian and Ukrainian. Thanks for trying. Where did I say that you are from Russia. I guess if you are so defensive of the regime (Lavrov’s words) and your name and surname could not be more Russian you might have some friends or relatives in Russia.
I think Mr. Oleksandr Savitskyy has exaggerated a lot about Russian propaganda, especially his lies about the collapse of Western World, Europeans being gay and Europe being poor.
I dont know from which sources such information was obtained but its rubbish.
Well, i wud not expect anything less than that from UKROP.
@ Oleksandr Savitskyy – I totally agree that having google translate is great, sorry its amazing. I have a question for you Oleksandr, why u r spreading lies? Do u feel better about yourself now? i know u hate Russians, yeah I know Russians did not support Maydan and in previous years when gob-shite Yuschenko was ruling nearly everything Russian was eliminated, Bandera became a national hero ( thats really comes along with European values), but look now in what state is your country, torn by civil war, nearly at the brink of collapse and looking for charity around the globe. i know that now you can only blame the Russians.
I m defensive of Russia because I want to see this country to prosper, I love the culture and many other things, never the less I disagree with many things too.
In this thread i got engaged in discussion but I was not telling lies.
Be that as it may it’s vastly desolate. Economy that was the size of Italy. Now the size of Luxembourg.
Sure some of the best poets the best writers came from Russia. But some if the best came from here too.
Does not mask that state propaganda in Russia tells people how great things are. Russia also invented the personality cult. It’s simple. The know no better. It’s not that Russians are stupid. Germans in the 30s were not stupid just brainwashed same of North koerans and it’s the same in Russia.
Russia does not have a strong economy and was living off natural resources. They fall as has done and russia falls. 17% interest rate that’s catastrophic. No access to forigen capital.
Russia always planned to rape Ukraine. My Ukrainian partner has a friend who is Russian and in the fsb. It’s common knowledge there that the invasion plans were drawn up 10 yrs ago when the orange revolution began. Even the top rebel in the East igor the terrible is fsb officer.
What we will see is russia eventually forced to pull out of Ukraine for access to money markets but west should hold tight and insist of a withdrawal from crimea. Should push that far don’t know if they will but russia is on one knee falling onto both
Other issue is russia trying to put it up to the world and America when with economy so small they are 10% as powerful as Europe and that’s pushing it.
Need standards need transparency need openness and you need little corruption. Unfortunately russia is run as a criminal gang. my heart goes out to the ordinary Russian. They deserve better.
Thank you very much for proving links for discussed material. Firstly the youtube video DOES not contain material suggesting all europeans gay, they talk about incest, gay rights in europe, paedophiles and russian kinds taken from their parents in europe. Not a word about all Europeans being gay.
Secondly, novorossiya material DOES not say that Europe is poor, the material describes current health of european financial sector and concludes – its bad.
Speaking of financial health of US, you and i know that US congress is constantly raising the ceiling of national debt, do u remember last year that US administration did not have money to pay wages to firefighters, army etc for 30 days! You consider that great state of finances? A lot of people around the globe were speculating if US will technically default. Its true and it was well known.
About Russian conservative views on homosexuality, well, its their right not to like it although I think that Milonovs law about gay propaganda is full of sh@t. The vast majority of Russians have become disenchanted with the West and its messages. Bearded women, gay marriage, and non-traditional notions of the family are ideas from afar and not realities most in Russia accept at home. This does not mean there is an absence of tolerance. Non-traditional life styles and alternative beliefs are accepted, but not promoted by the state. This is a popular and supported position.
@Pavel. Here is the “best” masterpiece of Russian propaganda about “rotten gay Europe and US” . This is was shown by Russia TV channel which is one of the most popular federal channels Ho Pay a good attention to a little boy who runs into his room and is very happy to see pictures of naked men on the wall presented by his parents for his birthday. Now. Here is original video. It is advertisement of Fathead and the picture on the wall is “a bit different”. So who lies? What do you think about this video. Why Russian state channell which paid by taxpayers will produce such fakes? And what about aggression and hate. So far I can see your posts which are very standard for Putinists. Not able to hold a normal conversations and go straight to nick-names and accusations in lying.
@ Oleksandr Savitskyy – I can’t comment on the last episode, if that was a fake it was a fake. If that was aired in the form it is shown on youtube – it is grossly wrong. I suspect that there are fakes on both sides and I think it shud not surprise anyone.
Olek it’s OK the ordinary Irish person, the ordinary European is well clued in on what the Russian government are like. I’m happy Europe is taking a hard stance on Russian involvement in Ukraine. I’d like to see harder pushing.
Russias economy always was always will be a basket case until they learn about open economy export driven industry and I don’t mean oil and gas but have the ordinary Boris at work in factories to export items we want in Europe. It’s how we do it it’s how the west does it and it worked out so far.
Sure we crashed in 08 but at our worst we were still doing multiple times better than russia at her best.
The amateur video that shows the reaction of a little boy with a new design of his bedroom was used by company Fathead as a part of their advertising on YouTube. Video has become quite popular and a lot of parodies were made after ( incl one with naked men) TV channel Russia has used it as a true one, we can talk here about lack of professionalism of russian tv reporters that have not done proper research before using in in their program or deliberate act of disinformation.
Shall I pull another bunch of fakes like this from Russian state TV? It is not a single one. And talking about fakes on both sides. Can you find something similar from any respectful Western TV channel? I do not really want to spam with links here as I am more then sure you clearly aware on what is said on Russian media.
@Pavel. “we can talk here about lack of professionalism of russian tv” Believe me they are quite well paid and professional. This video is made for internal use. For backbone of Putin’s supporters from province, who probably do not have an Internet or if do they won’t bother looking for the truth as around 85% of people in Russia believe state TV .
Colin what I am suggesting is that Russian views should be respected on countries which have Russian ethnic minorities. That has not happened and is why we have had disasters. Russia warned and warned many times over the years about the dangers of pulling Ukraine one way or another over the wishes of a part of the population. Ukrainians have every right to disconnect with Russia and become part of the west if that’s what they desire. What they cannot do is undemocratically ignore the wishes of a large part of their population. There is no “Putinist empire” this is propaganda based on a single quote taken out of context whose meaning was not what is reported in the west. Failure to take Russian legitimate concerns about ethnic Russians and their own security are the cause of the problem.
Glad you feel that way John, but surely then you have to support Maidaners who were protesting about Yanukovych’s decision to pull them closer to Russia against their wishes?
I support the maidaners right to peaceful protest. I have no problem accepting the vast majority were well intended. What I will never accept is their perceived right dictate rules to half the country undemocratically against their will. The maidaners won their aims in the Feb agreement and Yanukovitch agreed to step down and new elections would be held. What happened next was an illegal coup. I will never accept that the new normal for a European country is the armed overthrow of a government ourside the rule of law.
The “pro Russians” grievance seems to me that they object to being ruled by a government which came to power having illegaly deposed the previous democratically elected leader. The agreement was for elections within months while Yanukovitch would hold power until then. One side of that agreement was reneged upon yet it is expected that the “pro Russians” honour their side of the agreement.
But John, even if we accept your claim that Yanukovych was deposed in a coup, surely free and fair democratic elections as scheduled by the interim government (which for the record was comprised almost entirely of the same democratically elected representatives that were present prior to Yanukovych’s departure) was the best way forward. You didn’t see any pro-Kiev elements smashing up ballot boxes – that distinction belongs solely to the pro-Russians.
Doesn’t matter what I think Avina. It’s a matter for those within Ukraine. All I’m pointing out is that there are two sides here. And they will have to negotiate. Those separatists in the east were willing to negoatiate right up to the Odessa massacre and murder of unamed innocents. Haven’t heard much clamour from the west to get to the bottom of who burned alive those people have you? Haven’t heard much condemnation of it, espcially surprising given the entire massacre is up on youtube for all to see. Free and fair elections indeed.
Victoria Nuland:
“Friday [May2] also saw the deadliest tragedy of this conflict: the death of more than 40 in Odesa following an afternoon of violent clashes reportedly instigated by pro-Russian separatists attacking an initially peaceful rally in favor of national unity – similar to many that have happened in Odessa since the start of the Maidan movement.”
She went on:
“as Secretary Kerry told this committee in April, we continue to have high confidence that Russia’s hand is behind this instability. They are providing material support. They are providing funding. They are providing weapons. They are providing coordination, and there are Russian agents on the ground in Ukraine involved in this.”
That was the US offical “condemnation” of the burning alive of 40 unarmed protestors filmed from many angles and available for all to view for themselves.
The Kiev reaction:
“That which we saw in Odessa was a [Russian] Federal Security Service provocation to deflect attention from the anti-terrorist operation [in eastern Ukraine]” said acting presidential chief of staff Serhiy Pashynsky. “They [the FSB] want to show that situation [in the country] is not stable, but what happened in Odessa showed something else, that the people’s patience has run out.” Pashynsky also stated that the FSB armed pro-Russian militants in Odessa”
I guess our ideas on what constitutes “condemnation” differ considerably.
I’m sure those separatists in the east are well aware of how the Kiev regime views them, even at one stage referring to them as “subhumans” in print.
After all, everyone has access to youtube these days.
John, there wasn’t much condemnation from Moscow about the massacre of Maidan protesters either. We could play ‘he said she said’ all day. Do you actually believe that full democratic elections were the way forward or were you just saying that to sound more reasonable?
And we can play “what if this, what if that, was that right, should that have been etc” all day also. What needs to happen now is that the warring parties must negotiate with each other, to try to build on previous negoitiations of September.
Well on that we’re agreed John.
But I’d add to that, that the people of Crimea should have a full referendum with ALL the options on the ballot sheet, with full monitoring from genuinely independent third party observers, without interference from either Moscow or Kiev, and with a commitment from both Moscow and Kiev to fully respect the result, whatever it is.
The leader of Crimea was received warmly by the Indian government which does not support sanctions on Russia.
The Chinese, now the worlds largest economy by purchasing power parity, had this reaction and does not support sanctions against Russia.
“We are against any nationality gaining independence through referendums. As far as Crimea is concerned, it has very special features. We know well the history of Crimea’s affiliation. … China reacts with full understanding to the challenges and threats Russia has faced in connection with the Ukrainian issue and supports Moscow’s approach to its settlement”.
South Amercia does not support sanctions against Russia.
It seems the “international community” has mixed feelings on the issue.
John, you can dress it up any way you like, but excluding Russia itself only five counties recognise the change in status of Crimea. India and China are not amongst the five.
Either way, if Putin won the ‘referendum’ fair and square and has the support of the majority in Crimea (as he claims) he should welcome such a full referendum conducted under the auspices of an international commission and with all the options on the ballot sheet – it would go a long way towards legitimising his claim over Crimea. He won’t allow it to happen though – why?
Manipulation from John Deegan? First of all the heading has completely different meaning to the video. First of all the video started when the police already arrested the guy so it is hard to say why he was arrested so it is hard to say for what he was arrested . Second. Is there a guy with swastika on the video who is not getting arrested? Or I just missed something?
Again very reliable source from John.
“I wonder how many of you “Russia experts” even knows what the St George’s ribbon is.”
I can answer this if I may?
This ribbon was used by Russian Liberation Army or ROA in WW2 who fought…on fascist Germany side and was 150000 strong about 10 times bigger then units of your fearsome enemy Bandera. Here are some samples of this ribbon I know you like alternative views John.
@ John. You need to asked opinion of Svoboda spokesperson on that one. Why have you decided that I am a supporter of Svoboda or Right Sector? Shall I post you a rating of these parties in Ukraine again or you’ll find yourself? And what is bad in that article and banning that ribbon? It has become a sign of Russian interference and propaganda. BTW it has to be banned in Russia too together with the Russian flag. They recently passed the law about fascist symbols and attributes. ROA (read above) used three color as they flag, incl some SS divisions and this ribbon as well. Google ROA symbols.
Ol’ Putinbot had a press conference an hour ago saying that the economy will bounce back in two years time. He better hope that the price of oil recovers, but it looks like it’ll be a straight fight between the Yanks and Saudis whilst Russia is destroyed as consequence. I do worry about cornering Russia like this; Russians can deal with hardship than any other people but they are proud people that will stick it up to anyone, especially the Americans.
Correct Ann-Marie – the real oil showdown is between the US and OPEC. Russia is just a sideshow but unfortunately for them they’ve had to bear the greatest negative impact.
The funny thing was Russia Today and its presenters were saying that negative interest rates would be introduced across the West for the best part of 2 years. They were relentless in stating that it would be an American led thing…but low and behold if was the Russian Rouble that is pulling the global economy into the era of negative interest rates and perhaps financial collapse.
Good stuff Russia. More austerity for the Irish….asshxxes…
Yogi – the E.U and the U.S. went tinkering in the Ukraine first and attacked politically a very important defensive area of Russia ….
Uncle Sam would want to watch himself – he is beginning to loose the P.R. campaign ….
Negative interest rates would be excellent for all the people threatened with eviction ….. etc.
No Karl, the Rouble is in free fall because the OPEC countries unanimously voted to keep production high and oil prices low, combined with sanctions which would be reversed as soon as Putin chooses to end his extended holiday in Crimea.
John, unlike those Russians who are now trying to move their money to a (relatively) safe haven (and who are prepared to pay a premium for this), you seem in complete denial of the current perilous state of the Russian currency and economy.
I sincerely hope the situation stabilises soon as a continued nose dive doesn’t suit anyone.
I think you will find that the West sought to annexe Crimea first Brendan – you have to remember that Russia remebers loosing over 20 million of its citizens to the armies of the West as it sees them – can you blame them for drawing a line at the Crimea …
The west is playing a very dangerous game I feel – or what may be closer to the truth is that booth superpowers’ armies/security services are playing a very dangerous game…
Avina we do agree on the hope that the situation stabilises soon. I wouldn’t under estimate the seriousness on the situation. Regarding the OPEC decision no to cut production, it was actually a Saudi Arabia decision, and by all accounts not a popular decision within OPEC.
Heaven knows why the Saudis would decide to “cut their nose to spite their face” and maintain production levels thereby denying themselves a fortune.
The question is in whose interest the Saudis are operating?
And why the decision this year, which coincides with sanctions against the Russians? After all, the price of oil has been over $100 for a few years now.
I think many people have come to their own conclusions on that one.
The head hacking of thousands of Christians and the blowing up of scores of kids by Obama’s proxy militants is far more serious than taking over a small piece of land through real democracy by the polls. (Not American democracy by sending in regime changing militants to weaken and overthrow and legitimate Governments)
The situation is indeed a serious one John. OPEC decided to keep prices low because they see US shale oil a serious potential competitor in the future. If shale oil were to be fully exploited it would kill US demand for OPEC oil. What we are seeing now is a price war initiated by OPEC and designed to stall the development of the US shale oil industry. Yes, Saudi Arabia is leading the charge but OPEC countries voted unanimously in favour of the move.
You may see it as a US conspiracy to pressurise the Russians, but do you really think they’d destroy their own oil industry and future oil self-sufficiency to do this??
Avina Laaf Obama will destroying America and anything that gets in his way to get himself into world governance. He is more interested in serving Tel Aviv than he is in serving his own country.
One thing for certain is Russia’s foreign policy is the cause of this. You know the blame everybody else argument for all of the world’s problems and internal economic woes within Russia.
I know because I see the same in our country. Everything was Europe’s fault when FG/LAB wanted in and now Europe is the ongoing solution. Since they came in they also have masked every single problem with the old it was FF that ruined this country and we merely inherited the situation.
There are hundeds of people on trollies across the country waiting to be treated in hospitals. This is an issue that was sickening 10 years ago and is still relevant today. FG/LAB need to own up to their issues just like Putin has to in Russia or what is the point?
Yogi – the E.U. and America colluded to torture people on European soil – most of it in countries that border the Ukraine ……
Russia completely scuttled the American push into Syria by using Kerry’s own words against him with not a shot fired …. the Russians probably hate the west as much as the west hates Russia , but to give one side all the blame is perhaps a little narrow in the viewpoint ….
I have often wondered what would have happened if Russia had not existed as a counter-balance to the West ……
I suppose no matter what way you look at it , the arms industry are making a killing out of the narrated hatred !
Don’t make the russians out to be saints Dermot. This is the land that set up the first Communist paradise that enslaved, starved, tortured, murdered etc its people.
I will stay on the side of the West thank you very much lol.
Totally agree with you. NATO expansion aka US expansion towards the borders of the Russian federation has progressed despite an implicit request from Gorbachov prior to East German liberation in the late 80′s with Bush to the point where it has drafted nearly the whole of the WARSAW pact countries with it,expanding its membership by 12 nations. In so doing it encroached thousands of its old cold war step boundaries to the doorstep of Russia. This was instigated by Clinton. I think if you had a pincer movement heading your way you would be defensive too. My guess is that Victoria Nulands efforts to extend that same membership into Ukrainian territory was a step too far. The US is stalwart in its pursuit towards its own goals. Lets see what Nuland says about the EU subjects we misguidedly think she values ;)
Also the negative interest rate story does not start with Switzerland. Mario Draghi has already passed this concept onto EU banks on Nov 1st . If you maintain a balance with Deutsche Skatbank of Germany (for e.g), you now have the privilege of paying 0.25% per year… to the bank.
Aisling, this whole “NATO expansion” nonsense has been thoroughly disproven. The last country bordering Russia to be admitted into NATO was 10 years ago and the Russians have said absolutely nothing since then. In fact, the Russians signed co-operation agreements with NATO and were relying on NATO for quite a bit of military training for their ill-equipped and ill-disciplined force.
They were even relying on the French, a NATO nation, to help re-build the ability for Russia to build naval warships after those skills and industries were lost due to the collapse of the USSR.
@Jason. Lets look at this interesting gif
Unimpeded access across the Mediterranean with the accession of Albania, Croatia in 2009 and the soon to be Macedonia no doubt, Black Sea, Atlantic, North Sea, Berents sea . From the Black Sea to the Berents sea and yes most of the expansion occurred up to 2004 but relations between the two nations were vastly different then. A solid wall on the Western flank is what it looks like to me now. Strange they didn’t see what was happening..or maybe they did hence your argument above with France. It still doesnt explain why a pledge made between Gorbachev and Bush not to expand NATO eastwards was broken repeatedly subsequently. The years this occurs is irrelevant. A broken pledge is always a broken pledge.
The West is like a large knight brandishing a massive battle axe, ladened with full heavy weight armour on a crumbling bridge over an ocean shouting orders, whilst everyone else is wearing scuba gear.
Not at all, I’m sure an open attempt to destroy the Russian economy will work a treat, with absolutely no chance of a Russian response and the damage will be nicely contained on the Russian side.
John Deegan – “Don’t mess with nuclear-armed Russia” Vladimir Putin.
“In the past several days, Western bankers have committed two overt acts of war against Russia, namely, the plunging of oil prices and the recent cutting off of all liquidity to Russian banks.
Don’t bank on it. The majority ethnic population in Siberia will be Chinese within a decade or so, and Russia is frantically trying to work out how to hold onto it. It pictures China slowly unscrewing a huge tub of vaseline.
Emily you raise a valid point. At the moment European peoples are being falsely divided against each other over the Eurasian land mass, forcing the Russians into Chinese arms.
There is only one outright winner in the oil price war also and that’s China.
But hey, divide and conquer is the name of the game.
@Emily. Don’t think so. Siberia has a wealth of ethnic minorities, very few of whom are Chinese! The indigenous people of western Siberia are mainly of lapp ethnicity – samoed. Then there are those of Turkic ethnicity – bashkirs, Kazakhs and kirghiz. Buriats and kalmyks are of Mongolian ethnicity. North east – iakut, also Turkic.further east chukchi and koriak who are Inuit. That’s not to say that there isn’t unrest. Siberia has sporadically asked for independence since tzarist times. Many of those of Russian, cossack and Ukrainian ethnicity who moved (or who were moved there) have been at the forefront of calls for independence. If you’re interested, I recommend Hartley, Siberia: a history of the people.
Russia knows how to play chess . They are masters at it. The west knows how to play monopoly with economies. This is far from check mate from the west.
You never willingly give away your Queen like Putin has been doing. They didn’t learn the lessons of the Communist era and it is coming back like to haunt them. Russia has been over reliant on the oil and gas industry to create growth for decades. With countries not willing to supply the rest of their markets due to their recent bully tactics they needed to maintain the oil market to keep them afloat. With the US becoming a massive player in the shale gas market Russia has to adapt quickly or go into a massive bailout and/or austerity program.
Similar shocks could hit the middle east where Saudi Arabia literally relies solely on oil and gas revenues to keep their population happy.
Putin could fix Russia’s economy tomorrow by taking his troops out of eastern Ukraine. The West will then, as always, about face and despite all the rhetoric will let him have Crimea. Simples.
Russia has all the airs of the Irish situation back in 2007-10. Over reliance on one industry to create tax revenues, massive cronyism, outward media spin campaign etc. Nothing has really changed here mind you but the reality is Russia is broke. Its on borrowed time and the markets are ready to go into a frenzy. The only reason why Russia went into the Crimea was to make it look like it had strength and money. Pulling out will not make a difference.
Pulling out would have made a difference I feel. The sanctions placed on Russian firms by the West are crippling Russia’s ability to acquire hard foreign currency reserves to prop up the Ruble. Had these sanctions been in place the Russian Central Bank would have had more time to stem the bleeding.
The end result would have likely been the same but it wouldn’t be such a dramatic crash.
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