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File image of Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan
latest figures

Coronavirus: 4,022 new cases confirmed in Ireland

The Department of Health confirmed the latest figures today.

PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS have confirmed 4,022 new cases of Covid-19 in Ireland.

As of 8am today, 530 people are in hospital with the coronavirus disease, including 115 patients in intensive care units.

The latest figures were reported by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) this evening.

Yesterday, 4,152 new cases were confirmed, a total of 543 Covid-19 patients were in hospital and 118 people were in ICU.

There are also now six confirmed cases of the Omicron variant in Ireland with a number of other probable cases are under investigation.

However Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, said the Department of Health’s early understanding “gives us confidence that a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine will offer good protection against Omicron” as well as Delta infection.

“Our current wave of disease continues to be driven by the Delta variant of COVID-19.

“We know that the public health measures we are so familiar with will break the chains of transmission of Delta, and we are confident they will work on Omicron.

“Please continue to layer up on the public health advice by getting vaccinated and boosted, reducing contacts, wearing masks, keeping distance, opening windows and cleaning hands regularly.”

Dr Holohan added that is is heartening to see the large numbers of people who attended walk-in vaccination centres today to receive their COVID-19 booster dose as soon as it became available to them.

“If you are eligible for a booster dose, then please do not wait until after Christmas to receive it. You will begin to receive the benefit of your booster protection within seven days of receiving your third dose,” he said.

“This means that anybody who receives their booster vaccine this week or next can be confident in the protection the booster will offer as we move closer to the Christmas period.”

 ”If you are yet to receive a primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine, please make arrangements to do so. The HSE will be very happy to see you. If you have any concerns about receiving your COVID-19 vaccine, I encourage you to engage with the trusted health advice available on, and with your own clinician.”

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