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4 of a kind: Homes in the countryside with picturesque views

From a three-bed bungalow overlooking Dunmanus Bay to a five-bed in Co Galway.

WITH PANORAMIC VIEWS, relaxing walks and an overall sense of calm, it’s easy to understand the appeal of living in the countryside.

This week we’re looking at four homes in countryside towns and villages around the country – from a three-bed bungalow overlooking Dunmanus Bay to a five-bed in Co Galway.

Kells, Co Meath – €425,000

Located just outside Kells, 11 The Lower Courtyard sits on the historic Headfort Estate. Headfort offers a spectacular place to call home, with seemingly endless acres of country trails and walks on the grounds. The property is located in the south-east corner of the courtyard and features a stylish and elegant interior with three bedrooms, a light-filled sitting room, a kitchen, a dining room and three bathrooms.

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Durrus, Co Cork – €380,000

Located by the coast overlooking Dunmanus Bay to the Beara Peninsula, Grá Mo Chroí is an idyllic countryside retreat. The original three-bed bungalow has been renovated and extended to connect with a self-contained stone house. The living areas enjoy wonderful views of the bay, with the best views from the conservatory. The property sits on 0.6 acres and benefits from mature trees and plants, as well as a stream which runs to the coast.

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Piltown, Co Kilkenny – €325,000

Located in Piltown village, Three Chimneys is a unique period home with 2,066 sq ft of bright and spacious accommodation. It benefits from an elevated rear garden which features patio and lawn areas, a greenhouse and is surrounded by an old stone wall.

The interior has a country-style feel, with original tiling, sash windows and cast iron fireplaces. Waterford city is a 30-minute drive away.   

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Ballynacreg South, Co Galway – €350,000

Situated on 0.7 acres on a mostly private road, this dormer bungalow is an ideal family home. It was built in 2008 and comes to the market in excellent condition, and would further impress with a few modern design updates.

The accommodation measures 2,600 sq ft and includes a living room, kitchen, dining room, south-facing conservatory, five bedrooms and three bathrooms. Galway city is a 35-minute drive away.

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    Mute Audrey Byrne
    Favourite Audrey Byrne
    Nov 8th 2021, 12:36 AM

    Seriously.. the cyber attack happened in May.. Ireland is a “Knowledge Economy “.. it should have been sorted by now

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    Mute Marie Louise
    Favourite Marie Louise
    Nov 8th 2021, 9:32 AM

    @Audrey Byrne: just an excuse fo civil servents to do less work

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    Mute Michael Dikie Foran
    Favourite Michael Dikie Foran
    Nov 8th 2021, 6:05 AM

    What do they mean additional resources just send the people who work there back to the office and do their jobs

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    Mute SmallbutMighty
    Favourite SmallbutMighty
    Nov 8th 2021, 7:29 AM

    @Michael Dikie Foran: births deaths and marriages worked from the office throughout the pandemic. They weren’t allowed work from home.

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    Mute In the paper
    Favourite In the paper
    Nov 8th 2021, 7:42 AM

    @SmallbutMighty: Really…do you work there …recently when I tried to access the service I was told only a skeleton staff at the moment…appointments are being given out but could take up to 8 weeks

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    Nov 8th 2021, 7:49 AM

    @In the paper: skeleton staff doesn’t mean some are working from home. There could be several out sick or at home with kids out sick from school.

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    Mute Danger
    Favourite Danger
    Nov 8th 2021, 9:19 AM

    @SmallbutMighty: no they didn’t

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    Mute The Guru
    Favourite The Guru
    Nov 8th 2021, 5:25 AM

    I know this is a radical idea but maybe, just maybe we could move this process online and eliminate the need for in person appointments and paper forms?

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    Mute SmallbutMighty
    Favourite SmallbutMighty
    Nov 8th 2021, 7:38 AM

    @The Guru: its registering the birth of someone. Like that’s Perry official. I think it really need to be done in person no. I can see electronic registering of births becoming wide open to fraud.

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    Mute SmallbutMighty
    Favourite SmallbutMighty
    Nov 8th 2021, 7:40 AM

    @SmallbutMighty: pretty

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    Mute The Guru
    Favourite The Guru
    Nov 8th 2021, 11:27 AM

    @SmallbutMighty: well they seem to manage it many other countries. It could easily be verified via the hospital.

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    Mute In the paper
    Favourite In the paper
    Nov 8th 2021, 7:36 AM

    Recently I had to use some Government agencies..ring to talk to someone you get a machine…no-one rings back… get in the office ..all this due to covid…yet they can go out to ..pubs ..restaurants…nightclubs…HSE..Civil service members never want to work…now they have another friend …Covid

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    Mute Brian Dunne
    Favourite Brian Dunne
    Nov 8th 2021, 7:25 AM

    We had a baby girl 2 weeks ago and had her registered and birth cert and all within a week.

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    Mute Justin Gillespie
    Favourite Justin Gillespie
    Nov 8th 2021, 8:06 AM

    @Brian Dunne: Don’t be coming on here with good news like that Brian. You don’t seem to get the point of the comments section at all at all.

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    Mute Brian Dunne
    Favourite Brian Dunne
    Nov 8th 2021, 8:32 AM

    @Justin Gillespie: lost the run of myself there Justin. Apologies to all involved.

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    Mute Disco Inferno
    Favourite Disco Inferno
    Nov 8th 2021, 12:24 AM

    State instruments are stretched, not trying to be uncaring, but where you take the resources from to improve this?

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    Mute Daniel Muldoon
    Favourite Daniel Muldoon
    Nov 8th 2021, 9:29 AM

    All registrations should be delayed until a DNA test is completed to confirm that the man who is signing it knows if he is the actual father of the child. There are too many cases today of men who are raising other men’s children thinking that they are their own.

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    Mute Hans Stofberg
    Favourite Hans Stofberg
    Nov 8th 2021, 9:31 AM

    Yes its gaotic but a nightmare no . If registering babies is our biggest problem than I sign the contract straight away.

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    Mute Patrick Mahood
    Favourite Patrick Mahood
    Nov 8th 2021, 5:12 PM

    It took me 11 weeks to get a copy of my birth certificate so I could apply for social housing, trying ringing the phone number advertised to be redirected to an automated service saying that they were unable to take phone calls and to send email, I sent 5 emails in total.

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    Mute Hans Stofberg
    Favourite Hans Stofberg
    Nov 8th 2021, 9:31 AM

    Yes its gaotic but a nightmare no . If registering babies is our biggest problem than I sign the contract straight away.

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