A candidate for Green Party.
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Seán McCabe
Climate change policy specialist
McCabe works for the Think-tank for Action on Social Change (TASC), focusing on ensuring rural communities in Ireland benefit from climate action and the protection of workers. His background is in applied physics but he now focuses on development and environmental policy. He has worked with former president Mary Robinson, UNICEF and the Environmental Protection Agency in Sierra Leone.
Question time
Why should someone vote for you?
I have a plan to tackle climate change while protecting livelihoods and ensuring communities have the quality public services necessary to thrive.
What is your number one priority for your constituency?
My priority is to tackle the climate crisis in a way that does not burden workers and families. We must make sure that in addressing climate change and rapidly decreasing emissions, we create opportunities for better work, community development and a better standard of living.
What one thing would you like to do in your first 100 days of the new Dáil if you are elected?
I would create access to EU funding for local communities by ensuring that Ireland joins the EU Community-Led Local Development fund.
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