Your support keeps us in the fight
The Journal FactCheck is committed to surfacing facts above online noise.
We have been the only verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network in Ireland since 2017, debunking, explaining, and tackling disinformation head-on.
If you think this work matters, we would appreciate your support.
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The Journal
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Thanks again for the support
funding makes happen
You are here because you have been using our Knowledge Bank project.
This is a new outreach from our small but dedicated team of reporters, editors and researchers to share the insights
and tools we have gathered in almost a decade of fact-checking and analysis.
It is vital that we pass this expertise to you so that you can build your own bulwark against confusing online chatter,
or attempts to mislead and manipulate. We make our work and toolkit free to anyone who might benefit - students and
teachers, media literacy advocates and online safety instructors, media professionals…
and any individual member of the public who wants to use it.
We wish to continue to expand the work of The Journal FactCheck to do more projects like this. We wish to find new
ways to spread our objective, facts-first journalism to meet audiences where they are. We want to bring clarity to
the conversation so that you can make well-informed decisions.
While we set up FactCheck to proactively expose false or misleading information, we also want to help build spaces
where debates can be had, with civility, trust and transparency.
Over 5,000 readers like you support The Journal and its fact-checking work. If you can, please consider setting up
a monthly payment or making a once-off donation to keep news free to everyone.
For the price of one cup of coffee each week you help us keep questioning, investigating, informing and innovating.