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family folklore

Mayor invites Taylor Swift to visit Derry and trace her Northern Irish ancestry

It is believed that Swift’s great-great-great-grandparents hailed from Derry.

AMERICAN MUSICIAN TAYLOR Swift has been invited to come to Derry, where it was recently discovered she has a distant connection.

The invitation was extended by the Mayor of Derry City and Strabane, Lilian Seenoi Barr.

She said on X: “Today I wrote to [Taylor Swift] to ask her to come and visit Derry during her trip to Ireland!

“We are proud to call Taylor a Derry Girl and are hugely excited to extend this invitation to her to help her trace her ancestral journey.

“C’mon let’s see if we can make this happen!”

This week it was revealed by EPIC, the Irish Emigration Museum, that the country-pop singing-songwriting sensation has some Irish roots.

It said 172 years ago, on 11 June 1836, two people emigrated from Derry to the United States on board the ship AMY.

These were dressmaker Susan Davis and weaver Francis Gwynn, who were both 21-years-old at the time.

Three years later they married and had children.

The pair are Swift’s great-great-great-grandparents.

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