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A candidate for Green Party. View party
Peter Kavanagh
Councillor and charity communications manager

Kavanagh was first elected to South Dublin County Council in May 2019. He is a former journalist, teacher, translator and actor, currently working as a social gerontologist in the older people's charity sector for the last 10 years. He is a co-founder of the Pop Up Gaeltacht and a contributor to the podcast Motherfoclóir.

Question time
Why should someone vote for you?

Climate action has become the number one priority for many of us, and while a lot of parties and candidates will talk a good game, if you want green, you have to vote Green.

What is your number one priority for your constituency?

For a commuter constituency like Dublin Mid-West, issues like housing and public transport all indicate that quality of life is the number one priority. We can tackle climate change and bring about solutions that improve quality of life, like better and cheaper public transport, more green spaces, safe walking and cycling and much more.

What one thing would you like to do in your first 100 days of the new Dáil if you are elected?

I would do everything in my power to highlight the hardship those in Direct Provision face on a daily basis, with a view to ending this unfair system.

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