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Debt Crisis

All time
Honohan's call for direct recapitalisation of banks is '€64bn too late' - SF
Unemployment remains at 14.3 per cent, as 4,000 off the Live Register
Eurozone unemployment reaches highest level in currency's history
ICTU meets today to determine Fiscal Compact stance
Ireland recorded a 13.1 per cent deficit last year
Kenny wants ESM amended to allow direct loans to banks
Finance ministers agree to pump €325bn more into IMF
Rabbitte: Ireland deserves ECB recognition for taking a hit on banks
Italian government puts back 'balanced budget' plan to 2015
Two down, 23 to go: Portugal second country to ratify Fiscal Compact
Lagarde cites Ireland as role model in back-to-work policies
Spain village votes on growing cannabis to pay off debt
Cowen compares banking crisis to 'multiple plane crashes occurring at once'
Translated: The Fiscal Compact rewritten in layman's terms
Juncker hails "unique opportunity" as Greece gets new bailout funds
Spain wins budget concessions from Eurogroup - but more austerity will follow
Success for Greece as huge majority of investors agree to bond swap
Cabinet to discuss timing of 'one-off' fiscal compact referendum
12 major investors agree to write off parts of Greek debt
Enda Kenny hails Irish 'resilience' through crisis
Deja vu: ECB gives banks new money - and banks save it in the ECB
ECB pumps €529bn of new cash into European banking system
S&P downgrades Greece into 'selective default' territory
IMF signs off on latest €3.2 billion loan to Ireland
'An offer they can't refuse': German minister wants Greece to leave eurozone
Fitch: 'Highly likely' that Greece will default soon
Borrowing costs for eurozone bailout fund fall after Greek deal
ECB steers clear of bond-buying for first time since August
Bailout for Greece likely to be decided by Monday
Doubts remain over approval of Greece's second bailout
Greece’s budget deficit for 2012 is already €1bn bigger than expected
Moody's downgrades six European countries - and warns of more to come
Major riots in Athens as Greek parliament approves austerity deal
Greek PM warns of ‘economic and social catastrophe’ if MPs vote No
Greek government warns rebel MPs of "dangerous path" to default
Gilmore confirms Irish push for ‘flexibility’ in fiscal compact deal
Greece leaders reach deal on more austerity and cuts
Second bailout talks resume today as Greece tries to avoid bankruptcy
Kenny 'acted like an eejit' with Sarkozy, insists angry Adams
Final text of Fiscal Compact deal may allow Ireland to avoid referendum