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In the 12 months to March, there were 2,572 recorded incidents of robbery, extortion and hijacking. Alamy Stock Photo
crime stats

Close to 20% rise in robbery, extortion and hijacking offences over the past year

The CSO figures compare crime statistics in the year to March 2024 with the same period up to March 2023.


THERE’S BEEN AN 18% increase in robbery, extortion and hijacking offences over the past year.

The Central Statistics Office has today released figures comparing the number of recorded crime incidents in the year to Q1 of 2024 with the same period in 2023.

In the 12 months to March 2024, there were 2,572 recorded incidents of robbery, extortion and hijacking – up 18%, or by 390, on the comparable figures over the same period to March 2023.

This increase was mostly driven by a rise in blackmail or extortion, as well as robbery from the person.

Meanwhile, recorded crimes involving weapons and explosives were up by 10%, or 253, to 28,44 incidents over the year to Q1 2024.

Theft and related offences also increased by 9%, or 6,414, to 75,825, with more than two out of every five (44%) if such incidents involving thefts from shops.  

The same level of increase was recorded for fraud, deception, and related offences, up by 9% to 11,479 incidents.

0193501_Crime_and_Crimnal_Justice_Recorded_Crime_Q1_2024_Infographic_ENG Infographic of the main changes in recorded crime incidents in the year to March 2024 CSO CSO

Elsewhere, there was a 12% decrease in the number of recorded incidents of sexual offences and an 8% decrease in homicide and related offences.

In the Dublin Metropolitan Garda region, there was a 16% decrease over the year in sexual offences, with a 14% decrease in the Eastern region and a 13% decrease in the Southern region.

The lowest rate of decrease was across the North Western region, at 3%.

Speaking to reporters in Cork today, Justice Minister Helen McEntee said her “number one priority” when it comes to An Garda Siochána “is making sure we have more gardaí”.

McEntee also said that the CSO figures should “be looked at in a number of ways”.

“There are people coming forward but also there are convictions that are happening,” said McEntee.

She pointed to online fraud as an area where there has been a “massive increase” in reported offences and said there has been “specific investment” to tackle this.

“The fact that people are coming forward and also that there are prosecutions in this space is really welcome as well.”

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