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St Michan's Church

Judge gives DPP deadline for progress over destroyed church mummies

A blaze happened at around 4 pm on 11 June and water damage is believed to have ruined five mummified remains.

THE DPP MUST issue directions or else the case of a man accused of destroying “priceless” ancient mummies following a fire at St Michan’s Church in Dublin “will be struck out”, a judge has warned.

Christian Topiter, 38, has been held in prison custody on remand for over two months and needs €4,000 lodged in court before he can be released.

A blaze happened at around 4 pm on 11 June and water damage is believed to have ruined five mummified remains, including an 800-year-old artefact known as ‘The Crusader’.

The former security guard appeared again at Cloverhill District Court when gardaí sought further time to get the DPP’s direction on the accused’s trial venue.

Judge Alan Mitchell said the case had already been before him several times for garda to have the directions.

Said Judge Mitchell: “Looking at the offence it should have been straightforward, maybe not.”

Defence counsel Alex MacDonnell submitted that the case should be marked peremptory against the State on the next occasion.

Judge Mitchell acceded to the counsel’s request and adjourned the case for two weeks for directions to be given to gardaí, “or it will be struck out”, adding, “that will make the news”. The case resumes on September 10.

Former security guard Christian Topiter, previously of Grand Canal House, Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6, was charged with causing criminal damage at St Michan’s Church to mummified remains, property of Church of Ireland Archdeacon of Dublin & Vicar of St Michan’s Church David Pierpoint.

Garda James Kenny told a bail hearing on June 12 that there was CCTV evidence and alleged the accused was arrested shortly afterwards wearing distinctive clothing.

A witness allegedly told gardaí that there was a person “locked behind gates where this incident occurred, where he would have had to forcibly enter”.

Mr Topiter lived 200 metres away in a hostel beside Merchant Quay.

Garda Kenny said historical artefacts of this nature are priceless and irreplaceable.

The garda maintained that the offence was at the higher end of criminal damage offences, which could carry a maximum 10-year sentence.

Responding to bail objections, the defence said Mr Topiter had “clear ties” to Ireland and was in a four-and-a-half-year relationship with his fiancee.

His solicitor argued that there was no evidence before the court that his client would interfere with witnesses. That court hearing was also told the accused had been in a stable relationship, worked as a security guard, received social welfare payments, and participated in a charity soup run.

The defence submitted that Mr Topiter had an immigration identity card issued by gardaí, was presumed innocent, and would obey conditions.

The solicitor also stressed his client had no history of serious offences.

The bail was set in his bond of €10,000, of which €2,000 must be lodged. He must also have a €10,000 independent surety approved with a €2,000 lodgement.

Once taken up, he must stay away from St Michan’s Church, not contact witnesses, provide the gardaí with his address, and surrender his identification or travel documents.

Apart from The Crusader, the other mummies date back 400 years.

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